What a LOAD of Crap Round Up

In Touch Weekly




Life And Style

Thanks to our affiliate Robert Pattinson Unlimited for the scans. They have TONs of HQ Rob pics, check 'em out :))


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albaville said...

I'm so tired of this shit!!

Bellanieve said...

Goz, Thank You, the usual voice of Sanity and Wisdom..WLC


Kate said...

Gosh Goz you've been busy loading all those photos this morning! I hope you're enjoying your hol!

Babs said...

At this point I don't know if burst out laughing or crying.
Has the level of insanity reached its peak yet? I'm afraid not.
They shouldn't refer to those girls who manhandled him as hysterical twilight fans, they're hysterical period.

Gemgirl65 said...

Well, for better or worse Rob will get a break from being the cover boy for awhile. I would imagine next week it'll be all Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett, God rest and bless them both.

I notice it's been kinda quiet around here. I think everyone's still shell-shocked about yesterday's sad events. That and the fact that there are literally SO many pics of Rob coming out every day now, we've been sort of stunned senseless and are running out of things to say. At least I have! I just sit with a glazed look in my eyes and my tongue lolling out a bit.

Definitely loved that long video last night that shows how much Rob rubs his jaw, his forehead, his ear, his nose while he's concentrating. Rob honey, again, there are lots of volunteers standing in line to stroke your face for you. You can even blow your nose on my sleeve, it'll wash. And please stop, er, make that NEVER stop trying to stick your whole hand in your mouth. That's just kinda hot.

kchambers77 said...

hahahaha! i consider this "onion style" articles now. so hilarious. emilie is hot i wish she would bang rob's brains out. you know the poor guy has blue balls.

Haystackhair said...

OMG, LOL. where is the story about the threesome with Emilie and the panda? LMAO! Isn't there a law about making stuff up and printing it? Obviously not.

Anna said...

Here's an interesting article from the Guardian about the gossip industry:


They take the example of Brad and Angelina, but what they say really applies to Rob too, and it's really quite fascinating. He is damn right to choose not to answer any of that crap:

"If you co-operate with one of the magazines, their competitors become vengeful and attack clients," he emailed. "There is no upside to working with them ... Their tactic is to make up stories that are so damaging, in the hope that we would engage in a dialogue that gives them access to the talent."

Tess said...

Oh Please!!

I wonder, what sort of condiments go with Bulls__t?

I feel so sorry for these people!

Laury said...

Thank you so much!!! I am from Chile and we dont have the chance to buy these magazines so it is a great chance to read them, about all the info just crap hahaha

Diane said...

LittleBear - Hope more people read articles like the one in the Guardian. I'm always amazed at how many seemingly intelligent people believe what they read in gossip mags! They never change. When I was little my mom used to roll her eyes at the ones my Gran boughr - Rock Hudson is desperately in love with his co-star (woman's name here). Yeah, that could happen.

What is the purpose of the rags? To make money. What would make someone buy them? Curiosity. What would make people curious? To print a more outrageous accusation than the last one you dreamed up. It's not rocket science to figure truth isn't a priority here.

Kathy#1 said...

Goz, I'm glad you call them out on these. They just make up blatant lies when those shots are totally set shots. I don't know how they get away with it.

Tatyana said...

Hi! I from Russia. I very badly speak on English. Could someone PLEASE send me the script “Remember me”? Thanks! I love this site. :)

WinWin said...

Poor Rob, I wonder if he's laughing when he sees his face all over the newstands here in NYC.

Thanks for the updates. Hope you're enjoying your vacation. : )

Juli87 said...

I'm absolutely sure this actually IS a load of crap, no question! And I thought the same about all those Robsten rumors so far...

BUT seeing those pictures and videos with Emilie made me kind of stop short... Because I couldn't NOT recognize that he's so obviously not looking at her as he does at Kristen. And I always thought all of that flirting and smiling we saw of him when he was with Kristen was just his normal behaviour. But as I said before, you don't see him looking at Emilie like that... Don't get me wrong, I hate all those stupid rumors but I sort of just have a feeling that there MIGHT me... Well, I'm rambling here... gotta stop now!! ;o) Robsession makes me stupid or at least a little weird...

Pet73 said...

Tatyana - Check your e-mail.

Beatriz said...

@Pet73 - Please, can you send the script to me too??

