Live from The MTV Movie Awards

Here is the video link to the live stream from MTV Movie Awards red carpet. In my experience these links don't work very well but you can try :) Hopefully we'll have the youtube videos up soon. Living outside of US sucks once again...

Thanks to Robert Pattinson Turkey (Turkiye) for the link ;)

Live Show might be at this link (thanks to Stefani for the link :))
Watch live video from limarz's channel on

X17 Online will also broadcast live from the red carpet HERE.


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Anonymous said...


"i hear the new moon trailer we will see today at mtv movie awards is HOT. Rob Pattinson fans get ready to be hot and bothered."

I am ready.

margot said...

works well

I'll be very bothered if Paris is there too close

Divinesally said...

That bitch better be on her best behavior if she sits next to him.

showme said...

that's awesome Godze--TY

ohhhh A/LA....i am about to jump thru my skin...

i just looked around on E!,and they're doing nothing for it.
i'm wondering if MTV will have live on the tv, before the actual ceremony? Or just clips like at the oscars, which i hate. i like to see everyone walking in

Bootstrap Intern said...

yay... Now I can actually watch some of this live. I have to wait till 9:00pm (PST) time to watch the awards. Which means I will have to stay off of the blog so that I don't read any spoilers (even though I already know Rob is going to win everything).

RPnKSaddict said...

sho- I've been looking for any info on the red carpet coverage too. So far all I've found is the mtv link Goz posted.
I want to see interviews.

margot said...

thank you Gozde :)
I will not watch this anyway because it starts 2.30 am for me and have to get up at 7

RPnKSaddict said...

Thanks for once agian being on top of things again Gozde. Hugs!!

marya said...

HAHAHA thats so funny how they painted a sign where it says the time it starts lol it looks soo cheap...
i dont know if anybody saw it but i posted alink where it says (in spanish) theyll be streaming the awards live...
dont know if itll work but hopefully it does!!
fingers crossed...:D

Anonymous said...

hopefully this link is gonna work when everything starts:
and I think were going to see red carpet interviews to:)
And x17online is gonna be on the red carpet to:

rpattzdude said...

O M E ! Thank you thank you i love you thank you for this im stunned :D love you you have saved my day, my week but most of all my month best finish of the month

monika said...

oh man,when this whole thing starts,it'll be 2 am where I live and I have to get up around 7 am to go to work,no productivity from me tomorrow I guess.

JohannaL said...

Another Rob paperdoll:

RPnKSaddict said...

Thanks to all for the links!
Robsessed rules!!

showme said...

oh thanks stefani!

WinWin said...

Godze, thanks so much. I don't think MTV has the red carpet show before the awards, so this it way cool. I also saw that they have this really cool 360 cam for the stars to have fun with.

A/la, we are so ready for hot and bothered. We've praticed it quite a bit in the last 2 weeks.

DS, how the hell are you honey? What's shaking. I missed you on here.

monika said...

Mark Malkin

'OOPS! Taylor lautner fans will be the ones probably getting more hot and bothered by new moon trailer. Sorry 'bout that.'

marya said...

thanks stefani...your link looks more legitimate than mine lol

WinWin said...

Thanks, Stefani. Hopefully when I come back from the movies with my kids there'll still be something to watch.

Showme, did you sleep at all last night? How are you? I just wanted to apologize for be a little rough with you on your RK stuff. Peace.

Really gotta go. Munchkins are getting restless. Later all. oxoxoxo

margot said...

hmm... they apparently show wolfpack / Taycob muscles in the trailer and no matter how hot this boy looks he's still too young ... and I don't really think his shirtless pics could leave so many speachless

monika said...

here you can read what is gonna be in the NM trailer(details from someone who's seen it)

that's why I kinda don't look forward to the trailer. can't stand that mini hulk on steroids,but the tweens will surely love it.

showme said...

this tweet has all the links to the live stuff i think

marya said...

taylor fans will maybe be the ones getting hot and bothered...
but we aaall know who's gonna win all of the awards...:D:D

showme said...

oh win, no worries, not at all.

i didn't even think you were being rough...LOL...just giving me my fair do.. (i can take it, i'm a big girl :)

showme said...

i think taylor lautner is precious, but totally in that teen way...he does absolutely NOTHING for me sexually (bc altho i like hot 20-somethings, 16 yr olds, not so much LOL, and like we said last night, how he's gonna pull off eclipse is beyond me)

margot said...

hmmm ... Edward is too cold brrrr, Taylor is too young and Jacob is to hot sssssssss ... so I choose ... Rob 36,6 C

wasn't diff to choose

margot said...


margot said...

showme ... Taylor is 18 I think ?

showme said...

just checking. something weird just happened when i tried to post

Jala said...

