Robert Pattinson Gets Cute, Hot and Heavy on Remember Me Set

Thanks to cause they totally rock :)

Check them out for the whole set of pictures.

Emilie: You GO Girl!



Emilie I never thought I'd wanna be you :)

I feel pretty....Oh so pretty...

YES! I SPOT CELLULITE! Thank God! (you have to look really carefully :))

From one pale to another: Good choice on the sunscreen Rob Neutrogena SPF55 plug :)

Oh No! They are making him drink Pepsi! The horror!

Photo credit:Splash News Online

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Andra said...

OMFG! She's so lucky! I envy her!

...and he's a sweetie, i love his smile!

didiette said...

I love her usually, but i hate her so much right now!

Anonymous said...

be still all our hearts! mmmmm..

what a nice way to start a Friday!

Alexandra said...

awww how cute! But... is it wrong that I'm really freaking jealous right now? Yup green with envy that's me :D

Bellanieve said...

Well, what can I say...He looks GREAT...Plaid,swim shorts,white legs...that smile...
We will just have to "ENDURE" the rest...;)

Unknown said...

i love them together!!
the movie is going to be great!! :)))

and of course she's so lucky :))) !!

marya said...

this movie is gonna tear my heart apart in so many ways...

Anonymous said...


tracyvanhorne said...

heeheeheehee! His legs are whiter than mine... I just didn't think that was possible....

marya said...

haha i bet this is gonna be the next cover of us weekly, ok! magazine, life and style...did i forget any?
theyre gonna be like..."new hot love growing between rob and his new costar...kristen is furious and gives him an ultimatum" hahaha you just wait

peeling a fig said...

Okay I'm melting. This looks so romantic. A nice change from overly intense and serious Edward, I have to say.

Anonymous said...

Adorable pics! I love Edward but it's nice to see Rob smiling on a beach in the sun...sigh....

JennB said...

Those are really sweet. Emilie and anyone who gets to bus that boy are fortunate, indeed!

Anonymous said...

i LOVE the way she's all up on him!!! squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said... wrong indeed that I am jealous! I am married..repeat to self..I am married!

I love seeing Rob on the sand, having fun and not brooding....gaaaaahhhhhhh..february is way to far...the wait is gonna kill me

Stacy said...

At least he's having a good morning!

meryma said...

He can do a commercial for Pepsi... he looks so good!! Emilie is so lucky... I hope he is enjoying himself! He deserve it!

Stacy said...

marya - you so right, it will be the next cover!

Anonymous said...

Rob's bare feet, his toe nails....gaaaaaaaahhhhh!

Jewels64 said...




NY DEAL GAL said...

Be Still my beating heart! He looks like he's happy again! Maybe we should all 'Remember Him' (pun intended) this way and and respect him personally as we already do professionally! The Pepsi has to go though. LOL

Pet73 said...

And again the BGs don't interfere with the paps (yeah, I know, you're busy chatting, there's no time to look after Rob while he's working - you have such a "stressful" job to do :().

Pet73 said...

Marya- you're right with the magazines!

PsympleMind said...

(and thank you!)

I think I just died and went to Heaven!
How absolutely adorable are these pictures?

marya said...

omg!!! hes putting on sun lotion on his nose!!! awww hes such a dork lol!

keely said...

@ Gozde: LOL, I'm way too slow, Goz, I wrote you minutes before you posted an e-mail about those pics, feel free to ignore it ;-)
And I´m so laughing about his white, english legs ;-)

Stacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
monika said...

marya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
keely said...

Picture #5: so cute!

Anonymous said...

she's so into it while Rob looks so awkward...don't always know what to do with his hands...grab that ass Patty

caninecologne said...

what a lucky ass bitch!!!!! i hate her! ha ha

seriously, those pics are cute!!!! what a great way to start off my morning!

Unknown said...

i love those pics!! :) god damn it! i sooooooo envy her! :D

monika said...


Unknown said...

and this is the first time i see him wearing shorts ;D he looks adorable.. and also i love him making faces :D

meryma said...

cutecandy27 - I was just thinking about it...he really need to practice :)

Stacy said...

Evidently Rob's intense love for flannels has transferred to Tyler as well;)

Haystackhair said...

Awww, he's got cute skinny white legs. I'm so jealous of her. I can't wait for this movie!!

Doreen said...

He looks fabulous!!!! I love these pics, of course without her! LOL

Aitch said...

Damn he looks good.
oh fu*#ing sighhhhhhh....

