US Weekly: The Sexy Stars of Twilight Scans

On stands now :)
Haven't had the chance to read it yet but since it comes from US weekly, the creator of loads of crap, take everything with a bucket of salt :)

Thanks to [info]mediocrechick in [info]ohnotheydidnt
for the scans. You can see the whole thing HERE, I only posted Rob related pages :)

Thanks to Alexandra for the tip :)


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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I received my copy of few days ago (ordered it for the pics) and most of what's written sounds like a load of crap (quoting Goz here) but the photos & my god, the posters are totally worth it!
My poor bedroom walls hardly have anymore room, but somehow I will find a place for them..maybe the ceiling, over my bed?

Gemgirl65 said...

Ah, it's so great living in Podunk where they take their sweet time delivering new mags to the stores.... :p

Who cares about the articles? These kinds of mags are just Playgirl for Robsessors.

Clarissa said...


you're totally right.

um, i'm obsessed with the pic of him at Cannes.

he just looks

i love the scans. they make a great day better.

Treasure_7 said...

Yep who cares about the arcticles....not us!!

Rominiwi said...

i'm having a Rob overdose these days...

Suz said...

I just got my copy from Borders (after pre-ordering from Barnes & Nobel and they told me there was a problem and would not be shipping until JULY!.. as if EPIC FAIL)

I am soooo ready to hang every poster on my bedroom walls!

That's how FanGurls.. roll

Diary of a Mad FanGurl

Anonymous said...

Ah what's the point, my DH won't let me put the posters up anyhow..*sniff*..he still isn't over all my "Rod Stewart" and
Kevin Costner" ones..*which are still up and there's no way "Bull Durham" is coming down! It's the closeup with only Costner and people have been trying to snitch it for years. However..I plan to have a whole bunch of photos printed and put them into a tribute ablum of Rob..keep it under my bed..DH never looks under there anyways!

Kathy#1 said...

Haha..Goz..I was just about to comment that the mag should have just called it Rob Pattinson rather than Twilight...then saw that you only posted Rob's pics. Smart move Goz...thanks for posting.

Kathy#1 said...

Leann, I agree, I bought the mag today..for the pictures not the articles.

Marna said...

The posters of Rob are amazing!4 of 7 of them are of him alone, so yeah, this magazine is about Rob. His head is almost life size in the posters, just right for kissing! LOL

Haystackhair said...

OK, so gotta sooooo go out and get this! DH won't let the posters be hung, but I can still look!!! GAH!!!!!!

Mrs. Smith! said...

ok.. I went and bought my copy today and I am trying to figure out a way to put the posters over my bed without my hubby getting mad..hmmm any ideas??? lol

Suz said...

Mrs Smith..

Promise Sex

always W I N

Ellie said...

Good evening, ladies!!

I'm still waiting for my copy to be delivered...

Can't wait!

Tenneil said...

Mrs Smith... haha.. win a bet..
worked for me!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Same DH issues, but I'm going to get it and add to my Rob collection I have a box with his mags and some of the books. For the pics of course. At least he can't keep me from looking.

Noe said...

i sooooooo want this F'N thing so BAD!! but it wasn't on the stands at target or walmart! gosh hawaii is SLOW! i was bummmed out!

Ripley said...

I saw Safeway grocery store had this. I too thought the articles would be crap but if there's posters---gotta get me a copy. I just saw that has Rob posters and one head shot mural size 72x48 of him. Verrrry nice.

Tenneil said...

Hi Ellie... waves frantically

I got mine from BN... I am sad that eveyone else is having issues.. bummer!!:(

Tenneil said...

Hey RP.. evening to you girl... you do some reading..

RPnKSaddict said...

Hey Ten. I tried but had to do some log in crap..hopefully tonight I can squeeze in some reading.

RPnKSaddict said...

Hey Ellie...

Lynn said...

Good evening, lovelies!

I think I can wait on this one. I remember running out and buying my Twilight Movie Book and that was enough for me!