It works! Yay!!

Thanks Goz.

showme said...

i think he was 16 when he made Twi, but he might be 18 by now, i dunno...too young anyway LOL

monika said...

he's 17:p he has zero appeal to me. first cause he's just a kid,second he looks ridiculous with his baby face and over defined body,really bad combination,third he comes off as quite a cocky guy and he hasn't done anything to earn the right to act that way.

Anonymous said...

Taylor is 17 now. I don't find him attractive at all, but that doesn't mean that I don't think he is a good looking guy, because he is! But I find him pretty uninteresting, nothing special at all...

Bootstrap Intern said...

I like Taylor. I think he's a cute kid having good time with all of this. I haven't ever seen him to be cocky or arrogant. He seems a like a happy kid.

Anonymous said...

monika: Yeah he comes off as a bit cocky, remember the tyra show interview?! I didn't like the way he acted there... I definitley think that this fame thing can go to his head and that he can become more cocky...

Jala said...

He didn't seem cocky to me, just extremely self-confident. I don't think they are the same things.

And his self-confidence makes Rob with his shyness and lack of confidence even more attractive when they're side by side.

I think Taylor played his part well in Twi, small as it was.

He does nothing for me though. No interest at all.

Sara Tavares said...

i think taylor is self-confident because he´s a martial arts guy
this isn´t a bad thing IMHO

Redgie said...

"Living outside of US sucks once again..."

Couldn't agree with you more Gozde, couldn't agree more..

MandyW said...

I agree that Taylor sometimes comes across as cocky, although that doesn't mean he actually is. Taylor does absolutely nothing for me though, that is totally Rob's job.

margot said...

taylor - self confident or cocky for Jacob - perfect !

for me ? zero hormones, no appeal, kid ... has he ever said Anything interesting or witty ?

anna F said...

Hello ladies!

Well, I'm not sure that' I'll still be up at 2 am to try to watch the awards... We'll see...

Taylor isn't my cup of tea from what I've seen in interviews, just the general vibe doesn't do it for me (it may be the age too, but I don't think so). Now that he has these massive muscles, I don't find him physically cute like I thought in twilight. I hope that he'll loose some muscles after the twilight saga, unless he still grows more, his figure is not right somehow -to my taste I guess LOL.

I guess the trailer will not have me sighting...

margot said...

I disgust so much muscular guys ... enough is enough and too much is too much

Anonymous said...

yeah taylor definitley has to much muscles now, not my taste... But I can see though that many others finds that attractive.
BTW i found this site:
I read that they are maybe going to show the awards there to:)

margot said...

It seems to me that we have created one nice community here :)))))

anna F said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
anna F said...

So, Do you think that twilight will really bring that many awards home?

I really hope for Rob at breakthrough, I don't really see anyone else (Dev Patel?).

The others seem more difficult...

I have big hopes for Best kiss - it would be so lovely to see both of them embarassed! (I am so mean to them)

I have my doubts about best fight... and best song (but I don't really like the other nominees either LOL).

Kristen has a lot of competition, and her performance is not applauded by all twiligth fans either...

As for best film... there certainly is healthy competition there! I would actually pick batman...

(PS: I have not seen slumdog millionair)

Suz said...

Watching GOF and waiting anxiously for Pre-Show at 7.

Hoping for some red carpet goodies.

Preparing myself for the onslaught of pic saving tomorrow..

hmm, might need a (love)sick day.

Happy viewing everyone!

RedCarpet Suz, wearing a classic black cocktail dress with plunging neckline, black seamed stocking.. etc.. etc.

monika said...

# "Friends" of Rob just arrived with a bunch of clothing for Rob to try for the MTV movie awards tonight!!about 2 hours ago from web

# Rob Pattinson's dressers just left. So he must be almost ready! His limo is waiting so the time is near! Wish me luck!!24 minutes ago from web

# False alarm! That's the problem with limos, they all look alike!!7 minutes ago from web

Anonymous said...

annaF: I think twilight is going to do pretty well, they have lots of fans, not sure about the best movie award though, slumdog have a big shot at that one I think. I really hope rob wins for breakthrough performance:) And rob och Kris for best kiss hehe:P But I think they're gonna be to embaressed to actually kiss there on stage like other actors have done earlier years, but yeah who knows:P

margot said...

Slumdog Millionaire is a revelation !

best fight from Twilight was the Worst Fight

this is us who is obsessed so I have no f*** idea what and who will win, even Rob or kis ... I'm blinded and have no objective view

Shani said...

I've been getting a little jittery. I've been to the MTV site and saw Catherine on the legendary bed. Had to leave that kind of creeped me out. Now I'm reading "Stay". Nothing like FF crack to calm the nerves.
Be back later.:))

Lizalou said...

