3 New Pictures from 06/15/2009

What does Rob eat? (That bodyguard is famous now :))

Source: Robert Pattinson Unlimited :)


anna F said...

I don't know what, but not that much obviously... you need to eat boy!!!

albaville said...

Yes I agree he could eat much more and be just fine especially now that is working out too....
doesnt seem so happy to have the pap taking pictures..as usual!

Babs said...

How he can go thru all this so gracefully and still be drop-dead gorgeous, is a mystery to me.
It makes me wanna hug him.

cathysue said...


Suz said...

beans on toast?

...wowie! said...

I hate it when he doesn't look happy. =(

Haystackhair said...

hot pockets? LOL. Sigh, he's just soooooo pretty......

Anonymous said...

Poor Robbie looks really annoyed....It must seriously suck to have cameras in your face every time you walk out of your apt/hotel.

Georgie said...

I think the BG in the white shirt seems nicer and Rob looks happier with him...but not as happy as with the BG from Cannes!

Treasure_7 said...
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Lizalou said...

He can't smile all of the time. He's human. Maybe he had gas? A tummy ache? Got into an argument with his mom?
Who knows! But he looks fine regardless.

Damn the man.

Mommamary said...

He said once that his favorite place to eat in NYC was Grey's Papaya. Got some big fat hotdog under that foil, Robbie?

Anna said...

so pretty... *happy sigh*

Mrs. Robinsane said...

"What does Rob eat?"


*DON'T say it, Mrs. R!*

bbonin said...

He looks good as usual but I like me a happy Rob. He looked gloomy in those pics. Sucks to be a megastar, eh Rob?

Anonymous said...

Gosh he never changes he is wearing the same plaid he wore last Monday..*sigh Robbie..how can I love you more?

monika said...
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Anonymous said...

Rob seems pissed off. And I agree, that bodyguard is famous now. lol xD

Kathy#1 said...

He looks just slightly pissed off in these pics..still gorgeous though.

AnnaD said...

I can understand why other actors have punched the paps now. NOT that I ever thought they were seriously out of line in doing it, because the paps SUCK...but I don't think we've ever really seen the mass chaos they bring and the annoyance to the actors so much as with Rob. I feel sorry for him, but alas, I'm torn. I love seeing him every day, but I wish they'd leave him alone, too.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...



Shani said...

Liza- Too funny and so real. *burp*

monika said...

Breaking Dawn: Will the movie beat the book?


monika said...

check out the pics in the article,specially for 'reneblablabla's birth' and 'reneblablabla carlie cullen' LOL forever

Gemgirl65 said...

annaF, you took the words right out of my mouth! Whatever that was, he needed two plates full.

monika said...



monika said...

Evening shoot. NOT giving location deets, but will post updates as we get them. rpattznews

Nikola Six said...

Good. I wish they'd close this set and not give out another location for the duration of the shoot. That first week was enough for me.
We'll live without a daily update. For decades movies were made without a daily update from an internet and the movies were better for it as were the lives of the movie stars. And at the moment I'm thinking of one in particular whose had his life taken away from him because of these jackals (they're not even photographers doing a job. they're "feeding" off the unhappiness of another human being). And his quality of life trumps our need for new pics and more intrusion into his life.

We must claim our part in all of this, if not, were hypocrites. Everytime you purchase a tabloid or go to a "source" site (where they buy these papp photos) and download a picture, you are contributing to his misery. I know that's brutal, but there's no other way to say it. I go no further in seach of him on this internet than this blog. It's enough.

The only reason these rags are putting his face on the cover is because, people are buying AND the only reason these photo agencies are buying the papp photos is because people are hitting their sites.

We can't have it both ways. Were either part of the problem, or hopefully part of the relief.

I know I'm gonna get in trouble for this one. Lemme have it.


Nikola Six said...

And please let me clarify something...


I'm not saying he doesn't need "interest" around him as he certainly does. Fan interest is what fuels a career at the box office.

But let the blogs go to the source sites and get the picture for us. We don't need to go there too and give those sites thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of hits. If we do, the papps we'll stay on him like a pack of hounds chasing a fox.

And his quality of life will continue to diminish and I swear, if this keeps up, he's gonna disappear on us one day. As soon as he's got this film career established, like a 'sub', he's gonna go 'silent.'

And how would we all like to go a year or two without a peep, a photo, nothing about Rob Pattinson?

If things don't calm down a bit, that is exactly what's going to happen. Mark my words.


franky said...

I think he's eating Taco Trucks! Wait does he even eat that?

captain said...

Very well said indeed. I completely agree with you.

Anonymous said...

You are a bold bold RobKat to post something like that. To be honest, I know what you mean. We go around tellin' people to leave Rpattz alone and bashing the paps for making him 'miserable' by constantly getting into his space.
When you think about it, they're just doing it for the money. And who's bringin' it in? Rpattz.
Who's demanding daily sightings of him? Us.
Ironically, the more we tell people to leave Rpattz alone, the more attention will be drawn to him, starting the cycle all over again.

So if I have to, I'll just settle for recycling his old bits and oggle them over and over just so bb can have his peace filming RM.
But when new stuff is available, how can I resist?
I'm weak. I can't control my Robflexes after all that Robsessing during his "Twilight" promotion watching his interviews and falling for him. It's become a natural physiological response to all things Rob.

That's why I'm here. I thank Goz and Dani for starting this blog and posting pics so RobKats can congregate and safely admire Rob from a very far distance.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


I'm enjoying ROB news, but its not that serious, if he takes a sabbatical, i will sure as hell be happy for him. i love the guy, but
i can carry on...

i enjoy getting up everyday and reading the latest ROB news, its a little bit of enjoyment in my hectic schedule. I WILL READ ALL I CAN GET. I just wont go follow the guy around for a two second glance, that is pointless to me.

Dazzle said...

I worry someone might try to hurt him or he might get accidentally hurt or worse because of those stupid paps. His popularity and all the frenzy surrounding him reminds me of the way it was with Princess Diana. It's kinda scary.

Sam said...

dazzle.... i too worry about that

Dazzle said...

Haha......yep we both worry about our boy......

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