Video from Day 3 of Remember Me

Thanks to Nora for the tip ;)


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Unknown said...

i really wish the wee girls would stop screaming at him, rob trying to be all professional with teenyboppers following him screaming, i feel so sorry for him

Skitzy said...

Ditto, hearing them screaming made me feel embarassed.
Do they really think Rob's going to go anywhere near them while they are screaming like that.

Georgie said...

I noticed Rob acknowledged the screaming teenies with a couple of little waves when he came out the second time - maybe as a result of the notes stuck to the car the previous time?

Franky said...

I think its funny seeing those girls scream. How old are they 8? 10? they look so young. Poor Rob he must be annoyed by now.

Mariya said...

WTF!!!...this is so annoying and embarrasing, i wish they would just stop screaming everytime they see him.Poor Rob...

Unknown said...

i agree with lynsey.. it would be better for him no to be screamed at but i think this will end when twilight saga will be filmed and done.
and also i think he doesn't take that too serious .. he is kind enough to wave to that little girls
i admire him for all that :))))

Mariya said...

Oh...and they dare call HIM rude...ummm i dont think so

Alexandra said...

Jeez what's with all the screaming? And not even just the first time they see him but every single time he comes out. Why? I really don't understand it's not like that's going to make him go over there. :S

Ash7586 said...

Enough with all of the screaming. I feel sorry for Rob and embarrassed for them.

bimbambom said...

Alex... it's all because of rush of adrenaline. They are excited and they have to do something with this tension, so they scream.
Come on, they're 10 or 11. At least they don't throw themselves at him. Older girls are more crazy and dangerous.

Anonymous said...

That´s sooo ridiculous...OMG...almost embarrassing to watch!
And those girls are so young....maybe 10 years old?
He must feel so strange....

Kate said...

Yay I can't look at it at the minute but I'm looking forward to seeing it!
Morning All {waves}

anna F said...

WTF... I'm sure that he regrets the NM set now, it seems the lurkers where kept further away from the sets. These fans seem so very young, I'm sure that they don't realize how they are not helping at all with his work, more a hindrance probabily.

I understand that Rob does not aknowledge the onlookers when on set, because if he did that once, it would be expected from him all shooting through (even if it's rude according ot some young fans LOL). And it would lead more fans coming to the set hoping for an autograph, which is obviously not the right place for that -_-

Kate said...

Thanks for the scream warning ladies, I turned the volume down!! LOL
Gosh I bet these little girls don't even know anything about the film because when Emilie came out and gave them a wave they just went "who are you?". Maybe they were being smart but that's just ignorant!They obviously don't like her coz she's getting to kiss Rob LOL
Sorry I guess I woke up in a bad mood! LOL

monika said...

what's this BS?

dayzdnconfuzd said...

I don't mind the screaming in this vid, because it's coming from very young girls. Don't you remember being 10-13 and getting excited about your first celebrity crush? Would you have been able to contain yourself calmly at that age when close to someone you admired? Come on, cut them some slack, they're kids. And the love note that said "Dear Rob, I love you. Your Rude" was adorable, becuase again, it most likely came from a very young girl. I thought it was sweet.

What I DON'T like is grown women behaving that way, or worse. But these screams weren't adult screams, and these kids kept their distance it seemed.

anna F said...

Monika: about this new blog

it seems to be a new blog that has heard that talking about Rob (in positive and negative) brings hits and attention... I'd say!

Is't the general tone like Ted C? maybe a Ted C fan or someone trying to steal his theories (summit is the devil)...

Kate said...

Dayzdnconfuzd I agree with you in that there is no harm in these kids (compared to the nutters who grabbed at him on Day 1 and were old enough to know better) but the screams would go through your brain after a while! LOL
But ya I agree there's no harm in them they're young and they're gonna get excited!

bimbambom said...

dayzdnconfuzd I totally agree with you!

Anna said...

Monika and anna: I just went to have a look at that blog, and now I regret giving its to that *beep*. She's obviously some Ted fan (come on, she even steals his writing style!), but unlike Ted, she's going for the criticsm angle.

So, warning to all the robsessed girls out there: DO NOT go check it out! It will only make her persevere.

Anna said...

that was: "givings hits"...

Anna said...

I mean, "giving hits". GOD!

anna F said...

dayzdnconfuzd, I think that the fact that these are mostly young girls might be a good sign that maybe older fans are backing off from going to the set (or am I too optimistic).

After this week (the mobbing, the unclear cab incident that might have been caused by securtiy paranoia), I hope that the level headed adult fans can understand that a crowd of fans (even very well behaved adults), can help hide loonies.
My feeling is also that Rob would rather work in peace.

But while 10 years old might not understand this reasonning -that's what parents are for- it would be great if adults got it and stopped spending the day lurking on the set.

anna F said...

Hi LB,

I agree with you: a blog with 2 posts only, both about Rob, both more or less going for a critic approach.

Does that person hope to become the new Ted C LOL?

You know, I've read a couple of post on lainey, and I think that I like her tone in general -not talking about Rob only. It sort of scares me, but I find her amusing... but she is much more fun to read than Ted C or Perez H.

Anna said...

anna - I agree!!

need to go now, but I'll be lurking around later :)

monika said...

yeah the blog is full of crap,I do agree on one thing though,most of his fans,the younger ones can't really see him in the movies outside Twilight with any other girl than Kristen,I've noticed this in the comments on many twilight/gossip sites even before they cast EdR as his new leading lady. Many of them see him as Edward only and don't seem to give him a chance of proving he's more than that. It's a shame,if he gets typecast it's gonna be twihards' fault,even if unintentional.

wanabRPsmom said...

I find the little girls screams cute..
reminds me of my daughter's girlie crush on TNKOTB days!
Poor Rob, though..he is NOT Jonas brothers...HE is an ACTOR :)

Morning LADIES! :)

Mrs. Smith! said...

That is crazy! Those girls look SO YOUNG! Is it really worth it to stand outside all day to see him for 1 second while he walk to a car????? Those girls need to just leave him alone!

Haystackhair said...

LOL, like it or not, Robbie is a superstar now. He's so sweet to wave. Bet Emilie is going "wow" experiencing this.

Steph said...

Ok, I loved how the first time he got in first and then emilie... then the security guard got in on the other side. Hello... He had to sit in the middle with those long (beautiful) legs?! The second time, Emilie got in first... *snicker*... Then the last time, he got in first, but then scooted all the way over. I guess with all the little girls, they felt they didnt need all the extra security.

Steph said...

Ive coached 12 and unders before... There is nothing you can do about the screaming. It just happens. I think his waving to them shows he understands the youngsters. The older ones need to do some serious reflection.

Steph said...

I know someone whose last name is Rude... perhaps that is the girls last name, and she signed it that way to be memorable. I kinda like it! And it sure has captured everyone's attention!

Shirlee said...

I think that it is really a distraction to Rob's trying to do his film and that it will eventually have a negative effect on his career. True or not - I read where Emelie was not the first choice for his co-star but others declined once they heard Rob was the leading man because they didn't want to deal with his "fans". I am a fan but I choose to worship him from afar which is the way it should be when he is trying to work

anna F said...