Bottle of wine chilling: check

Errands all completed: check

Dogs taken for long walk: check

Let's get the show on the road already!!! ;p

anna F said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jala said...

anna F - slumdog is a great movie.

From an objective viewpoint, I think it should win.

I even gave it a couple of votes during the many times I was on there voting.

Shani said...

Oh before I go I want to say I saw Slum Dog it was really good. So they may win for best movie. I hope K&R win for best kiss but you never now. Likewise for best breakout male. We just have to wait and see.

Does anybody know what category is first??? I mean how long do we have to wait until we see our man going up on stage???

anna F said...

@ margot:
LOL, I know that slumdog millionaire has quite a few "fans".
I know only one person who has seen it, and she did not like it (and she is the arthouse movie type!). Different tastes!

Hell, we saw star trek and found it not that great either (well, she found it bad, me only not good, we still saw worse though).
Clearly, there is no movie that will please everyone!

And yes, we are not objective, we want to see Rob win!

Lizalou said...

Btw, how exciting, but nerve-wracking at the same time, it must be for Rob right now.
Knowing that you're in this unbelievably fortunate position to get to experience something like this, but with the realization that an international audience is on the edge of their seats, waiting just to see YOU!

I betcha he's downing a few cocktails right now....

MandyW said...

I don't mind so much if Twilight doesn't win best movie, but Rob definitely needs to win all his categories, esp breakout performance or best kiss.

showme said...


i was trying to avoid this but i have to go over to my college roommate's house for dinner. we planned it along time ago before i realized about the MTV awards, and i wasn't going to call her and just pretend i forgot and apologize profusely, but she called me....

and now i have to go. and she wants me to come at 6:30. i'm going to try to be back here by 9, but i'll miss the whole damn red carpet, and finding out who kristen came with

i'll be here later on though...


MandyW said...

I am definitely only watching to see Rob. Can't hardly wait.

anna F said...

@ Lizalou: I can picture him needing a few drinks too, but he needs to stay sober enough for the evening still... Poor guy! Lucky US to get to see him (well, lucky you in the US for tonight).

showme said...

oh and everyone better be capturing screen captures and shit for me....!!!!!!!!!

esp if he looks like RomeRob or SexDrive Rob!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lizalou said...

Fock! That sucks, Sho. Thank god for youtube, eh?

MandyW said...

I'm sorry Showme, at least we know you'll be here in spirit.

Shani said...

Lizalou- Nick and Steph are probably trying to hide the booze. He may be at one of their houses. I know I would be taking nap knocked the fuck out. It's still a long way to go. And I know that long ass plane ride plus his nerves. He's probably dead to the world.

anna F said...

Poor Showme... Ah, what's with real life always bothering us ;_;

MandyW said...

Does anyone know what time the red carpet stuff starts?

showme said...

shani, i've been reading Stay today and last nite too! just finished the sex chapter...damn that was good...

I could also care less if Twi wins best pic...that would be a very untrue win...bc most of the others are WAY better

i agree the only 2 that matter are rob for best breakthru and best kiss

also, i'd like paramore to win bc i love that song

Lizalou said...

Some guy is either bullshittin' or he lives across the street from where Rob is staying right now... he's bitching on twitter about the paps in his driveway.

showme said...

thanks guys... :(

i also told leann to tell all y'all later on that i'm not avoiding being here if Kris is with Mike ROFLMAO

i'll be ready to accept my proper tongue-lashings....

MandyW said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the song.

anna F said...

Agreed, I would actually sort of internally cringe if twilight won best movie... Well, there's is always HSM3 nominated too right? Now that would be worse LOL

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

After last week's shirtless pics fiasco all over the net...I'm pretty sure Rob will be handling tonight well. As far as awards...I really don't think he gives a sh*t if he wins or least not MTV Awards. I have a sneaking suspicion that were they not debuting the trailer...he may have opted out of going. At least there is not a huge red carpet event going on because he hates those.

showme said...

oh that's funny Liza...

he seems real about it. like shocked and pissed...


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Showme - You know it will all be in good fun here on the blog no matter what happens tonight. I would never think you wouldn't show up to jump in the middle of it! We couldn't do it without you!!! :)

showme said...

they say he's at a small hotel in homey neighborhood in Weho so that other guy could be true.

Lizalou said...

KK - everything is handled better after a drink or two, even after Cannes ;p Rob knows this, and he hates the red carpet. I bet Steph and Nick are chasing him around the house trying to get the bottle of Jack out of his hand.

*imagines Rob in boxer-briefs taking swigs of Jack while ducking and running*

MandyW said...

KK- I agree that if Rob had his way, he would tottaly skip tonight. He is so not into this sort of thing.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I kind of hate's like everything else...too easy to make sh*t up.