Ten: I got your FB're so pretty. I love putting faces with names!

Hello, Ellie Birthday Girl!

Tenneil said...

RP...i tried to read a little today too but real life got in the way.. I hate that.. hahaha

Tenneil said...

Hey Lynn.. your so sweet * blushes*

RPnKSaddict said...

i know what you mean..I got cought up on you tube looking up Twilight quotes my sister and I are making bags for some teenie boppers.

RPnKSaddict said...

hello Lynn

Anonymous said...

hey ladies :)

how is everyone tonight?

hbty ellie!!! :)

RPnKSaddict said...

Hi thirty!

Tenneil said...

Hey TS .. what up girl??

Lynn said...

Hello, RP and 30!

I love those Sex Drive pics of Rob...he looks so magically Hollywood but yummy! Funny how two of the larger prints are from a non-Twilight red carpet.

I bet that stylist made out and hopefully with Rob!

RPnKSaddict said...

Sex drive Rob is smokin hot. one of the first times i fell out of my chair when I first saw the pics.

Anonymous said...

sadly i have been a total fail at being a twilight fan... i do not have my copy of this mag yet. BUT these fine pics will do for now :)

Tenneil said...

Lynn.. haha...

did you get your copy of the mag??

RPnKSaddict said...

thirty- no worries being a Rob fan comes firs and foremost...

Ellie said...

Hi, Lynn, TS, Ten, and Rp!!! xo

Ellie said...

Lynn, I'm going to switch my profile pic to my favorite picture of Rob...brb!

Lynn said...

No! I will have to buy one that I can hide in my closet. My 16 y/o would have a field day with it if she saw it.

Anonymous said...

ellie: how was your day? did rob jump out of your cake?

Tenneil said...

Ellie... how was your bday??
get any goodies??

RPnKSaddict said...

Did anyone see the BD cake with Rob's Picture on it? It was on like 2 weeks ago.It looked pretty amazing.

Anonymous said...

lynn: i always have a "do not" touch copy of my favorite mags hidden away in my secret rob drawer... haha

Tenneil said...

Lynn.. mine came in the mail... and my DD was so excited that there was a package... I opened it and she was like "OH" ...HIM???
* insert the rolling of eyes"

Ellie said...

Lots of goodies.
Rob made me see fireworks tonight! lol
He's with me for the weekend...Back to the city in the morning... :)

(actually, I had a dentist appt. this mornignand was prepped for two crowns...not my idea of a birthday treat).

My avatar is my favorite Rob pic~~Sex Drive, baby!

Ellie said...

TS? What? Rob's in your drawers???


Tenneil said...

Ellie.. wow lucky girl.. what is happening in the naughty room.. I am sure you are logging extra time since its your Bday??

Good to hear Rob is safe..

Sex Drive Rob.. THUD!!

Lynn said...

30: No, she simply cannot see it! She currently has this ginormous Rob poster on her floor that she is debating whether to hang it or not (she is Team Jacob...ewww).

Ten: Audrey always mocks my Rob likes...she thinks it's hilarious!

Tenneil said...

TS ~ ok fill me in... how did you manage that one.. and not tell me??

Anonymous said...

ellie: didn't you see i said it was a secret... shhhh

RPnKSaddict said...

My DH has same reation with anything Rob..

Hope your feeling better tonite Ellie..

Ellie said...

Oops! Sorry, Ts! lol

Tenneil said...

Lynn~ kids they just dont get it.. but thats okay.. more for us!!

Lynn said...

Els: Le sigh with the Sex Drive pics...I swear to you, someone was talking in to an earpiece in Rob's ear that night telling him which way to face and what pose to use. Notice that everything went au natural Rob after that...damn that training!

RPnKSaddict said...

Rob in ones drawers can have so many conitations...just let your mind wonder..ooh lala

Ellie said...

Ah, thanks, RP! My mouth is just a little sore, from all the stretching and novocaine (LOTS of it), but the teeth themselves are okay. Thankfully, no root canals were required.

