The Return of The BBJ in Cannes

A Big Thanks to [info]brandnewluv in [info]pattinsonlife :)


Twilight’s Robert Pattinson and Paris Hilton both partied the night away at the Cannes Film Festival last night (May 19).

They were among a host of A-list celebrities at the Dsquared Cocktail Reception on the Boulevard De La Croisette.

Rob, who is in Cannes to launch the next Twilight film, New Moon, was swamped by paparazzi has he arrived at the event.

Paris, who dressed like an extra from Gladiator, had a more civilized arrival, affectionately posing for pictures with boyfriend Doug Reinhardt.


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Suz said...
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Suz said...

BBJ makes me HAPPY!

Rob is keeping it rizzzeal

Anonymous said...

Same clothes as Monday night...that's purely Rob :))))

Ash7586 said...

Not the BBJ! Actually I've missed it.

Kimberlesk said...

I'm so totes jealous of that bodyguard!! He's got his hands all over him!!! He's VERY thorough. Oh well, we do want him to do a great job protecting our prize!!

SazzyP said...

Long live the BBJ!!! Rob i beg you, never ever change! :)

I have to say, LOVE the serious banner porn today!! hot flushes all round!!

could that man be any hotter?!?!

tracyvanhorne said...

That one picture (with the pretty blonde with the ponytail) reminds me of the scene in BMH where he's trying to be a part of the conversation but not in the conversation... hahaha! All he needs is a rainbow sweater.

That jacket is horrible... how does he make everything look so damn hot? Srsly.

Speaking of hot, what's with all the layered outfits? How cold is it there? I hate 100 degree Tex-Ass sometimes...

Maryann said...

I love it how everyone else is so "styled up" in all the latest glam Hollywood style, here comes Rob in the BBJ...same clothes as the night before...and all these women surrounds him like flies. LOL. Seriously Rob NEVER change, keep to your own style. I love this non glamourous style he got. Very refreshing. I even like how his agent dresses, she's classy but not overly dolled up.

ManfaMae said...
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Stacy said...

What's up with the little faux hawk, lol? It's kinda cute.

And Paris is A list? LMFAO.

ManfaMae said...

Hmmm...Who's the blonde chick in the skimpy black dress? (not his publicist) Am I jealous? Yes. Yes, I am.

Anonymous said...

rob...i love you and your bbj!

just be you love

Poupette said...

What's BBJ? I feel old just to ask the question...
Hello to my fellow 29+ "robsessors" I believe we're called.... :D and to the younger ones too btw!

Hannah said...

The BBJ does Cannes!!

Rob, you are the fucking shiz.

That is all..

Shani said...

Rob was rocking his new dew the faux mohawk. It's reminding me of Jackson crazy ass hair. But this hairstyle has been around for a while now. I love it only on a few guys. Not everyone can pull off the faux mo.LOL Puffy and Kanye to me were two who could not pull it off.

Now about Miss HO aka Ebola aka Paris...her name should never be mentioned along side our fine ass man RP. That heifer had the nerve to tell E! that she didn't know who he was. Now after that bitch stalked and pulled Rob out on the patio to talk for what a hour or so probably about her dumb ass at that Oscar party. She doesn't know him??? Bitch please!!! Someone is just bitter because she got turned the fuck down. Robbie is no fool nor is he deaf or blind. HaHaHa :P

Anna said...

poupette - BBJ is a term of endearment for Rob's crappy "Brown Bubble Jacket" :))

Are we sure this is a faux mohawk?.. Looks to me like it's just the result of Rob passing his hand again and again through his shorter hair. But what do I know.

Stacy said...

Ok, the BG is starting to freak me out a bit, lol. He's very clingy. Rob looks pretty frustrated in these pics.

Shani - lol about Paris. You are absolutely right. What a stupid .... you get the point.

I'm kinda liking the faux hawk. At first I thought it was just a result of the endless hair mussing, but now I'm not so sure.

Maryann said...

Shani I didn't really expect anything else from Ebola Paris, she didn't even know what the swine flu was even. She really is the picture of the blonde bimbo lol.

Rob can be happy she "doesn't know who he is". MUCH better off lol. So I am happy, even if she just like Megan Fox with her "guys that age are a waste of time" comment lol. Yet another sour grape from being turned down hehe.

Stacy said...
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Ana73 said...

At least this bodyguard is actually guarding him and that is what he needs. Haven't been on for a couple of days and saw ALL of these BEAUTIFUL pics. WOW I am in awe.

Kate said...

Looking good as always!

WinWin said...

Good morning gurrlzz! I love how Rob can pull wearing the same grey t 2 nights in a row! That's why we love him. He looks like he's had a few, his bodyguard too. This dude must be enormous if Rob at 6'1" looks tiny next to him.

Thank you Gozde and Dani for this blog and for keeping us drugged up with Rob.

Anonymous said...

the bodyguard is definitely gay..ahahahhaha..nuff said

anna F said...

