More Remember Me Set Pics 6/22/09

Rob looks sexalacious getting arrested. YUM!

Thanks to Socialite Life, and Pattinson Life LJ for the pics.


Treasure_7 said...

YUM! He is gorgeous!!

Tess said...

Now he can finally say he was arrested (in prison) with some conviction <-- oh, a pun!

Whatever.. I'm just rambling again..

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


Vilmarith said...

"arrested for being criminally beautiful..."

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

oh and by the way, I CAN DO HANDCUFFS WITH PRECISION....

Anonymous said...

Can I be his cell mate?

Kimmie said...

i was thinking at first what?! rob got arrested but i was like ohh he got arrested for being way too sexy lol

Rhonda said...

Don't drop the soap, Rob!!!!

LaurenSue said...

Can I be the police car? Or the cop?

...wowie! said...

I'm imagining handcuffs and bedposts and white sheets and some hot crazy sex. hehehe

lostinphilly said...

Let all the frisking and strip search comments commence! Only Rob can make getting arrested look SO sexy. Yummy, YUM,YUM,YUM.

janehofstra said...

ARREST ME! Looks like fun (:

They must be rehearsing...unless Tyler's borrowed Rob's Nikes (and clothes, those are his clothes right?) to go clubbing! LOL

AnnaD said...

He looks shmexy today..

RPnKSaddict said...

OMR his character gets arrested. He's a bad boy with hand cuffs...mmmmmm...this movie is looking better and better all the time.

Hell I'd like to hand cuff him to me and loose the key. lol ...but I think the DH wouldn't like that too much.

xoRobxo said...

YUM... some new pics, I was having withdrawls all day. Now I can go to bed -and have sweet dreams *yeah I need a life*

RPnKSaddict said...

Jane- I know I said the same thing..they're letting him wear the shiteous Nikes in the movie...that's halarious.

RPnKSaddict said...

xoRobxo- What's life without Rob?

Unknown said...

Where can I find the script??I'm so curious!!

Ash7586 said...

It's nice to see his clothes always make it in his movies. Love him. I can't wait for this movie.

Sophia Z.86 said...

He is wearing HIS OWN clothes, isn´t he? Look at the jeans, the nikes.

Now that he is arrested, maybe they will need someone to "torture" him... MEMEME! Pleeease! I can be good at it! Torturing gorgeous Rob is my day and night dream...


bbonin said...

Omg...he definetly got arrested for being so sexy! He knows it! ;)
My DH is out of town....bring on the cuffs, Rob! :D

Marilyn said...

That's Chris Cooper arresting him! He plays Emilie's character's father in the movie. Can't wait for this movie to come out. it's gonna be great!

Sophia Z.86 said...

bb, your DH is out of town, but my BF is here and snoring... al'right, i am off to bed now.
Rob/torture/porn/dream on the way. Uuhhh, that is gonna be good!

janehofstra said...

I really think they must be's supposed to be a night scene (I hear they're shooting overnight tonight) and there's all those bystanders that make it look like a parade scene (which it's not) and Chris Cooper is not wearing an NYPD uniform. Plus those look like the clothes he wore the first day he arrived in the city when he was photographed walking into that building in midtown (*scratching my head* that I remember, but I can't remember what I did yesterday!)

xoRobxo said...

RP~I know... Its like when you have kids and you can't remember life before them. Yeah I wonder how did I go about my everyday life not knowing the existance of this man(and coming to this awesome site everyday).Just got more work done:)

bbonin said...

xorobxo, I agree with you!! I couldn't believe I didn't notice him earlier. I noticed him in Twilight and found out that he starred in HP as Cedric. I remembered thinking Cedric was cute but prob too young so I didn't think twice. Now...I adore him! Just 5 years younger than me..hmmm!

Marna said...

Rob bent over a car. Nothing more to say.

Ana73 said...

nice to see pics of him from today :)

so now the rumors are really going with "set People" saying that there is so much chemistry with rob & his new leading lady and they have been hanging out privately during some breaks, doesn't this all sound soooo familiar....

cant rob make a movie without be linked to screwing them?

it's late and i am rambling sorry

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

well GOSSIP GIRLS have the pics of kristens first day of shooting...

apparently it was all leather for kstew:

Stacy said...

These pictures WERE from rehearsals. There were twitters from set stalkers long after these were first posted that he was out of his trailer again and filming while the paps took pictures of the whole thing. The twits said to "expect lots of pics of filming."

How the paps are allowed to click away during the actual filming is beyond me.

RE - the chemistry between Rob and Emilie, most of the stories I've read sound like they just recycled the ones from Twi/NM and changed Kristen's name to Emilie. It's a joke.

