The Whole Scene - Shirtless Robward

A big thanks to [info]brandnewluv in [info]pattinsonlife, and

If those pants slid a little more we could see FULL moon on New Moon :) Oh No I didn't!
Oh YES I did :))


Nicky said...

Glad they kissed (not in book)....BRING ON THE HEAT!!!!!

margot said...

holly crap ...

Latebloomer said...

Is it possible that I get the honor of being the first to post???

OMG... loving shirtless Rob... loving the deltoids, the pecs, the biceps.

Holy Sparkly Torso!!!!

I hate that KS gets to run up and kiss that... is that wrong?

but honestly... how stupid did he feel stepping out that door with his shirt off? Do you suppose he was thinking about all the blogs that were gonna go haywire today?

Oh... and as if we needed more fuel to the fire... let's hope Rob keeps up the workouts and gets just a tad more chiseled so he can really sport that spray-on tan Commanche style later this year!!!!


lulusfolie said...

mmmmmmmmmmmm love it love it love it!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh sweet god...I can't even muster anything beyond expletives right about now.

marie said...

Whoa there's a whole lot of kissing going on.....I'm feeling just a tad bit envious. Rob looks gorgeous!

Kathy#1 said...

Ok, it just keeps getting better and better Goz....thank's for making us refresh and refreshed!! Squeeeeellll!

Alinutza Cris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Irish Pattinson Dornan said...

God Just WOW...i am lost for words, Bring on November

Kathy#1 said...

Funny you should say that about the blogs - maybe that's why the earlier pictures had him smiling constantly. He did look like he knew a secret.....

Yvonne said...

I haven't watched the video yet....I feel gulty....

Anonymous said...

im so drained from today

showme said...



showme said...

A/LA .... LOL

me, too, girl, me too....

i feel like i'm in the 'after-sex' glow, and i didn't even have sex...

this is the effect our boy has on me...

marya said...

you know the fan made poster that we saw months ago...the one with edward and a half opened shirt...
everyone laughed at that but actually it wast too far off!!
good gracious...what i would give to see rob working out those pecs...hmmm

Alinutza Cris said...

this was the perfect way to get over manchester united's defeat against barcelona in champions league final.
Holy Mother of God and of all that is saint! :-o i'm getting hot! and it's not the weather...
my mom must NOT see this pics :))
can't wait till november :-<

monika said...

probs gonna get stick for saying this but that scene from the book made me roll my eyes,I mean that's quite an uncreative and pansy way of provoking Volturi into killing you imo.

showme said...

i love seeing the curve of his ass from the side in those ones...

he does have an ass...remember we were talking about that the other day LOL

MandyW said...

I don't like a man who is just a big hulking pile of muscles, Rob has the perfect combonation. SEXY!!

showme said...

oh monika LOL...

remember, alice says edward is 'theatrical'...

he asked them to kill him. they said no.

crazylife said...

OMG OMG that is all I keep saying.... Can you imagine what that was like for him? Knowing that all the woman in the world wanted to see that shot? It did live up to expectations!!! Yes, Kristen got to run up and kiss that hunk of a man! Jealous!

LovetheLips said...

OMG - the close-up with his open mouth coming in to kiss her....I'm sooooo jealous.....

crazylife said...

I meant women I did try to edit too

Anonymous said...


Emily said...

Hmm...Robward goes commando. Good to know.
I don't want to see the whole scene yet so I'm going to skip the vids...gonna save that for the big screen but the still shots are breathtaking.

showme said...

i just changed my icon...let's see if it shows LOL

Sara said...

I'm still stoked by the setting.
The location scout really struck gold here!
And I'm loving the extras, cloaks, buildings etc.
I just really think this scene will come across well in the movie.
As much as I have drooled over Rob today, his pants are still fugly as hell and it bothers me. guhhhhhhh.
He needs to be wearing tight black pants! Please costume designer, take a leaf out of Rob's actual clothes.
Gotta say though, Kristen looks gorgeous. Always thought she was beautiful and wow, her ass is amazing(the back dimples are too cute!)!

showme said...

y'all the videos don't show anything

Melissa said...


He is so not wearing any underwear under those pants.

me likey.


Anonymous said...