Are you sure it's the same clothes as the day before? (I'm glad he did not go all designer, but why oh why the BBJ?)

that evening: "V neck" grey Tshirt + black shirt that evening + BBJ (-_-) + some sort of black jeans

previous evening: similar grey shirt, but it looks slightly different (probably de fabric that shines more) + a black suit.

anna F said...

How awkward, having to go to parties where you don't really know anyone but are supposed to fit in. He seems to have done well.

crazylife said...

The first thing that came to mind when I saw this....Awwww there is Rob with his date! LOL (the bodyguard)

Sorry Rob

Poupette said...

LittleBear - thank you so much for the clarification! :D

I actually love this jacket ;)

to quote Suz on that one: "BBJ makes me happy"!

Shani said...

LB and Stacy- Yes, that's the faux Mohawk. It's called that because the sides are not shaven down real low like it should be. Girls rock the hair style too. Rhianna hairstyle is the girls version of the faux mohawk. It's hot when it's styled right meaning the right length and your head is the right shape.

Melissa said...

Oh how I love the BBJ!!! And those black pants are becoming his uniform...oh but how I love them as well. Oh Rob, I puffy heart you so. :P

The man looks AMAZING as per usual.

*le sigh

Melissa said...

OH and WHY do I feel the need to LAUGH whenever I see his body guard with his hands all over Rob?? Sure, sure-he is OBVIOUSLY protecting him..BUT's like he is copping a feel. Ok, well maybe not. Maybe I am just jealous that random dude #1 has his hands all over Rob. Maybe I want to be the one COPPING a feel. Ok, yes, I am being unreasonable-but hey-I know you guys understand, right?? RIGHT????


NC said...

Dare I say, I'm jealous of that blonde in ponytails, yes very jealous indeed...and it does look like that scene in BMH where he's trying to blend in.

Jala said...

The BBJ stars at Cannes.

Rob keeping it simple. I love his lowkey wardrobe - so unaffected.

Never change, Rob.

Anna said...

Shani - so, Robward will be rocking a faux mohawk in Italy?! lol, hope someone warned Chris Weitz!

tinababy1 said...
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tracyvanhorne said...

Have ya'll seen this? Said they did show footage of NM... and Rob is hot like usual :)

Christy said...

The bodyguard is starting to bug. Rob can walk on his own, I think. I wonder if Rob just stays drunk all the time and that's why the bg needs to physically direct him from place to place?

tracyvanhorne said...

I'd be drunk all the time too if I had to listen to everyone screaming my name constantly and always trying to grab my junk...

albaville said...

the BBJ is so cool but nothing compared to sexy it hurts!!!

Babs said...

His bodyguard has always physical contact with him (yes I'm jealous) but Rob looks like a puppet who's being moved around. At some point I expect his bodyguard to scoop him up like a doll LOL

Anonymous said...

sooo the guy in the blue hoodie is emile hirsch? wow. lmfao..i bet rob is kicking himself for not wearing the black hoodie!

Aitch said...

I have been waiting so anxiously for some pics of Rob's Cannes nightlife! I bet everyone in those clubs is dying to meet him! yes-- I really appreciate the fact that he functions as his own "stylist." so charming....
I heard Rob will be going to the screening of QTs Inglorious Bastards and I hope there is an after party and loads of pics!! He will be meeting these A-list directors etc.

WinWin said...

I just watched this and I felt so happy that he's still our adorkable Rob.

Sophia Z.86 said...

That bodyguard is some lucky guy... touching Rob all the time!

What is BBJ? I know what is BJ...

WinWin said...

Sophie, brown bubble jacket : )

janehofstra said...

Ladies, photos of Rob from the Inglorious Basterds premeire are just beginning to pop up on Wire Image and Getty Images. He looks HOT (of course) in a tux jacket and skinny tie!!!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Thank you, Win!

riddleinside said... please? :)

janehofstra said...

Sorry, try this and then filter for Rob on the left hand side:

janehofstra said...

Here's the one for Wire Image:

Silmarienn said...


Nicky said...

BBJ in Cannes...gotta love it and the man who wears it, and somehow pulls it off. Can't imagine what I would look like in it..

SazzyP said...


I mean, actually WOW!!!! How can this man be this hot??!!? its been like christmas/birthday on the the past few days, is rob actually trying to kill us all with his brooding sexual-ness?!

i think i need to go lie down...or perhaps a cold shower is needed first...

Suz said...


the best thing at

Cannes 2009!

Suz said...

BBJ may makes Suz happy


TUX made me fucking SLAP HAPPY!



WinWin said...

Thanks for all the updates. I'm officially done for. Completely useless from this point on.

WinWin said...

Hi Suz!!! I can't take anymore of his royal hotness anymore.

How are you holding up??

Suz said...

Win.. the only thing I need now, to nail the official coffin

is wet swim trunks...

Please Rob..Noooooooooooooooooo

(please rob... yes!)

kristen said...

Gotta love Rob in his beloved BBJ - although it doesn't seem as "bubbly" as it used to... maybe all the traveling flattened it out a bit.

