More of amfAR after party pics



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Suz said...

Ahhhh Snap!

You go young grasshoppa!

Anna said...

Damn I'm torn... Do I want to believe this or not?!

pros: she looks cute, and Rob deserves the lovin'

cons: Rob should save himself for me

---> tough call...

Martina said...

she looks very thin. maybe she is a model.

Ash7586 said...

I'm so jealous right now. My head is screaming noooooooooo not her. Envy is an ugly bitch.

annycullen said...

i agree with littlebear. )=

annycullen said...

i can give him lovin tooo.

Tenneil said...

Okay... wow know this would happen someday... and no I am no marrying them off...

Bottom line for me... I want him to be happy....

Rocio said...

I'm skeptical b/c if he really kissed her or if they really left together, there would of been more buzz about it and evidence (pix) I won't believe until I see it...pix that is.

and also I'm a bit jealous...

I really hope he didn't, he just doesn't seem like that type of guy to randomly hook up like that...

but I guess when it close to celebrities anything is possible (though again, I figured Rob wasn't/isn't like that)

Aija said...


Even if it isn't truth, we should accept that he can do whatever he wants to..
but still it is hard..

*swearing here

P.S. He looks wasted

anna F said...

well, Rob enjoying himself at a party and talking to girls, it's a good thing!

We can't applaud him checking out that woman's plump chest and then deny him to get in close contact to any female human being...

Melissa said...

Dude deserves to get laid. Like, seriously. To waste that much sexiness would be a shame. What a lucky bitch! :P

anna F said...

Rocio, not only celeb's hook up randomly... and one night stands have never prevented anybody from looking for a love and a relationship. and some people even find love randomly like that.

Not that I even believe that it's the case here, life and style would have put a picture of them leaving together if they had it, don't you think?

Mechevpao said...

he is a 23 years old single guy.. there is nothing wrong in what ever he did, if he did... it´s perfectly natural.. are we expecting him to mantain single and in abstinence for us? because that is not natural.

Little Red said...

Arg! I hate this feeling I have... envy sucks! He's having fun and frolics - as do most guys his age. I wonder if they'll be a kiss and tell story next week...?!

riddleinside said...

lol @LittleBear.

1- Rober Pattinson todays sexiest huncky IN "Cannes" (with all what this city implies about parties, pleasure, luxuries, VIP etc)= "papers" such as lifestyle and co need a "story" cause it's obvious that we're not gonna go read about Rob attending QT's movie on THAT kind of magazine: so they need something "more".

2-Rob already knew what's going to be done with this picture (I wonder why he's smiling on the first one when taking pictures of the others, but not on the picture with the girl)

3-I see NO chimistry in the picture but more alchohol effects.

4-L&S article is discridited by it's own introduction: mentionning Kristen Stewart makes all the rest hard to believe.

5-Obviousely, he wasn't taking pictures of HER all the night but of THEM!!!nor sitting with HER all the night but with THEM

6_"the eyewitness reveals" sentence makes me laugh

7-If I want to take picture with a guy I'm sitting with (drinking and smoking) I can easily put his arm around me when asking someone to take a picture of us: it would sound so innocent but can have another impact on the picture.

This is just a second of time that we're seeing here, so just don't take it seriousely. It's not at Cannes, when he knows all the eyes are on him, that Rob is going to change. Plus during his time at Cannes, how many girl/women asked for a picture with him?I bet it's not diffrent fo those sitting with him and drinking. They want a picture to upload on their facebook.

Suz said...

I'll tell ya what..

if anything did happen (and come on guys can't we hope it did for the sake of "using it or loosing it"!??)

The fact that this publication has her first and last name leads me to believe she might be a "talker"

(and I don't mean in bed)

Someone surely will talk about shagging him... that story will make some lucky girl.. very rich!


until then

Let us pray..

Hande said...

ah whatever.. he has the right to do anything he wants after all.
he seems pretty wasted but he looks damn hot in those photos *drool*

Martina said...