Thank you!!!

Tatyana said...

Thanks Petra :)


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

This is so much bullshit it's almost becoming comical...

Hopefully Rob knows that his real fans don't believe or care about this shit.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh, and Leann, you're right, we would all gladly line up to stroke, and be his hanky if he needed one..

I'll even rub those beautiful long feet if they get tired.

Pet73 said...

Beatriz- Check your e-mail.

Beatriz said...

Thanks so much Petra!!!

Ana73 said...

leann complete ditto your comments.

i dont see the chemistry either. they are actors and they have to pretend that they are a couple, its not like they are hanging all over each other in the public eye. and its not like she is picking something out of his teeth while doing an interview :)

Clarissa said...


I totally agree.

This week in entertainment sucked. With passing of Ed, Farrah and MJ, it's been a difficult week. Hopefully, magazines will report more on these tragic deaths and not lie about RP just to make money.

Federico Zarco said...

Rob!! great actor!

margot said...

welcome Federico :) I'm sure there are some men on the blog but anyone ever had a male nick or introduced himself.... well ... does it matter anyway ? just sayin'

Mrs. Smith! said...

Just wanted to say HI LADIES! and Thanks to Goz.. as usual!

Pet73 said...

I'm not sure if we are in the position to judge this Rob/Emilie chemistry thing. Of course, everybody is comparing her with Kristen, but the situation is completely different IMO:

1) Rob and Kristen knew each other already months before they started shooting Twilight and they spend a lot of time together during preparation.
When I remember correctly, Rob didn't even know who his female lead In RM would be before he left for Europe.

2) Now, from the right beginning of filming of RM we get pics and even videos of working Rob, 24/7. Every expression on his face is analysed. During filming of Twilight we only got pics an clips way later and without that enormous pressure on Rob from the paps, media, even fans (it must have an effect on him).

3) And - again I don't want to spoil anything, but - we still haven't seen the "in love" Rob - this will only be when they are shooting the final scenes of the movie.

I don't want to defend Emilie since I don't know her. I just say give both of them a little space to develop their relationship (on screen and in private - why shouldn't they also be friends?)

zo said...

OMG ! why dont we change his name and call him Mr. FUCKINSON as he apparently cannot even watch a girl that he has already fucked her !!
Girls in town watch out !! DON'T BREATH OR HE WILL FUCK YOU !!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Hi Leanne!(waves). I agree it has been quiet. I miss everyone. My stupid schedule has been crazy and I've only been able to check in late at night.

I hope to get to chat with you all at some point again...in the mean time we all have these amazing pictures to drool over.

Everyone have a great Rob day!!

Stacy said...

Pet - you took the words right out of my mouth:)

I don't think we can judge the chemistry yet;)

Sam said...

Zo... i'm ok with that... hahahaha

phosphorus said...

Pet, you took the words out of my mouth! We all should be careful not to overanalyze things.

phosphorus said...

Oh, I was echoing Suz. Sorry, I saw her comment too late.

phosphorus said...

Argh! Stacy, not Suz. Sorry, sorry.

Anonymous said...

next issue: "ROBERT AND PANDA: IN LOVE!"

Stacy said...

:) It's ok phospherus! I always spell your name wrong, lol!

anna F said...

I've read all those wonderful newspapers now and feel like my life has been completed!
I'm so happy that Rob is in love with Kristen, that he has set an ultimatum so that Kristen has to choose, that Kristen is getting jalous, that he is getting along so well with Emily, that something might happen with Emily, that Emily seems interested too...

You know, it almost makes sense when put together like that~

I feel like we should start our own gossip website about Rob's love life and ship his secret affair with the Panda right now. It seems Ted hasn't caught onto that one yet, who's in NY to hunt the Panda for an exclusive interview?

lostinphilly57 said...

zo: "Mr. Fuckinson", PRICELESS!!!!!!I love it.I wonder if Rob reads all the shit about him and just laughs his ass off?wouldn't that be funny! Wait, we don't want him to lose his ass, he already has less of it!!!He needs the Yummy Butt back. LOL. Anyway, I agree, youarenotlost, the panda is next!!!

phosphorus said...

@ Little Bear: Thanks for the link, it was interesting to read.

It also said that "Aniston confines her interviews to more respectful monthly magazines, and has been known to wear the same outfit for days, to reduce the market value of paparazzi shots."