I keep hitting refresh and there's even more photos. **** Their like the damn energizer bunny. They just keep going and going LOL

Sara said...

Showme8900- Oh, it shows alright!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my...oh my...oh my...words not forming....they get better and better....swooning, must go!

showme said...

i like his pants...their nice dress wool pants. those are good edward ones...

annycullen said...

wish i was her.. ugh, so hot! can't wait to see it in theatres!

Sara said...

Monika- Yes! I thought it was so funny how he decided to ~sparkle~ instead of like lifting a car over his head.

Much more pansy way of doing it, but i'm kinda glad, cos it'll translate on screen so well.
The theatrics and drama will be what hooks us ;p

Honey said...

So this is what he's been hiding underneath that wardrobe of his?

Good for him.

Latebloomer- If I had it my way it wouldn't be spray on but what I'll be happy with either I suppose :).

LovetheLips said...

My two boys are playing ball behind me on the floor saying "Mom, watch this, watch this!" Damn, all I want to do is watch THIS...aaaaagggghhhhh!

The play by play of robward taking of his shirt is making me it...

Yvonne said...

His arms look magnificent in those last few pictures. Where his one arm is stretched out to the side. And the make up looks soooo much better. Oh and the kissing, so happy they put that in I can't stand the wait until November....and his back, did I mention his back? Too much, it's WORSE than!

Rachell said...

So delicious...he's so hot, I almost can't stand it!

Meeno said...

Did you all see how Robert was protecting Kristen, holding her and shielding her when they got off balanced and appear to be falling backwards? He was holding on to the door with one hand, while holding Kristen.
He is suchhhhhhhhhh a gentleman is all I can say!!

showme said...

i just changed it again...i'm gonna have a hard time with this

showme said...

no i think this one is better....

Dahlia said...

I am soooooo going to be crying my eyes out!!!!!! I bet it is an absolutely amazing scene!

And as for Rob, you think he can't get any hotter and then he proves you wrong!! Very jealous of Kristen!!

lostinphilly said...

Welcome back, Gozde! We missed you. And what a way to come back; thanks SO much for these pics> BEST...DAY...EVER...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Holy F**king Shirtless Six-pack, Batman!!!!Who knew what was hiding under those shirts. And yes, he DOES have an ass, it's not gone after all!Commando Robward shirtless...I have died and gone to Heaven!Now he looks like the Edward of Fanfiction stories, doesn't he??OMFG, he is just perfection!!!!

showme said...


more good ones
more good ones

dani dani dani post

Unknown said...

OMG. OMG x 2. I'm totally speachless.

Lisa said...

I am also super happy they added some more Edward-Bella makeout sessions. After Edward being gone all movie they need to get it on. Spray-on abs or not, Rob's looking sexy as hell. And even though I'm not normally a KStew fan, she is looking bootylicious in this scene! I can't wait until November!!! I hope it's as amazing as it's starting to look!

showme said...

holy shit.

i swear, when i think i can't breathe anymore....

there're even better ones

Unknown said...

...and then he dragged her to the dark to finish what they started in the sunlight. :DDD That was to die for. That definitely was not in the script - Kristen is laughing her ass off! :DDD You go, Rob!!! Finish what you want to finish!!! :DDD

lostinphilly said...

Welcome back, Gozde! We missed you. And what a way to come back; thanks SO much for these pics> BEST...DAY...EVER...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Holy F**king Shirtless Six-pack, Batman!!!!Who knew what was hiding under those shirts. And yes, he DOES have an ass, it's not gone after all!Commando Robward shirtless...I have died and gone to Heaven!Now he looks like the Edward of Fanfiction stories, doesn't he??OMFG, he is just perfection!!!!

showme said...

oh i'm soooo glad to see these pics of those 2 having fun together filming this scene....

i can't help it. i want it for them.

Lizalou said...

it just occurred to me - this does NOT look like a 17 year old boy in these photos. It looks like a 25 year old man. Hmmmm...
And I love the expression his face when he's starting to take off the blue shirt - it's haunting. He perfectly captured what Edward was feeling at that moment - believing Bella to be dead.

Ellie said...

Welcome back, Goz~~ I missed you, bb! MUAH!





Stacy said...

Good lord!!