I`m listening to "love song for a vampire" by annie lennox :)

riddleinside said...

clarification: when I say change: I mean being less careful about his private life.

anna F said...

@ LB: I'm sure that he'll save himself untill that day when he'll meet you in London on holidays !

Considering his schedule, it might not be before christmas though...

Hande said...

even if nothing happened between them, i still envy the girl hah

riddleinside said...

Suz "let us pray" LMAO

aren't you going to stop for making me burst with laughing?

THIRTYGIRL2009 said...

Ahh..He's young and S.E.X.Y, can't let that go to waste. In fact, let him get all the practice he can get, he's gonna need it when he meets me after I stalk him in NYC this summer lol

Anonymous said...

rob looks druuuuunk :)

i silmultaneously have the urge to punch her in the throat and ask her what he's like (jealousy rears it's ugly head)regardless...i hope he had fun

Jules60 said...

Come on ladies, I wouldn’t believe anything Life and Style say. They make up a new lie everyday. They don’t know who is together and who isn’t. I get my news from somewhere else. They copy other people’s stories and make up the rest. As many Paparazzi they had at Cannes taking a picture of Rob’s every move, you know they would have had pictures, use your brain! Oh my he is sitting with someone at a charity event.

cherylmmm said...

he looks pretty wasted (i noticed that there is an empty heinie bottle in front of him)

and is it just me or does he look kinda angry/mad when he's in the pics with the "hookup" girl?!!

oohh...i'm just "J" - she really does look pretty, but a part of me is so effing jealous!! hahahhh

España said...

Tengo 2 teorĂ­as:
1ª El Emili es amigo de MI.Ang y de Kris y de NIKI le pueden haber engañado a Rob





cherylmmm said...

btw - suz....i'll be doing 5 hail marys and repenting for all the nasty thoughts i've had about rob lately!!

oh hell...i think it will take more than 5 hail marys!!! LOL

Cindeeloo said...

Is it me or does she look a little like nina.

Suz said...


My husband is soo funny

He just said.. (after asking him about the pics)

"A little sloppy on the poppy never hurt anyone"

HAAAAAAAAA! Now I know why I married a Brit!

(p.s. he also said she is built like a boy! He is soooo getting some himself!)

España said...

I have 2 theories:
The 1st Emili is a friend of Kris and MI.Ang NIKI and may have misled Rob

2nd girl is a fresh (MIRA WITH THE FACE OF THE ASCO And with an open hand) and is BORRACHOS)



Mechevpao said...

You know I´m not a fan fo laney or anything ralated her, but I read this at pillow bitter blog

Lainey's croney, Laura, sat across from Rob at the amFAR benefit and again, this morning, I'm swooning:

I look up to see him walking in, in his fitted tux, no tie, a couple of buttons on his shirt undone, looking absolutely delicious. He's walking like he's on a runway, a far cry from his usual "please don't look at me" gait with slumped shoulders and a ducked head.

He took a seat at a table opposite us, giving me a close and unrestricted view of him and, to quote Lainey, sending my loins into quiveration mode.

So did I shamelessly ogle him for the next two hours? You bet your sweet ass I did!

The boy is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. He chain smokes like crazy, and while I generally find that a disgusting habit, he looks ridiculously sexy doing it. In fact, he looked picture perfect every single time I glanced over at him. He was chatting animatedly with his manager and his agent, laughing and smiling, looking like a guy who was loving his life.

At one point I was jolted out of my lust-induced haze by Lainey who asked me if I was going to, and I quote, "man up and bring it?" I could only reply to her smug little challenge with a death glare because honestly, short of flashing him my boob, what was I supposed to do?

Eventually, Emile Hirsch walked in with his girlfriend and another good looking girl. They greeted Rob and he - get this - looked shy and stared down alternately at the table or at his management team. It was pretty cute actually.

