Showing posts with label fan encounter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fan encounter. Show all posts

Cute Fan Encounter Video/ Pix Remember Me Set

She is too cute :)

As always scroll down for HQs :)

Holy Jaw Porn Batman! *THUD*
I was telling him that we werent crazy,see the goofy smile on my face arrg lol (Gozde: It's an involuntary reflex induced by his hotness. Plus at least you have a great smile :))Him signing my photo(stupid smile AGAIN) i told myself i wont smile like an idiot an there i was lol

First day pictures, no zoom:

Make way for Mr. President :)

The fans waiting patiently outside of Robert Pattinson's trailer on June 15th

My frend Gina was at the set Tuesday night into wednesday morning an showed me the pic of her and Robert! of course i freaked cuz i left early tuesday night. So i made up my mind to do an all nighter so i cud get my pic wit Robert as well. So we waited and watched him do this scene. They moved the fans so they could have shot the cab scene (where he kissed her) So i decided to walk over to his trailer as it was 3AM Thurs 25th. I was really tired, but decided to stick it out! Emillie came and left but no rob i was confused cuz his usual get away car was parked right behind us.
The security moved us to the opposite side but still no Rob! I ran around the corner to see them still filming a scene. I ran back to his trailer an we waited. It was now 4:45AM
Rob went into the makeup trailer, then to his trailer. Which was where the getaway car was parked! I was like awwwww an then his head security guy put his hands up like "wait hold on" the 20 girls there started to freak like pmg he is really going to do it! I looked around and saw more ppl arrive frm where they were by the set. I cud care less i was in front! lol
4:55AM Rob came out his trailer wit a lilttle jump down the last stair and made his way over to us!! Everyone was like hi Rob!!
one girl pushed infront me to get her pics (yes the blonde in all my pics!!!) :(, but i knew i was next! and then Rob reached out and hugged me close to him AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! and i put my arm around him!!! Convo.....
Me:"We arent crazy you know"
Rob: laughs *sigh* "How long have you guys been here?"
Me:" Not too long"
Me: "can u sign this pic (i took of you last week)" ok thts just stalker haha but he signed it. I hugged him again said thx an moved so the next lucky girl cud get her time!
Thanks to Khanisha for sharing her pictures and video with us :) And thanks to JittzPattzing
for leading us to her :)

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Fan Encounter and Pix from 06/26/2009

Fan pix from Friday in Brooklyn:

He did show up for a short time to film a subway scene. He looks even cuter in person. Not alot of people at all…guess alot of folks didn’t want to chance it with what was said Thurs night and what was posted in various places (it’s really a gamble).(Gozde: okay I'm out of the stalking loop :) What was said on Thurs night?) His main body guard was really cool and nice. He came over to us and said that he will be coming out shortly and to get our cameras ready. He also said that he will not be signing any autographs or taking any pictures with anyone while filming and that he was leaving subway shoot to shoot somewhere else afterward. He pulled up in his car wearing his black hoodie and went right into his trailer. Still wearing his hoodie, he left his trailer to go next door to makeup and then went back to his trailer. Got a few pics of him at that point, but all you really see is his hoodie…no good face shots. Only one pap there and he got some good shots…he showed me. When he was ready to film, he walked right past us and he was within 10 feet or so us with no hoodie….so cute. Got those pics and will send them to you under separate cover once I download. He was only there for a short time and after he went up subway stairs to shoot, the sky opened up and it was a downpour!! Most everyone except for like 2 people, incl myself, hubby and friend stayed right there at the bottom of subway stairs under shelter.(Gozde: In sickness, in health and in set stalking :) Never let that hubby get away :)) Security let us stay, but said we had to move when he came down. About 20 -30 min later MTA Security (?) and some others came down stairs and said that he was going to be in subway car up above for about 2 hrs filming so it would be awhile. I waited about 10 min, not too sure I believed them, and all of a sudden I saw his Security start to come down the stairs. At that point I knew that he had to be with them and he was!!!!! Sure they wanted us all gone so he could make a quick getaway because he left right after that. (they’re just doing their job I know) Can’t always trust what the crew says and just have to go with your gut I guess. Well, it was very exciting and even though I didn’t get a pic with him, it was awesome to see him in person!!!

