Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Tom Sturridge Land Safe & Sound In JFK
Looks like the Bromance is still on! Long live the Bromance!

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The Vampire Club Thanks to
Jayde for the tip
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 256 Newer› Newest»OMG! I love it!!!
TomStu will be in NY w/Rob. That's awesome. It makes Angie and I going there even better.
Thanks Kate, as always, you guys ROCK!
CL - can you believe this??? I don't think I've been this F'ing excited!!
Thanks Kate!!
Tom! I love you TOM!!!!
I knew it!!!!!!! :DDDDDD
Oh Roba and his gay bag!
He looks so beautiful!
FIL Tom as well! :DDDDD
CL and Angie I wanna picture of Tom too! Pretty please with cherry on top! :D
Rob/Kristen/Tom!! Love it!!
And Lol, at Rob struggling with the bag
Ang - Too bad we aren't flying out of JFK. All we would have to do is just look for the multi-layered gorgeous man with the GOLD bag....
I mean Rob, can't believe I messed his name, I'm so Robert, LOL!
Fae!!! I can barely breathe right now...He's in NY!!!!!! With K and Tom. YAY!! We'll do our best, I promise!!!
LMAO at the GOLD bag!! Classy!
@Fae007 - If he is at the premiere, we'll look for him...maybe another wheelbarrow is in order!
Is Kristen trying to flirt with Tom???
Don't take our Tom away!!!!! Poor Rob and his BAG!!! LOL
Safe and sound in thing EVER!! ;)
Nice to see they arrived safely and that Rob will have Kris and Tom in NY to support him. much better pics at this airport.
Thanks CL and Angie, I'll send you another wheelbarrow! :)
i smell love triangle so sorry..i can't help but to express my thought.. this situation same as when tomstu n rob hang out with camilla belle..:)
In all the excitement, I forgot to say FINGER PORN!!!!!
Just saw these---first question, is the yellow bag really Rob's?? LOL. He looks so good, always does! Kristen actually looks amazing for an all-night flight! Tom looks like a tired little boy in this pix!
CL & Angie---Robstock 2010!!!! Be safe, have fun, TAKE GREAT PIX OF ROB!!!!
; )
@ Angie-k and @ CullenLover
I am planning on going to the premiere too....but I am going to the Fallon show first so I feel like I won't get a good spot. Maybe if you guys get a good spot--I can meet up with you too!?!?!? That would be awesome!
Let me know! THANKS!
O M GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I am so f-in excited right now!!! Just to know they are only a few miles away from me right now! YES YES YESSSS! I can't wait for Monday....and this week! It is going to be awesome!
as ever, you guys are awesome!!
@ CL and Angie - im excited for you too ;)
thats kristens bag that rob is carrying. Kris had it at heathrow. god i love this couple
thinking the same thing Gwen, hopefully he's being nice and carrying it for someone, that just isn't his color, :D
Hi Gwen!! ROBSTOCK 2010!! This is my kind of MARCH MADNESS!!!
Fae - extra wheelbarrow - check!
only fo ryou ;)
aww, such a gentleman
Ahhhh, Welcome back babies!!!!!
Apparently the yellow bag is Kristen's she was carrying it at Heathrow... :))
Love the photos.
Isn't it amazing that whenever
Rob is around Kristen's face
is lit up and she is really,
really smiling.
And the question is: Who's dating who?
@Darcie - Is that KStew's bag? Makes much more sense. Rob is such the gentleman. I think KStew has a lot of shoes or something in her bag, because Rob seems to be struggling with it. LOL!
FIL Robsten!
Looks like the romance is still on, too. Love it! Thanks for the pictures.
Maybe it is Kristen's yello bag since he is one of the more gentlemanly guys I know about.
Kristen Bag!!!
guys, did you notice that the yellow bag Rob carried is Kristens. so sweet... love them! ;))
see he's carrying his girls bag
Does he not have the best friends ever???
That will fly all over to support him...
angie & CL...
You get to see Rob, Tom & Kristen!!!!
Bet Bobby will be there too!!!!!
Caroline, thanks! Pretty much figured it was K's bag, but hadn't noticed it in the Heathrow pix!
Manners like that are so freaking HOT!!! Rob is such a SEXY SWEETIE!!!! ; )
I love TomStu! There to support his bestie! I know if I was in this whirlwind fame situation, I would want my bff with me as often as possible.
*Deep breaths, deep breaths*
I <3 his friends!
at this point i'm just speechless...
btw in the 2nd pic. i love THE HOLY ROB'S BEAUTIFUL LONG FINGERS! Oh,i want that.... yumm...