What I didn't find cute was the way Emile greeted Rob - it was a condescending "heyyyyy buddyyyyyyy" and then he proceeded to poach one of Rob's smokes. It was interesting to observe the difference between these two young actors.

Emile walked in muttering something about kicking someone's ass and then loudly gave his pointed opinions on various topics. Rob conversed with him but wasn't nearly as biting or cocky. I'm not saying he doesn't have an edge - I overheard him make some sarcastic remarks and he does love dropping the F-bomb (with that British accent - HOT!) , but overall, he comes across as a much nicer guy.

janehofstra said...

I'm glad he's having fun, whatever the real story may be. But yeah, I'll admit it, I'm jealous as all hell.

riddleinside said...


my Spanish is really poor: I recognised the names, and I think Montaje ="liar"?, and "Fan" of course.
I think you said that Emile Hirsch is friend of Ks and boyfriend, Nikki and don't know for the rest.

When you speak about "La chica" it gets interesting but I don't understand.
Could you repeat please in other words? (would be nice English words) I'm really intrigued.

Shani said...

I'm glad he had a chance to hang out and be normal around people his own age. L&S was wrong, no shocker there that he was taking pics of her only.He took pics of everybody at that table.They just met each other and found some sort of connection, which is great. There was also some sort of comfort level with her to have his arm around her and maybe it was the alchol.*Jamie Fox- Blame it on the alchol* LOL Either way, good for him for putting himself out there. Plus, he is probably like this all the time. He is no saint nor a virgin. Girls come up to him all the time now. Like he is really sitting at home twiddling his thumbs. As much as this boy drinks, goes out to the bars, and don't know how to cook, please save that BS RP.

Shani said...

s- That's so real.LMAO

riddleinside said...

pssst guys. I wanna draw your attention to something:

The article of she whose name shall not be uttered, about her and her friend sitting near Rob's table is a summary of what happened on Wednesday night (20)
and was published on Thursday (21)

However, the auction and thus, auction after party took place last night i.e Thursday night (21)

Conclusion: LaineyHo was not there and couldn't see Rob with this girl.

Just wanted to clarify this.

Mochachino said...

How did this magazine even get these?

Why don't we just enjoy the Robface in the very bottom pic?

margot said...

Erica Dutra

and more about expensive kisses

Pattinson's been making the rounds with the likes of Brangelina while in Cannes for the annual film festival, and last night he attended the Cinema Against AIDS benefit. There, Harvey Weinstein persuaded him to auction off a kiss on the cheek to the daughter of the highest bidder. Pattinson was game, offering up two kisses instead of one -- and each sold for a whopping $28,000. Father's Day is going to be quite the extravaganza for those heavy hitters and their eternally grateful little girls.

Shani said...

Cin- She looks nothing like Nina.

España said...

Emile Hirsch is friend of Ks and boyfriend, Nikki
He searched for a girl who is angry with Kris Rob
Golf is a girl like Paris and wants to get in the magazines with Rob

izzy said...

I luv & adore Rob just like all of you ladies...and am I jealous? DUH, YEAH,would I like that woman to be me?..OF COURSE...hahaha*wishful thinking*...but I'm also being realistic when I say:I KNOW his path and mine "might" (haha) never cross....I'll have to live vicariously through everyone elses experiences and pics with him...that said...

I DO think he shagged that skank (HAHAHA)..and good for long as it's not K,anybody else will do....whatever..I totally agree with Suz on everything she said on this post and the one b4....cracking up....

also Rob does look drunk and he IS a man I might add so girls when such a hot man as Rob is mingling in HOT, SEXY Cannes...getting auctioned for kisses, everyone drooling and not being able to get enough of him EVER....PLS ladies....he is bound to get some..sooner or later....either that or the man has probably developed carpel tunnel by now...


riddleinside said...

@Espana thanks for the effort

really appreciate it. But who is Golf?