Anonymous said...

lol @ stacey - that's probably why he took the job...hehe

Anonymous said...

dayummm it's gonna be another one of THOSE pic days!! woo hoo! 43 pics total so far!!

marya said...

its gonna be so weird people calling him tyler...he just doesnt look like a tyler to me...
but yeah he definetely needs some practice...i mean his hands are like lingering in the air awkwardly
poor rob so much work and no play are making him lose his

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi ladies!

Ahhhh...splendor in the grass...

And a glimpse of his pale little boyish legs! So unaccustomed to the sun! Fair RP looks a bit at sea, on the beach...

And applying his own sunscreen (don't they have "people" to do that for him?)!

*Mrs. R hastily filling out application for Sunscreen Rubber—legs appear to be unprotected; perhaps arms, back, and torso, in subsequent scenes?*

*but pettily letting Emilie fend for herself*

Anonymous said...

i hope he gets more comfortable with E like he did with can just tell by his hands. in twilight he almost grabbed K's ass but moved his hand last minute! on the beach, here, he looks a bit nervous not knowing where to put his hands...

practice, practice, practice!!!

maybe another 80 takes and a shit load more pics!! ;)

wanabRPsmom said...

Omg!!! A HAPPY PALE, pale ROBert!
He could use some spray tan :)

GOZDE...Thank YOU:) gal,..really nice to see him kissing another sexy actress! All way the Rob..No venom to worry about..he heh.. YUMMMMMM!!

Yes..Pepsi JEALOUS?..they have to make sure Rob is drinking one today! my COKE.

I can go to work very happy seeing this shots of him and Emilie;)

off I go with a BIG GRIN....:))))):))))

Happy Days Robsessed LADIES!!

showme said...

the one of them smiling up close is great...

i'm seeing it now. I was afraid they wouldn't look right together in the movie

why am i so attracted to pale skinny legs???LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh My!!! crazy how the back of her thighs barely reach his KNEES!!!!!

this is gonna be a helluva movie!

Anonymous said...

such long luscious legs!

aaah no work is gonna get done today!! keep the pics comin'!

Anonymous said...

My evil green eyed jealousy monster is totally loving the farmer's tan on Emilie's gorgeous legs....

I had to pick something out to redirect my hate onto!

Lucky b*tch.

scarlett said...


OMFG how I wish I was Emilie today...
or come to think of it:
- the sand
- the pepsi can
- a blade of grass
- the air he breathes
*sigh* I am died :)))))

monika said...

marya,well I saw his hands 'all over' KStew's body in the Italy pics so dunno what you're talking about lol.

showme said...

ok, i'm so messed up. i just really want to see pics of FeetPorn


it's like, i haven't seen hardly any of his feet and i want to study them...

i am a sick sick woman.

Anonymous said...

OMG....I think she's enjoying kissing him

Moychy said...

I'd so love to be her right now :D

Anonymous said...

@monika - YUP! very true! he knows how to bring it! his biceps were even bulging he was holding her so tightly! mmmmmm.....lucky her!

Kathy#1 said...

OMG..that is not fair..I want to be Emilie...urgghh...she is so darn cute with him...lot it...but so jealous too

Anonymous said...

@sho - u just enjoy ur foot fetish over there at a safe distance, ya? lmao!!

Kathy#1 said...

I meant "love it"...

Anonymous said...

Lovely pale interesting British legs - we are all pale over here - cold all the time ! lol
applying suncream all awkwardly - it's gone everywhere - bless.
Yeah go for it Rob with the kissing - no venom to worry about now hun. Practise makes perfect as he looks a little awkward doesn't he? Perhaps she has bad breath!? So,I would be more than willing to step in and be her double for snogging practice *Wink*

Kathy#1 said... are a sick, sick woman..feetporn..LMAO. Ok, you know what I say about hands..prob true about feet too!

Emilie looks like she's really enjoying kissing him..well, damn, who wouldn't. It will help her through her divorce, thast for sure..

showme said...

LOL Joli--

GIVE ME FEET! hahahahaha

btw, i see no biceps bulging anywhere. they seem to be hidden by RobFlannel

I see some forearms bulging a little tho

el said...

RPATTZ LEGS!!!!!!!1111111!!

Kathy#1 said...

Jolil..I could tell him wear to put his hands...yum...

Anonymous said...