RL comes crashing around me...
gotta go, but I don't want to!
deep breaths...deep breaths...
So sweet, so cute, so 3000 miles away.
Miss him already. Look after him over there people!
@Ang - Me, too. Off to RL.
So happy Rob, Kristin and Tom are here on our side of the pond, if only for a little while.
Welcome back, babies is right!! Happiness all around!!! Trio lookin' good. Start of RM countdown-I'm so psyched!!!!
Oh yeah, that's some fine fingerporn there!!
These pics are awesome!! I love Rob!! What a nice gentleman carrying Kristen's bag. And TomStu, he's cute.
good Freudian slip, RPG: "finerporn", there is no finer porn than finger porn where Rob's concerned!
Brit Pack in Remember Me premiere!!!!! They do not need excuses to support Rob that is why I love them so much. Specially Tom Stu, he and Rob are always so happy, talking, joking. My beautiful boy and his best friend. Now everything is perfect.
Good Luck in America, Rob. Remember Me will conquer the world!!!
I love you my beautiful boy!!!
The yellow bag´s Kris and Rob charge with him, lolll
Obvious that Kris is totally with familia and friend´s Rob, i love that.
Rob know that has got his 2 best support in NY!!
Since Kris is going out with Rob, she´s more kind, more smiling now, I see her more open, it´s very good.
So, sure that Kris and Tom will go to the RM´s after party. Rob will be busy with a lot of interviews and sure that kris will be with Tom, good plan, lolllllllll
seriously i think that this bag belongs to him althought it looks like gay thing to others.Kristen has backpack on her arm but i could be wrong...
Love that she is there with him....wonder if she'll be on the red carpet with him too??? And yes, that is definitely her sweet!
I wonder if TomStu will then stay in the states. I thought he lived in NYC for a while.
I think it is not Kristen`s bag because when you have a look to the Heathrow pics you can see Rob`s bodyguard in the front and behind him Rob`s hair
and Kristen has her black bag which she has always with her over her shoulder in the NY pics
omg rob has a yellow/golden bag........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :-D :-D :-D
sorry for my bad english...
LuLu yessssssssssss
Yay Tom!!! Love him! I think yellow bag is Robs cuz I remember seeing a pic of him with it when he flew to or from LAX last year from Vancouver. And the older lady was carrying it for him? Remember that? Anyway, so cute all three of them!
so glad they're all together. I hope nothing awful happens fan-wise in NYC. Hope it is all happy and that everyone is lovely to all three of them...
It´s Kris´s bag, look at the first pic of yesterday where only we can see to Kris, she´s got the bag and now we can see that Rib is charging with it.
I´d like to see kris and Tom in a movie together, after Eddie and Rob why not, it would be cool
Who took theses photos?? grrrr why not taking them on the other side, I want to see Rob´s face seeing Kris, lollllllllll
that bag mmmmmmm ...
looks like vintage stuff and very stylish
nice thing but it should has extra long belt ,would be more comfortable
It is rob`s bag, rob is in the london pic but you can only see his hair because his bodyguard is in front of him...
and LovesRob yes I can remember that too^^
ok, maybe that is Kristens bag...after 2nd look! Also in the airport pics last was either Tom in the background, or Rob was wearing his hat.....hard to tell!
Rob, I only have eyes on you. You are so much important !!!!! Things pass, today we have, tomorrow don`t, but friends, they are forever.
I want to be your friend too, Rob. Happy to see you safe. Long Live to Bromance!!!
maybe Lulu, I don´t know whose bag is it but the most important for me that these pics are fantastics, I love my favorite couple and more if they are with friends like Tom.
That's what I thought, maybe he's just being a gentleman carrying Kristen's bag. ;) I'm so happy the he's coming out of the cave after so long!
Can you imagine at the RM´s after party, Rob, Kris, Tom, Eddie and more, woowww
Please excuse me for the gramaticals faults but my english is not good sorry, sometimes I want to write more texts but I can´t explain exactly that I mean.
This blog, is the best blog about Rob and you girls the more amazing fans of him, always support him.
what's that bromance means Kate sweety??
good to see 'em around..i love 'em..
wow, tom sturridge is sooooo sexy!! look at those lips!! and he must be feeling alone now that kristen is keeping robert busy..ok, shut up! hahaha
Why is everyone always stoked about Tom Sturridge??? I care only about ROB. And, I am terribly jealous of Kristen Stewart, but I'm glad Rob's happy. Plus, it just confirms to me that he is an awesome guy because he's been after or with her for so long now. He's not your typical Hollywood guy that loves 'em and leaves 'em. He's a genuinely good guy who just happens to be smokin' hot! Love him!!!
