All Work and No Play Makes Makes Rob a Good Boy

It's OK! Magazine, so take it with a bucket of salt :)

But it sounds true since Rob wasn't seen out and about since filming started.

Do any of us doubt his professionalism? Nope.

From OK!:

While Twilight superstar Robert Pattinson has no problem with going out with friends and enjoying himself just like any other agonizingly handsome 23-year-old, those close to R-Pattz tell OK! that the actor has turned off the party switch while he's shooting his new film, Remember Me, in New York.

"He really isn't a major partier," one friend of Rob reveals to OK!. "His work is very important to him and he doesn't go out and get wasted."

Adds the pal, with a laugh, "Now after the movie wraps up, that will be a different story!"

Robert's work ethic was definitely on display on the set Wednesday morning, as the crew shot scenes inside legendary NYC downtown bar Don Hill's. For the scene, he was joined by co-star Tate Ellington.

"It was a really short scene with two guys just talking at the bar," an on-set source tells OK!. "Rob looked like he had already rehearsed. He was really prepared and just there to do business."

R-Pattz did slip out of the bar a handful of times during the day to head back to his trailer for a break from the repetitive drain of shooting. "Today went really well," says the source. "But it was a lot of the same stuff over and over."


Haystackhair said...

Ahhh, my first Robfix of the day! Of course he's professional!!!

Maryann said...

So basically again he is like any other normal person, hard working and parties when he is NOT work ing. Nothing shocking about that :-D.

Barb said...

Yeah and he's probably just like all us other professional hard working people...doesn't like interruptions like crazy people. Can't imagine trying to get a presentation together and having 1000 of people around watching me do it! He's better than me!

anna F said...

But it's ROB! everything he does is exceptional!
(and if it's normal, it becomes exceptional through him^^;;;)

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi ladies!

Pure class, that RP.

But the phrase "turned off the party switch" makes wicked, imaginative Mrs. R wish to determine said party switch's anatomical location, and turn it back on....

albaville said...

I had no doubts that he was very prefessional and in love with his job..he's just 23 but very serious and focused on his career..
ilike him more everyday just cause the way he is....

Anonymous said...

None of us are surprised by his professionalism what-so-ever. Again, just one more thing to love about him!

A MAN WHO WORKS is a very good thing!!

Babs said...


nel mio profilo dovresti vedere la mia email

Unknown said...

Love the banner.....the smoking and again with the right profile......drooling. Gotta get to work will be back on this evening.

Lizalou said...

Ahhh that new flannel is yummy. He looks nice in green apparently.

Suz said...

he is such a good boy when he is working.. but dude.. this weekend.. Naughty Room... it's on!

albaville said...

@ Babs
ti sto mandando una mail...

riddleinside said...

See this is a proof that we fans believe what we want to beleive. It's the same magazine that wrote about Robert and Kristen being dating or whatever they call it, they are using again: "one friend reveals", "those close to ....tell Ok!". Isn't it the same way they backed up their dating theroy with? when they are praising him we're all ready to believe them but otherwise it's BS.

I don't want to be selective in articles of the same magazine. If they say BS once that all the rest is the same for me. I'm thinking about what KK said once about this, asking how can we decide when these articles are BS and when they're not.

albaville said...




Gozde said...

I agree Riddle, hence the take it with a bucket of salt :) I don't believe it's true. But labeling it "What a Load of Crap" would sound like I think Rob is partying, being irresponsible etc. So I didn't.

DD said...

Hey Liza - have missed you.

Of course, he is serious about his work. Ok is so lame. Love his green flannel.

Anonymous said...

hot damn with the green plaid! how many plaid shirts does this man own...?

suz: lmao @ the naughty big plans for our boy again? i think he requested some time with me... just sayin'

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