I wonder if it's true that some actresses declined when they heard who the other lead is, but it could be true - for fear to be associated with a teen heartthrob too maybe.

However we know that the most important thing for an actor to be employed is having an audience that comes to see the movie. So hopefully that will help Rob.

But let's remember that it did not really help Kristen's other projects that came out after twilight from what I read; and Rob's did OK for the small moves they are (that had not even found distribution before), but I haven't heard if they really did that well.

I'm crossing my fingers for the movie to be good and sell tickets (lots of them).

JaniGirl said...

"long time follower, first time poster" LOL

I just have to say, was there a person over the age of 15 there? All those screeching little girls JEEZE! We need to send the poor guy some ear plugs!

VeilsofLight said...

I agree with all the forgiving posts above, these girls are so young and I have certainly been there in terms of screaming at a certain band around 12 and 13. Isn't that what the teen years are all about? :)

Girls screamed at the Beatles, Elvis, numerous actors and musicians through the years, I actually think it's kinda cute and endearing, I'm sure Rob can distinguish between young kids having a crush and adult women who have been physically inappropriate.

The screaming would get to anyone after awhile, but I don't think he has much to complain about right now. :) It's so cute that he still seems to be embarrassed by it all.

Anna said...

About this stupid blog: keep in mind that this is an anonymous blogger, citing anonymous sources. So, LOL.

About other actresses declining: no one would be offered the part without auditioning with Rob, and by that point, they would know who the co-star was. So I don't think anyone was offered the part, and declined it. It could be true that some didn't want to audition, but then, who knows why - could also be conflicting schedules, etc. Allen Coulter is a very-well respected director, the script is said to be very good (and not teen-oriented at all). Not to mention Rob brings with him a built-in audience for the movie, so it will probably do well. All in all, I find it a bit hard to believe that those actresses would think they were too good for RM.

And, anna: I agree about Lainey, I realised she was pretty funny once she stopped talking crap about Rob and Nikki Reed!

Suz said...

No actress in their right mind would turn down the opportunity to work with

Pierce Brosnon
Lena Olin
Chris Cooper
Alan Coulter
this incredible beautiful, heartbreaking script...

add mack out session with Hollywood's "it" boy


There is NO WAY any actress declined this role. NO WAY.

Suz said...


Screaming Fan girls, might suck
but their parent's make RobbieP a very wealthy boy.

: )


RPnKSaddict said...

Oh Rob we're not like the girls that almost got you hit by the cab...(he somes out screaming and meltdowns comense)

Poor guy, but he handles it with grace.

RPnKSaddict said...

Morning everyone!!!! Have a great Rob day!!

Victoria said...

He was so sweet to wave to all those screaming tots. He really appeared embarrassed.

Anna said...

Thank you Suz! Eloquently put as always :)

Do you think Rob gets a cut of the Pocket Edward profits? If yes, I'll be tempted to finally get mine... And then I can have hours of fun imagining what he spent my $5 on. Beer? Hot pocket? Underwear? New/old Goodwill plaid shirt? Condoms? ... The mind boggles!

Looks Through You said...

I think these young girls are just being young girls. It's a teenage hormonal reaction to scream at your celebrity crush.

I also feel like you can't really blame the twihards if Rob gets typecast. I feel that blame would lie soley on the actors shoulders based on the projects they choose to take on. If Rob is smart about the projects he takes, I think he will be fine.

Loisada said...

Steph is so right: the screaming comes with the age group. Looks like the Rockaway tween crowd has congregated around the set instead of down on the boardwalk. The block party vibe must be fun for these little girls. And apart from the noise, Rob looks to be in less danger from these squealers than the barracuda college crowd.

It's lovely to see the footage of Lena, a woman who's sexy down to the bone. And she's really working the long hair... who says it has to come off after "a certain age" ? She could teach our boy a thing or two about getting a real vibe going!

Suz said...

Little Bear

lots and lots of condoms!

Unknown said...

I felt so much better when I saw that the screaming girls were all really young. I would have been embarrassing if they were in their 20's or older!

DD said...

Screaming teenies is just a fact of life for Rob now. I think it is sweet that he still seems embarassed by it.

Diane said...

What surprised me about some of these posts was the number of people who a) have never been enamored by a celebrity or b) who were never young girls.

You never felt so brimming with excitement that you had to squee at a piercing volume or explode? Are you equally appalled when you see footage of hysteria over Elvis, the Beatles or even lesser mortals?

It seems totally age-appropriate to me. What is not "a-a" is grown women acting like muggers.

Mrs. Robinsane said...


You make a very interesting observation.

I think the aspect that surprises me is the seemingly excessive youth (perhaps 8-10 years old) of some of the girls in this video.

I don't think that I had my first celebrity crush until I was 14, and watched The Outsiders, with its medley of enticing males....And then, in high school, my girlfriend and I certainly screamed our little lungs out, when we saw the Jacksons perform in (appropriately) Jacksonville, Florida....

But at 8, 9, or 10? At that age, ANY older male, if I noticed him at all—even an attractive actor or singer—would have just seemed foreign and threatening to me. And to worship such a male, not just in my own bedroom (and my own imagination), but publicly, and a few yards away from him, would have been out of the question.

So that is why I am a bit puzzled by the zeal of the more junior members of that shrieking crowd.

And wanabRPsmom: Re: NKOTB: Did you see my little anecdote the other day, about randomly bumping into Joey McIntyre in an NYC magazine store? ;P

zlove said...

Wow, that's embarassing. I'm 35, they're 10...

Gemgirl65 said...

Poor Robbie, he'll be deaf by 25 at this rate. I'm glad he finally acknowledged them with a wave at the end though...they're just kids, that probably thrilled them no end.

skylarfinn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathy#1 said...

Love the video..very cute. But I can totally understand what Rob says about all the was hard to take for just a few minutes. What is it with these girls screaming..guess I was never one to do that. Wonder what Emilie thinks..I'm sure she heard about it long before doing the movie.

Kathy#1 said...

LOVE that they put those notes on the cute cuz of their age. But..stop the screaming already!

Kathy#1 said...

Leann, that wave would have thrilled us! LOL

Kathy#1 said...

DD..I love that Rob is still embarassed about the screaming girls. By now he HAS to realize it is not the Edward effect..but him!

Gemgirl65 said...

Well Kate, I heard one little girl yell "I love Claire" which was Emilie's character from Lost, so she got one bit of recognition anyway!

Mrs. R, when I was 8, I had pictures of Donny Osmond and David Cassidy on my walls. At 10 it was the Bay City Rollers...11 was Shaun Cassidy. By the age of 13 I was so mad for Paul Stanley of Kiss I couldn't see straight, and the only male scarier than him at the time was probably Gene Simmons (whom my best friend adored.) So I related to these little girls VERY well while watching this video.

And now everyone knows I'm older than zlove, and LOLing at her comment 'cause it sure hits home!

Mrs. Robinsane said...

By the way:

Happy Father's Day, daddy unicorns!

Kathy#1 said...

I say HAPPY FATHERS DAY to Mr. Pattinson (Rob's father that is)..Thank you for being a father and bringing him to the world...Woohoo!

Gemgirl65 said...

