Rob Reunited with His Coke and The World is Right Again

Phew, those pictures with the Pepsi really got me worried for a minute there! :)


Check out Splash News Online for tons of pictures ;)


Kathy#1 said...

Yea, fav too. I wonder if Pepsi put $ into the picture..probably since that's what he has while filming. I love him in those shorts...never see him so casual like that usually. I so want to be his coke can, goz..or the sand as he lies on it...yum...

Anonymous said...

I would be willing to lie with him, even in his gross swim trunks.
yes i said lie

as in the Biblical sense... Ahem

Anonymous said...

hahhahaha, he is such a pampered little boy wuv him

Kathy#1 said...

So, did anyone click on the link and see the pic of MA and KS? First off, he is totally channeling Rob in that't believe those clothes..right off Rob's back but wayyy too long for MA! LOL. And then for the comments about being surprised because "kristen and rob are dating"...sheesh..give me a break.

tracyvanhorne said...

What is that stick thing always in his hand (or his mouth... always something in his mouth)?

CallaLily said...

Awwwww! Where's the PEPSI??? It fit his hand so much better than the coke. :(

Anonymous said...

what I would give to be that can of Coke : )

Anonymous said...

hahaha the old coke commercial theme song comes to mind: i'd like to teach the world sing in perfect harmony...i'm so random.

these pics really get me excited for this movie! he looks so good. i hope he's enjoying the twi break.

Haystackhair said...

OH my, look at those long fingers. Especially the bendy ones in the fourth pic...GAH!!!!

showme said... Pepsi-Gate theory is on the last thread

Unknown said...

love the glasses!!! :))) new ones :D and rob looks beautifully in colour! this green and blue suits him very well :) he should wear more colour. especially blue, grey, red and green.
and his legas are funny.. its the first time i see them :PPP

and i prefer pepsi than coke.. :)

rpgirl27 said...

why does it look like he's examining his legs like he hasn't seen them in awhile???

showme said...

LOL rpgirl

sj said...

Is it wrong I was trying to peek up the leg of his shorts?

Babs said...

is there a part of his body that isn't sexy?? omg

annycullen said...

ill be his coke can (;

Gemgirl65 said...

Just one more reason to love him...Coke over Pepsi any day!

Gemgirl65 said...

rpgirl, he's probably wondering if he now has a dozen chigger bites...that's what I'd be wondering if I had to sit in the grass all day!

...wowie! said...

bwahaha I wondered about that bc I saw pics with the Pepsi. Who drinks Pepsi anyway? lol Love it!!!

Shani said...

Awwww...a coke and a smile.

Wasn't that the slogan for coke back in the day?

Lisa Serrano said...

Coke is on his time
Pepsi probably put money for product placement. Its prob what we will see in the movie.

I'm a coke girl for mixed drinks jack and coke or W/Rum

but for straight from the can --Pepsi all the way!:D

Sara said...

I even adore his typical pasty British legs! He would actually make me look brown on the beach - like I need another reason to want him!

LaurenSue said...

Gozde, I think you are secretly a Georgia peach. You like Coke and hate Pepsi, and I have seen you type the word "y'all" at least once. :)

Gozde said...

Deandawg, I'm a yellow jacket :))

Yvonne said...

Sand fleas....that's probably why he's looking at his legs like that....they are very cute legs though :)

LaurenSue said...

Ouch, that one hurts Gozde! Not sure I could stick around if it weren't for my Robsession and your total awesomeness. haha

Gozde said...

LOL :) See Rob brings us closer :)) XOXO

Treasure_7 said...

He even has nice would be nice if he could go to the beach and sit alone if he wanted.

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