Anonymous said...

lynn: jacob? and you haven't kicked her out of the house yet???

Tenneil said...

Ellie.. can you feel your face yet?? are you up to the naughty room tonight?? haha

Lynn said...

Ten: my teenager still has somewhat of a jones for the JoBros but I don't say anything, because, then she can't say anything back. Today, it was "why do you always listen to that gay music"?

Yes, more Pattinson for the rightful woman in this household!

Ellie said...

Ten, I'm ALWAYS up for the naughty room...and so is Rob. (*wink)

RPnKSaddict said...

I know Team Jacob..My sis and I are still bitching over the posters and new book cover for New Moon.

Ellie said...

RP, I'm loving your avatar~~ Rob's got such a mischievious look on his face!

Tenneil said...

Lynn ~ JONAS .. really I am sorry.. do you need to join a support group?? LOL

Ellie love " i think we cant handle that" let the games begin!!

Lynn said...

30: total dichotomy in my household, my dd loves her guys tall, dark and handsome and my type is pasty white, tall, angular and hopefully British (3 out of 4 for dh). So, Team Jake it is!

RPnKSaddict said...

Thanks Ellie, I'm always on the look out for something different,he just has so many expressions I can never make up my mind which is my fav.

RPnKSaddict said...

I liked one of the Jonas Bros songs..just didn't know it was not much on their looks though.
Deffinately tall, pale and Brittish.
John Taylor anyone?

Ellie said...

RP, I know what you mean...I can't keep up with the everchanging appearance of his, I end up keeping the same avatar for months, it seems.

Lynn said...

RP: Admittedly, I like Junebug by the JoBros. LOL I was just saying the other night that if there is ever a biopic of Duran Duran that Rob will have to play John Taylor. I can picture him in a all white linen suit (sans shirt)...darn you Jules and your Hungry Like A Wolf video!

Anonymous said...

gah everchanging is right! i just love that he changes so much and has such and expressive face...

RPnKSaddict said...

Ellie- The one pic I have on my cell phone, on the back of my ipod, in my day planner, etc. Is Rome Rob with his thumb in his mouth. I sport it here a lot of the time to.

RPnKSaddict said...

Lynn- LOL that 's great. Yeah I have Jule's hungry like the wolf on my faves. that vid.

Lynn said...

RP: Oral Fixation Rob is always WIN!

RPnKSaddict said...

thirty- that's why for the love of Rob we can't stop looking at the man morning noon and nite.

Ellie said...

Sorry, I'm back and forth, here. Just got an alert to the epilogue for Stay...

Anonymous said...

rp: i absolutely adore rome rob! forever and ever

Tenneil said...

Lynn oral fixation Rob.. YOWZA!!

Anonymous said...

ellie: me too! i'm dying to go read it...!

RPnKSaddict said...

The thumb has arrived.

Lynn said...

Els: I haven't started you likey?

TheDogsBollocks said...

Hi guys...I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm DB. Nice to meet you. I'm a gemini vegetarian. I have a bachelors degree in fashion and merchandising from CULA, i was a zeta lam denu sweetheart, president of my sorority, Delta Nu, and last year..i was homecoming queen..oh and two weeks ago i saw cameron diaz at fred segal and talked her out of buying this truly haneous angora sweater..whoever said orange was the new pink..was seriously disturbed!

Anyhoo... About Rob...
I really think that he belongs with this new girl Emelie is it? You know, he gave Kristen her chance, and she just didn't take it, right? It's her loss, now she should just get over it and move on. Try a different spice if she isn't find of Oregano anymore and leave the male musk alone. She didn't want the male musk before it wasn't available. She only wanted it when Nikki stepped in and tried to go all skank on it. YKWIM? So...Kristen needs to find some Saffron or something and let Rob move on with this new girl that he is so obviously hitting. You don't kiss in movies like that unless it true....right?

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm going back and forth to started Utter Darkness..Stay is in my TBR file.

