Rob Gets a Police Escort


Emmes said...

about damm time!!!!!

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Lord, that excruciating voice-over....

"RPattz" is bad enough in print, but spoken aloud? By a male? Insufferable!

In fact, the tone throughout the report is incongruously lighthearted and condescending ("Look! How cute—that lady got a little overexcited and tried to choke RPattz! Let's choose an equally rabid volunteer to massage away his wounds!").

Insult to injury, ladies—insult to injury.

Mrs. Robinsane said...

But on a slightly brighter note, at least some gestures toward securing RP's safety are being made.

The umbrella—unless it is bulletproof (and b*tchproof)—won't do much but keep off the rain, and perhaps thwart a few photos.

But beefy guys on all sides—that's better, finally.

Alexandra said...

GOOD!! But it's so sad that measures like this have become necessary.

and the screaming in that video is I was planning to go check out the New Moon premiere in November but I don't think it's such a good idea anymore :S

phosphorus said...

I wish someone would gag those screaming girls, it's such an unnerving sound. He might feel safer now but probably not happier.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't stand the tone of the report, but good to see tighter security and better control of the situation.

Hoping the guy is able to sleep better tonight.

No nightmares, Rob!

Anonymous said...
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RPnKSaddict said...

I'm glad their taking the precations finally, but the voice over guy made it sound all cute.
What happened yesterday was not cute or funny.

Laura said...

@Mrs. R - Voiceover guy was soooo smarmy!

The extra security is a step in the right direction for now, but still sad and warped that it is necessary. People need to get a grip on themselves, not grope RPattz. The guy can't take two steps without the papz or these scary freaks pursuing him.

albaville said...

its sad really that he needs so much security and police to take 2 steps around..I wish it was a perfect world and he could just live his life...anyway if the situation is crazy its better like this or he could risk something bad for real..
Rob keep on going the way you're such a sweet,lovely person..

Anonymous said...

As if New York's finest doesn't have anything else more important to do.....come on "girls" he's not EDWARD FREAKING CULLEN for heaven's sake, he's an ACTOR playing a ROLE!!


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