Shani said...

Rid- Your right and even if the girl was there Laura said her and Lainey left early. So Rob could have done all this later on. Hell, he looked plastered enough for it to be later at night.

janehofstra said...

Even if this is all bs, I think I'm gonna have look into counseling to prepare myself for when the real thing finally happens to Rob which, of course, I hope it will someday. No, really, I do, LOL, which is crazy, because my bf of seven years and I just broke up and I haven't even thought about therapy (though I suspect my robsession IS therapy!)

Suz said...

My best friend Regina has a saying....

A Hard C*ck has no morals..

While we love him the most here at Robsessed, remember ladies..he is but a mere man...

Woman's got the power.. always

Suz said...

oh and


Suz <----- "is glad she can amuse you"

riddleinside said...

you said you're being "realistic", but I just don't get the K thing here. If you are to accept Rob being with someone, does it really matter who this someone is??? what's the pb with K?

Shani said...

janny- So true "carpal tunnel*LMAO

Jewels64 said...

Oh thank God! Finally we can forget about all the Nikki Reed/KStew crap.

Good on ya Rob!!! I hope you had a fantastic time you gorgeous young stud you!!!!

Shani said...

Suz- The power of the p....LOL

Mochachino said...

ooh Suz you can't refer to the Robrod in the middle of the day after all these pics!

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellie said...

Hey, Suz!
You are cracking me up, girl! ♥

and Rob, more power to you, babe~~
Enjoy life!

Suz said...

Jewels! xxxx

Erin, sorry.. my B

Ellie said...

Totally agree with you, Jules! xo

Suz said...



España said...

4th Theory pay her $ 20,000 and has to kiss her

Shani said...

Jewels- Yay!!! Good for Rob to shut that shit down(Kris&Nikki). I hope this shows Nikki obsessed ass that he really isn't interested no more and she keeps her trouble making ass away from Italy.K!!!

Jewels64 said...

SUZ!!!! **blows kisses**

Hot Damn Woman! I have been dying to talk to you!!!

Jewels64 said...

Hey Els! Glad to see you here backing me up!!!

margot said...

Now I need a drink, a long one

España said...


= Paris Hilton is a golfa

Loisada said...

Oh f@ck me running! I'm splitting my sides laughing ladies. All those speedboat rides must have kindling something in that boy's core. He is totally rockin his James Bond look in that third picture!!

Jewels64 said...

Hey Shani! Your last review cracked my ass up!!!

Thanks for that BB!!!

Suz said...

Jules. you so need my digits!

Mochachino said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels64 said...

I'll send you a message on FB stat!


riddleinside said...


thanks a lot :D see you can do it ;)

Sam said...

hey girls- i have a friend whose sister is a make up artist in LA-so she's not my 'friend-friend' but we know each other and oddly enough her mom lives down the street from me...ANYWAY.... she works on all movies and currently doing Dancing With the Stars (she was nominated for an oscar this past year- but sadly didn't get it) she has never worked with Rob BUT she said her friend has and i said GET SOME SCOOOOOP! and maybe some DNA hahahah (that would be hair dna) soooo i will keep u posted once she tells me what she knows!

Suz said...

Damn straight Erin

Cause when I come a callin

I want him to be an EXPERT in Tantra

Baby Boy.. Sting and Trudie on line one.

izzy said...

listen riddleinside,

Realistic denial NO.... I'm never gonna be Rob's girl....and just cuz I don't like Kristen doesn't mean it might not chill thing has nothing to do with the other.....the man is gonna get shagged upside down,inside out 6 ways to hell and heaven,one way or the other by millions of girls, women....(do I wish he would stick to ONE)yeah sure...I'd like to think of him as a gentleman...and I believe he is...but stardom comes with it's perks *wink*...and I really don;t expect wait I D NOT want him to miss out on ANYTHING, then so be it....KUDOS TO OUR ROB...FLAUNT IT BABY!