Kathy, you're right, it WOULD have thrilled us...hopefully my excitement would have come out as a grown-up "woooo" instead of an ear-piercing shriek. ;)

You know what? The fact that Rob has to realize now that this IS about him as much as it is about Edward is probably what's making him crap his drawers. I don't think he'll ever really believe it though. I'll bet he still thinks it's all about Edward. Time will tell the tale.

skylarfinn said...

dayzdnconfuzd, I'm with you on this. I even found the screaming of the girls amusing. Even the security people and some of the crew are amused at them. Teen girls are like that to their celebrity crushes, it's not exclusive to Rob alone. And they look like they live around the area with their bicyles and all and some were even with their moms and they really stayed on the sidewalk patiently waiting for Rob to appear (I think not even expecting an autograph or picture with him). Some may not even be big fans, just curious (you know, peer pressure haha) What I find crazy are "older" women who fly or drive from other states and stay at the hotel of the cast. And then stalking them in bars with their "Twilight" books.

At the end of the clip, someone said to the girls: "Go home!" funny!

Gemgirl65 said...

OMG!!! Lovethelips just pointed out to me that yesterday I made a joke on the blog about the pic that looked like Rob was slapping his own ass...well this video proves THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING!!!!

Holy crap. I TOLD him there are plenty of volunteers to do that for him! What's wrong with his "handlers?" Apparently they aren't doing their job. Monday's Fangurl attack, Wednesday's CabGate, and now Rob has to slap his own ass? Let me in there, I will definitely "handle" Rob's needs in the manner which he deserves.

Yeah and I'm laughing at the tweenie girls for screaming like crazies. Uh-huh.....

Diane said...

I remembered your post and LOL-ed when I saw the video. Apparently, Robbie either thinks he's been a naughty boy or he's low-fiving his own adorable butt for a job well done.

DD said...

Leann - You called it bb. Rob has to slap is own ass. I thought about your previous post when I watched the vid. Maybe there is a new job available on his team. LOL

Kate said...

Really Leanne ?? Oh that's cool I'm glad! I don't watch "Lost" at all so I've never seen her in anything! But I was kinda feeling sorry for her when I read one report of the filming on Day 1 that she was sitting outside Rob's trailer on the steps smoking and no one went near her. I think if I was there I'd have asked her for a photo. I'd have been thrilled to meet anyone associated with the film!

Cindeeloo said... forgot Scott Baio and Tiger Beat magazine...

I'm right there with you...LOL

P.S. owned a few purple socks as well!!!

maha said...

Screaming is the only way for these little girls to express their love to Rob. I loved this video it makes me smile

Yvonne said...

Awwww....those little girls are cute:) That's the way girls that age should react, unlike the grown women who mobbed him in the city....that was TOTALLY UNEXCEPTABLE!

I don't think Rob minds...his cute little smirk was evidence of that. I would imagine any actor would be flattered to emerge to a group of screaming girls....and there weren't enough of them there (or too close) to really freak him out.

I think it's cute, and it was nice to see him smiling.

LovetheLips said...

Hey ladies - just popping on for one post.

Robert Pattinson is damn adorable in this video!

BTW Leann - looooooooove your pirateRob, yeah, he's adorable AND sexy....but we all knew that...that's why we're here.

lostinphilly said...

Even though they're loud and annoying, it's understandable at their age to scream at him. I'm sure Rob does appreciate it. At least they didn't try to grab him like some others did. The love notes were cute, I think he got a kick out of it. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there and to Mr. Richard Pattinson who we thank for having and raising such an awesome man as Rob! Oh, and Happy First Day of Summer to everyone!!!

Stacy said...

I think the girls screaming is typical of their age. It's cute then - it's scary when it's women our age doing it.

The only thing I had a problem with is the note that called him rude. Come on, he's working - understand that he is trying to a professional and make a good movie ... for his fans to see ... and he can't drop everything to focus on them.

Stacy said...

Oh, and I forgot to say that I think he got a kick out of the love notes too:)

showme said...

LOL at Losaida @ 11:29 AM

I love your posts!

Leann, your young musical taste is very funny....KISS? at that young age? you crack me up.

PirateRob....yum...don't u forget who found that deliciousness for ya ;)

Agreed, the girls screaming is just so cute and natural. Do i worry about his ears? LOL yeah, a little, tinnitus is not something to mess around with! ROFLMAO

But soooo glad he gave them the little waves at the end, leann, agreed. My own inner 12 yr old squeeled. And I also liked guys at like 8ish etc. Maybe i was an early bloomer. I remember being all kinds of twitterpated with Kevin Bacon in Footloose. And LOVED Michael Jackson. Totally cried when his hair got set on fire during Pepsi commercial filming! omg LOL, haven't thought ab that in years. My friends and i reacted to that like we did with cabgate...

oh Rob, the things we do for love...of you!

Mechevpao said...

Aaggg.. the screaming like this at any age is embarrassing … I don´t care the age, I feel sorry for the guy, he is working.. he gets screamed at, and it is front of his peer, when he is trying to be “serious” actor in a “serious” film..

Weird that info about other actresses declining the role of Ally when they heard Rob was the leading, because this movie since the begging had Rob the director and the screen writing correcting the original script, only attached to it, so any actress auditioning for the role had to knew, Rob was the lead and the nature of the beautiful script that was all they knew when they went into audition, unless the casting agency considered other actresses, offered the role and those directly declined to read to be in it, but I wonder what actress wouldn´t appreciate a bit of the exposure to the media (because of the lead actor), in a good movie, anyway.. it could had been because of the money, too.. the movie doesn´t have such big budget, so maybe it wasn´t the actor but the money offered.

DD said...

Hey Mech - good to see you.

I don't know how Rob puts up with the screaming, but young girls do that. As he makes more movies unrelated to the Twi Saga, maybe some of the screaming young ones will fall away.

But then he still will have to deal with some of the older ones whose behaviour is not acceptable.

showme said...



I said you had found an Argentinian hottie for the weekend....

where u be girl?

monika said...

Twilight Dads lol

showme said...

btw, mech, i'm emb for him too, bc yeah, the serious actor part. makes it hard for him to be taken that way i'm sure

that being said, don't blame the youngins for doing it. it's only natural.

but DO DO DO hope it dies down once twi series movies are over.

*crosses fingers fervently*

showme said...


you always find the best shit....


franky said...

Its hard to say that these girls are embarassing because what if one day one of us sees him. He's so gorgeous, will we honestly be able to handle our cool. Or will we be just like one of those girls and scream as our first instinct.
Probably I'd hold my cool.
These girls are just to embarassing to look at.

DD said...

Monika - that was freaking hysterical hahahahahah thanks for the link and the laugh.

Gemgirl65 said...

OMG monika...cannot stop laughing! These guys were good sports.

heehee Show...I liked the scary, hairy dudes really early on! At 12I lusted insanely for Barry Gibb, who was a hairy beast of a man. I mean, I thought Andy was "cute," but Barry did things to my 12-year-old hormones that I could not explain. Then came Paul Stanley and he was a hairy beast too. Hmmm...pattern here? nah...

Mech, so true, if those rumors have any truth to them, it could have been about the money too. And pride. Sorry, but most actressed in Hollywood aren't half as pretty as Rob is. I'd feel like a horse's behind standing next to him. "I was hoping it was a horse going around killing everybody." Is there nothing that doesn't remind me of a Rob quote?