Well, that trick obivously doesn't work for Rob. ;-)

monika said...

why has lainey posted this today? these pics are not new. but according to splash they are? *is confused*


monika said...

pics of Cooper and Emilie filming


monika said...

oops meant Em's character Ally,but the younger version of her hehe

wanabRPsmom said...

monica: Thanks for the link!

In the pictures Martha Plimpton is playing the as Mother of Robert then?

Wonder what happened to Lina Olin?

wanabRPsmom said...

oh..I got it.

It was flash back...

monika said...

nice, almost all the main cast members of RM are pretty much well known,thought it was gonna be a bunch of unknowns and Rob,am pleseantly surprised.

monika said...

lol *pleasantly*

Chris said...

Wow, Monika. I've been reading comments for a couple of months now, but new to posting. I am dazed by your skill in finding information. Is Rob filming today? Is there a romance between R/K? Just asking.

Pet73 said...

Monika is always the first to post a link!

She is our own private Rob investigator :-)!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Pet-well said! If anyone knows the story, then they should know that the photos are probably right on as far as chemistry goes.
And who says people have to have it to work well together?
Geez he & Kris spent a lot of time together as you said-

I think we should wait & see the movie, I bet it's going to turn out great!

monika said...

well as far as I know,and according to people who were on the set yesterday,he wasn't there,and he's not filming today either,flashback scenes only.

as for Robsten,we can only speculate for now,and I doubt we'll get any kind of proof(if they are) soon. we got to see what we could call evidence of him visiting LA this past weekend(a recent pic of him on a VA redeye from LA to NY,on sunday,and he was seen at NYC airport on monday morning),looks like it was meant to be a secret visit,it's anyone's guess what he was doing there,but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to think of one reason in particular. Both R/K MIA all weekend and all that stuff. MA seems to have been MIA since april/may.
There are some incriminating photos too,like the Charlie hotel pics(and the video).


The Charlie Hotel looks like it's suited for romantic getaways. Rob stayed in LA for that weekend only since arriving from Italy,then headed for NYC,imo he could have just stayed in a regular hotel especially since he was there for only two days,why a romantic bungalow? Maybe he simply wanted to spend the weekend with that special someone you know *wink wink*
This is the bungalow he's supposed to have stayed in(Valentino)


that said,it's all still speculation,we've yet to see a proof that can't be explained away somehow. And I'm not even convinced yet there's something going on between those two.

anna F said...

Oh, no Rob today, nor tomorrow on set = no picture.

I've become too spoiled, and should be glad he's having some time off!

He seems to be good to not be spotted by papz when going out in NY (has been caught only a couple of times). I hope that he will enjoy himself~

monika said...

A few more things regarding Rob's visit to LA on june 20/21,there's been a few people claiming(non-twilight fans) he was seen in LA at some point,and there's a confirmation from a certain person(not Ted lol) who is said to be quite well connected in Hollywood that he was there. Dunno how legit those people really are though. Also Bazz Aldrin is said to have been on the same flight(according to the girl who uploaded the Rob pic) and according to him he indeed was on the VA redeye LAX to NYC on june 21.

monika said...

oops again Buzz Aldrin not Bazz

Pet73 said...

Okay, ladies, good night!

It's nearly midnight here and old girls like me need their beauty sleep :).

Sweet Rob dreams!

anna F said...

@ Monika: sadly (because I would like this magazine circus to slow down), this is hardly a confirmation that he really was in LA as you mentioned.

The only sure thing thanks to this picture: Rob took a plane at one point (but didn't we all know that LOL). - OK, it was a virgin company plane according to the girls on IMDB, that's the only thing they could agree on I believe.

Besides: would the madness surrounding Rob really stop when the info is "confirmed"? The mags feed on drama and would make up new gossip (whatever the outcome of the relationship status) ;_;

phosphorus said...

Anna wrote: "He seems to be good to not be spotted by papz when going out in NY (has been caught only a couple of times)."

Lately I've been wondering if there's some kind of unofficial deal with the papz: No closed set in exchange to leaving him alone most of the time when he is not working.

Chris said...

thanks for the information. Although, I have not figured out why "I" need to know? Sometimes I think it's more than ???? I'm puzzled or crazy I guess.

anna F said...

it's an interesting theory phosphorus.