...wowie! said...

Suz, I love you (and your husband's) commentary. Makes me not get all wrapped in it all. As much as I "love" him, he's there and I'm here. Ya kno?

"A hard c*ck has no morals." - nicely put. lmao

Rose said...

Hmmm.... I knew this shit would make me laugh...
and I was right.

izzy said...


"the power of the p..." indeed...;)haha

Suz said...

Stick to one lover??

His FineMoFooking Azzz??

Oh hell to the know

he has got to spread that shit around!

Share the wealth..

izzy said...


OH very true a hard c*** has no morals....AMEN TO THAT!...LMFAO

Shani said...

Thanks Jewels, a little more Jasper goes a long way.LOL

Rose said...

Suz! My darling!
Sway with me!

Sam said...

Robert Pattinson Arrives in Italy, Fountain Tested
MAY 22, 2009 · COMMENTS

According to the fine folks over at TwilightersItalia, Robert Pattinson arrived in Rome at the Fiumicino Airport on his way to Montepulciano at 12:30pm local time, which works out to 6:30am EST. He’s already made his way to Tuscany.

In other news from Montepulciano, the new fountain was given a trial run with water to prep for shooting the film. TwilightersItalia says–

Also today, they’re shooting in the centre of the city, our friends told us that the Porsche was actually there this morning. With a bit of luck we’ll have some pictures to share of that too later.

The Italian shoot is really starting to ramp up! Anyone else as excited as me?

Kristin said...

Hahaha... he looks SO PO'ed in the last 2 photos with that chick.

izzy said...

lmfao with you Suz, mmhhmmm i do wish I would ask ONE question to that Erika biatch....WHAT'S THE MAN LIKE IN BED?....if he's shy in that department also, baby come to mamma...lmao

Ellie said...

Jules, of course I'll back you up.
but not up against the couch until you're felling better...

riddleinside said...


umm so basically you just don't like K. That's the only thing I wanted to know I guess :) thanks for the reply.

Ellie said...

Rosey, hello!

Love you and Suz' singing on FB!

Rose said...

Hello Ellie my Sweet!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Riddle! Hi all!

Rominiwi said...

He looks drunk.
Anyway, he can do whatever he likes... i'm for it while it makes him happy.

CullenGal09 said...

Hello, Rose! So this is where everyone went. Hey there!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Jeez! That was hard!

Ok, stupid Sophia, breath..., breath..., breath...

Damn! Who is she?

CullenGal09 said...

Right on, Romi. I ditto that about him looking a little "tipsy"! So cute and sexy, even though...he's a bit toasted!

Rose said...

I kinda love how some people are like... giving Rob PERMISSION to hang out (or fuck) chicks.

"Here is the end of the world... where the living dance with the dead."

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Sophia. some chick from LA.

anna F said...

OH, I get the feeling that it's a bit weird that we (some?) would choose to believe life and style today, and not when they said Rob and Kristen are together.

It's just gossip (like Ted) and a couple of picture of him having talked with a girl during a cocktail. Not even a picture of them together in front of Rob's hotel, or leaving together yet (and we saw pic of Rob and Kristen like that). Let's not get carried away.
We can't slam down those interpreating pictures of body language between Rob and Kristen and then do the same with Rob and some random girl.

While it's fun to joke about Rob's life at times, let's leave it at "joking".

Shani said...

les- Get all the dirt, mostly pics to back that shit up. I'm excited like a two dollar ho at a porno convention. I don't know what the hell I just said. But I'm cracking my ass up anyway!!!

Rose said...

Hello CullenGal!

CullenGal09 said...

I agree Rose-it's his personal business! Geez!

CullenGal09 said...

Hey Rose...what up!

Suz said...


My love

I am beyond swaying

Rock with me

all night...?

Rominiwi said...

Hahaha, you're so right about the permission thing Rose... xD
It sound like that? I didn't mean it. I tried to say that i'm happy that he's happy, o something like that xD

CullenGal09 said...