Jala said...

Rob for best breakthrough and R/K for best kiss. Those are my hopes.

Don't care about best fight or movie, Song was Ok, but I don't know the others except Jai Ho which I kind of liked.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Lizalou - *imagines Rob in boxer-briefs taking swigs of Jack while ducking and running*

Oh. My. God. This is totally happening right now. He may even have an IV directly running the Jack.

Anonymous said...

this is going to be one hell of a night for rob:P imagine all the screaming fans when he arrives, so much focus is going to be on him on this years show I think (what a difference a year make, remember last years movie awards?! no one barerly knew who he was) but he must be pretty used to it by now though... I hope he gets a fun night:) and wins his prize!

MandyW said...

Lizalou... What, are you trying to kill me, if I start picturing that I won't be able to breathe. DAMN, too late.

showme said...

Thanks KK LOL...

there's actually a long red carpet at the MTV Awards but it's not as wide open, more like closed. i don't know how to put that right. only one side taking pics. other side is a wall...

and LOL anna, HSM3 would be WAY worse to win...for the love of God!

and i personally think Kate Winslet should win for best actress but u know...

AND if Kris shows up with Mike tonight i hope she never...i mean...i can't....i can't even talk about dare she deny my rob what he wants! LOL

Lizalou said...


Sorry girl, I gotta share the insanity with someone ;p Might as well be all of you!

Shani said...

Lizalou- That fool right there is going to need a new liver with all ridiculous amount of alcohol in his fridge.LOL

Who knows, RP is somewhere out there close to somebody???


The guy is having a alcohol induced vivid dream.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Showme - We'll be here for you either way. Breathe, babe. :)

Jala said...

Got to go now. Hope I don't miss all the fun.

Somebody squee for me when Rob wins.

showme said...

it's funny. i think rob might be completely at ease tonight...who knows? he could be like...ehhh..been there done that

but lol, probably not. i'm sure he would skip it if he could but now way summit would let him.

and i'm damn glad they're not! LOL

*loves image of him in boxer briefs drinking jack*

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Shani - I thought the same thing when I saw his Twitter!!!!

MandyW said...

Oh yeah, we are all insane... but loving every minute of it.

Lizalou said...


How 'bout image of boxer-briefs, drinking Jack and then lighting cigarette?

Oh, and I bet he's nice and scruffy right now...


Anonymous said...

Liza- the hotel is on a side street off the main Blvd. This Twitter dude prob. lives on a side street near a side exit, because the rest of thew block is all businesses.

MandyW said...

Bye Jalarag

MandyW said...

Nobody smokes as sexily as Rob!

showme said...

Thanks KK...i'm breathing. In/Out

it's just that i'll have to start fantasizing about him with someone else...bc i have to fantasize about him doing naughty naughty things with someone, and it can't be me bc that's just too embarassing and pass-out worthy, and so who the hell can i replace her with??? No one is good enough for him! parumph

showme said...

oh yes, Liza, killing me softly with those sweet images....

then he proceeds to get dressed up as RomeRob and they play that Verve Pipe song on Leann's utube video as he walks down the red carpet...and my life is complete LOL

showme said...

ok, i'm gonna try to take a quick nap b4 having to go to my friend's house bc i know i'll be up all night here LOL

see u guys later....

Lizalou said...

Ah Christ, did you have to say RomeRob? It's impossible to get any hotter than RomeRob. You know how they say not to look into the sun? Well damn, the same thing happened to me when I looked at RomeRob and my eyesight has never been the same.

New image thought: RomeRob/boxer-briefs/scruffy unshaven/bottle of Jack/cigarette.


MandyW said...

Bye Showme- have fun at dinner tonight.

Shani said...

Yep, he'll call some of his LA drinking buddies and be drunk by the end of the night. The award show+Paris+screaming fans= drunkness and major ass hangover.

Lizalou said...

Bye Sho!! Happy Rob dreams during the napper ;p

MandyW said...

Only one word comes to mind, Lizalou, to that discription. HOTDAMN. That's one word, right?

Shani said...

Bye Show- Just make up an excuse and leave early. Hell, tell her your cramping. She will definitely understand that.

Anonymous said...

*Raises hand to volunteer as one of Rob's La drinking buddies.*

I can throw it down.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Lizalou - Okay, even I'm weakening my resolve with that description.

Again, ladies, don't get your hopes up. I'm only human. :)

MandyW said...

Figured one of these days you might finally come around.We'll convert you yet.

Lizalou said...

KK - might a swig of Jack be all that you need to come over fully to the darkside? ;p
Come on, there's certainly room for one more...

RPnKSaddict said...

