Rob + Tux + Boat = DELICIOUS!


Yvonne said...

I got here just in time for new pics! Yay! Have I mentioned that I heart the bodyguard? I think I did.... :))

VeilsofLight said...


Just wonderng, just what kind of training is involved in applying for a bodyguard job?? ;)

Oh my god, I just had visions of 'The Bodyguard' remake with ME as Kevin Costner and Robbie as Whitney Houston.

Ok, Ok, are ya with me on this theme??

lovindashow said...

Yay! Thanks!

Yvonne said...

I'm with ya! And , I have had this discussion with someone here bfore....when Rob didn't have a bodygusrd in that airport fiasco, remember? I said , they need to get a big fucking guy to watch out for him, or, ONE OF US! I am absolutely positive, that any of us could protect him just as good!
And think of the perks for him!!!!
Bodyguard with "benefits"....

VeilsofLight said...

By the way, Yvonne, your Avator pout is LUSCIOUS.

Yvonne said...

Thanks...his lips are divine

Kate said...

James Bond eat your heart out. And ya I love the bodyguard too! ;-)

Yvonne said...

The BG has his own little fan club here on Robsessed :)

Yvonne said...

and Kate...didn't I see you say g'nite on another thread? You can't tear yourself away, can you?!!! tee hee :)

tinababy1 said...

We would karate chop any wacko that came anywhere near Rob

Hooray for the Bodyguard, Rob seems to like him :)

tinababy1 said...

Oh, and how can someone look THAT good getting on a BOAT?????

Rominiwi said...

Kate you're so right!
Rob + JamesBond-look = FTW!

Lynnes said...

Yvonne~"bodyguard w/ benefits" I'm so down. Where do I send my resume?

Lynnes said...

Tina~The bodyguard also seems to like Rob. A lot...

Melissa said...


Yep, thats right, I've been saying it for 2 days now...and at this point it's not gonna stop.

SERIOUSLY!!! Rob + Boat + Tux = epic heartfail.

I am so done. I can't take it anymore.


riddleinside said...

I'm posting again this video of Rob on the red carpet just in case you guys didn't see it

and check how the crowd react when Rob's name is mentioned: seems like he's in a stadium :))))

Yvonne said...

No kidding, Lynnes, right?

Yvonne said...

Thank you Riddle!! I was just searching for that link! You rock :)

tinababy1 said...

Lynnes - I'm in such need of defibrillators over here you have no idea bb.

Actually, I guess you do have an idea ;)

riddleinside said...

oh and I heart BG too!!
he's taking care of Rob and he seems to like him...maybe a bit too much for my taste, just saying :)

Kathie said...

The dang bodyguard is bogarting the Robness dang it. The one picture with him laughing getting on the boat would have been FANTASTIC if the freaking bodyguard wasn't in the way.

domisgone said...

Yvonne Your avatar makes me want to squeal.... I love those lips... and those eyes... and the jaw bone... ugh.

And, have I mentioned lately that I think Rob looks delicious in a tux. He's slimmed down some... but he still looks absolutely breathtakingly handsome.


Suz said...

Dear Body Guard...

And I eee I

Oh I I I I
will allllways

Suz said...

Dear God,

Thank you for the lil gust o wind that lifted the back of RobYum tux.


Anonymous said...

He IS the the next James Bond, or the higher ups are idiots. Have to say you are killing me, my addiction is getting way out of control and everytime i try to resist the temptation...well, there you are posting the most handsome pictures of the most beautiful man to walk this earth. He, by far, looks bettter than Leo or Brad, young or old....

MizzezPattinson said...

Ummmm...uhhhhh....I am never at a loss for words but the site of that amazing man near open water, getting on a boat....I dunno I never put "sexy man" and "boat" in the same sentence....Gawd I wanna go to France.....

LOVE the lyric post for the bodyguard

I am utterly and completely jealous that Mr. Beefcake touches the hawtness.....*le sigh*

MizzezPattinson said...

Is there any way whatsoever to watch these interview in just english???

I wanna hear HIS voice

kespax said...

Glorious Cannes, I love Cannes, love bigbear body guard dude.

And hasn't Cannes been good for the divine delish Rob, he's enjoying himself and they adore him and he seems to have them clamoring for anything he touches, totally sold 3 movies in pre-production, apparently a very difficult thing to do right now unless your magical and sending the world swooning Rob.