FM21, yes I love and adore Rob but I can also point out that TomStu is cute. He'll never compare to Rob though.
@FM21 why are you jealous? maybe she's just his good friend.
Many people want that Rob and Kris confirm their love relation when we know that is not necessary.
All the photos, the gestures, the attitude of them cost any more than thousand words.
This way I like that they enjoy them without thinking if the press plunder them, I hope one day they can live their love story as a normal famous couple at daylight without being bothered.
Sorry my ignorance, but what Rob is doing in NY?
his bag? her bag? santa claus bag? Huh! who the fu... cares, stop argueing over petty shit people ,so the bag is suppose to prove what? whats the diffeence ?ok let me settle this silly arguement its MY BAG ok! he is carrying my bag LOL every body happy now jeeeez.......glad to see thecouple (Rob and Tom) back and looking happy.
just friend just friend just friend just friend just friend just...
whait a minute just FRIEND
J U S T friend??????
omg i would love to be even a little dust just to be near him
they're here--the bag is not too noticable--LOL
I love airport photos of them even tho' maybe I shouldn't :-) It makes them seem more "ordinary" somehow. I mean when do I ever hang around movie sets and red carpets. Never. But airports, I can relate.
@papagaj: cheers!
LOL @ Sweet and Low "The couple"!
and LOL @ Papagaj :DDD
@Sweet and low
Sorry, I think it`s mine. I lent to him.(LOL)
"Sweet and low" your post seriously cracked me up! lol
And I'm glad that Robert has arrived safely! And it's nice that he has friends with him.
@FAE--love the name change, bond girl
CL & angie--1 more day!
@wens thanks! Bad Bond girl! ;D
@Blue *waving*
I have almost burned with shame
maybe i should more appreciate myselth
fly sounds more proudly
i love seeing my fav couple, it gives me a tingly feeling all over,iam sooooo jealous of tom,Rob is soooo fuckhot it should be a crime to look that good,now poor Rob have to continue this PR stunt with K,To hide the love that we dare not say its name.Ha
I see the trolls starting to come out.
LOOOOOOL Sweet and low! :DDDD
@Papagaj how about "A GIRL", not dust or fly! :)
@Sweet and low
"(...)now poor Rob have to continue this PR stunt with K,To hide the love that we dare not say its name."
interesting point of view
@sweetandlow: Yep! I agree...hehe!
Whaddado ladies!!!!!!
This is awesome! Everyone's back in NY! EEEEE!!! I am giddy with excitement for ROBSTOCK!!!
btw UoEM updated!
Pooh Fae you changed your name! Awesome!!!! Love it!!
Poor Rob! Now he is gay! Can't help but wonder what kind of fans he got.
You need to keep up. I believe in You and the success of the mission...
Don't Feed The F-ing Trolls!
where is Dazzle?
We need to make up a Bromance fanfic.. poor kristen is acting as the buffer this time
overthemoon, I agree. It seems people would rather have Rob be gay than be with Kristen which is sick. Rob is not gay. It doesn't matter. There could be a hundred pictures of R&K together and they'll still believe what they want.
take it easy ...
whatever the relationship status is...
THIS IS ABOUT ROBERT THOMAS PATTINSON and whoever he is we'll be with him ever
If people don't like Kristen then they don't like Kristen it is not a big deal. Some people get out of hand with it, but it is their opinion. Why is it everyone has to like Kristen no questions asked? Just wondering.
I don't think you can force anyone to like anyone. But thinking Rob is gay is just funny.
@stephs: i am here and ready to make up some juicy stories! hahah! and i think in the end...Tom will be the one left standing with Rob forever. They are just too close. The bromance is alive and well!!
iam not a troll or mole or cockroach......i love rob gay ,str8 or whatever,i just have a different opinion thats all,iam thinking outside the box,refused to be tricked by the hollywood PR machine
*waves hello*
OMG OMG OMG!!! I'm sorry. Can't resist. But I just love them together!!
Tom is gorgeous too! Happy Saturday to all!!!
Kate! Thanks for all the gifts this morning!
For all the NB's! Finally got to Fifty on MotU...and just about D.I.E.D.
don't feed the T's.....
I really just wanna see positive comments about K and R here. That's why we're here.. please?...
No it just irks me that if you aren't pro-kristen then everyone will shun you. That's not fair. Some people are trolls and look to start trouble and others simply don't care for her. Why is that such an issue? If people don't get out of hand I don't understand the problem? People become so complacent on this site and it's ridiculous just let people have an opinion. I respect those who like Kristen so why can't people respect me?