Mechevpao said...

Hey, Leann, DD, Show.. ladies!!

How are you??.. I got kind of lost =P.. I´m back!! I can still see the light!! =P

Monika, that youtube link was hilarious, thanks

showme said...

Mech, you got lost????

Have u been setting up your hidden camp with night vision goggles in teh rainforest where rob will be shooting Unbound? LOL

Leann....LOL...."I'd feel like a horse's behind standing next to him. "I was hoping it was a horse going around killing everybody." Is there nothing that doesn't remind me of a Rob quote?"

if there is, i haven't found it yet...

showme said...

btw leann, i sincerely hope you're not putting those type of 'scary, hairy dudes' in same class as RomeRob, MexicoRob scruffiness....

no no no no no LOL

Diane said...

Yeah, Leann - did they ever catch that homicidal horse?

At 10 and 12, my girlfriend & I listened to a single from a certain singer over & over. We were squealing and had no idea why! Finally, she said - looking puzzled - "I think I'm going to be boy crazy now." It was a simpler time, and it wasn't till much later that I realized that was our hormones coming awake; we didn't know why we were reacting that way to a sexy male voice, but it was such a new, overpowering feeling that all we could do was scream.

The little girls are the least of Rob's problems.

Mechevpao said...

Show, I got lost into the "real" world... uff close!! I haven´t thought to go set up the UC location before he arrives.. mmm giving me some good ideas for next weekend Show!!

And sorry gals but everything reminds of Rob, impossible not too.. mmm I think i need to rewatch that movie with the comentary.. it sounds like a good plan for a boring sunday afternoon.

showme said...

Diane, ROFLMAO "Finally, she said - looking puzzled - "I think I'm going to be boy crazy now." It was a simpler time"

That was INCREDIBLY self aware. aw,that's so cute.

Mech, real world? blech! ;)

Anonymous said...

The screaming I can 'sort of' understand, I saw it close up with Elvis and then The Beatles. With Elvis though the girls were older, my brother's girlfriend took me to see "Love Me Tender" at the theatre, something in retroprect she shouldn't have done, I was only about 9 years old and I got trampled and squished in the crowd and the girls were like 16-20 years old and screamed in line, screamed through the whole movie, a nasty experience for me. I was black and blue the next day and geez, he never came to Quebec, he'd been banned here, so it was just a damn movie.

Then with The Beatles I swore I wouldn't scream, I was 16 and had good tickets 12 rows from the stage, I could see them, but heck, I never heard a thing, not even the music, never mind hearing them sing, I spent the whole experience with my hands clamped over my ears or my cousin's mouth. I have to admit, it was the worst concert I ever attended. I couldn't hear above a muffle for at least 2 days.

But I've never seen this personally with an actor before. So I can understand why people are comparing him to Elvis and The Beatles. The emotions he seems to envoke seem to be the same. All it takes is one or two to start and the rest get caught up with the wave of hysteria. I don't think telling them not to scream is ever going to help, when I didn't scream it was a personal thing, I'd been brought up so strictly to never show emotions in public by much older parents. I didn't make a sound in the labor room when I was in child labor because my Mother ordered me not to, to show pain or tears in front of 'outsiders' was considered such a weakness and a sign of a fragile character. That level of control takes years of training..believe it! And a lot of back handed slaps across the face.

Emotion at that age is so close to the surface, unfamiliar and raw. And obviously uncontrollable.

It was really nice of Rob to acknowledge them, but I'd expect him to. Elvis did and so did John, Paul, George and Ringo.

showme said...

ohmygoodness lynda...

no crying or screaming in the delivery room even????????

holy cow. wow. just wow. i can't think of any other word.

Jewels64 said...


Jewels64 said...

I just can't handle another freckled brace face screaming at decibels that only dogs can hear...

Whoops! Did I mention dogs again...My bad.

Mrs. Robinsane said...


Your birthing story...your childhood of repressed expression (I can relate to that one)...I'm very sorry!

*kiss of solidarity*

I'm glad you've found a place where you can RELAX—right here. :)

Gemgirl65 said...

Oh my goodness Lynda...thanks for sharing your stories. I don't know what to say about the delivery room other than...OW. Or are a strong woman!

You bring up a good point though, about the screaming for Rob. Surely this is nothing new for actors, is it? I guess I'm more used to hearing it for musicians. Every generation has its Jonas Brothers, Backstreet Boys, and on back. But surely lots of actors in the past have had to endure this stuff too. I think our biggest hope, of course, is that Rob turns into a Johnny Depp or Leonardo DiCaprio who moves past being a teen sensation and goes on to do respected work. I full expect Rob to do this, or I wouldn't be here on this blog.

WinWin said...

Diane, your comment kills me!

"The little girls are the least of Rob's problems." LMAO. Don't we know it.

Hi, Sho, Mech, Mrs. R. Diane and Jewels and everyone here. Just stopping by . Have to get ready to go out ofr DH. Not sure if I can stay awake later. I'm still exhausted from this week.

WinWin said...

Lynda, gives big hug. We love you! : )

showme said...

ITA agree leann...

"I think our biggest hope, of course, is that Rob turns into a Johnny Depp or Leonardo DiCaprio who moves past being a teen sensation and goes on to do respected work. I full expect Rob to do this, or I wouldn't be here on this blog."

And lynda, I immediately associated with Rob with Elvis when i saw what happened to his popularity with the girls, too. We can only HOPE AND PRAY he doesn't go down the same souless, searching, drug-induced, hollow dead-end road that Elvis travelled. I'm orig from Memphis, and everytime i have to take some guest to Graceland (for the umpteenth gazillion time), I just feel very, very sad.

showme said...

HEY WIN! Girl, we miss you!

We'll let your DH have today ;). It's his after all....

Come play tomorrow though!


Diane said...

Interesting post, Lynda. You must have developed a really Edward-like control over your emotions. And I'm not being sarcastic (hard to tell when you're typing your thoughts). I mean that.

In some ways, that would be great to have, but the getting of it had to be painful and at the expense of other life-enhancing experiences. You too, Mrs. R. Obviously, you're both survivors, able to tap into feelings of love and admiration at this time in your lives. And I'm convinced that's always good - even if others see it as frivolous to waste such emotions on someone you'll never meet.

If I didn't expect to release a torrent of dirty-minded comments (half of them from me), I would venture to say there's kind of a "love muscle" and the more you use it, the more capable you are of caring about other people, and thus being part of the world's solutions, instead of its problems.

I'm so over the "six-line" rule - I expect to be bounced out of here any minute

WinWin said...

Leann, did you see Depp's recent interview (ET?). I caught it while cleaning up Friday night. He was asked if he watched Public Enemies yet and he said he never watche dhis stuff. Sounds like our ROb. Then he was asked how he deals with all the craziness and attention and he said that's why he esacapes to his private island. Could we see Rob buying an island to hide in?

Gemgirl65 said...

NOO that won't happen to Rob, Show. He's a level-headed, self-aware man. Perhaps too self-aware, to the point of neurosis LOL. But I think he is too serious about being a respected artist to fall into those traps.