Video on splash:

monika said...

she's giving deets on what's going on in NYC,and on the set.

maha said...

woooooooooooow ( screaming )

I will cry now. I really envy her, she is so so so lucky being with him . Cant wait to see the movie I know it will be great one .

thanks GOZDE

thanks jolilabart for the pictures


I completely agree with you lol . The first time I saw the picture I thought of the rumors which will come up .

Mrs. Robinsane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
showme said...

thanks joli!

seems like she sees something funny on the beach, sees Tyler not looking, then runs and pounces on him

he's reading something or writing it seems


i'm gonna have seen practically the whole movie by then though LOL

Mrs. Robinsane said...

marya, jolilabrat:

I know what you mean about his reluctance, onscreen, to place his roaming hands where any male would, in a real-life amorous situation.

*Mrs. R offering to demonstrate, if RP is somehow genuinely confused...or even if he isn't*

Specifically, I'm thinking of the scene on the bed in Twilight, where, as you mentioned, his hands are mysteriously deflected, en route to their natural destination....

And I concluded that RP suddenly remembered: "PG-13! PG-13..."

Lord, I certainly hope that Remember Me is rated R!!!

Anonymous said...

Emilie has applied her fake tan too well has she? she's orange, Rob's white, and I'm green (with envy.)

Anonymous said...

lol! in the video he looks like he's walking on broken glass in the sand!! he's soooo out of his element!!

i loooooooove him!

showme said...


From that twitter

FYI I think they are filming on the beach again. They let the paparazzi down there but no fans. Interesting move, Summit.


Little Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
monika said...

they allowed the paps near the set but no fans,trying to promote the shit out of this movie eh Summit? lol

Anonymous said...

@sho - i don't know whether the forearms are bulging..but.. i wonder...anything else bulging....ooooh...mmmmmm

Little Red said...

Hummana! Hummana! Hummana! Awkward as ever in some of the shots, but so adorably lovable at the same time. As for the female counterpart: I'm going to say this to myself...if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all... ... ...

showme said...

LOL Jolli

I was looking CLOOOOOSE for that....

I am the Peen Spotter

No bulging peen, unfortunately LOL

albaville said...


Pet73 said...

OMG, the beginning scene of this video ist great! I so will love this movie!

KL said...

She has amazing legs. I want those legs. Time to start working out harder!

monika said...

oh gosh TMZ is there lol

Pet73 said...

Why I'm not surprised about the paps being there? Thank you Summit for confirming my theory :(!

Anonymous said...

@sho - aaah YES! you are the designated PEEN spotter!! well don't be slackin' cuz i'll be waitin'!!!

Latebloomer said...

First of all, love the look of Emilie... sharing smiles with Mr. Pattinson. WAY better than snotty "where's my next bong hit coming from" other chick.

Could he look any MORE awkward on the beach? How long will it take him to get comfortable in his own skin? He's such a boy... an adorkable boy. I wonder how they will look together in the love scene in his apartment BR?

Oh the Tabs will have fun with all this for sure.

I <3 you all... especially you, Mrs.R... my app for sunscreen "rubber" will be "sliding" in right behind yours! LOL!

WinWin said...

They look really cute together. Although, I not used to seeing him kiss anyone but Bella and Lorca.

Crazed at worked today. Just wanted to drop in and say hi to everyone here.

Pet73 said...

Wondering again if he did shave his legs for LA?

Anonymous said...

@pet - maybe it was the lighting....who knows?

Gemgirl65 said...

Well butter me up one side and down the other because I am toast.

This movie is going to be hot-hot-HOT.

Pet73 said...

Well, Emilie is older than Rob. Didn't he say he prefers older women :)?

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Looks like they're using Neutrogena sunscreen...good choice. So nice to see Rob in real world circumstances. Emilie has a nice figure/curvy legs (unlike Miss "Spaghetti Noodle" legs to quote Thirty, haha).

Gosh it is refreshing to see Rob with a grownup girl!

Anonymous said...

I like them better together cause I can see Emilie is warmer towards him than Kristen as Bella ever was. I dunno, I am prejudiced against Kristen as Bella. She just never looked like she is even remotely in love with Edward. Whereas in this pics alone, we can see how "attracted" Ally is to Tyler

Unknown said...

i can't really imagine him with anyone but kristen, even though he's an actor. i don't know why. i'm harnessing the obsession with kristen/rob becoming lovers in real life, and i seriously hate emmy right now XD

difficult times, oh dear. screw the recession.

Anonymous said...

the close up shows sand in his hair...awwwww...and i love him walking in the sand holding his big azz!

showme said...