Life is not just black and white
there are gray sides not everything is clear, but ce la vie - understatement is the key word
I am betting that is really Tom's purse. Kristen is the buffer so people don't begin to speculate. I actually saw her sleeping on the sidewalk after they promptly kicked her out of the hotel room. She was crying wondering why she didn''t have a go with the other members of the britpack.
Weird people here. twisted mind!
***For all thaose that don't know**
Dazzle and I make up stories involving Tom and Rob cuz they are hilarious not because we think they are together. I just think the Tom and Rob thing is hilarious.. just a little disclaimer in case anyone was wondering if we were actually serious.
Why is he carrying a yellow bag? Or is that Kristen's?
Wasn't expecting to see TomStu! I've been thinking what if he takes the role of Nahuel? I think it can really work!
I like you StephsLegit, well said, everything! :DDD
Just ignore the trolls people...
***For all thaose that don't know**
love it
thanks fae.. love the name change btw
Thanks Stephs and Martini, I couldn't resist! :D Tom, love Rob more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
@ Fae... Love it. 007.
I watched and watched and watched over, and over, and over and over again!!!!!!!
FILTM All the time!
He's hhhheeeerrrrreeeeeee!!!!! (in my best scary voice)
And I am sooo freakin' excited about next week!!
@CL - I know you and angie are DYING!!!
I'm gonna go set up a twitter so I can follow you guys...
Just curious...
Given the very recent and very very rampant gossip/pictures of Rob and Kristen in London this week, what do you think will happen during his very high profile interviews coming up?
Like, personally, I'm pretty sure they're ALL going to ask him what is up with Kristen, especially with all the hype that's been going around. But I really have no idea how he'll answer...I mean, there's been just SOOOO much buzz lately that I kind of don't think a "no comment" answer would suffice anymore. I'm wondering if he'd actually make it official??
BTW, just FYI, I don't like Robsten and love those who can convince me there isn't a Robsten, but sometimes it's hard to stick to that given everything we've seen/heard.
Anyways, just was curious what you all thought would happen during these interviews...I think the hype is way too much to just give the same obscure answers he's always given. But who knows, maybe he just will...
if iam a 'Troll' for having a difference of opinion then so be it,i suggest folks stop reading Ted C,To be honest i would rather Rob be gay than be with her,i would rather him date a donkey (Paris hilton) than be with her.Ha
This yellow bag belongs to Kristen. It is a ballenciaga bag... I've seen it before in KS fashion blog.
and......OMG! What a HUGE surprise. ROBSTEN really exist! GEE.... It really catch me! (NOT)
No big new.... I knew it a long time ago. :)
I came to this site out of curiosity a while back due to comments made on other sites. I keep coming back because of the great content and the mods who keep it all running smoothly, even the comments.
I started posting here because unlike what some on other sites believe, the mods and almost all who post here are respectful to other's opinions regardless of they disagree (steph you have always been respectful as far as I have seen)
I personally don't care for it when people bring up the gay or PR stunt rumors because they are disrespectful to Rob (he has said he's straight, we should take his word for it) The bromance has nothing to do with being gay so I don't actually mind that at all.
This is a great site for ALL who love and respect Rob and it is going to be a great week!
Well I thought that "low and sweet" was just trying to be funny about how some people will dissect every single thing to link Robert to Kristen romantically, and so in a funny non-serious way they were doing the same in their post. However it appears that "low and sweet" really believes this, so while I respect his/her opinion, I disagree.
To me both Kristen and Tom are friends with Robert. Tom is Robert's closest friend ever since childhood. And Kristen is simply a good friend. I mean Robert and Kristen NEVER and I mean NEVER seem to hang out alone, they are always hanging out with Robert's other friends or their managers, when they are together. But if Robert and Kristen are really together, then I'll wish them all the best.
And lol for the fun of it, I ship Robert and Emilie! Seriously I think that Robert would look great with Emilie, and she's a good actress, with an expressive face, who comes off as articulate, down to earth, and sweet *grins*.
I am looking forwards to see them more in NYC. I hope they have a great time. Wish Rob a sucessful premier. Just enjoy seeing them together
The hoody, the beany, a million layers, STILL cannot disguise you baby!!!
Wonder why Tom had to come over with?
Not that I'm complaining......he's a cutie too.
I said a few days ago that I feel like Jon Stewart or The View might be able to finally get an answer
Jon Stewart loves making cracks about his last name. He did it with Martha Stewart and had a bit on Jimmy Stewart. I watch his show a lot and he is persistent and has a no BS policy. He has a way of catching people in lies as well so Rob really has his work cut out for him.
As for the View they are persistent and I really don't like that talk show. They are disrespectful and interrupt their guests. I am willing to bet money that Rob or Emile don't even speak about RM. All the focus will be on Rob and Kristen.