Anonymous said...

lynn: YES... you must read it. edward is very sweet and romantic.

Tenneil said...

Ellie ~ I need to get on that... I love that story..

RP ~ the teeth bite .. OMG

Lynn said...

Dare I say...cigarettes, gum, thumbs, other phalanges...ROB...THUD!

Off to play Taxi MOM...BRB!

RPnKSaddict said...

DB in the house!! Hi (waves)

Tenneil said...

DB ~ LOLing... But WTF I am sooo sure thats over the 6 line limit!!


Ellie said...

RP, thanks for putting up the thumb bite...YUMMY!

DB, BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!you're a hoot, sweets!!!

Anonymous said...

db: omg girl... i like totes agree!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Oh no...I hit send before I was done. So I noticed that now this new girl is totally dressing like him. That means know it does. Kristen is trying to play it up that they are sharing clothes, but it's not true. She is trying to cause problems and it's rude. Seriously. No...Rob is sharing her trailer, and she is dressing like him. I heard that some of those kisses weren't in the script, but he told them he wouldn't do the movie unless they added in more tongue action. Reliable source I tell ya. I think it was in Enquirer or something. So...yeah, he totes negotiated more tongue action and a shared trailer. Rumour has it, he insisted on picking out her panties to so that he could keep them. Honestly speaking.

Don't doubt me. I know my shizzz.

Ellie said...

DB, is it 60 lines, now??

Ellie said...

*giggles at DB...

Ellie said...

Like, Totally, DB.

Tenneil said...

DB~ HEE HEE.. like for sure!!

TheDogsBollocks said...

I just had a lot of important shit to say that I know you guys totes wanted to read. It was important to the blog. Right?

Anonymous said...

db: yeah you ARE the reliable source... aren't you? so jealous

RPnKSaddict said...

loling DB that's classic.

Tenneil said...

DB~ has mad connections..

Rose said...


Ellie said...

But, like, DB, is it true that Rob is really close (*wink) with his "friend" TomStu???

Tenneil said...

Rose... hey girl!! howyoudoin??

Anonymous said...

hi rose! :)

Rose said...

Hey Ten! I'm doing. How goes you?

Rose said...

Hi TS!!! :)

Tenneil said...

Rose~ pretty good... black tshirt ROB is killin me... FUCKHAWT!!

Rose said...

Rob has murdered me. There is nothing for me now.

RPnKSaddict said...

Hi Rose! How the hell are you?

Rose said...

Hi Ellie! Hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday!!

Anonymous said...

rose: i can relate... i was in rare form yesterday. sadly i think fic is taking over part of my brain and prevents me from thinking clearly.

Tenneil said...

Rose~ seriously he pains me.. I am sorry I cant sway with you but I will offer a hug...

RPnKSaddict said...

Ellie- Rose's avi kills me (thud).I hunted for that pic for a long time.

Ellie said...

Hello, my Sweet rose!!

Yes, said birthday was okay!
thank you for asking. :)

Rose said...

Hey RP! Hell is a good way to describe how I am.

Ellie said...

RP, that avatar and rose go waaaaaayyy back...

TheDogsBollocks said...

Okay, so I was flipping through Star...(Another totes reliable source) and it the theory is that TomStu and Rob share more than their clothing. Yeah, we all know how close they are, but they like to share girls, lipstick, boxers, you name it. You know what else? TomStu isn't really Brittish. He's from Kentucky and uses his accent to be Rob's wingman because it is honestly true that Rob has no game and couldn't get laid to save his life. Honestly. It's all Tomstu. He gets the girls for him because they are repulsed by Rob. They figured with Rob's accent and Tomstu's game, they would be golden, but they can't get girls individually. It's really really sad. New girl is totes into this, but Kristen, not so much. She offered a 3 way with Oregano but Rob said he likes his food bland to keep the spices at home. She then counteroffered a little skanksauce with Nikki and we all know how that went. He bought her some shiteous Nike's as a thank you.