Win bb! *waves* You had an eventful week for sure...thanks for sharing it with us! Have a beautiful Sunday, what's left of it.

Diane bb, I forgot to ask you about PE's birthday! How was the tiny cake? The mini-mountain lion? The Bratz hoz? I hope PE and his tiny, perfect plastic peen had a lovely 109th birthday.

WinWin said...

I have to ask since I haven't really been on. How does everyone feel about Tyler and Ally chemistry? After reviewing the video and pics, doesn't he seem awkward?

showme said...

ROFLMAO Diane at your last line....

And man, ITA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a great post....seriously.
Flex that 'love muscle' y'all! :)

WinWin said...

Hugs to show and leann, I missed you guys too. Wasn't this week exhausting and long.
Seeing ROb
Rob being attacked by fan
Trying to see Rob again
HOT beaten up Rob
Rob bumped by taxi
Rob kissing scenes and legs in swim trunks

I don't know how much more I can take? LOL

I'm on for another 20 minutes. How is everyone?

Gemgirl65 said...

Win, I didn't see that interview, but it sounds like a good plan for Rob. He needs his own Isle Esme. And Johnny still has screaming fans of all ages due to the Pirates franchise, yet he is still taken seriously as an actor due to his body of past work. Same happening for Leo...same will for Rob.

Diane, that was a beautiful post. Truly. As were Lynda's and the always-eloquent Mrs. R. Sending cyber hugs to you all. ((((love ya!))))

Now, on to Rob's love muscle....

showme said...


*showme chips in her contribution to 'BUY PRIVATE ISLAND FOR ROB' campaing*

and on the chemistry, MUCH has been discussed. some people see it. some people don't. some people withholding judgement bc clips/pics don't really show enuf.

i'm in the last camp (altho i do think that up close smile on the beach of them is cute and chemistry-y)

Leann, what is this about the bday party? ROFLMAO at the little plastic peen. i must have missed this somehow.

Shani said...

They are just little girls from the neighborhood.

Screaming at that age is what you do when you see your crush in flesh and blood.

It seemed to brighten Rob's day. And we know he needs a pick-me-up in his day to uplift his spirit because of all the crazy surrounding him right now.

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi WinWin! show! Jewels! Leann!

And Diane: IS there a six-line rule now? Noooooooo!

showme said...

YES WIN! It certainly HAS been many, many ways...

including the ones you mentioned! LOL

Rob needs to have much less eventful weeks.

But the legs pics were awesome!
I got in a posting frenzy on a "Rob's Parantheses Peen" hunt....the drawstrings around the manmeat? Love em!

Gemgirl65 said...

Win, I love your synopsis, and the thing is, this is only WEEK ONE of filming! Can we make it through the summer at this rate? Can Rob?

Sorry Diane, you knew I had to go there. You just can't throw around terms like "love muscle" without some immature doofwad like me running it down to the end zone for a "booya!" and a rump-shaker dance. Or is that an arse-slapping dance....

showme said...

Hey Mrs. R.........i'm with the girls....always LOVE your posts!

and that is only SOME people's rules, not Goz's. So fear NOT! You post your little heart out with as many lines as you want! LOL

Anonymous said...

I agree with those that didn't find the screaming too annoying. They were kids, so I actually thought it was kind of cute!

HOWEVER I would be suffering from MAJOR second hand embarrassment if they were 20's and up!

showme said...

"doofwad" hahahahaha leann.
(psst, diane WANTED people to go there...don't let her lie) LOL

WinWin said...

Hugs Mrs. R, who I also seem to miss.

Show, re chem. I'm kinda in the last camp too. Maybe the position of the kisses seemed awkward. Maybe I expect every kiss to be Hot Rob Kiss. LOL. Emilie seems really sweet in her interviews and pretty grounded.

Leann, did you say "love muscle"????

Gemgirl65 said...

*waves at Mrs R and Shani* Happy Sunday to you all!

I see chem between Rob and Emilie while filming, but haven't seen much interaction when they're not. Makes sense, as I'm sure they're still getting to know one another.

Dang, I love my avi. How is it I never saw that pic before? He looks so beautiful and hairy-beasty all at the same time. The perfect combo. Maybe it's the manly scruff and jaw with the flowing locks and Seinfeld puffy shirt. Who called it the pirate avi? Diane? Anyhoo I love it. Thanks Sho!

Shani said...

I'm joining in on the side of no chemistry. They don't know each other that well. Y'all know that Rob smiles all the time. He has basically an upbeat attitude that is contagious.

It's like when your around someone who is depressed you feel depressed. That is all it is. Rob is not that stupid to get with someone who has not fully divorced their husband.He has enough stress to deal with than to get caught up in someone elses messy life.

Diane said...

I got so nervous about getting slammed that I knocked myself off!
Hey Everybody! I'm ducking in and out when I can, as I've been in an intense love/hate triangle with Apple & ATT since Friday. Trying to get the iPhone activated.

I did get away long enough yesterday to take my precious little PE to a performance of "Romeo & Juliet" up in the Berkeley hills. He totally got it, throwing in some pithy comments (in his sexy little voice) about the parallels with New Moon.

I'm sure he enjoyed it, although I thought it best not to mention that it was that or a lap dance from one of those skanky Bratz. (I was afraid he'd make some tasteless crack about his love muscle, and I won't have it, you hear?)

WinWin said...

Show, Leann are you trying to get everyone in the dirty house. The drawstrings were very distracting.

and no I can't take another 7(?) more weeks of this. Thank goodness they don't film on weekends.

anna F said...

WinWin: about the chemistry.

there were a couple of pictures on the 2cond or 3rd day I think with Emily and him -in NY in a shop of some sort, we could see through the window, Rob had the "beat up" make up. We could see Emily's back, sitting, and Rob was facing her (Emily almost looked like a child because she is so tiny). I sort of felt some kind of chemistry (from him at least) on these pictures.

but pictures can't capture what we will see in the theaters - and I want to have some surprise too so I've stopped looking too closely at pictures.

anna F said...

I did not mean anything happening between Emily and Rob in their personal life when I was talking about chemistry... just for the movie...

Shani said...

Hey Leann and to everyone else!!!

Mrs. Robinsane said...


Re: Tyler and Ally chemistry—it's hard for me to comment, because I haven't read the script (and don't plan to). So it's difficult to determine the intended emotions for this beach kissing scene (in other words, perhaps they are supposed to be a bit distant? or maybe they are supposed to be extremely passionate?)

What I can say with certainty is that if I were tasked with kissing RP—unless my character was miffed at him, for some reason (and that would HAVE to be a fictional character, since Mrs. R would NEVER spurn RP's oral advances...yes, I said ORAL advances...)—I would not be angled away from him, like Emilie, in some shots: my body would be absolutely MELTING into his, with not even room to cram a tween girl's angry love note between us....

*underpahnts melting, at the very least*

Gemgirl65 said...

Win, Diane said it first. She wants us all to flex our "love muscle." I agree. But since this is Rob's blog, I think he should go first.

Oh, the other thing about my avi is Rob has his hand in his shirt, rubbing himself. I think he's searching for his love muscle. A little further south, Pirate Rob...just follow the trail to the buried treasure.

