Picture of Robert Pattinson at Lizzy Pattinson Gig Feb 24th 2010

Picture of Robert Pattinson at Lizzy Pattinson Gig Feb 24th 2010

via MiraTL from Pattinsonlife

As we reported earlier today he was spotted at Lizzy's show last night.

Robert Patttinson's Bafta Bits

Ooh that sounds naughty! Sorry to disappoint you.
I found these 2 vids with all the parts of the Bafta awards where Robert Pattinson appeared on screen. Rest assured if I find any with any more bits (wink, wink) I'll share, maybe!

Clever TV Talk About Robert Pattinson's BAFTA Look

I thought Rob looked great (as always) and I have to admit I did want to push that one curl back out of the way.

Clever TV need to do their research, I think. ;-)

Robert Pattinson Nominated For Best Actor In The Jameson Empire Awards

Photo Credit: LFI

The first round of voting for the 2010 Jameson Empire Awards is now complete. We've sifted through the virtual sacks of entries and assembled the shortlist of finalists who will be waiting with baited breath on the night itself. It's not over yet, though. With the gold in sight there's still time to cast your vote and see your pick of the year's films and filmmakers lauded on Awards night. Let the final round of voting commence!

Best Actor

Sir Michael Caine (Harry Brown)

Christoph Waltz (Inglourious Basterds)

Robert Pattinson (New Moon)

Sam Worthington (Avatar)

Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes)

You can vote Here. Voting ends 10th March

"Remember Me" Polish & Bulgarian Posters

Thanks to Butterflyfor sending this!

Thanks to TwilightBulgaria

Robert Pattinson Was Out Supporting Lizzy Last Night

Round-Up Of Slovenian Magazines Featuring Robert Pattinson

Click on the scans to see them larger

Nova Magazine 15th Feb

10 Best Kisses of the Decade / Same sex kisses are the hottest
4. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, Twilight 2008

Nova Magazine 22nd Feb

Robert Pattinson gets advice from James Bond
Former James Bond Pierce Brosnan is giving advice to young costar on how to handle fame. They worked together on the movie Remember Me which premieres in American movie theatres in the beginning of April (Kate: Should be March of course) On his work with famous actor the star of vampire movies talked with the Vogue magazine.

Darja didn't translate the rest on the interview, since people can read about it in the original magazine, Vogue, it's the story about their lunch together, people were watching, Pierce introduced himself.... and the part where Rob states his opinion on Twitter and Facebook.

Stop Magazine 24th Feb

Kristen was celebrating her award and paparazzi followed her when she left the show with colleague Robert Pattinson.

Lady Magazine 24th Feb (Kate: Ok I think this magazine needs to keep a bit more up to date)

Who will be the new Spiderman?
We doubt Robert Pattinson will accept the role after he had to be vampire Edward in four times. He's most annoyed by fans who think he is a vampire in real life. How crazy will his fans go if they think he is a superhero?

Big Thanks to Darja for scanning and translating these for us !

Robert Pattinson Blast From The Past

I came across these yesterday and thought they were so cute that I'd repost them. We had them up a good while ago but they may be new to some people and Rob is SO adorable in them!

Robert Pattinson - Eclipse Stills in Gala Germany

Robert Pattinson - Eclipse Stills in Gala Germany... Looks like the leaked pictures have found their way into a published magazine. Big OOPS?

Click to enlarge :)

Thanks to Doris for the scans :)

Robert Pattinson in Total Film

Cute article pitting Rob against Channing Tatum. No contest really :-)

Thank you to Pattie for the scan

Robert Pattinson - Photo Bounty

I purposely didn't post the original "article" from Showbiz Spy when I saw it earlier this evening as I was disgusted by it and really there was no reason to post it.

But I'm thankful once again to Gossip Cop for outing them. Bad move Showbiz Spy - mad move.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Photo Bounty is Worthless Journalism

By almost every measure, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart live charmed lives. They have successful film careers, adoring fans, youth, talent, wealth, and good health.

There is not much either one “needs.”

Except the same respect and decency afforded everyone else.

They don’t need bigger targets on their backs. They don’t need to be prey.

Which is what makes this just plain wrong.

Really wrong.

It’s an offer of money for a photograph of Pattinson and Stewart together in London.