I wonder if you can really make deals with papz, I really think they do anything that suits them. But maybe...
Who knows if the open set didn't also help severe the hunger for private pictures, we already got so many pics a day. It makes the papz's job easier, they don't have to follow the celeb around all the time (it must be tiring). And the demand in pics is satisfied anyway. I don't know if it's a real deal, but it could be the consequenses of opening the set to papz.

monika said...

Visited rob's imdb page once a couple of months ago,and never did it again,those people over there are crazy, actually just like those on ted's board are lol

anna F said...

Monika, I find a lot of info over there, and since the people tend to disagree, you see the 2 sides of the coin usually.
How do you find yours then because it's true that you are really well informed? Do you use twitter?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I read on another site that Rob has a few days off? And that Martha Plimpton is playing Ally's mom.
There are some photos on:


Unknown said...

can someone please email me the script to remember me???
i looked everywhere online but can't find it
my email is


monika said...

no I don't have twitter,but I know some twitter accounts who provide interesting(though not necessarily legit) info, get the info/pics from various celeb/twi sites I visit whenever I have time and some stuff I get from friends or do my own research on the net. and I do sometimes visit ted's board,not for him but for comments cause posters over there crack me up,they take insanity to a whole new level but there are a few people there who are worth paying attention to. Ted's posters are so Robstenobsessed that it's actually scary,they kinda even turned me off the idea of Robsten with their bashing of Emilie and mocking of the supposed no chemistry between her and Rob,they just don't seem to accept the fact he'll be acting opposite different actresses,cause that's his job,they want him with KStew everywhere all the time.
Guess there will be mass e-suicide over there if it turns out there's no Robsten. lol

Stacy said...

Monika: for once you and I agree, lol. Ted's boards are full of crazies!

RE: The paps/Rob's off time. A few friends and I were discussing this very thing last night. I think it's def plausible that since Summit has gotten Rob the movie he wanted (RM) he is dealing with their obvious use of the paps to freely promote the movie in exchange for them leaving them alone in his off time. It's very unusual that there have been no more shots in NYC.

margot said...

hehehe e-suicide .....

nite nite girls

dobranoc monika ... jak nie ma, jak jest ?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Just sent it to you..

monika said...

dobranoc margot:)

Unknown said...

I got the script, thanks a bunch:)

Unknown said...

I got the script, thanks a bunch:)

monika said...

Regarding R and E chemistry,people are being way to judgmental and taking the pix out of context,it's better to just wait for the final result. for example they say Tyler doesn't seem to be into Ally on the carnival pics,well hello that's how it's supposed to be,those who have read the script know that,he's not into her on their first date, it's not love at first sight. They weren't all over each other the first day they met.
They say no chemistry but why would there be if they're not even in love yet,doubt even great friends at the beginning, he made friends with her for a reason I won't say here.

Ana73 said...

monika, at first i thought you were linked to ted somehow when i first started reading your comments but you are really informed and really opened minded.

i still find it hard to believe that rob was in and out of LA in 1-2 days without being seen.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Well said Monika-they aren't into each other on the first date-they're not supposed to be****yet***

WinWin said...

I just have to share this:


Bruno talks about Rob and how he wanted to land on Rob, his man crush. Too hilarious!

Stacy said...

OMG, it's Ted C, so take it with a grain of salt, but one of the things in this week's Truth Lies and Ted is whether or not CH will be back to direct Breaking Dawn.

NO. Just ... no. That's going to be hard enough to turn into a movie, and she is NOT the right person. I am hoping they bring CW back.

Ellie said...

Good evening, ladies!! :)

These rag mags are ridiculous.

I hope Rob can escape from some of this crap when they start filming the interior shots for RM.

He needs a break from all this and be able to relax on set, and do his job.

And Goz and Dani, thank you so, so much for posting all these delicious pics of Rob! *thud

Stacy said...

Hi Ellie!

I completely agree...as much as I am selfishly enjoying the pics, I will be glad when the outside shots are done.

Ellie said...

Hey, Stacy!!

How are things going?

I'm up-to-date on your ff...it's getting really good! :)

Stacy said...

Oh, pretty good. I should be writing, but I am not quite in the mood. Thank you so much - I'm glad you are liking it. I actually felt like I hit my stride when I did chapter 7 - I got a clear idea of where I wanted to go.