I think it's a riot-these pics have everyone in a dither. WHO CARES?!?! It's just a random lay anyway, if that, and whatever-it's his life, his business. He's young, single, and fab-u-lustful! Come on now...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CullenGal09 said...

SUZ!!! Girl of mine-what uuuupppp!

Suz said...






(is that wrong, Rose?)

Rose said...

Suz... You're right... it's time to up the tempo... and start doing a bit more than swaying...

I wanna rock n roll all night...

CullenGal09 said...

SUZ-your comments in the other post-i saw 'em, they're a hoot. You crack me the hell up!

Suz said...

Man you bitches are all over me..

It's it's it's like I'm


Lizalou said...

Afuckingmen, Suz!
The man is 23. He has needs. He's not a saint - i'm sure he gets laid on a regular basis. And does anything come of these randoms? Eh... probably not. He is a guy afterall.
And one fuck does not a girlfriend make.
He'll have one eventually, but I still believe that the one who sticks is going to be carefully chosen.

CullenGal09 said...

SUZ-really-now who's apit bull today? What's the matter-did that picture make you randy baby?!? Bahaha...

riddleinside said...

@ anna F


where have you been? wanted to share my conflicting jealousy! I feel guilty.but can't help it!

Suz said...

CG I start a week in Vegas in August.

Opening up for Kat Williams.

Rose said...


It's not the same when you give him permission to fucking TAKE you...


It's wrong... so wonderfully wrong.

riddleinside said...

Hi CullenGal :) (waves)

izzy said...

it's all in good fun...all of us want good thing for Rob and they're coming for sure.

It's true what u say annaf, we DON'T have pics of them leaving together or at the who knows. I bet he had fun in Cannes. He's doing great and I'm happy for him!

Monica said...

My bet is the story is partially if not all true based on the photos alone! He looks drunk and horney and she looks ready and willing (smart girl)! Perfect combo.

CullenGal09 said...

Suz-LOL! You're a a trip! BTW-if you were Rob, I'd be more than all over be 20 and single-holy hell.

Suz said...

Oh Rose.. dont worry

I will say No

but mean


Rose said...

Fuck... Suz IS like Rob...

No wonder I want her so much.

janehofstra said...

Is that a camera Rob has in one of the shots? I hope the last three pixx weren't private and sold by someone from the group! I dunno that he'd pose like that if he knew it'd end up all over the internet. I'm seeing them posted everyone now, my eyes, my eyes!

riddleinside said...


agree with you :)

izzy said...


Shani said...

Suz- Your Rob 2.0.!!! Hell, your closer right now than he is.LMAO

CullenGal09 said...

RIDDLE! Back atcha, babe! ;)
SUZ-you would so rock Vegas, baby.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Rose, I've been giving gorgeous Rob "permission" to f*ck ME for months!!!
"Rob, lover, what more do you want, uh? A hot greek/brazilian for your own pleasure"...*wink*

CullenGal09 said...

SUZ-I'm your fave groupie-bahaha...

Suz said...

Yea monica that is the best combo

Drunk and Horny

(note to self.. during NYC stalking trip this summer.. pack lots of whiskey and XXX)

I look way better after that Tailof COCK

Sophia Z.86 said...

Cullen! Thanks! But if she is from L.A. what the f* is she doing there, in Cannes, under gorgeous Rob's arm???

Suz said...

Yea Cullen Girl.. but to you play the harmonica...

It's a pre-requisite!

Suz said...

Suz <----has an oral fixation

Rose said...

OK... this is the last time I type "SUZ" in my comment...'s even freaking me out.

Mochachino said...

lol Rose
Just think of the boards on the twilight sites!
Hopefully whoever the lucky one Rob feels seriously about next will be one tough cookie

CullenGal09 said...