LOL Leann

Leann is toast.

so is show when this movie comes out

Pet73 said...

In the video you can definitely see the BG watch the paps filming - and do nothing! WTH Summit!

Anonymous said...

she's only 5 ft 2 in. and he's over 6 ft tall...the love scenes are gonna be AWESOME!

Pet73 said...

cutecandy- I'm so with you!
(Although I quit saying something against Kristen to avoid getting tomatoes thrown in my direction :p).

Mechevpao said...

Emilie, dear.. lets change place, you come her behind the computer screen and I go there, with him.. to make out.. I don´t mind if his hands are on me, I know I´ll be all over him... oh! wait.. then security will drag me.. ouch!!

Nice to see him in shorts, they really look cute together in this scene.. by the way,remember they are acting, don´t read to much in his hands ;) we donpt know what is going on in this scene.. aside from the fact that Emilie´s character is eager to jump him (like any other woman in the real world)... Lucky Emilie

WinWin said...

cutecandy, ITA. in the books, Bella was cuter and more affectionate. I like Kristen, but I had a serious problem with how tought she played Bella.

kemi & Sophie said...

Holy god almighty, this is too much. This movie will be insane. Why God, why couldn't i have gone to acting school and had a better chance of landing on a beach shore with Rob (very unlikely i know) rather then sitting in my cubicle, staring at a comp. screen i now want to eat/makeout with/throw up on/scream to, after seeing these pics. FML...

WinWin said...

Show, Leanne how are you. I tried to catch you guys 2 nights ago and I think I was too late. What's up

30 and Mrs R. sending hugs your way. I think I missed you guys again.

Cougar71 said...

Is it just me or are Rob and Emile kissing even when not filming? Not sure if the people walking around are in the film or are production people.

Trust me, this has nothing to do with Rob and Kristen, but I just don't think that Rob should either fall for or be getting it on with every costar he has. Not a good rep to have. Geesh! He just spent the night with Kristen (presumably)20 days ago. He's already onto his next conquest...That seems like rather DOG-like behavior and I hate to think that of Rob.

Stacy said...

You guys, I don't think Summit is to blame entirely. The production company (whose name is Underground something, Suz posted it yesterday) is responsible for the day to day stuff. If anyone is allowing paps to take advantage, I would think the fault would lie with them, not Summit.

I think he looks like a typical boy on the beach, lol. Nice to see him playing something normal:)

Stacy said...

With respect, I seriously don't think Rob would sit there and make out with his co-star when the camera's aren't rolling UNLESS they were rehearsing. Even if he's a player like that, I don't think he would bring it to the set.

And it's hard to tell exactly when they are filming from the pics.

Anonymous said...

Rob is a perfect gentleman!!

(or he'd better be ;))

Pet73 said...

Cougar - There is no prove he did spend the night with Kristen.

Kathy#1 said...

Cougar..I don't think Rob's with Kristen..or probably Emilie for that matter. Most of that stuff is BS to sell papers.

Kathy#1 said...

WinWin..we missed you..maybe tonight?

Pet73 said...

BTW - How about Kristen spending the night with Rob while dating Michael? (What I don't think is the case.)

nextstopsf said...

These pics are cute- Maybe he is suppose to act "awkward"...from what I have read about the movie, her character is suppose to be "living life to the fullest" and his is suppose to be "dark and depressed" - so maybe he is not that "out of practice" but just "acting" the part... either way- I love the legs and she has a cute boyish body! Oh and if I am being truthful...maybe I am just a bit envious of her too... ;-)lol!

albaville said...

I'm 5 fit 2 in. I can see how it'd be to be with Rob that way :))...cause one day I will..
today I'm worst than usual...

Mechevpao said...

Ohhh I just watched the video... how cute... Tayler is reading a book and Emilie (can´t remember her character´s name) jump to him, making him loose his reading..

Nice to see those legs on action walking out of the set, and seeing Emilie in the beach, reminds me of LOST hehehee

Cougar71 said...

Hold on...Don't jump all over me. I'm not a shipper. I'm just saying that in the eyes of the press and therefore the fans things are as they appear and therefore that's the rep that he would get. I'm not saying there is/was anything with Kristen more than friendship. That wasn't my point.

margot said...

hate word "chemistry" but ... for the lack of better expr = IMO there is no chemistry , null, zero, nada
and it scares me :((((

SHE is kissing, SHE is leanning, she is acting towards him ... he doen't even hug her properly, is so passive and looks as if "he has to endure"

wrong wrong wrong

is this only me who feels that ? plz do not throw tomatoes :))

or maybe its the script ??

