Hit Dan Back Meets Robert Pattinson

Hilarious encounter with Rob:

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Grab your diapers. Yup... it happened. In New York... It really is THE CITY OF DREAMS! Yesterday... HitDanBack met R-Patz. The thing is that I posted that video of those insane girls attacking him, but the truth is that when I encountered him right near NYU (my alma mater, thank you very much) at first I wasn't sure if it was him, but then I realized that I too became a Pattinson-zombie... It was PHENOMENAL... My legs locked up and I'm pretty sure my eyes rolled back in my head... and I drooled... which was probably super attractive looking.

Anyhoo, here's the deal. He's actually pretty intense up-close and he was smoking! And I TOTALLY didn't mind... Honestly, this dude could have been screaming and running at me with a chainsaw, shooting a machine gun and I still would have hugged him. Also I was half expecting him to say "Hay-Low" in that weird turn-of-the-century intonation that he uses in Twilight when Bella first talks to him in biology class. But instead I'm sure he was looking at me and contemplating a restraining order, which would have been a good idea in retrospect because I toootally went after him. Wanna know why? Because that's how I roll... Im as gay as I wanna be, F to that Ay-AIR!(Gozde: No way! We wouldn't know you were gay if you didn't mention it :))

So just when R-Patz thought it was safe to escape, I got him. Yes, I got him. So I said, "Robert, do you know who I am?" No, really. I swear to GAWD! And he was all "Errrrr, no man" with fear in his eyes... Also, yeah, he called me a "man". Excuse me for a second while crack open a cold one and change the carburetor in my pick-up... Ok, so then I told him to read the site and he said he didn't read gossip... So I said... "Well HitDanBack is different!!" And seriously he was almost running away from me at this point but managed to turn around and say "How is it different, man?" Also, "man" AGAIN!!?? So I said, "It's different because I only write about two things... vampires and the Irish"...

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Ok, so this was one of those moments where I actually tried to grab the words that came out of my mouth and furiously stuff them back in by making large netting motion with my shaking hands. Throw me in prison! He actually looked at me and laughed... Phew! Anyway, after we exchanged BBM pins, apparently he was off just as mysteriously as he arrived.

Thank god this all happened because honestly, if I didn't meet R-Patz soon, I'd never be able to show my face on the internet again! Seriously, all you crazed teenage girls, you might be onto something here. Hay-Low!?!


Thanks to RobPattzNews, Marina and Monika for the tip ;)


Babs said...

I can picture Rob thinking 'Am I a magnet for weird people??' LOL

marina mia said...

thanks Gozde! just had to send this on. Everyone note the swapping of blackberry numbers.

I only wonder if Rob would really do that!

Georgie said...

Ha ha hilarious encounter alright; HitDanBack seems to be a self-proclaimed fashion cop as well as gossip columnist...I take it that the NYU buildings where Rob is filming aren't necessarily off-limits to students or people who walk inside and look as if they belong. Could be a security worry.

anna F said...

very funny LOL

I somehow wonder if it's a true encounter, but the guy is a columnist, so it might be true (but "romanticized").

...wowie! said...

Too funny! vampires and Irish. I wouldn't chase after him but I so think verbal diarrhea would present itself in his company. Only bc I'm sexy like that. hahaha

albaville said...

I know now he's seriously thinking that he's surrounded by freaks everywhere he goes....poor Rob..
and yeah..keep on going not reading gossip..its all a lod of crap to say it in Goz's words!!

Anonymous said...

((Laughing out loud!!)) THAT was very funny! Poor Rob but WAY TO GO HitDanBack!

I would have totally pee'd myself so a little drool isn't a bad thing!

Eli Brazil said...

umbelivable! He looks like a fourteen years old girls! Very funny! Its happens with me when I found Ricky Martin here in Brazil... kisses to everybody!!

Eli Brazil said...

umbelivable! He looks like a fourteen years old girls! Very funny! Its happens with me when I found Ricky Martin here in Brazil... kisses to everybody!!

Suz said...

lol... poor rob.

I love how he takes it all with a wink and a nod.

Too funny.

Sam said...

what is 'BBM pins'?

Anonymous said...

Rob never seems to lose his sense of humour, even in the craziest of circumstances. And HDB is hilarious!

THIRTYGIRL2009 said...

LOL Rob always so gracious despite all the crazies.

marina mia said...

@ sam: BBM is your blackberry code. your mobile code. might aswell have given his phone number practically the same :)

tracyvanhorne said...

Ok I'm old... what's a BBM pin? Oh wait I see Marina said something about it... I don't have a crackberry, sorry I don't know the lingo. hahaha!

I heart that one gif Goz, cracks me up everytime. hahaha! his "what" face is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

lmao @ excuse me while i crack open a cold one and change the carberator in my pick up!

keep smiling rob...keep smiling :)

RPnKSaddict said...

What's more scary fangirls or gay guys?

It's laugh or cry it seems.

Morning everyone! Have a great Rob day.

Kate said...

I'm with Rob on this one because I never heard of this guy either !!!
But would love to know what he says about us Irish!!!

showme said...

he is absolutely looney tunes but hysterical. LOVE how he says Rob is INTENSE and how he says, 'man'

everytime i read something new, it makes me love him more

which sucks. LOL

Cherry said...

I'm so jealous that he has Rob's BBM pin lol. Does Rob even have a BlackBerry though?

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