Rose said...

You're right, ellie... I don't think I've changed this avatar... like... ever.

RPnKSaddict said...

It seemed fitting, you always come in with a bang!! Love it.

Anonymous said...

mhmm i have said before, once i found that pic, i saved it as rose's beanie on my computer... i think she has the rights to it ;)

Rose said...

Seriously, DB... you are fucking killing me here.

Rose said...

TS... I WISH I had rights to it! I wish I had taken the damn thing.

Tenneil said...


Anonymous said...

yep tomstu and the colonel... two of kentucky's finest exports

Ellie said...



TheDogsBollocks said...

Well, they are both finger licking good.

Rose said...

Oh shit. The epilogue of STAY is posted.
So sad. I don't want it to end.

Ellie said...

DB, you're on fire tonite, girl!

RPnKSaddict said...

A three way with Tomstu and Rob..sounds like a nite made in heaven to me..just sayin..

Rose said...

I don't wanna share Rob with TomStu... fuck that.

TheDogsBollocks said...

I'd take them both. Throw in a leeeetttle bit of Kellan and I would be in heaven. Of course when the other two leave, I want Rob to stay.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Did y'all leave me to read stay?

Rose said...

I'm still here... if that counts.

RPnKSaddict said...

One on one with Rob is first chioce..

Anonymous said...

hell no... i'm still here

i'm trying to come up with aan appropriate monument to tomstu to be erected in kentucky

Lynn said...

Hello, Rose!

And, you would share if you meant you got to be the Dom and do all the directing!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Rose, you count enough for everybody. Screw them and their crappy priorities.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Ha ha..You said erected and TomStu

Tenneil said...

Hey still here!!

Rose said...

Hey Lynn!!

I might share... but I am kinda a selfish bitch.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Holy crap...I just had Rob's buttonfly covered peen shoved in my face a la Ten.

Rose said...

Do I even want to know?

Tenneil said...

OH Db they fucking own me...

TheDogsBollocks said...

Look at it. It's there in all it's glory. It almost scared me.

Anonymous said...

what??? you got rob's peen shoved in your face... and you're still able to type?

Rose said...

Oh I see 'it' now...

Ellie said...

Ten, nice button fly's!!

Anonymous said...

t: how nice of you to keep the fingers too...

Lizalou said...

OOOhhhh.. tasty bastard! *growl*

Rose said...

Peen. What a silly word...

Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lizalou said...

peen is silly. but it's properly crass.

Anonymous said...

i much prefer the whole package though....

TheDogsBollocks said...

Okay Rose...

I had Robs buttonfly covered COCK shoved in my face and if I'm not mistaken, it actually twitched.

Better Love?

RPnKSaddict said...

Those damn button flies have had me distracted all freaking day...the hands make it even more's been wonderful..

Tenneil said...

OK .. i'll be good... moment of weakness... TS this is for you... its all about the eyes!! bb

Lynn said...

Oh, and of course everyone gets some!

Rose said...

Yes... MUCH better!

Tenneil said...


Rose said...

Lynn... fascinating analogy.
I like it!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Anything for you my dear. I hate to speak a language you don't understand.

Lynn said...

Rob gives me all the religious experiences that I will probably never have in an actual church!

Anonymous said...

t: you tempt me with the fucking eyes? really....?

lynn: communion wafer? i like your thinking

TheDogsBollocks said...

Yep..he definately gets me closer to God.

It's somewhat of a "Spiritual Release".

Tenneil said...

Lynn... mhmmm!!! yes please...

Lynn said...

DB: great song and great idea!

Tenneil said...

Man I hate to say goodbye.. Ladies I must bid ado...
thanks for the laughs... heart you all... sweet Robbie dreams...

RPnKSaddict said...

Nite Ten

Anonymous said...

night t! thanks for the eyes. i do love them most

Lynn said...

Ten: buenos noches, mija!

G'night, olive juice and muahhh!

Rose said...

Nite Ten!