WinWin said...

Oh shani, I see the discussion I missed. I was only asking for your opinion on on screen chemistry. I 'm so worried about it for the film. It seems so crucial for story. And I want this film to be really good for Rob's sake and the story's. Sorry if I opened a can of worms. I'm not even paying attention to all the noise about his lovelife anymore. I just can't keep up. My main focus now are projects and hot eye candy!

showme said...

"Who called it the pirate avi? Diane? Anyhoo I love it. Thanks Sho!

PFFT! Diane stole that from me! LOL"

and you are more than welcome. thanks for my pics in my inbox today! love the scrunched forhead!

Shani said...

anna- You can look at the video showing what was happening in that pic. You have to go back a page. It's under stalker something I forgot. It's the one were Goz says it's boring.

Mrs. Robinsane said...


Oh, thank God there's no line limit here—my literary "love muscle" doesn't like to be restrained. ;P

And as for those "parentheses" you spied...I think they were actually exclamation points:

*!RP's love muscle!*

Mechevpao said...

Lynda, thanks for shearing your perception to us, this kind of stories like yours teach us many things form other’s perspective, I must admit.. you must be a very strong.

WinWin, SHani, how are you?

Leann “who moves past being a teen sensation and goes on to do respected work. I full expect Rob to do this, or I wouldn't be here on this blog.” ..

I couldn´t agree more with what you said.

WinWin, about the chemistry between Rob and Emily, I think we´ve seen too little to show, and thera re some emotional strong scenes tin the movie that will put to test the chemistry they can create; so I will wait and see, with each different actor, each different interaction, so I don´t expect to see with Emily the same he has with Kristen; in fact some people actually they don´t see any chemistry with Kristen either, so to each an opinion; sometimes that kind of judgment is very subjective to personal point of you and different taste in what we see or want to see.

Chicago girl now in LA said...


I interviewed Scott Baio when I was a TV-Film critic. His dad was with him in his trailer. Very nice, unassuming guy. I remember I left my notebook in his trailer (never did that before or since) and he chased me down.

Shani said...

anna- I saw pretty good on screen chemistry nothing more like you said. It's really nothing. Actors being nice to one another and getting through their shoot.

Shani said...

Hey Mech I'm doing great. How are you?

Shani said...

Win I never read your comment. I read Shows. Don't worry about it. LOL

WinWin said...

Leann, I agree he should go first. LMAO

Ana, I haven't read the script either, I guess I feel nervouse for him being the first non Twilight film, everyone is waiting to praise or pan him and I just wantit to be on fire for him onscreen.

Mrs. R. as alway love your comment and love you. I agree about the melting into him part.

I totally love you girls. I know I can always rant about my random Rob thoughts with you guys.

Gemgirl65 said...

" with not even room to cram a tween girl's angry love note between us...."

oooh, that's steamy Mrs. R! Now when is that novel of yours going to be completed?...

Diane, a little R&J! That's perfect, seeing as NM is coming right "up." But you didn't let tiny Ed enjoy a lap dance? Just cover the plastic peen with more plastic, it'll be fine. I'm keen to hear his sexy little pocket-sized voice. Does he say things like "you shaved off my belly hair" and "look at me with my little bouffant and customized pea coat?"

anna F said...

I don't believe that anything would developp between the 2 actors right now (If we take the unknown Kstew factor out of the equation): they have known eachother for 1 week or so, are probably both going through things right now (Rob's public scrutiny and emily's personal issues).
But I think that they can create a good fictional story for now, and that's what matters.

Diane said...

Penalty to doofwad for unseemly (if highly entertaining) behavior in the end zone. Show - the prurient value of "love muscle" pales to the visions conjured up by "drawstrings around his man meat." Mrs. R - yes, I was cautioned quite fiercely about the 6-line rule, but since it wasn't done by Goz or Dani, I didn't get why I should comply. Now who's going to break it to Leann that her pirate avi is a manip?

showme said...

LOL Mrs. R.....exclamation points indeed!

(picture Rob in that Canadian Music TV interview screaming "LOOOVVEEE!")



(and i was DEF not talking about off-screen chemistry/romance in my comment on R/E. Def just on screen...)

WinWin said...

OK ladies. I have to run to get 3 kids dressed and clean. Always a pleasure to hang with you guys. Even though it wasn't a long time it was quality time. I'll talk to you girls soon.

Hugs and kisses to all and take it easy on Rob's "love muscle". : )

showme said...


STFU! Is it a manip?????


btw, u said "prurient" LOL
such a vocab snob! tehe

showme said...

Bye Win XXOO!

i'm still reeling over the manip comment. i hope leann doesn't come back and see that.....LOL

no no no no no, sadness. u know for sure?

Diane said...

I know, Leann, it was probably cruel of me to take the Shakespearian high road for Edward's birthday rather than the lap dance. Still, I don't care how much plastic I could come up with, ever since that damned BD pregnancy, I'm all about the birth control where PE's concerned. I mean who wants to go thru another hideous delivery only to be stuck with an alien whose name isn't half as pretty as "doofwad"?

Mrs. Robinsane said...


The feeling is mutual!

*prolonged kiss*

And Leann:

Ugh...the novel...woefully neglected...RP does appear in it, in a lucky character's, uh, flight of fancy...Mrs. R must conduct more "research," to make this bit convincing....

*applies for position as RM on-set masseuse; understands RP needs assistance with neglected and possibly atrophied love muscle*

Diane said...

Show - yes, that one was listed as a manip some time ago. Just check out the arm hair (or lack of same.)

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Oh, bye Win!

*switches to prolonged good-bye kiss*

Gemgirl65 said...

OH eff me dead Diane. I'm always getting duped by manips. I thought the bod was awfully skinny, even for Rob! Poop.

So where's the actual pic of Rob used for it?

Shani said...

anna- So true

Gemgirl65 said...

Yes Mrs. R, we cannot let the muscle, or any other muscle, go neglected here. We must attend to our boy. Er, MAN. You might need help, he's quite tall. I'll start at one end, you at the other, and we'll duke it out when we get to the middle.

Diane, so funny you mentioned the hairless forearm because I kinda wondered about and then shrugged it off! grrrr...

showme said...

Diane and leann, how DARE u cover up PE's manbits with plastic?


Y'all know you LOVE Nessie. You mean her preternatural intelligence doesn't do it for you? LOL

emmett totally has like a socal frat guy voice jsyk
saint_renegade: oh for sure
saint_renegade: he would totally surf
oxymoronassoc: IF IT IS A SPORT
oxymoronassoc: EMMETT DOES IT

saint_renegade: oh yeah
saint_renegade: he like totally has the tivo set for what he wants to watch
saint_renegade: Edward is pissed because he's going to miss a new episode of Modern Marvels
oxymoronassoc: he gets pissy if anyone reminds him this shit is time delayed too
oxymoronassoc: or if alice tells him who wins
oxymoronassoc: because most of the fun is screaming at the tv
saint_renegade: oh he doesn't speak to alice for the whole time
saint_renegade: he won't be in the same room as her
oxymoronassoc: STEP IT UP
saint_renegade: WHAT HAS SHE DONE TO YOU?

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gemgirl65 said...