thanks to Rocio for the tip ;)

P.S.: I use the term set stalking loosely here :) There is no harm in waiting in the wings for a picture :)

Here are some more from Friday, incase you missed them :)

Hit Dan Back Meets Robert Pattinson

Hilarious encounter with Rob:

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Grab your diapers. Yup... it happened. In New York... It really is THE CITY OF DREAMS! Yesterday... HitDanBack met R-Patz. The thing is that I posted that video of those insane girls attacking him, but the truth is that when I encountered him right near NYU (my alma mater, thank you very much) at first I wasn't sure if it was him, but then I realized that I too became a Pattinson-zombie... It was PHENOMENAL... My legs locked up and I'm pretty sure my eyes rolled back in my head... and I drooled... which was probably super attractive looking.

Anyhoo, here's the deal. He's actually pretty intense up-close and he was smoking! And I TOTALLY didn't mind... Honestly, this dude could have been screaming and running at me with a chainsaw, shooting a machine gun and I still would have hugged him. Also I was half expecting him to say "Hay-Low" in that weird turn-of-the-century intonation that he uses in Twilight when Bella first talks to him in biology class. But instead I'm sure he was looking at me and contemplating a restraining order, which would have been a good idea in retrospect because I toootally went after him. Wanna know why? Because that's how I roll... Im as gay as I wanna be, F to that Ay-AIR!(Gozde: No way! We wouldn't know you were gay if you didn't mention it :))

So just when R-Patz thought it was safe to escape, I got him. Yes, I got him. So I said, "Robert, do you know who I am?" No, really. I swear to GAWD! And he was all "Errrrr, no man" with fear in his eyes... Also, yeah, he called me a "man". Excuse me for a second while crack open a cold one and change the carburetor in my pick-up... Ok, so then I told him to read the site and he said he didn't read gossip... So I said... "Well HitDanBack is different!!" And seriously he was almost running away from me at this point but managed to turn around and say "How is it different, man?" Also, "man" AGAIN!!?? So I said, "It's different because I only write about two things... vampires and the Irish"...

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Ok, so this was one of those moments where I actually tried to grab the words that came out of my mouth and furiously stuff them back in by making large netting motion with my shaking hands. Throw me in prison! He actually looked at me and laughed... Phew! Anyway, after we exchanged BBM pins, apparently he was off just as mysteriously as he arrived.

Thank god this all happened because honestly, if I didn't meet R-Patz soon, I'd never be able to show my face on the internet again! Seriously, all you crazed teenage girls, you might be onto something here. Hay-Low!?!


Thanks to RobPattzNews, Marina and Monika for the tip ;)

Fan Encounter With Rob

Why do all the people that go to set/hotel stalk add the "I was so lucky!" line? When you check in to the same hotel as the cast, keep hanging around in the lobby or restaurants they go to it's not "luck" that you see them there :) Just say "I was waiting in the lobby in hopes of catching a glimpse" or something. Nobody believes the : "OMG, I was in the bathroom and Rob walked in! I realized I accidentally went into the men's bathroom! I mean what are the odds? It was like kismet" line (eye roll).

Just own up to it and I promise you'll sound saner :)

Apart from that... The picture above has now become one of my favourites. The smile is perfect, just perfect.


My fan encounter starts out on a plane. I knew that New Moon was filming, and i also knew that it was Robert Pattinson’s Birthday. Don’t ask how i knew that. Anyways, in my mind I was thinking how amazing it would be to actually meet Robert Pattinson, and say Happy Birthday. I mean who was i kidding.

