Photo Credit: LFI
The first round of voting for the 2010 Jameson Empire Awards is now complete. We've sifted through the virtual sacks of entries and assembled the shortlist of finalists who will be waiting with baited breath on the night itself. It's not over yet, though. With the gold in sight there's still time to cast your vote and see your pick of the year's films and filmmakers lauded on Awards night. Let the final round of voting commence!
Best Actor
Sir Michael Caine (Harry Brown)
Christoph Waltz (Inglourious Basterds)
Robert Pattinson (New Moon)
Sam Worthington (Avatar)
Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes)
You can vote Here. Voting ends 10th March
Christoph Waltz was amazing in Inglorious Basterds!
I almost had a heartattack!!!!!!!
I'm reading "Robert Pattinson nominated for best actor....!!!!" and there I almost choked haha, and then continue reading, silly me, like we wouldn't know! :)
how exciting--he deserves the recognition
yeaaaaah :DDD so exiting.
@fae, I'm disappointed at you!!! ;)You should know better.
@Wens - the pic is all sex-hair, stubble, chest hair and him biting his lip. It's a good one.
@annie yeah she sould know better but she was exited I think:)) so thats normal:)
@annie I'm disappointed at myslef too! How I don't know everything about him! LOL
Although I don't think Rob's "best acting" was in New Moon, I still will always vote for him...
His best acting by far (so far) is in Little Ashhes....
annieforpatty hiiii
liked your dideofingerporn loool i can't breath i want him to wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin lol
This would be fun for him to win. I like the Empire Award, and they usually do a little on-camera presentation and interview...
When Robalicious wins, may I bite his lower lip like he is biting his lower lip in that most lucious picture?
Pretty Please?!
BTW...I've cast my ballot 3 times thus far.
Back to voting!
@CL wawing lol girl I was about to tell same things:D
ROB Porn allert:)))
Don't get me wrong, I love Rob and I truly think he CAN act, but I don't understand how he got a best actor nod for NM. Is this totally based on fan voting? I hope he starts to get the recognition he deserves for his roles in other movies; I think this is kind of embarrassing!
@CL--you're killing me LOL
what is the jameson empire anyway??
nominated for best actor IN GERMANY
@freedomland I didnt get why are you thinking like this
This is a link to the awards ...
*just me*
woohoo a new pool! after that Hello!mag pool fever i promised myself i don't take part in these games anymore. but here is a new pool and i am getting excited. i really want him to win every award out there. are there any rules for voting if you know, Kate? thank you for posting this.
@robsessive - I don't think the Twilight movies show off his acting ability and I think that being nominated for a best actor award in this kind of situation will draw negative press; backfire. That's just my humble opinion though and I'm not a Twilight fan so I'm speaking from that perspective only.
I voted...what I dont get is how district 9 even got nominated. I walked out on that movie. 2nd time in my life I wasted my money on a movie. Gross out fest.
@freedomland now I got what do you mean yeah thats not his whole acting ability but its still good to see his name with an award and I hope he won and may someone will got angry but but bafta you know I am not sure if kris is enough for it
Voted! :)
@Rpg: I would have agreed with you re Ashes - until RM.
I'm a bit surprised he could be in a 'best actor' category for NM simply because he had so little screentime. However, reminding myself this is far from the I'd just like to see him accepting if he got this one...
@freedomland I agree. I think he would just be embarrassed if he won. Kristen and the BAFTA all over again but worse, b/c this award would be only for New Moon, and frankly he was barely even a lead, and didn't get to show what he can do acting-wise.
I will be so excited for him when he does a great movie and gives a truly great performance--and I know he will soon, maybe even with RM and Bel Ami. But, no, not Twilight.
If he does not win here, no matter, then definitely for Remember Me, or Bel Ami
@Espana: thx for the link to Rembrandts. Nice to see he has a lot of fans over there as well...