Rhonda said...

LOL. I am such a creepy perv. I am at the beach RIGHT NOW and I am reading barefoot. It's about some thirty-ish ladies and they are spending the summer on Nantucket with this hot 22 yo male babysitter. Of course, in my mind, the sitter is Rob. But I had trouble visualizing him in a beach setting. Oh hell, now the imagination is running wild. Thanks Goz, for feeding my inner perv. Great shots!

Pet73 said...

Mech- I think Tyler is writing in his diary.

showme said...

ohmygosh.....mech is posting!

tehe ;p

Rob is NOT kissing emilie on a public beach for anything but shooting scenes ROFLMAO. i'm SOO sure. yeah, that's Rob alright. Mr. PDA....pft

Win! miss you girl...sorry we missed you in chat XXOO

Anonymous said...

@margot- maybe it is the script...??

showme said...

margot, i see chemistry. for the first time btw. the up close pic of them smiling seems chemistry-esque

and yeah, we have NO idea what's happening in this scene (At least i don't be i havent read the script)

Cougar71 said...

Sho, I wouldn't think so either, lol, about the PDA, but that's just what it looks like.

Love love love his legs! When I saw them briefly in Little Ashes I fell in love with him. Good to know that love hasn't waned. lol

albaville said...

@ Margot
I totally agree with u, I cant see anything in Rob, no passion, nada de nada,zero connection, he looks kind of bored and the hugs are so meaningless..I dont know..
SHE'S CELLULITE ON BEHIND HER LEGSSSS!!! YESSSS :))) just 4 fun..she's very very nice anyway

meryma said...

If we all react this way to the pics I was kinda wondering what would be our reaction if there is somewhere some sex tape of Rob... Probably we would crash the net hahaha

monika said...

they've finished shooting for today.

Stacy said...

I completely agree with show's last two posts. They are filming/rehearsing, he's not making out with her on a beach.

And we don't know all the details of the scene, so it's hard to judge what kind of chemistry there is.

Anonymous said...

you all are reading too much into the may be how he is supposed to react in the script...and remember even if you read the script that was leaked, they rewrite them all the time.

showme said...

good God alba

i see NO cellulite. That girl's legs are perfection

damn beeatch LOL

i know what you're saying, cougar, but set people are doing stuff all the time while a scene is being filmed. you can see that in the Harry Potter behind the scenes with rob. people having their own convos and stuff while people filming....think it's normal

Cougar71 said...

I really hope his stiffness is in the script because there really needs to be chemistry between these two characters. This is Rob's time to show that he's more than just Edward. He's got to do this right.

showme said...

let's give this poor boy some benefit of doubt about his acting in this movie LOL

we've seen 10 seconds of it hahaha

Rob, honey, i trust you. you work those unicorns, baby....


lulusfolie said...

oh this is purty... lucky girl....

Cougar71 said...

Monica, they're done filming for the day already? It's only 1:10 in NY. Maybe just at that location. ???

VeilsofLight said...

Rhonda....I TOTALLY know the book you are reading, I read it last summer and I wish I had been envisioning Rob as the babysitter at the time, too! :)

These pictures and video are great, I feel like we're going to see the whole movie being shot before the thing ever comes out! (Not complaining,though)

Sorry, ladies, I see all your posts complementing his legs, but my first thought when I saw these photos was: My god, he has more feminine calves than Emilie! He is a sex god, but a little weight training on those calves wouldn't hurt. (Couldn't we all!, Myself included) :)

That being said...what a luck lady she is, wow!

Anonymous said...

Gozde missed the pics where he tossed the Pepsi and is drinking a coke!! you go boy!


page 3

showme said...

Nope, they've just moved the filming to a house shot i believe

acc to twitter

some girl is screaming about seeing Rob this second

monika said...

you seriously can't judge whether or not there's chemistry on the pics only,we don't even get to see the pics of all takes of the scene,and pics don't capture everything you know. I'll judge when I see the movie.

Anonymous said...

i LOVE his calves...he don't need to bulk up for me! c'mon ova baby!

margot said...

btw he looks city night-living kind of a guy
he's def akward on the beach and in shorts ! I bet he never wears
sandals, shorts, never sunbathes or surfs, never goes to the beach,
that kind of a man.
On the other hand, why didn't he ask her to help with the sunscreen or
why didn't she do it ? IMO that's the sign of not being realy
comfortable with each other, with KStew it would be all easy. Not
awaking gossip again - they were really friendly - there dif story.
Anyway keeping fingers crossed for some hot Rob lover stuff

Stacy said...