Ana73 said...

stacy, i agree !!!!!

bbonin said...

I agree. I don't listen to any gossip...I'll just hear it from this site and witness with my own 4 eyed eyes. :)

janehofstra said...

Thanks for the confirmation Stacy. I've been stir-crazy sick at home the last few days and was giving that way too much thought LOL I guess the crowd should thin out as the night goes on, I considered swinging by just to get out of the house today but I feel like I'm gonna see the entire movie as a series of stills before they're done the way photos are popping up every day! I don't get how those girls stay there all day, people just stand around most of the time.

Regarding Rob's chemistry w/ Emilie, I should hope they have it or this movie will flop! I tend to ignore all the rumors anyway, that he'll get linked to all his co-stars (and all females he shares breathing space with) is inevitable.

AnnaD said...

If any actress LOOKS at him...they're secretly dating him...
So does that mean if he touches them they're pregnant???? I'm just sayin'...

JTSTeamSwiss said...

i think my life is now complete bc Rob is sporting a NYY cap!

he looks damn GOOD in that outfit, so if it's his, HE SURE CAN WORK ANYTHING

*praying that during the real filming (if this was rehearsal)he keep the ballcap

Stacy said...

You're welcome Jane. Those twits were coming from Rpatznews, I believe.

I have a big issue with the paps and set stalkers. It's completely fine for people do what you and Win did, go down, watch for a bit and leave, without causing a big uproar, but these people that are making numerous trips and hanging out for the entire shoot are another story. The twits were also asking people to be quiet and respectful as they were shooting, which means people were acting like fan girls.

Between them and the stalker-azzi, how the hell is Rob supposed to give a great performance? Or any of the actors, for that matter? That's a lot of added pressure, not to mention distraction. I'm really hoping he can rise above all that, but I wouldn't blame him if he couldn't.

kespax said...

1. I step away from the computer for 3 days and freakin hell there is so much yum to come back to, so how the hell am I supposed to have a life?

2. Chemistry
I laugh my arse off whenever they talk about Rob + chemistry. It is quite clear he could heat towns with his own personal hotness and convert many lesbians no doubt (I asked my sis of that persuasion and she confirmed she would do him)- so the co-stars could be antarctic & it still would work. But I defy any female to get close and not melt - as we have seen time and time again with interviewers.

3. How did I know all you robsessors would be here printing posters of your personal fantasy - rob in cuffs and bent over. How damn sweet of him to smile and looks so cute doing that!

Sam said...

sexilicious is the best word ever!

Loisada said...

Dani: I'm lovin these pics, so must say I almost wish you'd put them under the cut with a spoiler alert. (Mama likes a slow work up!)

Was hoping to keep some suspense going, but at this point I'll probably just go ahead and read the script. We're getting a frame by frame movie from the pappz already! Don't remember when there was ever this much coverage allowed of a shoot. Strange ploy by Summit.

janehofstra said...

I hear you Stacy, it's too bad it's become impossible to keep the set locations a secret. I still don't understand why the papz are allowed all over the place and you'd think all the fangurls who profess to love Rob so much would realize he's working. And I must be too old to understand all the screaming...I could barely get my tongue to work when I saw him that first day. Some bystanders were asking me who he was and all I could do was stand there with a dazed look on my face LOL

Jaime said...

ok first there anything that boy doesn't look good in?? second...he's wearing a yankees hate, fuck that makes him so much hotter if thats even possible

scarlett said...

Oh Rob does make everything sexy... he is quite simply the sex! *sigh*

Thanks for the new pics, right-click save seems to be all I do on this site.

And I love that he's wearing his own clothes. Makes it all the more easier to fantasise! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah!!!! Throw some handcuffs on the man :-D

Babs said...

Rob and handcuffs, and my mind is down in the gutter.
Can I pay him marital visits while he's in jail? LOL
Geez I'm gonna love this movie!!

Anna said...

Robbie's been a bad, bad boy...

oh yeah... ;)

kespax said...

Could be just a touch embarassing watching this movie, I think I may need a sedative & alcohol first time - and to hold my hand firmly over my mouth to stop the unseemly noises.

keti said...


keti said...

I cant stop looking at these pictures.... OMG its criminal looking so bloody sexy : )
I cant move !!! I'll be here all night looking at these .. thanks for posting, you guys rock

Pet73 said...

Jane, Stacy - You are right, they are only rehearsing (I read the script): This scene should be at night and he should look a little bit more umm ..... damaged?

kespax said...

Tee hee I just realised you guys are drooling in the middle of the night - 3am your time, I'm just about to head home after work, with a whole evening of drool time ahead after the commute and reading some fanfic - cheers!