And he's moving with the stellar triple AAA crowd, Tarantino, Pitts etc.

And he thought his bit of mania time was going to just fade away and was purely linked to Twilight -oh boy does he underestimate himself and his charms.

Anonymous said...

so james bond-esque.

Thank you for killing me.


Shani said...

Look at Robbie looking like an independent film version of James Bond.LOL Regardless, he is the shit right now. Rob is blowing out Brad Pitt as the hottest man in Cannes on the Extra TV poll right now.

Side Note:

AI is on and Lil Rounds just song with Queen Latifa and both sounded really great. I'm excited to see who will it be Adam or Kris???

Shani said...

Now on AI Kris is singing with Keith Urban. Kris sounds good singing this type of country music.It's more upbeat. Me likey!!!

Unknown said...

Ransom, Spunk Ransom.


DD said...

Holy Crap - it must be Christmas. There is no word to describe him.

annycullen said...

haha. these pics reminded me of this song. robb<3

"I'm on a boat (I'm on a boat)
I'm on a boat (I'm on a boat)
Everybody look at me 'cause I'm sailing on a boat (sailing on a boat)
I'm on a boat (I'm on a boat)
I'm on a boat
Take a good hard look at the motherf**king boat (boat, yeah)"

Heidi said...

Holy Crow.
I am loving me some rob in a tux on the water.
James Bond indeed.

NC said...

riddleinside - do you know the girl in the green outfit who's posing with Rob in the video?

Nikola Six said...

This morning when I caught that shot of Rob eyeing the boobage (how precious was that?), I knew my days of lurking were over and that it was time to start talking and brace yourself girls, 'cause I can talk.

And I want to thank Goz and Dani for this fabulous site. I've been lurking on Rob boards since last July after I had a small encounter with him at Comic Com (it was totally random; I went with a friend, had no idea what Comic Con was, had never heard of Twilight and couldn't concieve that such a delicious man as Robert Pattinson even existed. I'll have to tell you the story sometime). I've lurked at several sites and believe me, "ROBsessed" outshines them all. It's the people you have here. Obviously some young 'uns, but mostly just some honest to god women. And since I like to think of myself as an honest to god woman, I'm hoping I've landed in the right spot.

Been waiting for the tux shots on that famous red carpet. As usual, they did not disappoint. First an invitation to the Oscars and now Cannes. The man has arrived. And only six months after he showed up.

My mutant super power is the ability to spot talent and the quality that must be had in order to become a true movie star and you mark my words; this little one has got IT! He's the real deal and if he plays his cards right, he'll be a star for the next 50 years and I think even 'shit for brains' Hollywood has figured it out too.

Again, thanks for all your hard work Goz and Dani. You are both so appreciated.


Lisa said...

I think this man's personal mission is to kill me. He's so damn sexy it's insane.

elaine said...

Rob, on the water! I'm drowning now! I agree, he is so sexy that it is obscene!

Suz said...

The Boat That Rocked!

Hansom Ransom said...

I love these pics!!!

Here comes the Twilighter in me (sheepishly proceeds): I immediately had visions of Edward getting on the boat heading to Isle Esme :O)

Hansom Ransom said...

Lol Suz, how appropriate!

DD said...

The mind boggles (what mind I have left, anyway). Just when I think I can breathe again, Rob moves to a boat while wearing a tux. How can he be any sexier? He just keeps getting better and better. I have run out of adjectives to describe him.

Hansom Ransom said...

So did anyone hear that New Moon got a panel at Comic Con this year? Any thoughts on if they will put Rob through that again (I'm thinking since he is Edward, probably)?

Suz said...

HR, I don't think BurlyBodGuard is available for ComicCon

So.. no Rob.


kespax said...

Can't see how they can expect him to do that Twilight saga promo crap ever again, he's moved into another stratosphere - purely talk show guest spots, and a few other interviews and red carpets for the midas Rob now. No way anymore malls or such - he doesn't have the time anyway, and they don't have the budget for military protection he would need.

Remember me is sounding intriguing, when he spoke of being more like himself, woohoo, well we have yet to see him just do Rob in a role actually, everything he has done so far has been quite removed from his sweet natural self. And I'm hoping it involves his wonderful musical core.

Oh there is such a lot of Cannes stuff everywhere, it's going to take all weekend to watch all the vids, when does he leave Cannes???Does he get a quick break in London?

Hansom Ransom said...