Hi every one just watchin the live feed and checkin in here to see if every one is as buzzed as I am.
I can't wait to see Rob and Kristen. I can't imagine what it must feel like to know your the most anticipated people being watched for.

MandyW said...

Oh, hubby is home gotta go spend some time with him before tonight's Robfest.

Anna said...

I am so hating the fact that I am in Europe right now. Not only do I not get to watch Rob tonight, but I KNOW it will screw up my whole day tomorrow, because let's face it, I won't be able to do anything until I've watched the whole thing 5 times and read all the comments in here. Which should take, yeah, about the whole day. Grrrr, I curse the day I became Robsessed.
(no, no, I don't mean it! I take it back!)

That said - fingers crossed for Rob tonight! I don't care about Twilight, I just want Rob to win his categories. Just so I get to see him up on the stage being all cute and awkward :))

Shani said...

KK- One day it will hit you and you'll be putty in Robs glorious hands.

A/LA- Hell, you just might be able to do that. Keep track on twitter and ride out to the bar when word comes.

Lizalou said...

And while i'm on a dizzy, silly roll here...let's kick the image up a notch and make it even better:

RomeRob/boxer-briefs/scruffy-unshaven/bottle of Jack/cigarette


he puts the Jack bottle down, keeps the ciggie in the mouth and picks up an acoustic guitar...

Hrm.... Ok. I'm done. Need to find oxygen tank...

blackbird said...

Definitely best breakthrough male performance and best kiss...

None of the other actors ever generated such interest or heat!

Shani said...

Lizalou- Golden!!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Lizalou - "Room for one more" as in the Twilight episode where the elevator crashed???? Yeah...that's not what I'm going for...:D

Gemgirl65 said...

Lizalou, I have already opened the bottle of chilled wine, is that bad?

If I were attracted to Taylor, I would seriously be worried about myself, stumbling into Mary Kay LeTourneau territory there.

BTW, MTV is showing the 5 seconds of Edward and Bella kissing from the trailer before every. single. commercial. break. I think they know upon which side their bread is buttered.

I don't expect Twilight to win everything; there's probably a lot of backlash to the hype at this point. I really want Rob to win breakthrough male, though; and honestly, they should win best kiss, because that is one of the best slow-mo lead-ins to a kiss every filmed. And then there's the lip twitch. *fans self*

I think Kate Winslet might win for best female...and I couldn't begrudge her, she's awesome. Period.

RPnKSaddict said...

Lmao about Rob and Jack..too funny. but probably true. Hell I'd be haveing a few if I were him.

Anonymous said...

Shani- haha. Where's the party?

His hotel has an awesome bar. You need to be buzzed in to get into that place, though. I think you need to be special.

I can't believe they time delay it here. So annoying. I wanna watch.

RPnKSaddict said...

I want Rob to get breakthrogh male, and the kiss award would be nice to.
I'll be mad if Taylor gets it for a bleeping two minutes in the movie.I like Taylor just fine, but this was not his movie.

Lizalou said...

Oh geezus, now I have this image in my head of a drunken, boxer-brief clad Rob playing guitar and singing "I was broken" while Steph and Nick stand there wringing their hands wondering what to do.

haha ;p

Gemgirl65 said...

Little Bear, LOL at your whole post! I agree, I wanna see Rob have to accept as many awards as humanly possible, and endure a massive explosion of hormonal overdrive when he walks down the red carpet...because I LOVE to watch him all nervous and weirded out, running his hands through his hair, eyebrows racing for his hairline, stammering about how he doesn't understand it...I LOVE that shiz!

Is it wrong that I enjoy seeing Rob sweat?

RPnKSaddict said...

Liza- thanks for the hot pic in my of Rob in his undies with a cig and a guitar. damn I don't even like smoking.

Lizalou said...

As far as the awards are concerned, I think other movies are far more deserving than Twilight.
But I'd like to see Rob and Twilight win as many awards as possible for only one, selfish reason: more Rob air-time!
In the long run, the Mtv awards don't mean a damned thing for him career-wise.

Shani said...

Leann- I trust and believe on Kate winning best female.

RPnKSaddict said...

Leann- Your like the rest of us that simply just want to see Rob. Most of the time the situations in which we can are ones like tonight.

anna F said...

@ LB:

I know what you mean... At least it is shown on mtv uk tonight (very late...) to my knowledge.

MTV france is it later, I don't remember when (with a weird french voicover probably... Luckily, youtube exists!)

anna F said...

@ Leann
"Is it wrong that I enjoy seeing Rob sweat?"
I look forward to best kiss just for that reason... I love his shy, awkward, "I don't understand..." moments!

RPnKSaddict said...