Anna said...

kespax - I have a whole DAY of drooling ahead of me! I discovered 'bad boy Rob' over my breakfast cereals... he he...

Pet73 said...

Robert does look super sexy, whatever he is wearing. Although I prefer to see THE HAIR in all its glory :). You see, as an European I'm not that enthusiastic about the basball cap thing - but I am definitely enthusiastic about the hair!

Pet73 said...

Oh, completely forgot - good morning girls!

kespax said...

LB - what time is it where you are? Do you just get up freakishly early or you not US am?

I got to go catch my train, c u.

Kate said...

Morning all, what a way to start the day!!!
Yes DAni i agree with you Tag but c'mon Rob would look sexy doing "Anything"!

CAn't wait to get home from class and have a proper look at these!!! THANK YOU!!!

Georgie said...

Like kespax this is just about the end of my workday and I'm taking advantage of being in the office alone at this time. Lovely pics - at least the extras are allowed to gawk all they want at Rob (which ppl do when they see someone getting arrested in the street), except they'll have to try hard to keep their drooling at bay.

Anonymous said...

I saw these earlier last night on another site and already clicked and saved. So now I'll just droool! I swear, he can't take a bad photo, he's delicious from every angle. How is that possible?

There has to be a way to clone him, they do it with sheep for goodness sake!

margot said...

off the main topic

Edward tells BD plus pics + hilarious !

anna F said...

HI everyone!

Luckily, I should forget the content of most pictures before the movie comes to the screen, but I feel like they are making a mistake by letting us see so much, we need surprise too. But I wonder if it's even possible to prevent the papz from taking pictures in NY since the set is not really close.

and about Rpattznews: they may not give the set locations, but they promote the twitter of the set stalkers who spend their day(s) over there to give a live coverage. I wonder how that is better? My pholisophy: let them work!
Like Stacy, I am concerned that the actors can't concentrate and give their best performance with the numerous people + papz that we see in the background of these pictures.

rpattzdude said...

wow that must be a hell of a movie first he gets punished and then he gets arrested will he do the prison even hotter? hahahaha cant stop drolling haha

Georgie said...

I don't really mind any spoilers because I'll be so busy drooling over Rob during the movie that I don't think I'll be able to concentrate on any storyline anyway LOL.

Anna said...

anna, I'm concerned too, and for the same reasons, but here's my rationalisation:

a) I haven't read the script, but I get the feeling that most of the important scenes actually take place inside. Since we won't get to see any of those, there will still be a big element of surprise.

b) actors are never sheltered from curious looks when they act. There are always tons of people on a set, and it's the actors's job not to let it affect their performance. Think about the infamous Spanish electricians giggling during the sex scenes in Little Ashes: probably not any better than what's going on here.

That being said, I also feel fiercely protective of Rob and of his movie when I see pics from the set...

Anna said...

Georgie: yeah, that too... lol

anna F said...

you're probably right LB. Besides, it's not as if anybody can do anything to stop what's happening, so let's be positive~

showme said...

Vid of Rob on set Mon night

Anna said...

anna - exactly!! All we can do is hope for the best, go see the movie when it comes out, and try not to make fool of ourselves in the movie theatre :)

maha said...

He has a magically way of acting makes you so exciting to see the movie.

monika said...

the pics and video of Rob filming at night,we can see Tyler and Aidan's girls

Haystackhair said...

OMR, there goes the whole day. Rob...handcufffs.....forget work....I can even forgive the NYY cap, but only for him. wink wink. I'd love to get the chance to yank it off. DIED.

Treasure_7 said...

I want to do the search!!

Barb said...

What I did on my summer vacation (which was suppose to be used to remodel three rooms in house)!

Day 1 - Looked for new pics of Rob. Found none so I ripped carpet out of three rooms, scraped ceilings, primed walls and ceiling.

Day 2 - Found new pics of Rob..DAMN That's it! I'm done for!

Rest of week - will drool over computer.

Do you think I can use a hair dryer to dry my keyboard????

He is so HOTTTTT!!

wanabRPsmom said...

Da boy is just irresistible!
Mr. NYPD,,please do not bruise his face ;)

Pet73 said...

Okay, Monika did it again!
She's the offical web queen of Rob news :)!

Is this one hot Rob pic on top of that page? How can anyone wear such a horrible plaid oversized shirt and look so sexy?

Obviously this is his "filming" wardrobe (not so sure if I did not see that shirt somewhere else before - scratches forehead ?). I think I like the black trousers (but prefer his "personal "slim fit" :p) and the jacket.

albaville said...

Rob in handcuffs in jail,doing the shower..ehmmmmm....
I need 5 minutes to recover....
I'll be back....I hope

Gemgirl65 said...

