More "Inglorious Basterds" Premiere Yum


HC said...

<3 Scrummy!

Marj said...

ok i need to stop these pics but i cannot

tinababy1 said...

Have a look at the video

Kate said...

What lovely images to see before I head to bed!!!

Night All!

Yvonne said...

Ok, they made you put on nice,clean clothes, but I am SOOO happy that you kept the scruff!
You look MAAHHHVELOUS! Muahh!

VeilsofLight said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara said...

These pics are just incredible! Rob is looking hotter in every shot - if I don't die of heart failure this week i'll be amazed!!

But what a way to go !!

tinababy1 said...

How much longer will he be in Cannes?

The planet cannot survive the nuclear meltdown that is happening all over the world because of this man!!!!!!

This is insane!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

oh he is lookin like straight sex!

but in the first couple pics...doesnt he sort of look like he has a mullet?

I still love you rob, i know its just the camera angle:)

shelbi (: said...


ps its spelled 'inglorious basterds'

...wowie! said...

What's with his mouth open and the knuckle cracking. Is baby anxious? I can relieve that...hahaha

Kidding. The mouth open...makes me wanna just make out with him. RARR

Suz said...

Fuck Me


riddleinside said...

maybe repeating my self but then again it's worth it

rob on the red carpet (watch till the end!!)

Unknown said...

Drop Dead Dazzling !


riddleinside said...

OMG just realised that Rob said "merci" to the journalist so cuuuuuuuuute!!!

riddleinside said...

just ca't get enough but need to go to sleep now

night ladies :))

Shani said...


Extra TV has a poll up asking who's the hottest man in Cannes. Ummm...lets see who could it possibly be???

Brad is perfection! -259(9.5)

RPatz is a dream! - 2467 (90.5)

Peeps there seem to think Brad's time is up. Rob has more to offer with his talents as an actor and musician.


AnnaD said...

Just a hunka hunka burnin' love...
Just a hunka hunka burnin' love...

Imma gunna hafta eat him. He's almost too beautiful.

cathysue said...

i love it when you can see the vein in his forehead. would that be what you ladies would call vein porn? lol

theicequeen said...

hi there! i'm new to commenting on here, but have been lurking on this fantastic blog for a while. ;] thanks so much for providing fun, humor...and most of all, good daily doses of ROB!...for us fans alike <3

and seriously, i have to thank you for the pics from Cannes!! really, can the boy NOT get any more beautiful?! *swoons*

elaine said...

How much more can we take w/o exploding? The sexiest man on this planet! He makes me want to do bad, bad things!

Anonymous said...

wow. i had not yet seen the fingers on his lips. i did not think it could get any better... and yet it does!

ummmm yeah...fucking amazing.

Treasure_7 said...

Who could resist that face and body??!!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I'm in love.
(Whatever you do, don't tell DH!)

Rob looks like he's got a bit more weight. He looks soft and luscious. YUMMY.

Lucy said...

Robeeerrrr, you're killing me a little more each day . . . but it hurts so good!

Stop it some more ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the pics. Like so many others have said here, I don't know how much more of this I can take--he is so handsome it hurts!

Is it just me, or does he look incredibly baby-faced in some of these photos, even with the scruff? Maybe it's just the lighting, but he can look so different at times. These photos remind me of the ones from the Twilight Japan premiere--I thought he looked young there, too. But then you see other pics of him, scruff or no, and he looks different, older, I guess. Still makes me want to swoon every time I see a new shot of him, though! ;)

Babs said...

sex on legs! he's yummylicious, gosh Rob in a suit is unbelievable!
I have to go now but I can't get away from my laptop :) well at leat I had my morning Robfix.
Have a good morning everybody :)

Unknown said...

How many times can a girls heart skip a beat before it just stops. *sigh* He is beautiful.

Biel said...

OMGrrrrr, this guy was born to wear smoking!!

Hansom Ransom said...

Fourth picture from the top, it looks like he was wiping drool from his mouth. He must have caught a glimpse of himself ;)

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