How are you?

Ellie said...

I'm good.
I'm on summer vacation, now...
Nice to know I have 2 months to hang out and read...YOUR STORY!

...and many others.

I just the weather would cooperate. We keep getting thunderstorms here and there.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Where are my beautiful sexy RK's? I'm working on my other 1/3 and I brought a friend who passed her limit a looooooong time ago.

Stacy said...

We have had heat. It's been miserable here ... and every once in a while it acts like it's going to let lose with a big storm, but so far nothing yet.

I'm already sick of the mid-nineties.

Cougar71 said...

A few things to say here after reading the "Load of Crap" articles (I'd never pay money for the rags but I will read it if it's online out of curiosity) and reading the comments:

1. I just hate how after months of talking up "Robsten", now the stupid, fickle rags are turning on Kristen and saying negative stuff about her personality and how she's basically jealous deadweight just so they can talk up Emilie (No offense to Emilie meant. I'm sure she's lovely.) That is so unfair to Kristen (or to anyone who would be in that position). It is unfortunately true that scandal sells.

2. Great article able gossip rag ethics. Thanks for sharing. You can totally see how it applies to Rob and "his women".

3. I will admit to going to Ted C's blog (more often than I should admit without being embarrassed) and even occasionally reading the psycho comments. It's really laughable to me how most of the "regs", as they call themselves, are quick to call people not on the Robsten train "haters". They, imo, are some of the most hateful people I've ever read. It really is true that crazy, rude people always think that everyone else is crazy and rude, but don't see it in themselves. (They think Robsessed people are crazy. I say nothing. I prefer it here.) My point of bringing up that blog though was that I go to a variety of sites to get different perspectives, both sides of a story, or perhaps even some juicier gossip than would be found on a more respectible site. That's how I first found out about that airplane pic. I just happened to be reading that blog when the girl posted it. Then of course I continued to read because..., and I must say that I pity any man that even thinks about cheating on these women/girls because they will find out every detail about it or die trying..., anyway, I continue to read because within a a few hours they had figured out the time, what he was wearing and when, the logistics of everything, they even checked Buzz Aldrin's twitter, blah, blah, blah...They were on top of it to the point that I do believe Rob went to LA last weekend. Apparently there was a private viewing of Welcome to the Riley's that they may or may not have watched together (speculation, yes). So ok. I'll admit it, I'm more a "shipper" than I should be, but so be it. I'm not so far into that though that I couldn't imagine him with anyone else though.

4. I completely agree that it's impossible to see whether there is on-screen chemistry between Rob and Emilie through pictures. I would think that Emilie would not have been hired if she didn't have chemistry with Rob though. For the success of the film's sake, I hope there is visible chemistry. (I would like to think though that he's not going to make a pattern of falling for co-stars one after the other. That's not necessarily a good reputation to have.)

Ellie said...

My DB!!!

Happy to see you on here!!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Ahhh Ellie...I'm in love.
I'm so happy you are here.
Meet my drunk friend.
Ssssshhhhh (She can't find her way to the right spot) LOL.

Ellie said...

are you here?

And if my friend Luna is lurking, Hi, baby!! xo

TheDogsBollocks said...

Luna? Hey Luna!!

Ellie said...

Hi, DB's friend!

Hope you can find your way here...it's loads of fun!

Oh, and Rob is Sex on Legs...

Just sayin'.

Ellie said...

DB, Luna is a friend of mine. She keeps saying she's going to ckeck out robsessed, and she promised she would try, tonight...

TheDogsBollocks said...

I see Nikki is here. Or somebody channeled her. Heya Nikki. Can you keep it down with the epic posts tonight?

TheDogsBollocks said...


Hey...have another shot.

I love ROb.

Rock on.

Ellie said...


Ellie said...


Stacy said...

Cougar -
Nice post. Just want to say one thing. I don't care WHAT the crazies say, they are WRONG about the clothes. If you look at Mr Pattinson.com, Socialite Life and any other site, he wore that shirt (from the plane) on TUESDAY during set walk thru. They are trying to say he wore it Monday on set, and he didn't. All the sites have Monday's pics as that blu-ish shirt and ratty jeans.

Now, he may have worn it Monday morning and changed ... but he DID NOT wear it on set this Monday like they are trying to say.

