Kristen Stewart won Best Female Performance and dropped the popcorn during her acceptance speech. It is such a cute moment and Rob's laughing reaction is just edible.
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Thanks to HYBeccer on Rob's IMDb board for the gifs.


Rhonda said...

Poor Kristen. But Rob's reaction was so adorkable!

Dani said...

She looked like she handled it well and lets be honest K Stew brings out her inner bitch way too often so a lil human moment like this only does her good. She looked so cute running after it.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for the girl, but she recovered rather quickly. Rob...tsk..tsk lol

Tenneil said...

him smiling and laughing is my favorite rob... GAH I love this man

Unknown said...

Hahaa I love herr so much. Dropping it was the cutest thing and Rob laughing at her was just like cherry on top a delicious sundae! LOL! :D

janehofstra said...

Backstage video of Rob:

He looks amazing in that blue. I keep thinking he can't get any better looking but he keeps proving me wrong *squeals*

monika said...

that was epic,love her even more now.

...wowie! said...

She was so a Bella move. Rob was cute laughing at her.

Tess said...

Popcorn must've been buttered.

She looked adorable.

TO Twicat said...

LOL, Tess!

So Bella Swan.....

TwiHartRK said...

KStew had a Bella moment - hilarious!

RPnKSaddict said...

Love Kristen even more. She's the best. Just misunderstood. Loved Rob's reaction what are best buds for.

Anonymous said...

How funny. I was just telling my friend that I totally wanted a looped video of her dropping her award over and over!

Poor thing. At least she got to look cute while being awkward. And she gave us laughing Rob, so she does totally win.

showme said...

i love this more than i can possibly say

new threads!

Mechevpao said...

Ohh Dani, thanks for postin gall this links so fast, forthe rest of us who will have to wait till thusrday to get transmition of this, it is amazing.. thanks a lot.

Funny Kristen and cute smile from Rob.. love it!!

Unknown said...

So bella.

kristen said...

This was so great... Dani, totally agree that it was refreshing to see KStew have a human moment like this because honestly she can give off a bitchy vibe sometimes. Anyway, she handled it beautifully, and it was too cute at the end when she said "annnnd that was about as awkward as you all thought it would be... BYE!"

And of course, Rob smiling and laughing was the best part of it all :) I love happy Rob!

albaville said...

Rob smiling that way is just so to see him happy and relaxed..he was much more serious and tight here in were u rob!!

Anonymous said...

haha I loved that! And the reason I think she comes off as bitchy sometimes is part of the shyness, all people deal with their shyness in difference ways. But I think Kristen is great anywho... And She isn't so fucking artificial like Miley Cyrus or something, Miley act like she is 35 smetimes. I think more young people recognize theirselfes in Kristen. I hope she doesn't change and become this fake hollywood type.

...wowie! said...

Tess...that was funny. The popcorn had to be buttered.

I will say again how cute they both looked. It was like Rob was laughing at her as if it were not something out of the ordinary for Kristen to do. ::sigh::

It was hysterical. I dunno why I just watch her acceptance and the best kiss one. But not Rob's?

Weird, right?

Martina said...

she is so bella. :D
robs reaction was hilaroius. I wish I was so clumsy in front of him so he could find me cute and adorable.

Dahlia said...

Meanie Rob, laughing at the poor girl! He looks so cute though!

Bless Kristen, she's been spending too much time as Bella... it's rubbing off on her! :D She handled it well, she didn't cry! hehe xx

ManfaMae said...

I read somewhere earlier that it looked like Rob and Kristen were both bruised/scraped up. I saw one pic of Rob where it looked like there was a cut/scratch on his right wrist and it looks as though he's aware that the camera is on him when he's laughing and trying to cover it up. Hmmmm...I wonder what happened?

Anonymous said...

OMG....I missed that live because I kept rewinding the New Moon trailer!! Too funny!

Rob is so friggin incredible!

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