The request to stay within the bounds of legality is immaterial. Offering cash for invasion of privacy is just plan wrong.

It doesn’t matter whether Pattinson and Stewart are “getting cozy” or miles apart, dating or not dating, filming or not filming, in London or New York or Los Angeles or Vancouver.

It’s wrong.

This isn’t good-natured celebrity worship. It isn’t crowd-sourced journalism. This is not a fun little “mission,” as the site puts it. It isn’t “happy snapping.”

It’s harassment.

We get it. A person who derives his or her privilege from celebrity will have to make certain concessions. Red carpets, photo shoots, talk show appearances… these are all part of the deal.

Bounties are not.

We have nothing against Showbiz Spy. It isn’t the first outlet to make this type of offer. It won’t be the last.

But at some point, enough is enough.

Gossip Cop has a lot of visitors who care about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, and many who do not. There are those interested in whether they date, and there are those who care only about their films.

But the overwhelming majority agree: Hunting them down — hunting anyone down — is wrong.

If you want to be vocal, be as clear as you have been in the past. But don’t flood the site with vitriol and ugliness.

You can be passionate but also respectful at the same time.

The sooner media outlets understand that most fans think celebrities deserve the same treatment as the person next to them, the faster we can undermine “prey for pay.”

Much Music Gets Serious about Robert Pattinson and Remember Me

Robert Pattinson gets serious in “Remember Me”

Can’t wait until March 12th to see Robert Pattinson’s new film? Fret not, Twihards, because we’ve got the scoop. We had a chance to attend a preview screening of Remember Me yesterday and can safely say that it will please existing Pattinson fans while – dare we say it – also introduce him to a whole new audience.

This is actually the second film Pattinson has released since the Twilight phenomenon made him one of Hollywood’s hottest stars. The actor starred as artist Salvador Dali in the limited release, Little Ashes, last year. Remember Me, tells the story of two people who meet through an unusual twist of fate and develop a relationship that may be threatened by some deep-rooted secrets.

So what can fans expect from the actor in Remember Me? There’s R-Patz in a T-shirt and jeans, R-Patz getting wet in the shower and R-Patz – gasp! – shirtless in bed. He also gets hot and heavy with co-star (and rumoured summer fling) Emilie De Ravin, but don’t get the wrong idea; the movie definitely showcases Pattinson’s acting chops, rather than his good looks and charm. His character, Tyler, is an impulsive and rebellious college student struggling to deal with a death in the family and to re-start his life. De Ravin (best known as Claire on Lost), plays the young stranger who tries to help him cope, oblivious to the bonds that connect the two. It’s a mature and dramatic departure for both actors, which may surprise some of their younger fans.

This isn’t a typical love story either, so don’t expect a Dear John-like weeper. And be warned – the ending is a stunner. We won’t spoil it for you here, but suffice to say, it will have you gasping in disbelief.

Still not convinced? Here’s another incentive for you to catch the new flick: the trailer for Eclipse will premiere just before the film. He may be trying to establish himself as more than just a one-hit wonder, but it seems like Pattinson can’t shake the Twilight thing too far away just yet.


Robert Pattinson Is No5 On Vogues List Of Influential Men In Fashion

AS IT celebrates the launch of its new site (which went live yesterday - take a look), GQ.COM has announced its list of the most important men in British fashion - and the top 100 have been judged on more than just their financial muscle. As well as business acumen, the team has also appraised their creativity and social connections, coming up with a list with some likely suspects - and some more surprising choices.

Sir Philip Green, perhaps unsurprisingly, tops the list for his power and reach followed by Sir Harold Tillman and Selfridges ceo Paul Kelly. Designers Sir Paul Smith, Christopher Bailey and John Galliano also make the top 10, but perhaps more unexpected is the inclusion of Robert Pattison inside the top 5.

"He's today's ultimate male fashion icon," the GQ.COM team says.

Source & Source

Thanks To Gwen for the tip.

"Remember Me" Greek Postcard

This was found in a Resaurant in Athens.

Source Twilightholics

100 Robert Pattinson Screencaps - Ask Rob #6

Screencaps of Remember Me Facebook page's 6th "Ask Rob" video. Enjoy! (You can see the video HERE if you missed it)

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