That's all the research I did (took all of 5 min) and frankly, I think they are effing nuts with their shipping and researching.

Also, EVEN Ted has said he couldn't make it into LA in secret ... and you know if he thought there was AN OUNCE of truth to it, he'd be all over it.

TheDogsBollocks said...

My friend is lost. Maybe she is drooling over the Rob pics. She says she is here, but she's not answering.

Ellie said...

I just wish the paps would give it a rest.
It's all a pain in the ass...

Ellie said...

DB, what's her name?

TheDogsBollocks said...

I don't know what she is going by here.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm here damnit! Even if I can't type because I am DRUNK!

Ellie said...

Agreed, Stacy.
Too much speculation.

TheDogsBollocks said...

OMG...Bahaha. Hey Van. Welcome.

Ellie said...

Vanessa, who is DB's friend~~Welcome!!!

Anonymous said...

I will molest anyting that crosses my path at the moment I think!

Ellie said...

TS, are you lurking???

TheDogsBollocks said...

She's there somewhere.

Van...Have another my friend.

Stacy said...


Seriously, the people over at Ted C's scare me.

Last night one chick posted she thinks there will be a surprise ending to NM - and it will reveal R/K are married. CRAZY!

Cougar71 said...

DogsBollicks, are you talking to me about the epic posts??? I don't usually post long posts, and I'm Nikki. ???

Point taken Stacy. I agree on the clothes thing. Who knows.

Anonymous said...

hey db! ellie! :)

how are you girls? gah i haven't had time to ogle rob pics most of the week... so sad

Ellie said...

Stacy, that surprise ending for NM??


Anonymous said...

ellie: nope, no lurking for me... my computer is super GAY right now

Anonymous said...

No really...I think I've had plenty enough for all of you! I think you all need to catch up, the night is young!

Ellie said...

TS! Hi, baby!!

I added you on FB, lovey. xo

Reading anything good, lately?

I'm catching up on BAT...

TheDogsBollocks said...

Umm cougar? Are you Nikki? Hmm. Wierd. There is a crapload of multiple epic posts on here. I'm just sayin'. Don't mind me. My friend over there (Hi Friend) is trying to get me trashed. It's not working though. Haha.

Stacy said...


Isn't that crazy? I mean...I feel sorry for those people, honestly.

Cougar ... that's just it. Who knows what the real truth is, but the people there will twist anything to fit their side.

Ellie said...

Uh, DB??

It's working...

TheDogsBollocks said...






Cougar71 said...

That is insane, Stacy! It's truly amazing some of the theories that the crazies come up with. Like I said, I just visit sometimes to see if they've uncovered some deep dark secret, but usually it's just garbage, and them freaking out every time a new rag article comes out. Stupid.

Lord, I think I've had too many Cosmos. I'm starting to have trouble typing.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you Dogs....you owe me a shot!

Anonymous said...

ellie: just got some wicked good recs from our girl db on fic

reading: mr horrible, his personal assistant, alphabet weekends.. and then updates to the norms

what about you?

hi db's friend who's trying to get her trashed.. TRY HARDER!

TheDogsBollocks said...

What's working?

TS...you are full of gay tonight ya know?

TheDogsBollocks said...

TS...I love you to bits, ya know.

I have a new FF for you. Seriously. You need to read it for me.

Stacy said...

Thirty: Mr Horrible is good, very funny.

Cougar - I try to stay away from there cause the crazy just pisses me off and I just want to freak out on them all.

Cougar71 said...

DB...you have me mistaken with someone else. That's all I'm sayin.

Anonymous said...

db: fuck i guess i am...

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm gonna leave this party unless you have another shot DB! No fair leaving me exposed like that!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Cougar you are confusing me. Ha ha. It's all good though. Honestly.

I will say welcome though. I don't know you yet so..um..how's it goin?

Anonymous said...

db: hit me baby! you know how i heart you so and worship @ the db ff altar...

stacy: mr horrible is fucking genius

TheDogsBollocks said...

I need food in a bad way or she will be triumphant.

Ana73 said...

hi ladies, just catching up again...

cougar when you talk about buzz...buzz who??? the only buzz i know is an old guy, couldnt imagaine that one twittering ?

Ellie said...