I agree, who knows how he's supposed to be acting in the scene - we will have to wait and see what context it's in. Don't see how you can tell much.

Monika, how do you know they're done for the day? It's awfully early, and they aren't filming over the weekend (I don't think).

showme said...

LOL joli!

hahahaha Boy is a coke addict

Whatchya looking at Rob?

Pet73 said...

They were laughing together - not sure if it was part of the scene or not. Either way, it looks good for me.

Cougar71 said...

VeilsofLight, I agree that Rob's legs aren't the manliest legs I've ever seen, but they are proportionate to the rest of his body and therefore suit him quite well. I think. :o)

Anonymous said...

@sho - he looks hotter than a mthfker drinkin' that coke, eh???


showme said...

maybe they are done filming?

who knows. this girl is confusing me... - Trailers were parked on the same block we parked & we didn't even know it!
1 minute ago from TwitPic
@megurbani Dude. If my friend wasn't driving this would have never happened!
2 minutes ago from mobile web
I didn't even scream! I am so proud of my self! I was too focused on trying to get pix.
12 minutes ago from mobile web
Holy crap I seriously just saw Robert Pattinson. Holy crap. Holy shit.
12 minutes ago from mobile web
He is done filming for the day! Crew is wrapping up.
17 minutes ago from mobile web
Only got one good pic of his face.... other his face is blocked. Holy balls.
18 minutes ago from mobile web
JUST GOT PIX OF ROB & EMILIE... left set in same car. He waved, girls squealed, I'm shaking.
19 minutes ago from mobile web
Holy crap I'm pretty sure we just saw him... no pix though, happened really quickly!
21 minutes ago from mobile web - Just got filmed by the crew... Making Of DVD Featurette?
31 minutes ago from TwitPic
Not going to tweet if nothing is going on. He has a lookalike here... and everyone freaks out when he walks out, but it's not him!
33 minutes ago from mobile web
I'm thinking at some point they will be filming outside the house. Little kids already threatened an ambush. I'm scared.
38 minutes ago from mobile web
They just barricaded us off....
41 minutes ago from mobile web
The crew is BBQing and it is making us mucho hungry. Hoping an ice cream truck comes soon... need refreshments!
about 1 hour ago from mobile web

Mechevpao said...

Geez Show, of course I´m posting.. world is going to stop now because of this.. who knew I could write?? :P

Now.. between the tabloids that started so early in production calling Emilie and him to be cozying after work, between the reading of chemistry or not chemistry in what in the film will be 10 seconds of screen time, and Kristen mixed in the conversation.. my head is starting to ache… again… like when I was trying to figure out if K & R where together after the MTV MA… Geez… not again…. OUCH!!!

(Me?? sarcastic???... never!! ... *rolls eyes* )

Anonymous said...

lol i bet when they gave him that pepsi earlier he responded "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??? DO YOU KNOW WHAT I DRINK??!!!"

and off they ran to get his coke...


VeilsofLight said...

Cougar, You're right with the proportion comment...long and lean..maybe like other parts. ;)

I'm seriously not complaining, the man is perfection reincarnate, it just happened to strike me in these pictures because we're not used to seeing this Englishman in shorts...sort of reminded me when he is leaning against Frederico in LA when they are lying on the beach. He's just so buff on top now, the legs surprised me.

You can wrap those leg around me anyday, Bobby honey. ;)

Stacy said...

Sho - it sounds like she started out thinking they were moving in a house, but now they might be done. Or maybe just done at the beach.

Who knows, maybe Rob is calling it an early day so he can have a long weekend to rush back to LA? ;)

Babs said...

He looks great with those shorts. Beach Rob is gorgeous. I really think I'm gonna love this movie. The scene where they're lying on the sand kissing is gonna be the death of me, I'm so jealous!!!

showme said...


probably SO!

*Rpatzz throws his celebuweight around to get coke!*


btw, i think mech can really write well when it's not at 100 mph


Mechevpao said...

PEPSI, may be putting money in the budget of the movie, like this the brand will be seen on screen and Rob "drinking" it.. it is a subjective king of publicity, big brands do that a lot..

Anonymous said...

lol @stacey "rush back to LA"

showme said...


i love this side to you...hahahaha

Yvonne said...