As i got to Vancouver i checked into my hotel. Yes, the hotel most of the cast was “supposedly” staying at. I got checked in and settled into my hotel room, and got ready for dinner. I decided to go to Glowbal because, as a Twilight fan its obvious that you know that Glowbal is Robert’s favorite restuarant in Vancouver. Where else would he want to be on his birthday? As i get my table at Glowbal, i see a familiar, sculpted, perfect face, that you see all over the media. It was Robert Pattinson walking across the restuarant, with his friend Sam Bradley. So I quickly got out of my seat, and walked over to the guy (I was the first girl that went up to him). I asked him for a picture, to which he quickly answered “sure, but can we take the picture behind the wall” (So that he wouldn’t be attacked by crazed girls)(Gozde's note, I LOVE how everyone thinks they are the sane ones while others are crazy :)), but it was to late. Many girls went up to him and he takes many pictures. I apologize to him for the crowd. He says “Oh no, its okay”. To tell you the truth, i still felt terrible. I got him to sign my book, when i took it out of my purse he said, “Oh, you came prepared”, and asked ” what’s your name.” My night couldn’t of gotten any better.(Gozde... Pet peeve: "couldn't have" not of)

When I sat back down I couldn’t eat. It was hard when Robert Pattinson was sitting about two steps away from you. About a half an hour later guess who else walks right passed me, the beautiful Kristen Stewart. I really didn’t know what to do. She came in so quickly, and sat down at her table. Nobody, had the opportunity to get a picture with her. I decided that since nobody was allowed to go get an autograph or a picture with them at their table; I would wait for her to go to the washroom. I mean, the girl would have to use the washroom at least once tonight, right? (Gozde: If I'm ever famous (and thank God it's never gonna happen) please don't approach me while I'm about to pee or after I pee, it's totally creepy:) ) While I was holding my bladder more of the new moon cast came in. It was Ashley Greene and Jamie Campbell Bower.

So after waiting a long time to go to the washroom I decided that i could not wait any longer to use the bathroom. So as i walked into the washroom, I was thinking how cool it would be to meet Kristen in the bathroom. Sure, like that would ever happen. I probably had a better chance of getting struck by lightening, and hit in the head with a golf ball. Seriously.

As i walked into the bathroom there were to other girls that walked in the same time as i did. There were three stalls, and they were all taken. Then the two other girls left. After a few moments, i heard somebody else come in I was thinking how cool it would be if it was her. So (this might sound weird) I looked under the stall.(Gozde: It MIGHT sound weird? Dude! Seriously?) I saw a little pair of KEDS! OMG what if it was actually her! So I finished up, and saw the other stall door open. Kristen Stewart walked out. I was speechless. I mean what do you say to her. So, i let her wash up and everything, and then asked for a picture. She agreed and signed my book. NICEST GIRL YOU WILL EVER MEET! Very down to EARTH! Whoever started the rumors saying she was a bitch. WTF are you talking about? I asked her if she was having a good time, and if she liked Vancouver. To both questions she said “yes.” After a few minutes talking to her I decided that i should probably go back to my table. Honestly, I didn’t want to. I was in the same tiny bathroom as Kristen Stewart who is even more beautiful in person.

I was about to leave the restuarant when, out of the corner of my eye, i saw someone getting up from the “Twilight” table. It was Jamie Campbell Bower. He was going out for a smoke break. I thought that this would be another opportunity, so I jumped at the chance. When I got outside, I asked for a picture with him, to which he also agreed. As i went in to stand by him, he to my surprise said, “Its a bit chilly, snuggle up.” I am positive at that moment i was blushing a little, he also signed my book. After the picture was taken, I talked to him about the paparazzi, which i didn’t even know existed in Vancouver. And we talked about Vancouver, to which he said was “absolutely beautiful.”

My night couldn’t of gotten any better, until the next day.

I was in the lobby with my friend when all of a sudden we see Ashley Greene. We were so lucky to get an autograph and picture with her, because she was just leaving for the airport. I asked her how Rob’s Birthday was, and she answered “good”. She was also a very sweet girl.

That night after my friends and I went out for dinner, who do we see in the lobby? The one and only Taylor Lautner. I noticed him walking around the corner of the lobby, because i saw his dark hair, bright teeth, and amazing body. My friends and I asked him for a picture to which he agreed, and we talked for a couple of minutes. My friend couldn’t get her camera to work so he waited patiently, and I talked to him about filming. I knew it wasn’t the hotel he was staying at he said that he was picking up Selena (to which i met earlier that day; also a very sweet girl), and he left for her hotel room, and then came back down with her and her family to go for a walk!