Vote Rob:
~ Nominated for Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards: Cutest Couple, Favorite Movie New Moon (live at UCLA's Pauley Pavilion on Saturday, 27 March, 8-9:30pmET/PT). Kids voting begins 25 Feb at
~ "New Moon" nominated for the ShoWest 2009 Fan Choice Award: Movie of the Year (event of the cinema exhibition and distribution community, March 18 the ShoWest awards ceremony in Las Vegas)
@rpg,ITA little ashes is my favorite. He is so good in that film.
@Fae,I forgive you ;D
@toomuchpretty -- love your username btw :-)! I will be all over voting if he gets a nom for Remember Me or Bel Ami -- for sure -- especially since the early buzz for RM is good (apart from accent slippage -- what accent does he get to use in Bel Ami?)
*just me*
as a loyal Rob's fan-all-the-way as i am, i agree this nomination is a complete fans thing. C. Waltz acting was remarkable, he performed a perfect sadist, how awfull it sounds . on the other hand Edward's role was too small in NM, he barely presented almost till the end of the movie. although i think the whole Shakespeare lesson was breath-taken and his monologue and face expressions in that scene are worth every award he is nominated for. so i am still going to vote.
Salvador Dalí is my favorite Rob`s character. I love Waltz, Caine and Downey Jr. too but anyway I am going to vote in Robert.
Rob! Rob! Rob!
I will alwyas vote for Rob:)
@Olga, I agree. We didn't have that much of Rob in NM, but his facial expressions were so real and just so captivating, and I'm talking not only about the Shakespeare monologue scene but also many other: his tortured face just before their first kiss in front of Bella's house, then when he says that he loves her, another one when he kisses Bella on her forehead while leaving her, the Italy scenes: when Bella saves him and he realizes she's not dead, scenes, when Jane tortures him and finally when he asks Bella if she will ever forgive him leaving her and when he askes her to marry him...
And altough I love hearing Rob's voice, very often his facial expressions just do so much more for me. He has this ability to show so many emotions through his facial expressions. It's incredible.
Speaking of acting, did anyone else cringe when director Allen Coulter (sp!) said that if he'd seen Twilight he probably wouldn't have hired Rob for Remember Me? This is one of the things that proves how much Rob can impress despite what he's best known for (Twilight franchise). I just wish that a director were able to bring Rob's Edward more to life. Here's hoping Slade's Eclipse will continue the improvement in showcasing Rob's talents.
Rob biting his lip makes me want to scream. Literally.
*just me*
@Butterfly, whenever i"m listening to that kiss, not watching but listening!, i have goose bump .this is the most erotic and short kiss scene i have ever seen.
@Olga, I know, that kiss... THUD!
Oh, and I just realized there's a mistake in my earlier post. Not their 'first' but 'second' kiss:/
@Freedomland: no, didn't cringe because that comment said more about Alan and his preconceptions, than it did about Rob and his performance. I'm glad, though, that he didn't let his prejudices stand in the way of seeing Rob's potential.
I say, again, that he is very good in Remember Me, and I think he will be even more impressive in Bel Ami. Eclipse will be fun...
love this pico on Madrid,!!! my country, epic night!!
I love love Rob don't get me wrong but his performance in New Moon wasn't really that good... and when you compare his performance with the one that Christoph Waltz gave in Inglorious Bastards... well it's pretty obvious which one is the best out of the two... He deserves the recognition but I don't think that this time around he deserves to win. I think next year season is going to be Rob season. I really can't wait to see him in Remember Me, Bel Ami and most of all in Water for Elephants. He has great roles in front of him and I really hope he will do a wonderful job.
Voted! I will always vote for Rob. :)
On the one hand, i don't want Rob to be known for the actor who gets awards because of fans' voting, or for merely part of an insanely popular frachise. I also wonder how many award programs or sites have Rob there just to draw in his fans.
On the other hand, I remember his facial expressions and the emotions he captured and expressed in New Moon, and I was impressed. I haven't seen any of the other films from where the actors are nominated, so i cannot compare.
I really do think the lad is madly talented, and I so look forward to more films starring himself, and for awards that will be divorced from Twilight, and even from fan votes.
I voted. Can you vote more than once?
I hope he gets it... my Rob!!!
Voteeeeeeed! :-))
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