Sophia, my, my! Muey caliente,mamacita! i feel like Catwoman-"Those pics of Rob make me feel all....dirrrrtttty-meow!" Purrrrrrrr, baby boy, purrrr...;)

Anonymous said...

this has become suzsessed all of a sudden....quick someone change the banner...hahaha

Suz said...


you'll learn to hate me...

but still call me "baby"

(i'll answer to that!)

izzy said...

So what's Rob doing today?...does he start filming this weekend or monday etc...?...I wonder...they wrap it up this week, am I correct?...and then come to mamma Rob..NYC it is...woo hoo!!!

Suz said...

Ahhhh I love you all!

Suz <----blows kisses and

CullenGal09 said...

Oral fixation-holy crap...
Sophia-Good question "bitch, what are you doing there and what's your friggin secret!"

anna F said...

@ riddle:

well, a good cure for jealousy could be to burn all that negative energy... like extensive running... it's also good for your figure, and when Rob comes on Christmas to visit his parents, you'll look like a supermodel (if you don't already, but exercizing is always good). He'll be dazzled and your jealousy and robsession will have turned into something positive!

Shani said...

Suz- I love me some Kat Williams. I've only seen two of his comedy shows on DVD so far. I think it's one more that he did I want to see. But I don't know the name of it. I'll just try to find it on Netflix.

CullenGal09 said...

all hail Suz, the sultan of Rob's-uh.....ahem-pics?!?

Suz said...




CullenGal09 said...

Riddle, Shani-how's y'all this eve?

Rose said...

For some reason... the pics don't really bother me.
It could be because I'm drunk.

OK... I'm not really...

Or am I?

Suz said...

Drunk Rob?

Drunk Rose?

Works for Susan!

CullenGal09 said...

How do you think he left her-cig before-cig after?!? Bhahaha.

Monica said...

BTW Suz - when you're right, you're right in all your comments! I'm excited he's gettin' some. He should enjoy some of the perks after having to deal with all the paps! Go Rob...just save some for me!

CullenGal09 said...

Are y'all gettin' toasted?!? You bad girls. is Friday-the weekend makes you feel like partyin! Full on Robsessing!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Little Bear! I love your first post here. The 'pros' and 'cons' are the same for me... Damn hot man!

Cullen! Meoww, right? I am more like a "Cat on a hot tin roof" here... with the exception that BF is hot and makes me happy...

Shani said...

CG- Feeling Greeaattt!!!

CullenGal09 said...

Monica-hello! I second that. Suz hits the nail on the head.

Suz said...

Yea Monica..

Suz = Always Right

I've been telling the fucking world that for %^#^% fucking years now...

Finally, I found my Nirvana.

Utopia = Suz is Right Land!

Mochachino said...

Ladies don't waste energy being jealous just focus on that last pic and enjoy!

Rob is 'like an animal'

Suz said...



"You really shouldn't have said that!"

Rose said...


Suz said...

Oh and Nail!??


CullenGal09 said...

That's awesome Shani!
Sophis-ggod for you! My Italian hubby is a handfull also. We've been together 14 years almost-he's a saint about my Robsession-ha.

riddleinside said...

anna F

I M you :D

now I'm going to bed. Have a good evening/night all you guys.

CullenGal09 said...

Suz-LOL! You need to stop-holy shite! You can't say "head" and Rob in same sentence-for god's sakes!

Monica said...

CG - From the sound of things I think SUZ hits a lot more than nails on the heads! She is my new HERO.

Suz said...

I didn't wackadoodle..



CullenGal09 said...

Nighty Riddle! pleasant Robviera dreams, milady. Good to talk to you a bit. Muaaaah!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suz said...

I will be hosting my own Meet and Greet at ComicCon San Diego

I am now officially on the New Moon Panel.

CullenGal09 said...

Suz-wackadoodle-yep, i guuess i am. Rob did it....;)

Rose said...

If I were taking a drink everytime someone typed "SUZ" today...
I would be fucking dead.

