MTV Movie Awards Acceptance Videos

Breakthrough Performance Male

Best Kiss with Kristen Stewart

Best Fight with Cam Gigandet
Big MWAHS and thanks to Linda-045 on Rob's IMDb board for the links.


LovetheLips said...

Best Kiss acceptance...loved it.

Dahlia said...

I am so glad about all of this!! They totally deserved all of the awards and now I feel like my voting continuously several times a day for the past however many weeks has payed off!

Well done Rob, you really deserved this, although you look like you really didn't give a fuck *lol* but there was no one else that should have got that award! xx

Anna said...

is it just me or is the 'best kiss' acceptance a totally fitting metaphor for Rob & Kristen's whole relationship?

he he... just kidding, what do I know :)

albaville said...

Rob is always so sweet and embarrassed accepting his award :))
the best kiss accepting was so cool..kris is nice and funny...
cant wait to see the movie!!

Rocio said...

oh hold up...after watch the BEST KISS clip (like 6 times), it looked like Kristen totally tricked Rob! Watch it again ladies and let me know ur thoughts.

It really seemed like Rob was surprised when she pulled away (look at his expression) and then when they walked away from the podium he looked a lil funny (ha, like ways ;) awkward Robward) and she seemed to be a lil apologetic to him about the the lil spif..

just something I noticed, again Rob can be a goof, but I really think he was planning on actually doing it ;)

either way! they rock!!!

Anonymous said...

I definitley thing the kiss acceptance was planned and that Rob reacted like that so people would though that Kristen didn't want to kiss him or something. Hehe I liked it! But It would have been great if they've kissed for real:) I wonder what Elizabeth said to Ashley in the beginning?!:P

crazylife said...

Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams were actually a couple when they did their famous replay of the on screen kiss.

As far as we know Michael A and Kristen may still be together. It would have been disrespectful to kiss in a situation like the MTV awards. So I think it was planned.

They are so sweet together. I am not saying they are a couple, still on the fence with that.

Haystackhair said...

what the heck did rob mean about something coming out of his pants? LOL.

Martina said...

Rob is teasing us with the kiss.
rob kissing... my mind went blank

Anonymous said...

They didn't kiss b/c they're a couple. In real life. And YES I mean Rob and Kristen.

Ryan and Rachel WERE NOT a couple when they kissed. THEY WERE NOT. Look it up, the info is easily available. They became a couple AFTER the MTV awards.

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