What the heck was all that, Show? LOL

Nessie kinda creeps me out. How are they going to portray that thing, uh, girl/vamp/wolf whatever in the movie?

I'm just in it for the honeymoon. After that it's all downhill.

Mrs. Robinsane said...


You take the high road, and I'll take the low road (or vice versa)—got it. ;)

I'm off, ladies—it's been a pleasure! See you soon! :)

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Wow, an interesting thread where I *know* most everyone...HELLO!

Lynda~Whoa, you've really been through it, haven't you? I'm sorry that you have suffered. Kids were trained to be seen and not heard, right? Sometimes I think now that things have gone too far in the opposite direction!

I was somewhat raised that way but got back at my parents by blasting my music when they weren't home, wearing bright green eyeshadow and secretly piercing my ears! My father cut up then threw out my skintight shorts. My mom just bought me new clothes, so no prob!

I had a girlfriend with a sister 15 years older who took her to see the Beatles in Comisky Park (Chicago). My friend came back in a trance for two days.

I can't complain about the screaming at any age because I think it is natural, if that makes any sense. I had a huge crush on a certain band (age 11-13) and when they got back together I finally got to see them when I was in my 30s. I screamed uncontrollably for the first hour of the concert and there were plenty of fans (from kids to seniors) doing the same thing! I guess it was just pent up for all those years!

Diane~You are in fine form today!

monika said...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Edward Cullen

Diane said...

Show - Love the oxymoron stuff! Leann - I know. SM has said there's no way to do Nessie in a movie, so I'm wondering how far she'll let the film-makers deviate. By the time she wrote BD, she had to have a a notion that it might be a movie someday, so why did she persist in making it so impossible? Can't Nessie just be normal - like any other half-human, half-vamp baby?

Gemgirl65 said...

Agreed Mrs R! It's all good, we'll end up in the same, very happy place!

I'm outtie too...have neglected way too many Real Life responsibilities with all the Robmadness this past week. I love you all, smooches to you all, I'll see ya later. :)

showme said...

"My father cut up then threw out my skintight shorts. My mom just bought me new clothes, so no prob!"

diane, oxymoron stuff is my FAVE!

leann, if you haven't read those, have to send u the links! i've never laughed so hard in my life!

Anonymous said...

I read the Blog, and I have to admit I did agree with some of it, I don't think it was all crap. The last part refering to RM and Rob not being as "HOT" as Summit thinks bothered me a lot. I think there's goign to be a backlash and I do believe it's already started with this Chace ? Crawford stuff. Not that I wasn't expecting it, when someone gets as big as Rob you know they're going to start tearing him down, the media loves tear people apart once they've put them on a pedistal, I think Rob is afraid of that more then he is of his screaming fans, he's already brought it up in several interviews. He's also mentioned that he's terrified that fans will watch him in something else and say;"That's not something Edward would do."

However, I think the media in general is not taking into account his older, quieter fans and ladies, there are an army of us and unlike teenagers, we aren't fickled. Just ask Tom Jones!

showme said...

monika, what is your twitter?

you obv do, bc i just saw that link to that buffy video!

i want to follow you!

Diane said...

Monika - That's a priceless video! thanks for posting it. The ending is kind of sad, but what are you gonna do?

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
margot said...

hello ladies :))))

gonna watch the new pics as wasn't at home for 2 days ... hmmm

din't know why but never ever wanted to scream at a band or an actor ... no screaming urge at all ...

anna F said...

Suz: I wanted to read your set report, so I'm glad I did. the "busted" part because your picture appeared on a papz site is the best! I hope that you were not a robsessor in the closet~

Suz said...

Not any more Anna... totally busted.

Since I'm already going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly, right?

Good thing I am the boss.. or I'd totally have some 'splaining to do.


Anonymous said...

Thanks ladies for the suport about the birthing room. I can remember holding onto the bars on either side of the bed and smashing my head back and forth into them. My DH freaked out and asked the nurse why I was smashing my head..she said.."I dunno.." then screamed at the lady next to me and said.."Why can't you be quiet like her??!!" LOL! Anyway I did grow up and now I'm a pretty mouthy "B***h"

I'm going to have to keep my comments here though, people close to me are concerned, they know I'm obsessive (under control always..)
My grandson was the one I watched "Twilight" with, he asked me if I loved Robert Pattison. I said.."Yes Aaron, indeed I do"..he said.."He's too young for you, you know!" I answered "But Edward's not, he's older then my father.."..well he mulled that around for a couple of months then last week he said.."Are you in love with Edward?" I said.."Yes indeed, I am!" he answered.."Grandma, Edward is too old for you, you know!" You just can't win!!

showme said...

ROFLMAO Lynda at your grandson interchange (Btw, love it that your grandson was watching Twi!)

Sam said...

ok- life and style mag has a title stating, it's official we're dating" about ks and rob???

Sam said...

Sam said...

i have searched all over online on all the gossip mags sites and noone else is saying they officially announced this...

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mechevpao said...

Mmmm I read part of that blog commented here (I read it at, there is not way I´m going to click to that blog to read the rest of t), so there is where they mention the other actresses that say no.. and the sources.. are sources.. as usual.. no name attached.. Ellen Page and Rachel McAdam, are cool actresses, their CVs have many genres, they don´t only choose movies or only involve into working with only cool art movie actors, I doubt they would had said no to the film because of Rob, if it is truth they were offered the role to begin with, so they either weren´t offered or they could had many reasons not to do it if they were, I doubt they are as shallow to call Rob as their reason. Any way the info comes form a very doubtful source: a blog… nowadays I could create a blog about celebrities, I talk trash about them, quote other pieces of media and when I need to support my position as a true gossiper, I could invent something and call it was said by “my personal” sources in between cast members, crew or heads of studio.

Robert is not that big of a celebrity, we think he is because we spend good portion of the day getting as much info of him as we can, there is a demand for it and media fills it, and they make profit out of it, in the meanwhile we think Rob may be really “big” in the industry, but the truth is that there is certain illusion to it, given by the fact that his name has entered in the pop media culture.

Many people today talk and give opinion, the press and media is based in that a lot nowadays, more that in giving serious objective info; so what we get of Rob are different perceptions of him by the media; only time will tell is how much his acting career will go on; and the truth is that the ideal of that “career” is to maintain through time with success and flops, but be constant about the work.

Lynda, that is a sweet story with your grandson ;)

VeilsofLight said...

OK, I just stepped onto youtube for about 2 1/2 seconds tonight and they had this video featured on their homepage...for father's day I thought it was cute...the first skit: Twilight Dads (and good sports)I couldn't resist...

(actually, the acting may be better than the original (JK):)

Anonymous said...

Mechevpao- I agree, sorry I'm a little behind on responding to certain posts, I had to take breaks and cook dinner etc.

Ellen Page declined? That's too bad, I was thinking of her when they were casting, she would have been perfect, so would have Anne Hathaway (although she isn't my favorite actress, she would have looked great with Rob) I'm not all that crazy about Emilie, she looks so short beside him, that pair up is going to need some tricky camera angles. Plus I think the film would work better with a stronger (better) female lead. But I'll wait and see. So far it's making me a little nervous and has me hoping that "Unbound Captives" will save it for him. "Bel Ami" also has me nervous, I know that story and have seen George Sanders in this part, and that is one hell of an act to follow. Rob will have to approach this from a different angle.