Or would I?

CullenGal09 said...


Suz said...

Good thing (like Rob) my ego is in full check

eh Rose?


CullenGal09 said...

Rose-LOL! So true.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Cullen! Congrats! Italians are hot, girl! LOL!

Anonymous said...

rose...fucking brilliant idea. suz = new drinking game. happy i'm on my way home to crack open my own.

izzy said...

Amen to that, he's GORGEOUS!

Anonymous said...

Wow i'm sorry to say this but Rob looks way too sleezy in a couple of these photos. And he left the party with Talk about quick.

Rob can claim to be single and shy but I don't believe him lol, he's obviously hooking up at most parties and events he goes to.

I personally don't like "one night stands" so shame on you Mr. Pattinson! lol

Suz said...

pssst Rose (whispers so only you can here)

I like when YOU say Suz.. the most

CullenGal09 said...

From now on, Suz is "she-who-must-not-be-named"! LOL

Sophia Z.86 said...

Girls, have a good night! Enjoy gorgeous Rob!

Damn hot man!

Suz said...


One Night Stands are my fucking favorite!

Jewels64 said...

Sweeet!!!! Sam Bradley is performing live on UCLA radio right now!......

izzy said...

later ladies it's been fun...suz u crack me up!

CullenGal09 said...

Thanks Sophia-I think so! Mante Benne!

Hi Kerr, hi thrtysometng!

Rose said...

Well... my DH is across the ocean... in London as I speak.
So full fucking speed ahead!

S? I never knew love could be like this...

Or did I?

Suz said...

Jules I want a one night stand with Sam !

(is that wrong?)

Suz said...

live stream Jules?

(am I am not talking about GS's either)

CullenGal09 said...

Good-night Sophia-Adios! Vaya con dios chica!

Good-night Jan!

Jewels64 said...


Jewels64 said...

Sam said...

shani- you made me laugh! haha I will let everyone know if i find anything out... it very well may be nothing...Hey you know the six degrees of separation? i joked with her and said- so this is like 6 degrees of separation- right? so i like know him twiced removed??? hhaha My acting teacher produced a movie with Billy Burke... sooo does that also mean i am twiced removed on that? hhah

Sophia Z.86 said...

Ok, I have to say something else, before leaving. I never had a one night stand! I am saving that for Rob!

"Rob, lover, would you like to come over here and pop my one night stand cherry?" *wink, wink*


CullenGal09 said...

Sam is on? Cool! I met him at HTB screening at Nasville film Fest. Should've been with, SUzy Q-you may have had your chance! ;)

Rose said...

Jules... my little love muffin.

Mochachino said...

I give up, I've been fighting it all week. I mean, its 3 o'clock, almost the end of the day. I can not get any work done the week Rob is in cannes.
I'll catch up next week...when we get Robward shirtless shooting news!

Anonymous said...

lmao Suz, yes i suppose they do have good qualities.

But sadly I just thought Rob looked a bit too drunk and sleezy in these photos.

And I personally can't respect those guys who sleep with a girl on the same night as they've met for the first time.

But hey, who am I to judge a hot single British star thrown into hollywood fame at the age of 22.
I would probably do the same haha

CullenGal09 said...

You go-Soph! YEAH, BB!

Hey Lesa.

izzy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam said...

sam's moles are just too much for me... hhahaa I want some Bobby Long- now THAT is some young lovin i'd like to hit hahahhah

Suz said...

Cullen.. HE will have HIS chance
when I am good and ready.

Tru Dat

Rose said...


I mean...


Anonymous said...

hi cg :)

i'm on my way out the door (from work)

hopefully all you drunk peeps will be here later!

izzy said...


Monica said...

Hey I tried to get ComicCon such luck. But now that I know Suz will be on the panel, I will find a way in...oh I will!

CullenGal09 said...

Erin-LOL. Good luck with that.

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