I totally forgot he is filming Remember Me then. How could i forget that when I will be in NYC for a small percentage of that time? Silly me.

Shani said...

Well,well, well...Kris just won AI.
I have to say that I knew it. Kris is more mainstream. Love Adam and he will still do well. There will be a record company that will sign him because he already has a huge fanbase. So not to worry...

AI ROCKED TONIGHT!!!! It was the best one ever, I'm shocked. They also had Black Eyed Peas, Rod Stewart, Carlos Santana, Linole Richie, and KISS. Big time stars, wow!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my ...
I can't breathe anymore...but I gotta.. man, I never thought I'd consider a career change by becoming a Robby-guard.

The pics make me think of this song:

Shani said...

HR- How could you??? That's blaspheme to forgot that Rob will be in the NYC for Remember Me. As a loyal fan you are suppose to know were Rob is at all times. Tsk Tsk...Shame...:(((( LOL

Chicago girl now in LA said...

My heart belongs only to Rob.

(Whatever you do, don't tell DH!)

Chicago girl now in LA said...

HEY {{{SUZ}}}!

Welcome Nikola!

Suz said...

Chi Town

how you holding up? {HUGS}

I am totally, undeniably..


CullenGal09 said...

Hi Suz!!! What up girl!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Chi girl.;)

Hansom Ransom said...

Shani---I know, right? Rob should punish me ;)

CullenGal09 said...

These pics-totally more devasting as they go-Goz is gunna kill us dead.

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Hansom! What up y'all! Could i have rob shanken, not stirred! ;)

Suz said...

evening cullengirl

all right?

CullenGal09 said...

Shaken-oops! :0

CullenGal09 said...

Evenin', Suz-how's it going chick? These pics are soemthin else I'm tellin' ya....wooo. (Remembering to breathe.)

Suz said...

what pics?

are they pics?

Asked the dead woman.

CullenGal09 said...

Can someone say, Pattinson, Rob Pattinson....Casino Royale indeed, Mr. P.

Suz said...


are "there"

Dead woman obviously can't type

Tenneil said...

holla girls...

Cannes is beautiful!!!

CullenGal09 said...

I hear you Suzy girl-Imagunnadiedead yet...;) Killing me softly))

CullenGal09 said...

Rob decorates it...

CullenGal09 said...

Unicorns in Cannes-they do exist!!!

Suz said...

Ten ~ Mortal Beloved

I've been Mortally Wounded by the Gloriousness (I know that's not a word) that is Cannes 2009

CullenGal09 said...

He decorates Cannes, that is, T!

CullenGal09 said...

Unicorns do exist Suzy Q-they do, baby!

CullenGal09 said...

He's MY personal brand of heroin...yum.

Tenneil said...

Suz~ MB... I hear you.... he has wounded my heart and soul...

Suz said...

looks like we all drank that kool aid.


CullenGal09 said...

I'm cuckoo for Cannes-ha.

CullenGal09 said...

Cannes is another word this year for CRACK. ;)

CullenGal09 said...

I'm in the mood for something tall, dark, and British? MMMMM...

CullenGal09 said...

Rockin the Ray Bans as always lie a mofo-check.
Black tie and suit on yacht-check.

CullenGal09 said...

Hey-Suz-Hansom-anybody still there?!?

Suz said...

Wow CG you are a pit bull tonight

Tenneil said...

Suz~ girl... he is breathe taking!!

Hey Cullen....

CullenGal09 said...

Tenneil?!? Suz!!! did everybody leave? :(

Anonymous said...

Lol! I've got "I'm on a Boat" stuck in my head now

CullenGal09 said...

Hey! Pit Bull?!? Naw. it's just these pics man-they're gonna be the death of me-"maybe he's not even human cuz, only an angel could be so unusual..."

CullenGal09 said...

Death by British babe. Call 911!

CullenGal09 said...

I swear that man is going to be the death of us all, don't ya'll agree?

Lucy said...

annycullen- LOL! I was thinking the exact same thing! I'm on a muthafuckin' boat!

Nikola Six - Hi! I think you're right about this blog seeming to have more "honest to god women" as opposed to "young'uns". That's why I like it here. Tell us about your encounter with His Holy Hotness?

Rob's SEX IS ON FIRE in Cannes! I'm having soooo many bad thoughts. He has turned me into such a perv! What has happened to me?!

CullenGal09 said...