DB, it's working that Van is getting yu tracshed! lol

TS, there's so many that I'm reading. all the ones you mentioned, except Alphabet.

there's Reunion, BAT, Stacy's fic, Brotherly Devotion, Wreckage, Resident Geek, When Fiction Becomes Reality, Stay, confessions of a Nanny, Bloodline, (yada, yada, yada...).

TheDogsBollocks said...

ME leaving YOU exposed. Bwahaha.

Okay..off to shot

Anonymous said...

Ok DB...I am so lost. WTF is going on? Maybe I shouldn't join here...am I the drunkest of them all?!?!?! Sad but true....

Cougar71 said...

Stacy- I do freak out on them sometimes esp. when they start going off on Emilie or being really rude about one thing or another. I usually just post as anonymous then.

Anonymous said...

Mwahahaha....I WILL be triumphant!

Stacy said...

Love BAT. What is Brotherly Devotion about? And Wreckage?

Stay is AMAZING.

Library Rendezvous is fantastic too.

Anonymous said...

ellie: okay, what's BAT? i have reunion on my list up next!

van: i have my drink on now... it's all good

Ellie said...

Stacy, Brotherly Devotion has Bella married to Emmett, but she starts an affair with his younger brother, Edward. Very hot:

Wreckage is Bella and Edward are engaged, there's a car crash, and she has amnesia:

RPnKSaddict said...

Stacy- just read what you said about CH and Breaking Dawn. NO NO NO NO.
Ted C Bite Your Tongue!!

Ellie said...

BAT is Breakfast at Tiffany's :

Stacy said...


I just looked those up. Both sound great. I have a new idea for a fic that I really want to write, but I know I need to finish this one out.

I think the next one could be really hot, tho.

Breakfast At Tiffanys - it's great!

Cougar71 said...

Ana...Yea, Buzz the former astronaut. I wouldn't have though the man would twitter either if I hadn't read it myself. The content was about his book and appearing on the Today show, but he also said he was getting on that particular plane. He didn't mention Rob. Can't imagine he'd have any idea who he was. Whatever, right? lol

Stacy said...

I am HOPING that was just them talking out of their ass.

I won't watch BD if that crazy hippie directs it.

Anonymous said...

TS: good, I'm glad that someone else has their drink on! I was feeling left out...though I think I started WAY before anyone else. Oh well, means I'll be sober before morning. And, I'm having a HELL of a time typing tonight.

Anyone else drinking tonight? Horny as hell? Well, if you knew me, you'd know that's pretty normal.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Yeah Van..the topics jump around and you get used to it.

I think you are the drunkest. Right now anyway.

Jewels64 said...


Hi Gurlies!

Ellie, 30, DB....Hi babies!!! :)

Ellie said...

Hiya, my Jules!


Cougar71 said...

RPaddict--actually I saw the Truth, Lies, and Ted and he debunked the rumor. Basically said that Summitt said "Hell no" to the suggestion. Thank heaven for that. I wish Twilight could be redone with a good director. I have a feeling NM is going to rock, except for absence of Rob.

RPnKSaddict said...

I hope so or I'll have to pitch a major Bella like fit.

Hi all it's cool to see people here tonight.

Anonymous said...

ellie: sweet girl... thanks for the link

van: yeah you might have been drinking longer than me... but i'll catch up soon

jules! :)

RPnKSaddict said...

Cougar- thanks and thank the lord for that decision.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Understatement of the year.

Ellie said...

Anytime, TS! Muah!!!!

Hi, RP!

Anonymous said...

K....so I've been told I shouldn't correct my drunken slurs...it's hard not to proof read yuour shit...but I wil try to make it good reading for the rest of yas.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Ahhh Jules. My bondage babe is here. What do ya want tonight baby?

Anonymous said...

hi rp :)

Jewels64 said...

So what the hell are we discussing tonight?

I've been reading way too much ff and staring longingly at Rob Pix...pretty much same shit different day for me....

Anonymous said...

Bondage? did someone mention bondage?????

RPnKSaddict said...

Hi thirty- long time no speak. Glad to see everyone is well.

Jewels64 said...

DB...I'm thinking about being hog tied... suede flogger, ball gag..

TheDogsBollocks said...

Yeah, that was me. LOL.

Ellie said...

We're just giving out ff recommendations and talking about getting smashed...

RPnKSaddict said...

whoops missed you Ellie hello!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Will you wear that tight leather outfit with all the hook and eyes? Please?