Good job with the sunscreen:)
Also, I'm sure he's thinking ahead, they start filming NM in 8 week (I think)....

Stacy said...

Don't worry, I'm still on the fence, lol. But I wouldn't be surprised either way at this point.

Honestly I hope he gets some R&R this weekend.

Mechevpao said...

Ohhh Show, you know I don´t use that measure system, so lets call it kmph :P

I said I can write, not that I could do it well hehehehe that´s another different story.

Now Show, stop it, you are distracting me ;)

Cougar71 said...

I guess I'm missing what the big deal is Coke vs. Pepsi. ??? Maybe he drinks both. I do. Does it matter? He drank a Diet Pepsi once on the Twilight set. So? LOL I'm just being silly, though in text it sounds bitchy. :oD

My guess is that they will move on to another location after lunch/the BBQ. It just seems early in the day to pick it in for the weekend.

Pet73 said...

Mech- Was thinking the same when seeing the Pepsi can! It's all about the money:).

showme said...

hahahahaha whole JOB IN LIFE is to distract you...

yeah, stace, oh i know, fence-sit away ;)

I hope he gets some R&R too

yeah, that's what i was thinking about the sunscreen. Edward can't look like Rudolph.

showme said...

Ok, as you see from the first comment i ever posted about any of the pics in the other thread, the Pepsi can jumped out at me?

Why, bc Rob is a coke-a-holic

So, at first, i was like, has to be a Pepsi endorsement, which is incredibly commonplace. Did anyone see Wayne's World movie? ROFLMAO that shit was funny

But when i saw he got to change to Coke, i thought, well maybe it wasn't an endorsement, and like Joli said, some dumb PA didn't realize rob was a coke-man (Wtf has he been?)

But now, don't know, maybe he wasn't shooting at that particular moment, and he just wanted his delicious sugar crack water back (i, too, am a Coke girl. Pepsi...un no)

Perhaps PEPSI-GATE, as i'm now dubbing this, will never be solved....



margot said...

a propos Twitter ... does anybody know if Carlisle won his bet ? I've got some failure with Twitter or he failed at about 250 thousand followers ?????

Stacy said...

OOH, they're having a bbq? I would laugh my ass off at Rob chowing down on some ribs. You know he'd make a huge mess.

Anonymous said...


CallaLily said...

Rob looks great. Thnx Goz, for the pics. He does look a little..... unsure...she's right in there tho.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with PEPSI. It is WAY better than coke. Great pic. :)))

showme said...

margot, the deadline for Peter's bet is tomorrow at noon, but no way will he get 250k more. That was a dumb number to bet...

silly peter LOL

showme said...


There is absolutely nothing wrong with PEPSI. It is WAY better than coke. Great pic. :)))


*slaps Calla with a trout* LOL

Mechevpao said...

Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LOL Show… I´m getting a second head ache now, think if it is coke of pepsi… pepsi or coke…
How much are you getting paid to distract me??

Any way, I love how he is applying monumental amount of sunscreen on his nose (he probably doesn´t know either in what measure system he is)… typical guy, wasting so much sunscreen at one place and the getting burn in other parts :P

Anonymous said...

SHO hush your mouth!! next we'll be reading about Rob's PEPSI-GATE in the next OK! and STAR and Life & Style!!

Shit it'll be him on the cover holding a PEPSI in one hand and a COKE in the other with some kind of lude and lacivious title!

Stacy said...

Aww, I hate Baur Griffin. I have to go in and poach the pics instead of just saving.

Pet73 said...

In the Rob-leaving-beach pics it looks like Emilies body make up left some marks on Robs t-shirt, or not?

showme said...

Rob's gonna tear his hair out bc it's not long enuf for him to get full hair-rubbin' he must rinse and repeat too often

damn Edward's preppiness! give me SexDrive/RomeRob hair back damnit!

For the love of Godze!

monika said...

different set of pics

Cougar71 said...

He's not necessarily sad in those pics. It's impossible to know someone's mood from one nanosecond in time. It always seems so ridiculous to me how gossip rags judge someone's mood or what they might be thinking. He looks at the ground a lot and Lord knows he's got that love affair with fondling his own hair. lol

Anonymous said...

for you RAoR girls:

did you read what Bauer Griffin wrote? lmfao!!!

something to the effect of...

Can't blame that taxi for simply wanting to "tap that" !!!!

oh that's priceless!!


(i'm gonna piss my pants..BRB)

showme said...