So I do agree, I don't think he's getting the parts he should be getting. Handled properly he could have a fantastic career.

Stacy said...

I will say that I have a friend in NYC that is an actor and has recently read the script. She is of the opinion (and I agree) that this is a very good script, especially considering the subject matter and that it has the ability to do wonders for Rob's career. Remember this script was on the list of one of the 10 best in 2008.

I don't think we can make any judgments of how Rob is playing Tyler based on the snippets we have seen, especially those at the beach. We have no idea what the scene concept is, what his mood is, etc. I think we just have to wait and I see.

Stacy said...

Also - I would not believe that bloggers report about actress that declined. She just started that blog a few days ago, and has only 3-4 posts. No real credibility to back her up.

There are a lot of people who think that Emilie will really nail the part of Ally.

Anonymous said...

Chicago girl now in LA- I was so well trained that I didn't even rebel until I hit 30 and my poor husband got most of it..ahem. But hey, both my parents were brought up that way, they did the best they could with the tools they had.

People were more open when I was bringing up my daughter and I had a lot of good people around me advising and pushing me in the right direction. Plus I tried very hard to correct the bad lessons I had learned. Heck I didn't want her looking at me the way I had looked at my Mom. A good support network is so important. I have no idea why they aren't used more. It has gone too far the other way in many cases,but I do see a light at the end of the tunnel as more information gets out there and people log into the NET and find the right information.

Suz said...

If anyone is interest in a little bit of my RM set visit on Tuesday, you can find a short blip over on my lil blog.


VeilsofLight said...

I have to comment on all the comments on Rob's career choices...I actually think he and his management are making brilliant choices.

There is a very good reason he has stayed with essentially the same management thus far since the Twilight hysteria. It sounds like he is a grown man who is going to make his own choices essentially on films to fill his in-between-Twilight time. I for one am so glad they/he picked a relative 'unknown' for Remember Me.' Ellen Page etal. (especially Anne Hathaway!!) are endearing, but FAR too self-indulgent onscreen to share this movie with Rob. It's hard to tell the chemistry just yet, but Emilie strikes me as just a strong enough presence to play opposite Rob, but also subtle enough to blend well with the story.

I can imagine the time and thought that went into casting this film, and I'll be surprised if there isn't some insane onscreen chemistry. Plus one has to keep in mind, the chemistry also has to be based on this underlying tragic undertoe.

This is a completely random thought, but if Sandra Bullock wasn't QUITE so well-known right now, I could completely see them in some sort of psuedo comedy, dark indy film together. I know, I know, she's mainstream, but i can just see her and this quirky Brit hittin it off onscreen in some crazy way. Maybe in more a brother/sister quirky kind of way. who exactly IS Robert Pattinson's PERFECT leading lady?

And let's start the betting at those people who actually qualify as grown women, shall we? Hence, noone under 20, thanks. :)

Stacy said...

I completely agree with your entire post. Very well thought out and spoken:)

babbles said...

Rob fans are Madness LOL! Poor Guy! I bet the attention is making it more difficult to make this film, It's his own fault for being him...
I am way excited for this movie...

VeilsofLight said...

Thanks Stacy :) Just rambling Rob thoughts here. :)

So what ever happened to Juliette Lewis, remember her? That would make an interesting match...definitely NOT your typical love story, though.

Actually, THIS is a bit cliche, but Winona Ryder and Rob would actually be hot. Hmmmmn...I seem to be trending toward more mature brunettes here....hmmmm...busted. :)

Stacy said...

You are welcome:) I agree, I would love to see Rob onscreen with someone like Sandra Bullock or Winona. I think he could hold his own with an older actress.

VeilsofLight said...

Stacy, I think so, too! I think he is in some ways an old soul in the body (incredible god-like body) of a 23-year-old, and I think it would do him SO much justice.

OH. MY. GOD. I TOTALLY have it.

Ok. Ready?? The script is an impossibly handsome, intelligent, sexy, curious, mysterious (um, well, ROB) with the same mate, but experimenting with a bit older woman.

Ready?.....DIANE LANE!!!

Too old? I seriously think not. Wow. hotness.

And I feel like he'd be so nervous at first filming.

Plus...once you go mature...the young ones hold NO allure. ;)

Stacy said...

OOH, yeah Diane Lane would be great! That would be some hot stuff for sure! She's such a fantastic actress too.

I agree about Rob ... he is in many ways an old soul:)

Gemgirl65 said...

I am actually younger than Diane Lane. I don't think I need to tell you how much I love you right now, Veils.

Come on, "Unfaithful" anyone? How hot was that? Of course that French actor...what the heck is his just smokin'. But so is Rob. Ooohhh...the possibilities.

Suz said...

Rob Elevator Lovin on an older woman...

where do I audition?

Leann.. Oliver Martinez...

Anonymous said...

Interesting, thinking of leading ladies for Rob. One who comes to mind he's already worked with, Clemence Poesy, from "The Goblet Of Fire". I saw her with Colin Farrell in "In Bruges" and loved her on-screen chemistry. I've read that she still remains friends with Rob so they also get along. She has that french accent, but it's not a strong one, she speaks English very well. Her face does light up a screen.

Tenneil said...

Hey ladies...
SUZ .. my mortal beloved... me missing you long time!!

hi stacy.. leann!! waves

Stacy said...

Hi all. Just trying to write.

Call me crazy, but I would like to see Rob with Emily Watts as a leading lady. I think they would have an interesting dynamic. Same goes for Elizabeth Banks.

Tenneil said...

Hi Stacy...

were talking leading ladies for Rob... hmmm how about Kate Beckinsale??

Suz said...

Ten - Mortal Beloved

You don't know how long I've waited for you..

Leading Ladies.. SuzRoss?

Suz said...

Stacy, is Eliz Banks the girl from Ed? I loved that show.. and HIM!

Suz said...

No.. nevermind that was Julie Bowman... what did Eliz Banks play in?

Tenneil said...

Suz~ MB...

you are my life now!!

Leading ladies... Tenneil... that works for me!!!

Stacy said...

Eliz Banks was in ... Zack and Miri make a porno, Definitely Maybe and The 40 Year Old Virgin, to name a few.

Suz said...

Thanks Stacy.. that's right.

Totes OT - Saw a GREAT film today

Away We Go. It was amazing and this emo girl cried lots.

Soundtrack by the brilliant Alexi Murdoch.

Highly recommend.

Going to sleep..

Another week starts tomorrow == let's be good to each other.


Tenneil said...

Night Suz!!!

I like watching you sleep!!!

Kimmie said...

im confused about this whole rob is dating kristen thing...are they or aren't they together??? well i read that supposably kristen has been calling rob non-stop because she is scared that he is going to fall for emilie...... jeez. this whole robsten thing is just out of hand. i guess i'll wait with all of you when they come out and say they are together or we see some proof.

Dazzle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dazzle said...

He is not with Kristen, he is with's all so fishy....the studios are doing damage control with this thing with Kristen...just watch....after all the Twilight movies are over, he and Kristen "won't be together". That's how "Hollywood" works....I know this.

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