Oh-by the by-Suz, i took your advice and checked out some fan fics today. AWESOME!!! Smokin hot. Very good writing, actually too. Very hardcore. Loved it.

CullenGal09 said...

Join Club Dead, Buddha-;)

CullenGal09 said...

We're all in the same boat, methinks.

CullenGal09 said...

I was afraid nobody'd be on this late-my hubby's on the phone with Sis-in-law. Gotta take advantage, baby.

Hansom Ransom said...

has anyone currently viewing seen Little Ashes yet?

CullenGal09 said...

Anybody there? Still with me-anyone?

Shani said...

Luff- Stand on you mother effing toes. I'm on a boat...I'm on a boat...Everybody, look at me casuse I'm sailing on a boat. I'm on a boat... I'm on a boat...Take a good hard look at the mother effing boat.LMAO :P

I love me some Adam Samberg from SNL.

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Hansom! Not yet-have you?

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Shan. what up?

Suz said...

I saw it Hansom

so did Ten..

Shani said...

HR- LA want come until June here in the Big D.

CullenGal09 said...

LA is not showing except in Nashville so far, I think. I'm 2 hours away from there-prob wait for dvd.

Shani said...

Nuthing much CG!!

CullenGal09 said...

Is it good, Suz?

CullenGal09 said...

Shan-hey! Not much here either. Just having a little bit of Robsession with some cool girls here for a bit.

CullenGal09 said...

I am so excited about the MTV Awards, but pissed I can't vote! The stupid site won't let me.

Hansom Ransom said...

I haven't yet. I am looking forward to it, though. I am going to see it with Yvonne next Friday.

CullenGal09 said...

Y'all still with me?

Lucy said...

CG- Girl, youse a trip! "Something tall, dark, and british" - Hells to the yeah! Always in the mood for that!

Handsom- I saw LA last week. I really enjoyed it. Can't wait to see it again.

CullenGal09 said...

Hey Hansom. Really? Please tell Yvonne hey for me. Enjoy the movie, too!

CullenGal09 said...


CullenGal09 said...

Buddha-LA was good?

CullenGal09 said...

I've heard it is.

Hansom Ransom said...

I finally got to order How to Be on demand. i saw it a screening previously, but wanted to watch it again. i tried watching it last night, and every possible interruption that could happen did. Right down to the power going out. But I got to watch it today in full and I fell in love with Art again.

Hansom Ransom said...

I am also really liking Ronnie :)

Suz said...

HR, mine arrived today.

I watched it again and AGAIN fell mad and hard for my Art.

The Special Features are wonderful!

Art truly Owns me.

(but FrenchRiveriaRob is fucking catching up!)

WinWin said...

Hi ladies, new pics, video and eligible bachelor just posted.
I can't take anymore. I can' keep my eyes open....

Lucy said...

CG- I thought LA was good but my DH kept interrupting me with Dali questions (that's why I wanna see it again). The love scenes were tastefully done. Very passionate and romantic.

Haven't seen HTB yet, tho. :(

WinWin said...

hi suz!

Shani said...

Oh hell, Dani just found the best pics. We got to move to the top thread. There are crotch shoots and him buttoning(is this a word) up things. I got go. See y'all up there. Damn Dani just killed me...

Hansom Ransom said...

Art and Daniel Gale are the epitome of adorkable attractiveness.

Suz said...

Were are all those glorious RobKats??

Suz said...

Hi Win xx

Eligible Batch? where

kchambers77 said...

wow wow look at all the cannes shit! good job girls! i've been battling viruses and having addict style withdrawals.

and man him in a tux on a boat. can we say future james bond?

Tess said...

I looked at these photos... my heart skipped a beat and then I started humming the theme from James Bond..

He looks amazing.. especially when he smiles.

Anonymous said...

OMG... I think I just died.... and went to HELL!! Imagine having to LOOK at that load of hotness, and not being able to just reach out and get some... UNF UNF UNF indeed! Totally James Bond-like.. even better, actually..

BTW, I think the bodyguard (Kevin, is it?) is doing a fantastic job. He seems to know what he's getting himself into by becoming Rob's bodyguard, and he seems up to the job! I'm so glad, because our Robbie definitely needs someone as tough as him.. so go Kevin!! Yvonne is so right, he does have a fan club here! It's nice to see that Rob and Kevin get along very well. I'm guessing Rob owes his life to this man, God knows what would have happened if he wasn't there.

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