Amen to more Rob airtime.!!

margot said...

don't worry about Rob tonight, he'll be in a very good mood:

he has just survived showing his nekkid body to a crowd of strangers plus having zillion secret photo taken

they caused the internet jammned and collapsed for a while and we drop dead spreachless like dead flies all over the world and across the all existing time zones

finished with the insanity of NM and TwiMadness

spent long hours with KStew without us

BTW have anyone of you visited toilet in the business class ? are they small or the opposite? ppl pay for comfort one mile high above the ground...

anna F said...

But who knows, a more confident and flirty Rob would be very welcomed too...
Any Rob is welcomed ;_;

Lizalou said...


Nothing wrong at all with already breaking into the vino! I was considering popping a beer open myself :)

I've just come to the realization that although I'd like to have the opportunity to get to know Rob - deep, soulful conversations and all of that jazz - I think I'd be content with a night of partying if that's all I could get.
I bet he's a damned good time.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I'm looking forward to awkward "WTH is the big deal about me?" Rob. Definitely.

Gemgirl65 said...

yes, AnnaF, any Rob is welcome! Even if he becomes media savvy, suave and confident...inside he will still be Rob, and Rob is a good person at heart.

Margot, LOL at everything you said! Dead flies...indeed. Rob crashed the internet with his naked torso. THAT, my friends, is one powerful bit of flesh.

'bit of flesh'....okay....

I'm taking off for a bit to get some things done before the Big Show. I probably won't be online until it's over. Have fun my's to Rob! *raises wine glass and hopes there's enough wine left to get me through the rest of the evening*

RPnKSaddict said...

bye leann ditto for me too. I have to came back later for reactions, again my curiosity rules me.

RPnKSaddict said...

KK- love your RomeRob avi.

Mechevpao said...

I generally hate MTV awords, they are so cheap, but since Ron is going to be there, he is giving me a reason to be exited about it.. I can´t wait to see him, hope he will take all the awords, just to him getting into the stage over and over again... I´m exited about the trailer, I avoided reading details about it but it was enough to read about Taylor... I assume there will be scene with him shirtless and iiikk.. I know the boy worked hard but he is a kid, the idea of seeing a kid trying to pull up his sexapeal isn´t hot at all... Now shirtless Rob is another matter, to bad, those scenes won´t make into the cut of this first trailer

Lizalou said...

He's on his way!

Lizalou said...

Apparently this guy was being honest as he's just posted a pic of the paps outside of his house.

He said that Rob left.

Anonymous said...

x17online it's on the red carpet at 3:30 pm, it's soon:)

Stacy said...

Hi ladies! Just checking in for a few...

margot said...


can anyone of you do me a favour ? I will be sleeping during the show (it's 3-5am here and not on tv, cannot record it), I will download the show to moorow afternoon ...
I would appreciate if anybody remembered and sent me the results concernig Rob and Twilight (or anything interesting) - there is my mail in my profile...


Stacy said...

So where are the twitter accounts coming from? I'm figuring Rob will be one of the last to arrive, hoping to avoid some of the craziness.

I can't decide if I'm gonna try to watch the live feeds or just follow thru here ... live feeds never work for me!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Stacy - Hi! Are you ready for all of this??? (you know what I mean!)

Lizalou said...

Do you suppose he's banging Kstew in the limo on the way there? You know, just to take the edge off...


Sorry, I couldn't resist... I just think the speculation is too amusing.

Hi Stacy!

WinWin said...

Back from the movies. I've got the MTV live feed going and I am cracking up. I have no idea what I am looking at ot who??? LMAO. WTH am I doing????

Stacy said...

KK - No, I am so hoping KS brings MA in a metaphorical finger to all the rumor mongoring.

And I would love to know why people are so sure they know what Rob wants, etc.

I am looking forward to seeing a slightly more confident Rob, but still humble and amazed.

Am I the only totally freaked out by the fact that people know when he's leaving? I still can't imagine he'll arrive that early ...

Liza ... NO. He's too tired out from banging Steph all day! ;)

Sophia Z.86 said...

Yiiipeee! It is almost time...

I am heading to the shower, then I will eat something and get ready for the show...

get ready to be HOT AND BOTHERED!

margot said...

@ Lizalou
bad, bad girl, this is sooo wrong *spank*
you deserved the riding crop bb !

we both - diagnosis = too much FF

Stacy said...

Oh, and I'd like to say that I have NO PROBLEM fantasizing about being with Rob, lol. Fantasizing about him with someone else is what's ... odd to me!

WinWin said...

Hi, Stacy, KK and LizaLou and Margot. Did I miss anyone??? Not sure if I can stay up for this. Going to make a pot of coffee.

Stacy said...

