Remember Me Set Pics 6/22/09

Thanks to Socialite Life, go there for more pics.


Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does it look like Rob's at a parade or something? These pics of at the Remember Me set completely ruin the romantic idea I had about acting. How can anyone get into character with all of those people watching?!

Dazzle said...

He is so darling. He looks good no matter what he wears, whether he washes his hair or not, even if he wears mismatched clothes!

Tess said...

Thanks for posting Dani ;)

2nd row, 3rd picture on the right: Looks like he's channeling the Hulk!!


Love him in a baseball cap.

Kimmie said...

if you can see in the third pic, that chick is touching his arm i wonder if she is part of the movie.

Loisada said...

Kimmie: I think she must be the role listed as "tyler's girl"... but haven't read script and don't know what's going down here. She's certainly gorgeous though!

Kimmie said...

tyler's girl?? i would read the script but naw i rather not. yea she is beautiful. this movie is gettin better and better well from what the photos show of course. this role for rob might help him get out of the twilight spotlight hopefully.

Rhonda said...

rob really needs to wash those jeans. they are so baggy in the behind he has noassatall. and we know he has a nice, healthy bottom from the italy pics. snug up those pants, babe.

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm so excited about this movie. I really admire Rob being able to get into character with everything going on around him. He's brilliant.

Sophia Z.86 said...

I so much like the way he walks...

Loisada said...

The lucky lady apparently plays his date? And where were all the Robsessed gals when they did that casting call???

Marna said...

The 2nd picture on the bottom row, FINGER PORN!!! And look at the picture to the right of it, the bodyguard behind Rob stares right at you. Makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong LOL

Lisa Serrano said...

The fellow in the light blue hoodie looks like his stunt double from twilight. In some of the shots at socialite life show him being thrown to the hood of the car.

Is it wrong to look forward to him
getting beat up? :D

Pet73 said...

After 2 days of suffering from heavy Rob withdrawals now these pics! OMR - how can anybody be so goodlooking?

Coming to this place was the 1st thing to do (okay, the 2nd after checking my e-mails) after arriving at the office today morning and now the rest of my working day seems useless since I will only spend it staring at the computer screen, at these wonderful pics.

Pet73 said...

Will he do the whole movie in his own clothes? (Maybe Summit spent all their money in Robs extraordinary security and now there's no money left for his wardrobe :) ?)

Babs said...

He looks gorgeous!! I love those jeans, if they need to be washed, I'd gladly strip Rob out of them and do his laundry :)

Haystackhair said...

OK, Rob is the only one I can forgive wearing a Yankee hat. LOL. He's DA BOMB!!! I too was having Rob withdrawls after last weeks Robapalooza!!! Does anyone have the script? Not sure if I want to read it, it will only make me more excited I bet!

Lizalou said...

He looks fine as usual. But he does not look like a ruffian - at all. I can't picture this guy getting arrested, even for having weed in his pocket.

Barb said...

Yes his jeans need to be washed but instead of washing them for him, I'd like to show him HOW to use the washing machine.

You know...the wash cycle sex, rinse cycle sex and then the spin cycle...OH GOD!

Then there's the dryer while it goes round and round beating the water out of the jeans!!!

albaville said...

I love this look on him, dirty jeans, dirty shirt, baseball hat, so cute...he has his own style..

Shani said...

Oh no y'all the jeans may not be dirty. They are probably those faded type jeans. I have some, black and blue jean ones.

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