LOL Joli....absolutely. OK! is all over this shit...


Pictures inside are as following:

*Rob lovingly gazing at the Coke can in Mexico interview

*Rob trying to get the last few drops from the Coke bottle in the VF interview.

New headline inside:


*picture of Rob swigging on Pepsi


*Rob swigging Coke again on beach

ahhhhhhhhhh...let the rumors fly

showme said...

Alert TedC too!

nextstopsf said...

Just to clarify - I have not read the script and I don't want to either - I just read a small bit on the jest of the story (like on the info would be on the back of a DVD)...who even knows if it is true....I just didn't want to be believe he was 'awkward' for!!
Again, love the legs.... wish he was still smiling in the latest photos of him leaving the 'set'- :(

Cougar71 said...

Funny Sho!!!

Anonymous said...

lmao sho - i remember that VF interview! i thought he was gonna start chewing on the damn bottle!!

yup coke vs pepsi and all the Rob drama in between!

Cougar71 said...

Wonder why he's not smiling...maybe he's rehearsing lines in his head...maybe he needs to pee really bad. ????

Cougar71 said...

You know, what with all that Coke and Pepsi. Who wouldn't need to pee.

Anonymous said...

maybe he wasn't smiling cuz he's just worn the fk out????


CallaLily said...

@Showme Alert Lainey as well while you are at it.

I will take a "slap with a trout" happily as long as I get to keep my Pepsi. I will focus on the one pic with Rob and his blue can in that wonderful had of his.

Emilie does look a bit orange.

Anonymous said...

hey chi! :) you have a great memory! spaghetti noodles...lmao.

hi win :) hope you're holding off the crazies in nyc for us.

Cougar71 said...

That would be the most logical guess Joliabrat. :o( Poor Rob.

rpgirl27 said...

Rob's legs in swim trunks look exactly like my very Irish, very pale, pastey ex-bf's!!!LOL!!
We always did look kind of ridiculous at the beach together considering I'm one of the darkest skinned white girls I've ever seen...

WinWin said...

30, today's my day off, the hotness is in Queens. Wonder if the are headed back to the city or doing house shoots.

I think we are going to get tons of kissing, touchy feely scene in this movie. And we will all be a little jealous and melting in the theatre while watching. Yeah! I'm counting 2 here. Doesn't Rob look kinda awkward when he's lying down? Like he's arching his back weird. LOL

Marna said...

Rob legs! It's nice to see him in shorts. I agree with the people who think he look kind of awkward kissing, but it may be part of the script, so I'm not going to worry about it. Or maybe he's just not comfortable on the beach? Emilie is on Lost, so it should be second nature to her.

monika said...

is the little girl Emilie hugging his movie sister?

monika said...

umm wrong link

monika said...

urgh there's two pages of pics,didn't notice at first,wow that girl might be his sis.

Anonymous said...

Those captions over the pics were ace.

*fist pumps back* Way to go Rob!!

rpattzdude said...

hahahahahha mama want to be that young lady goddamn what kind of pics it is we get hoooot hoooties

Georgie said...

Love these pics of BeachRob!! Emilie looks so cute and quite at home on the beach - something like 80% of the Australian population lives on the coast, no wonder. Disappointed you couldn't quite see the lips lock.

Unknown said...

*Green of envy*
Lucky, lucky girl!!!

Damn it! He looks so good.

Myra McEntire said...

She just had the BEST. DAY. EVER.

Anonymous said...

I want her fucking job
right now.

The fact that she's in a middle of a divorce is bound to spark the romance rumours. But the chemistry of Robsten in Twilight is more intense than Robilie in RM.

Anonymous said...

Oooh lala~ legs!
Gaahhh....I heart waking up to Rob pics in the morning but seeing him with her...gAah!!
I hate (Emilie) and love (Rob) at the same time!

monika said...

@luffscruff,why don't you(and everyone else), let's say, wait till we get to see more pics/videos or the actual movie before deciding who he had better chemistry with? how can you tell from a bunch of pics?

Shani said...

I'm just glad to see the brick walls aka body guards he has now. The guy with the white shirt, the other in the black, and the last one in the orange Hawaiian shirt. No pyscho fangirl will be able to get around them. Their asses would be laid out on that ground so quick. They wouldn't know what the hell hit them.

dina said...

Totally agree with Margot. No chemistry there. When he and Kris kissed his hands were all over her. Check his hands in the picts.Unless it's the script... Love to see him smilling!!

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