Ah, Rob getting bent over the hood of a car. I think it's going to be a very good day. Maybe not for him so much, but it's all "win" for me!

Little Red said...

I want Rob in handcuffs! Woah - wait too stalkerish? ... Na'h just a little kinky! ;-)

Gemgirl65 said...

Looked at the pics...I liked Rob's clothes waaaaay better than Tyler's! That plaid thing? Gah, get it off of him! (Of course really that's what I say about all of Rob's clothes...get 'em off!)

From the looks of the girls, Tyler hangs out at Coyote Ugly. Nice.

Sam said...


hey is there another place to get the night time pics- that website won't load well- then when it does it takes like a 100 years! haaa

Sam said...
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Sam said...

Celtibera said...

Check that naughty look upon his face! I'm lovin' arrested Rob ;)

Diane said...

Pulling out my check list:
Things Rob Looks Better Doing Than Anyone Else
Getting arrested - check.

WinWin said...

Rob in baseball cap is too hot. Up there with the black beanie.

I have been trying to talk myself into not looking at anymore on set pictures. I don't want to be able to piece this movie together. Anyone feeling this way? I wish they would stop letting all these paps and set stalkers near the set. Must be so distracting. Hopefully they are just trying to get all the outdoor scenes done. I have Rob pic overload.

BTW, good morning ladies!

Stacy said...

Ok ... I love the flannel on Rob, but are they really letting him wear that in the film, lol? I mean, he's had that thing forever.

I felt bad he kept trying to shield himself from the stupid paps.

Jane - your last post last night, I completely agree. I don't know why the paps are allowed close. I'm just hoping Little Bear is right about things. As for the fangirls- I completely agree. They see Rob as an object to lust over, not an actor or they would contain themselves better. I can give the young ones some slack on the screaming, but not the adults.

Stacy said...

And I will say, watching that vid, he looked irritated with the flashing and paps, etc. Again, I worry about his ability to concentrate. Hope he pulled it off.

WinWin said...

Leann, "coyote ugly" LMAO

monika said...

@Sam,err some of those night pics are on lainey,not sure if you're willing to give her any hits though

monika said...

pics taken by a fan,and there are some videos of the scenes being filmed actually

WinWin said...

That is so cool that Rob has his bodydouble on this movie too.

Sam said...

monika- hahah thanks! i did find a site and posted the link.. hell i don't care i'll go wherever to get pics of my sweet boy!

Sam said...

crap! you can't swipe the pics off of lainey's page! figures.

Sam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Haystackhair said...

I found these pics...lots of ass candy!! cute little butt.

crazylife said...

Looking at the pictures it seems they did not spend a lot on the clothing budget. He is wearing his own clothes.

Rhonda, "Do not drop the soap Rob"

Too funny

showme said...

Still pics from last night filming

like the long legged walk one LOL

anna F said...

I actually have discovered that I like Lainey's sense of "derision". She is not taking everything as seriously as the fans, and it's sort of needed, she puts things into prespective concerning Rob right now. she is hardly talking about his private life too, unlike another blogger trying to push his agenda.

And I don't know if the e-mails from "twihards" are real, but I believe so, I can understand that she laughes about the fans... I'm sure that she picks the ones that she shows, but aren't we aware that the twilight fandom is kind of extreme?

Kathy#1 said...

OMG...he looks so good and sexy getting, hot with the bad boy look. LOVE these pics. and yes, I want to strip search him...

I only hope the guys don't get to him n prison..he's so gorgeous..hahaha.

Now all the magazines are going to yell out "Rob Pattinson gets arrested!!"

Ruby said...

Hi everyone,
I'm new to posting on this site. I've been to several other Rob related sites, and this is definately the best, most up to date and seems to have the most accurate news. He is looking good in these pictures!

monika said...

'sexiest man on planet' according to Heat magazine

Shani said...

Welcome Ruby!!!

Now I can't get the COPS theme song out of my head.*in a cute sing song voice* BAD BOYS...BAD BOYS...WHATCHA GONNA DO....WHATCHA GONNA DO... WHEN THEY COME FOR YOU....BAD BOYS...BAD BOYS... ROTFLMAO

Stacy said...

I agree about Lainey. She can be a pain, but her commentary is usually pretty hilarious.

RPnKSaddict said...

Rob may not be getting irratated with the paps but I am. I'm pretty picky about the videos I'll watch.
I hate the girl at the end that says oooh paparazzi. Sounds like it should be a porno, it's just sleezy.

It would be so bad if they would be more respectful in how they go about obtaining the pictures and videos.

Kudos to Rob that he's so gracious about the papz, and some of the more invasive fans.

So... good morning all. hope everyone has a great Robsessing day! lol (that really sounds like a contradiction doesn't it.)

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