My trip to Vancouver couldn’t of gotten any better especially after meeting Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on the first night, but it did. So when i came back from Vancouver, I brought back autographs, pictures, and memories, that i will never forget.

thanks, Amy

You can see the pictures with Ashley, Taylor, Kristen and Jamie here.

The Weekend That Keeps Giving-Updated

1 More picture from outside 100 Monkeys concert. Foul language alert :))

[info]kraazyykat wrote in ohnotheydidnt :
I went to the 100 monkeys concert Sunday night, and I stepped outside the theatre to make a phone call when BAM! I see taylor lautner, nikki reed and rpattz pass by me. I’m like NO FUCK NO, so I grab my friends and follow them. Nikki was walking with rob sharing a smoke when I asked rob to take a quick picture and he said yeah sure. He was really nice. Then some random girl (maybe one of their assistants) whisks rob away from our presence and tells us that “we gotta go”.

We’re like okay, but follow them anyways to the back of the theatre. After a while of waiting we see jackson followed by the whole cast (minus kellan lutz and peter facinelli, and elizabeth reaser) come out for a smoke break. The cast stayed to themselves, but jacksper, being the southern gentleman he is came up and talked to my friends as well as a group of women from Tennessee (wouldn’t be surprised if they were twi moms), and promised us he would come out and take pictures after the show After their little smoke break kstew taylor and I think nikki leave in a cab, while the rest stayed. Rpattz came out here and there for a smoke break and I asked for a second picture, because the first one was a fail on his behalf(Gozde: yeah it was a fail so I'm not posting :) His eyes were closed). He then said, “hey! I took a picture with you two already!” and I proceeded to say, “yeah! But you blinked” and he was like “oh, alright” then we take a much better second picture.

LOL OF THE NIGHT: one of the daughters of the ladies from Tennessee asked rob if he can hold her like he held bella in the movie poster.. in which he responded with a “FUCK NO”. my friends and I were dying.. kudos rpattz.. kudos

Thanks to Milica for the tip :)

Robert Pattinson at Metropole Vancouver 4/18/09

From Jen at
Robert Pattinson in the flesh at Metropole Vancouver 4/19/09 at approx. 11pm PST.
nicest.celeb.ever. Give this man credit! His first day off in God knows how long and here he is being gracious to his fans at The Dills lil bitty concert at Metropole in Vancouver! Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart were also there, just a little better disguised. Rob was very kind to me when I met him and we spoke for a couple of minutes about music. I wish I would have had more time to explain how much I have enjoyed his songs, and encourage him to MAKE MORE MUSIC. Rob really has a gift with his music that should be shared and he should not worry about coming off as a phony just because he has multiple talents. I wish I had 1/100th of the talent, grace and humbleness that this man is so blessed to have. Thank you, Rob, for a truly wonderful once in a lifetime experience! It was an honor and pleasure to meet you, and extremely exciting to capture just the tiniest smidge of the movie making process during filming of New Moon at the Cullen house set. I am so appreciative. All the best to you. Please continue with your music. Keep on and be well!

Thanks to RobPattzNews :)

Malicious Mandy also has a report with a creepy ending where a fan grabbed Kristen's cigarette as a souvenir. She praises Nikki and to be honest EVERYONE that met her say the same thing, that she is a total sweetheart. You can read the whole story here.

Rob came by where we were and girls had started to group... when I asked him for a photo he surprisingly said sure.

My battery was in wrong *of COURSE!!!* so my cam wouldn't turn on, MeMy was about to take a pic so I joined and the three of us smiled, her on one side with her arm around him and me on the other side.

I say to him "I am shaking" he says "why?" with a smile... I tell him he makes me nervous!!!! he tells me he gets nervous too - or don't be nervous or something along those lines - with a smile.... *melts*

There is actually a youtube video of someone else's who captures this interaction - - - ahhhh! VIDEO PROOF of my time with RPattz

You can see MeMy and I with RPattz and the flash of the cam... then you can hear me saying he makes me nervous as the red light and no flash brightens our faces and at the end of her video you can hear me tell him it's fixed - - like the dork I am

I did not think I'd be so shooken up - i was literally shaking and grinning and just - - a total mess ha ha ha Rob was so sweet, he smiled and laughed and although soft spoken was responsive to conversation.... :)
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