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm off too. Want to read some ff before bed. Had a blast,chat with you in a couple of weeks.
Have the in laws next weekend. I'll be in lurking mode only.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

DB~I'm dying are so ON to the Twilight TRUTH!

May I say how lovely it is to see all of the RKs here?

My confession is that DH has no problem with Rob, sees all of his films with me, even Bobby Long when he debuted here in LA. But I keep my Rob pics out of the public eye. It is safer that way. I have no mags, only 7 or 8 autographed glossies, one obtained in person. I like knowing that he touched them, if you get my drift.

RPnKSaddict said...

Hugs to all, have sweet Rob dreams everyone.

Ellie said...

Damn, That fanfic owns me (Stay)...

Nite nite, Ten!!!

Rose said...

Nite RP!

Lynn said...

Good night, RP! MUAHHH!

Anonymous said...

night rp! enjoy your bedtime stories :)

Unknown said...


anyone want to buy me a copy and shit it to australia?




Anonymous said...

hey chi! long time, no see :)

how are you?

Lynn said...

My computer is being disagreeable right now...I am off to read!

Good night, all!

Over and out, muahhhh!

Ellie said...

Good night, RP! xo

Rose said...

Night Lynn!

Anonymous said...

night lynn! so happy you were here tonight :) thanks for the lasting religious thoughts of rob...


Ellie said...

And Lynn, you too?
Night and Olive juice, bb! ♥

And I suppose that's my cue to say good night, as well...

Enjoy your day tomorrow, ladies!

DB and TS, you both own me, you know that, right?? xo

Rose said...

I'm right behind you, Ellie!

I can't put off reading STAY any longer!


Love ALL of you!

Bye for now.

Ellie said...

Oh, Rose!!

You REALLY own me!

(I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were still here. Please accept my humble apology, babe. Night, love.♥)

Rose said...

Ellie... you know how I feel about you!


Anonymous said...

ellie: happy birthday dreams to you! night

rose: good night! sweet, sweet dreams to you too!


Ellie said...

TS~~ Huge puffy ♥'s 4 u!!!

Lizalou said...

Oh god.. it's HEINOUS. Thank you.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Lizalou...are you talkin to yourself? Speaking giberish? Or maybe I'm totes missing what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

huh? heinous?

TheDogsBollocks said...

She went back into her cave. I'm lost. She came in twice tonight and made a one line comment that made zero sense to me. I just wanna get to know you Lizalou...make a new friend and all..come back and tell me what's on your mind.

moxiemt said...

I'm proud of you Goz, you didn't mention the button fly jeans at all.... lol!! fantastic scans, and for sure I'll get the mag just for the pictures...geez, I'm an addict...poor Rob, wish I could stay sane and not be like the crazed stalkers but I'm afraid I would snatch him if I had the bare hint of an opportunity....

TheDogsBollocks said...

Please don't snatch him Moxie. You can be Robsessed and not be crazy. A nice wave, and a "Hi" would be good. Don't scare him into oncoming traffic. LOL.

Sam said...

dogs bollocks- i too am a gemini vegetarian!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Wow really Sam? So, you were born in July and like grilled chicken?

Lizalou said...

I'm in a constant Rob coma. I come and go in waves.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Since I am talking to myself...I think I will sing.

Life is a stage, in which we all play
the world is a sea of sarcastic lust
I'd like to be a part of the global game,
But im left behind, chokin on the dust least it's Roblated.

Anonymous said...

well if we're swapping stats:

i'm a scorpio, i was adopted by gypsies at birth and raised in the circus, i have lived in every state in the union, but cannot spell any of them, i only eat foods that begin with the letter P

TheDogsBollocks said...

Awesome Lizlou...So are you gonna share what was Heinous? I seriously have been pondering that comment of infinate wisdom since you made it.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Oh crap TS... Can you pick a different letter. Like "C" maybe.

Lizalou said...

there is nothing to expound upon besides the razor's edge of a jaw and buttonfly jeans.

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