Anonymous said...

A little rope, hair pulling, spanking...goes well together I'd say.

But then again, I have this fantasy about rape.

Anonymous said...

I've never tried a ball gag! I hear they are hot! Any experience?

Jewels64 said...

DB...if it pleases you.

RPnKSaddict said...

OMR Vanessa Rape?

Anonymous said...

jules: me too! i was in overdrive this afternoon with the ff... too bad you can't get my robbie lovin anymore.... :(

Ellie said...

Jules, get that phone fixed, damn it!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Has anyone read Chaseing Daylight? It's pretty saucy but in a classy way.

Jewels64 said...

TS....SRSLY... my phone died. I literally repel technology.

Fixing that lame ass shit tomorrow! Same number! Will get the texts!

I need my RobKats!!!!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Oh gosh...I had a friend who like to play "intruder". LOL.

Anonymous said...

van: holy shit girl! way to lay it all out there girl...

rough, anonymous sex

Jewels64 said...

TS...I'm almost done working on that last email you sent me! I'm taking my diabolical time with it to see how much you wanna sweat...

RPnKSaddict said...

lol Jewels aka Renee

Anonymous said...

RP: yes. *blush*

Jewels64 said...

Is it just me or would anyone else like to see Rob play a complete sociopath?

I'm thinking Ted Bundy scary...?

Patrick Bateman hawt....!!!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Van- umm Wow..

Anonymous said...

Sorry...alcohol tends to make me have verbal diarrhea! I'm sorry if I am too blunt! I'm a pretty wild girl!

Anonymous said...

jules: i'm totes sweating... just so you know. and i'm hoping some fun & a few drinks tonight will give my a swift kick in the ass!

Jewels64 said...

Yeah RP...watched "Twilight" today.

For the 50th gazillioneth time....

RPnKSaddict said...

Jewels- Oh yes!! I love when Rob gets all pissy...so psyco would be even better.

TheDogsBollocks said...

That would be hot Jules.

We all know my fantasy is mild and involves ferris wheels.

Anonymous said...

ME! ME! on the sociopath

i have said many a times i would like to see him as an american psycho type... hot damn

someone wanna take notes for a new ff? *cough* jules?

Anonymous said...

DB: Ferris wheels? MY ASS! I know your fantasy involves multiple guys and double penetration!

Jewels64 said...


Now I have to send it to ya! But my last glass of wine just hit and I'm feeling all kinds of relaxed...

Has anyone here ever realized just how hot Rob Pattinson is?

Just sayin...

RPnKSaddict said...

Some of these RM Pics he looks a bit pissy or emo. i'm loving it.

Jewels64 said...

DB...my mistress of pleasure and pain.

Your wish is my command. There will be ferris wheel sex in England....

Anonymous said...

jules: you know i'm fucking with you right? i ain't sweatin... it's all good

rp: where are you seeing the emo/pissy?

RPnKSaddict said...

I bet Rob would love to play a psyco..One flew over the coocoo's nest N Jack Nicholeson....ahhh The shining..

Anonymous said...

I'll take Rob any way....though I don't think I'm "cougar" enough for him.....anyone have a fantasy of a younger man? Rob's younger, but not THAT much younger than me.

Jewels64 said...

RP!!! I sent out an email to the RKats a long time ago with side by side pix of Jack Nicholson and RPattz so totes with the same expression on their faces!!!

Anonymous said...

van: how much younger you talkin'? i'm 11 years older than rob.

Jewels64 said...


I'm 45 and I am dating
someone who is 22....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hmmm, thirtysomething...I'm only 6 years years older than he is, so I think you have me beat, you COUGAR you!

RPnKSaddict said...

Thirty- He just seems serious in some of the shots that all the sites have been posting. It may be my imagination because I read the script. I'll put one of the shots on my next avy.BRB

Anonymous said...

Jewels...you GO GIRL! I think I need to follow your lead. It is my fantasy to seduce someone about 20 years younger then me...of course, I must get older before that happens, or I'd be seducing a 9 year old! Yikes!

Seriously though, I think I have lots of fantasies that are to be explored later~!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Ahhh Jules. You are my fucking Hero!

Ellie said...

Sorry, TS...just finishing up a chapter of BAT.

I'm here, now.

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