Winwin - thank you for that youtube link. I'm so glad that Rob is still his adorkable, unaffected self in interviews. He's such a lovely guy!

Anonymous said...

um .. yeah hey i love the site it's really fucking awsome! but my computer freezes and almost crashes because there is too much roblove here lol. you can't divide 20-50 posts on each page so they're not all on one instead?
really appreciated!
sry for my crappy english..

Suz said...

Olivia, I recommend a new computer..

Dude, it's worth it.

It's Rob!

Loisada said...

More hand porn on the Cannes red carpet. This is getting fatal! (Rob: the unrivaled master of little deaths!)

WinWin said...

Suz, shirtless Rob, swimtrunks and me dead!!!!

Suz said...

Win darlin'

I never gave much thought to how I would die...

Rob in Wet Swim Trunks

Seems like a good way to gooooooooo

Silmarienn said...

Kathy#1 said...

So, who's the girl in the black dress on the 4th pic towards the top? She is beautiful and Rob seems pretty interested...

Kathy#1 said...

Ok, have I missed something? Where are there pics of Rob in swim trunks - or is that just everyone's fantasy?

Anonymous said...

suz: killin' me over here with the wet rob in swim trunks...

Anonymous said...

kathy: swim trunks = fantasy

and blow up the pic of rob & black dress girl... he's not even looking at

WildCat said...

My first thought at seeing the ponytailed blonde in the black dress was "Who wears a black camisole dress with a WHITE bra?"

Maybe I need help? LOL

cathysue said...

eee! no trunks but,wet hair rob =

Gemgirl65 said...

Eliz and WinWin, thank you for officially killing me and making me late back to work. I will probably get fired now, but I HAD to check out the new RivieraRobness! GAH....*dies*

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Rob looked nice at the Tarantino film - black suit, white shirt, black tie...(I'm sure he had the grey t-shirt on underneath...HAHA)

Shani said...

janehofstra- Thanks for the links from Wire and Getty images of Rob at the Inglourious Bastards premiere. Robbie looked good as usual rocking the tux and no faux mohawk this time though. His hair still looked good anyway. I saw also that Nick the manager was there with him pushing him forward and directing him were to stand.HaHaHa :P

I know that Nick and Steph his agent feel like that hit the jackpot. Because they were smart enough to see this English kid potential way back when. Now they get to go around the world with him enjoying the fruits of his and their labor. Shit that is luck and God blessing him. Some people really do have all the luck!!! I know he has had to pay for it at times. But compared to most things in life I would choose to be right were he is. Hell,forget all the times I said I couldn't handle it. Because I totally could.LOL

Silmarienn said...

KK (aka littlehoodiewoobie)

aww no same avatar

Aitch said...

wow I din't expect my wish to come true so quickly!

WinWin said...

Leann, welcome to the jungle!!!

I can't get anything done and I have a presentation to work on and all I want to do check to see if there are new pics or videos of his royal hotness!!! I'll be on that unemployment line with you with 3 kids on my leg!

riddleinside said...

Thanks janehofstra for the link :)))

and all you guys who gave other links I just can't get enough!!

but the girl said they showed a never-before-seen-footage of New Moon and I'm soooooooo jealous!! she didn't even commented on what she saw!

oh and here are 15 pictures of Rob at yesterday's show

Silmarienn said...

thanks for the link :)

riddleinside said...

and this too (another interview)

Anonymous said...

labcat: you are my hero. freshly showered rob...ummmm yeah

riddleinside said...

I can listen to him speak for hours!!!

margot said...

114 photos from the last 24h for Pattinson ... wow

riddleinside said...

Video Rob having dinner with Emile Hirsch

Anonymous said...

damn the robsessors are on it today! thanks ladies... for all the link :D

Unknown said...

can someone remind me what the BBJ means:P i keep forgeting :/

anna F said...

riddle: the captures from le grand journal are awsome! he looks litteraly dazzling.

anna F said...

BBJ = beloved (by some) ugly brown bubble jacket...

Meeno said...

LOL Rob is walking too fast from his huggy-huggy-type bodyguard LOL.

I think that bodyguard is just really a newbie on his job . . . he is overdoing it a bit.

Anonymous said...

The body guard ruins every picture he's in (goes to show Rob is no mere mortal..he's so dang photogenic.) Rob is gonna need counseling for all the bad touches he got from this guy..He can't take his hands off of him. Excuse me large Frenchman? Rob can walk...

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Always a fan of the BBJ!

That said, I'm liking Stephanie Ritz. I'm still smirking at Rob's remark that "...Stephanie 'gets' me." No kidding. NO ROMANTIC INFERENCE HERE. My point is that, of course, Rob and a grown-up woman work well together...hmmm.

Anonymous said...

I am loving his fauxhawk.

Kathy#1 said...

thirtysomething - just getting back here. Thanks - thought it might just be all of our fantasies! I'll have to take a closer look at the pic - he is so funny and nonchalant (or perhaps shy and awkward) around some pretty gorgeous women.

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