Win, where are you at?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Lizalou - Yeah, Kristen is going to pull an Angelina Jolie when Angelina said that she and Billy Bob f*cked in the limo on the way to the awards. HAHAHAHAHA

Mechevpao said...

that twit acount let me feeling sad, how do they knwo where he is staying, that paps ara camping, they even said that people got inside his house with the clothes he is going to wear, uuuuhhhhh that is too much info..

Stacy said...

To mention something other then wanting to see Rob hotness ...

I am really nervous about the trailer. I know the fanatics are gonna pitch a fit if Taylor's in it more then Rob (even tho Jacob is a central point of the book and they can't seem to understand that) and I am REALLY anxious to get a better feel for KS's acting. She has to bring the emotion this time, or no matter how many good things CW has done, it will suck.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

WinWin - Yeah, this is gonna be a long night. I plan on watching online and writing at the same time. It is sooooo not going to work.

WinWin said...

I'm in NY, Long Island to be exact. the burbs.

I think the RK stuff is a result of too much ff. especially the lemony ones. BUt I have to admit I prefer the RK ones versus Bella and Edward ones. That's just messing to much with my head.

Stacy, where are you?

Stacy said...

I'm really surprised that Rob is at a hotel and not at either Steph or what's his faces house. I would think he'd have more privacy there.

Poor guy needs his own place!

Mechevpao said...

Hahahaaa.. KK, if Kristen pulls that out.. she´ll become my hero hahaa

Stacy said...


I'm in boring as hell Iowa, lol. So the time works for me, I guess.

See, I love BxE fanfics, but the all human ones. I don't care for vamp fics, cause that's messing with stuff to me, lol.

Lizalou said...

Hey there, Win.

Ouch, margot! ;p

Stacy, you're most definitely right. After all of those sexssions with Steph today, I bet he's cool, calm and collected on the red carpet tonight! Kstew who?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

We do have to remember that the Bella/Jacob story is the heart of this book as the triangle is built. Rob himself said that the building of this triangle as real is crucial. I'm not surprised that the trailer may be heavy on Jacob because that's the way the book is. Whether we like it or not, Bella does fall in love with Jacob in NM. This is what makes certain scenes in Eclipse so powerful.

WinWin said...

Agree, if KS pulls that she is awesome. SHe is the only one in her age group with guts not to conform. That's why I dig her.

WinWin said...

I'm waiting for Beatle like hysteria. Where can we see red carpet interviews? I haven't watched one of these since 2002.

Stacy said...

Liza - Exactly. He is well relaxed and satisfied now, I'm sure.

KK - completely agree, altho I do think that (and I'm sure we all agree) the love Bella feels for Jacob in NM is more family -like, and that the love triangle actually only exists in Jacob and Edward's heads. But Jacob is obviously crucial, and really, I loved the middle of the book, because Jacob helps make Bella who she is. He is a central part of her learning just how strong she can be, how much she can survive, AND how much she loves Edward.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Hey, btw, I read in the National Enquirer (waiting in a long line at Walgreen's) that Kristen supposedly told an "insider" that it was good that Rob was interested in her romantically because it made building chemistry easier. Doubt K would have said that so flippantly.

Stacy said...


I agree. I'm not a huge KS fan, but I do admire that about her, and that's why I can see her making a statement tonight, if she can. But MA is filming, so who even knows if he can get away.

Stacy said...

Here's what I don't get: how do we know Rob is interested in her? I mean, yeah, he said all that stuff last year and he may have had a crush on her, but I dunno why people assume he wants her now.

It's not like she's the only one he proposed too, lmao!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Stacy - Oh, I never meant to imply that the love she feels is the same as the love she feels for Edward. But she does realize in Eclipse that there is more than friendship there. It just shows that there are different kinds of love, but no love is stronger than that of absolute soulmates.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yeah, if MA can't make it, that would be a bummer. I think people are waiting for K to PROVE that she's not with Rob. These people don't have anything to prove because they don't give a sh*t about all this speculation. Why do any of them need to prove anything to world?

Stacy said...

KK- I totally get what you meant. And honestly, what you just said is why I think so many "older fans" love the books - because we actually have the experience to understand what Bella's going thru.

Stacy said...


It will be a bummer, because the shippers are going to assume the worst, and there could be a million reasons why he's not there. If he isn't, I hope it's explained. None of this is really fair to him or Kristin.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Furthermore, some read into every move by R, K and MA as them methodically proving or disproving that anything is going on between any of them (R and M????'t mean that. Mikebert?). This supposes that they are actually giving any of these rumors a second thought, which I don't think they are.

Stacy said...


I agree. Let's just hope MA is there and that will help:)

Ok ladies, I will be back in about half an hour, after I do the whole dinner thing!

Lizalou said...

I have serious issues with the Bella/Jacob thing; the forced kiss; her inability to move on with her life; the fact that she had no goals for the future, etc. etc.