OK, so I can't tell if it's just multiple shots, or if there's more then one kiss ... looks like there might be a few there, you know what I mean?

It's hard to tell.

Lizalou said...

showme - HOLY EFF!!! that new link you pasted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! You're right... I thought, how could this get any better and then IT DID!


Stacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Helida said...

Oh my Gosh! Oh my Gosh! Oh my Gosh!!!

I need a drink, a cigarette, a cold shower!!! GOSH!!! This boy is killing me!!! He can't get any sexier. Oh! The curve of his ass... his arms... the six packs... Holly Crap! He's sooooo delicious!!! Heading to the shower...

Latebloomer said...

I think what we're seeing is a run-thru of the scene and then an actual shooting of the scene? Please note man behind Rob in one of the pics bracing him from behind as KS runs into his arms!

Yes those Edward pants are riding low and if you look close... he is commando. At LTT/forum you'll find a closer pic of his torso... and there are PUBES!!!

Just when I was getting a handle on my Robsession... this happens..

Stacy said...

Yeah, she nearly knocked him down, so that's why they had to brace him, lol.

You're right, it prolly is a run thru, but I still wonder if it's just more then one kiss. I think she runs into his arms, hugs him, then he kisses her a few time.

Ms. Hawking said...

I could see all the sequence of pics!!

Rob is AMAZING, he looks veru handsome!
but, his pants, thnks Lord!!

BeCullen said...

I love you. lol

Georgie said...

Thank you and welcome back Gozde!! What a wake up call - how am I ever going to get read to go to work?! I'm gobsmacked so all I can do is just "ditto" to all your emotions!! I'll sneak some close-ups later.

Stacy said...

lainey posted more!

Can someone get them so I can save them?

Mechevpao said...

I´m talking form my grave, today is the day I officially died, what a great way to go seeing Rob shirtless with a body lick that...

I´m happy Kris did he own stunt, I´m happy they kissed (I don´t care the movie to be exactly like the book)

Rob is commando on that scene, there is no denying it hahaha

And Gozde.. I´m really glad you are back!!! we missed you

AustinMamaDrama said...

Oh, I just can't get enough of those low rise pants he has on. Yuuuuuuumy!

Aitch said...

No kidding to post #1

I would LOVE it if NM was going to be an R rated film. I am starting to feel greedy...

Shani said...

I don't know why,but I am singing WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS in my head right now. LMAO

Anonymous said...

Oh my! that is all that I can say about it. I am imagining that scene right now and all the passion and Bella pushing Edward in the shade and kissing. Oh wow that is going to be one amazing scene! You can tell by the pictures!

Stacy said...

LOL Shani! Now that's gonna be in my head every time I look at those pics!

kk said...

I'm 47 years old and I can't wait until November. That's when my birthday is, and that's what I'm doing for my day of celebrating me. The key to seeing the movie without the tweens is to wait for a few weeks (if you can) and then go to the first showing on a weekday when they are in school. I'm in Southern California and if anyone is interested in joining me, let me know!

Stacy said...

The pics Lainey just posted are beautiful, especially the pre kiss one! They are at L&L:

TO Twicat said...

I would just like to say to the costume coordinator of New Moon....

Thank you!

I now want every man in the free world with a 6-pack to have a pair of Edward pants.

I love the kiss! Even though it wasn't in the book, I still pictured it!

CoyoteUgly said...

Holy Crap!! Rob shirtless!! I have fallen in love all over again!!

Macabre Kitty (Sara) said...

Holy F*CK. The ones of him stripping off his shirt made me spontaneously combust. S E X, yo. Whew!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

and they run kissing into a church (possibly)?
hot. sexy. this photo spam is beyond me..

Crazystraw said...

tell you, I thank whoever made those pants a little loose!

Babs said...

W.O.W. this is priceless! Rob shirtless and with a six pack, he's gonna be the death of me! I love his lower abs going down the happy trail LOL

*off to change her panties*

filthylawyer said...

Holy shizznit! I LOVE the pics where he has a fist full of her hair. It's like, I'm taking you, and that's the way it's gonna be!

And although it pains me, Kristen really does have a cute ass.

Can you imagine? Getting paid the kind of money she does to make out with Rob all day? *dies*

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