But I don't have the energy to debate it now. Right now, I'm just waiting for the sexy shyguy to appear and that's all I care about ;p

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I did just read some comments on another blog. One commentor said that she lives a few blocks from MA and saw Kristen leaving this morning. Another said, "You liar! You can't possibly know this. No way was Kristen with Michael last night!"

Personally, I don't believe either of them, but this just goes to show how passionate these folks are.

WinWin said...

BTW, Stacy and KK, I caved I know the ending. I'm so human. Glad I found out. But it might have the other effect on me though being too prepared and thinking about it too much.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Liz - It was a forced kiss, but Bella felt something. As for Jacob...Stephanie should've written in an Edward smackdown of Jacob. I think that would've been realistic. He didn't have to kill Jacob just scare the shit out of him. There is a FF where Edward does this, and it's freakin' awesome!!!

WinWin said...

If Rob shows up with that Erika chick, that would end it all. lol. Being bad again.

At least there is live music on this live feed.

WinWin said...

I'll be right back, gotta feed my kids.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

This is kind of great, you guys. I feel like I'm watching this all with friends. :)))))))))))

CullenGal09 said...

HI LADIES!!! The BIG DAY has arrived. Won't be long now! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

Hi KK! Hi Win! How is everyone? Missed you all a lot this weekend-but i had to get on here before the show- i mean come on, this is going to be too cool!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

WinWin - I thought about this Erika chick last night. Wouldn't that just about cause armaggedon????? Damn.

CullenGal09 said...

All i have to say is, they better no have him seated for real by Ebola Hilton. Talk about a smackdown-:p That walking case of VD better keep her distance from Robward. Heifer!

Anonymous said...

Hey people, I'm much to lazy to go down to see if anyone posted about this, but if you live in canada(like me :D), or somewhere where you can't see the MTV videos, download Hotspot Sheild. It blocks your IP address, so that you can watch videos and stuff. I wish i had heard of this sooner. lol
Now I'm going to go back to watching the red carpet =D

CullenGal09 said...

KK-LOL No-Armageddon will be if he's sitting by Ebola.

Lizalou said...

Eh, KK, the forced kiss just felt too much like a "no means yes" kind of scenario for me. You don't need a man to force himself on you in order to realize your true feelings for him.
But, i'm straying into debate territory with that so i'll leave it alone ;p

Hi CG!!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Cassandra! Thanks for that. Many robsessors will appreciate it i have no doubt.

anna F said...

My view of new moon's storyline:

Actually, I have never considered new moon being about about Bella and Jacob (romance)... To me, the main focus was Bella going through loss and total depression and being slowly pulled from it (and then fighting to save her love in the end). I believe I have never even considered Jacob as competition while reading, I was just waiting for Bella to feel better and/or Edward to return - because of Twilight and the way the Bella-Edward love is described there.

That's why all these mentions of a "love triangle" weirded me out in the ET coverage, because I dont really see it in the books...

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Liza! How are you? I'm so excited-i've been so looking forward to tonight-i'm just-woo hoo! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Anna. interesting point.

CullenGal09 said...

The only thing that will put a damper on tonight is like i said-Ebola Hilton sitting by robbie. That walking VD case needs to keep AWAY from him-i can't stand that no talent, no class wench!!!

Lizalou said...

CG, i'm good - was on a bit of a roll earlier but i've calmed down marginally :)

I'm excited to watch this and be on here at the same time - can't wait for all of our responses to seeing him! Its nearly as exciting as the awards.

CullenGal09 said...

I see i'm not the only one who hates Ebola Hilton. Good! Robsessors know a skank when they see on.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Anna - I didn't see any competition, but I think Bella's feelings toward Jacob further clarified her feelings for Edward. There is an interesting ff called "Atlas Shrugged" that examines what may have happened if Edward did freak out when Jacob and Bella kissed (because Bella felt a little something). It's a great ff. Edward doesn't go after Jacob, but he has a sort of breakdown and doesn't care if he lives or dies.

CullenGal09 said...

I know-i plan on trying to stay on, and blog as i can-i have to run into the guest room where the pc is though. I'll be running back and forth-but i'll be wired anyhow, so it's ok. Wish i had a laptop though. Gott get one soon! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

KK-hi again. Good ff story plot-that's a way to go.

Lizalou said...

Am I the only one that thinks Rob either: A. won't give a shit; or B. will get a kick out of it - if they sit that valtrex - popping, toxic-snatch, famewhore (Ms. Paris Hoebag) next to him?

DD said...

Hi ladies: I see everyone is getting ready for tonite. I popped in to see what's happening and I see that Paris H may be sitting beside Rob - WTF!

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