The two have their work cut out for them especially since I feel like Rob is alwys looking like he might cave any day. I think if this were Kristen she would be staunch in her beliefs, but I really think Rob might cave.
@femroc--so true--even a sack couldn't hide him-:)
I agree steph, esp in the david letterman interview for new moon, it looked like rob might actually just blurt something out. hopefully having emilie as a buffer will keep him safe from the view ladies
I feel like you!...
They are rarely alone, but I still think they are together. I love when people try to say they aren't because it gives me hope. I threw in the towel and caved and said they were together in August so I am accustomed to it.
Personally I don't think Kristen has many friends and not because she is a bad person or anything. I think that it is because she was a child actor and was home schooled. It is not a bad thing it jsut leaves little opportunity to make friends who aren't in the business. Kristen even said herself that her friends are all actors.
Because Rob came into acting later on in life and had a pretty solid social life i assume. Plus, the fact that he has been friends with the same people and lived with them for most of his life. I think those people (like the britpack) will be permanent fictures. Whether anyone thinks Kristen or Rob are together or not it is obvious that Kristen seems to be good friends with the britpack.
I also think the friends sort of act as buffers to; inadvertently of course lol. they are always around when rob and kris are in public it is just that the media solely makes people believe that it is always just rob and kris. the past week the brit pack was with them. i am not sure if the kissing thing was right or not. in my eyes if you can see them kissing and you have a camera odds are that someone would take a pic... just saying.
Let me get one thing clear here i DO NOT believe Rob is gay,he is not Gay ,i was joking and making my point that i would rather see him with Tom who is a better choice in my opinion than be with 'kslut' ooops sorry my bad,i meant to type 'kstew'
so the 'Robsten' shippers just chill out i was only joking jeeez stop taking shit so personal.
@sweet and low
listen i don't like kristen as much as the next person, but how is she a slut?
I am willing to bet he will be the first one to cave. The ryan seacrest interview was a perfect example. I think when you cath him by surprise like ryan and letterman did he doesnt know how to react and just blurts.. apparently pr picked up o it too
You don't have to like Kristen, this is true...but if you insult her, in a way you are insulting Rob. Even if they aren't in a relationship (which I think they are) but even if they aren't, they are still Close...that much is obvious. So when you insult his "friends", you are indirectly insulting him. So think about that next time you feel the need to bash Kristen.
I am wodering if one of people here became famous and wondering how would they handle the pressure and the critics if you could not even bear a few comments here. R & K must be good at it or they couldn
't be bothered.
Would you happen to have that Letterman link....I think I missed that one?
@ I so aggree with all of you. Rob will definately be the first to cave followed with his " OH SHIT I did it again" giggle!
steph, this isn't a Robsten worship site. I myself am neutral as far as Kristen is concerned but I agree with janna. It makes my skin crawl to read comments that are in my opinion disrespectful to Rob saying he's gay and he's doing a PR stunt to fool people. Some people not only bash Kristen but Rob as well and that really irks me. By the way, you are not one of those posters who gets out of hand. If I wanted to read Kristen bashing comments I could go over to nonsten but I don't care to. I'm of the mindset to just leave Rob's friends alone. And I could care less who he dates.
ok sorry folks you can blame 'orlando bloom' for my little slip up *cough*
anyway let me repeat i DO NOT believe rob is gay ,but the 'Robsten' shippers have to chil the fu...out because not every one believes in this fantasy Summit is peddling.
i personally dont think rob or kris give a damn enough to visit.
last year though i could have sworn rob was posting under anonymous on this site regarding his relationship with nina and a lot of people on this site may remember it.. this person just knew too much not to be someone who knew them or was them.
they were obviously english because americans spell favorite like so and the english spell it like this 'favourite' also in america we spell some words with a z instead of an s like organize and organise. It was the spelling of words that led me to believe this person was english or at the very least learned english with the real english spelling and not Americanized english.
'orlando bloom'?- not picking on you sweet and low just curious
David Letterman, Jimmy, Seacrest...ignore the campy music
Getting back to the yellow bag. It must be Kristen's because Rob doesn't need a bag. He wears all his clothes.
CL & Angie have a wonderful time, stay warm, and we will all be waiting for pix and report. Note: wheelbarrows can get stuck in the snow you might want to put a ski on the wheel.
@Sweet and low I completely understand you!!…I know some people are going to make an issue over the Yellow bag: “Rob arrived with his boyfriend Tom and friend Kristen Steward carrying a Yellow bag”
- I know the bag is Kristen's...
We all know Rob IS NOT gay, even if he is who cares!!!!
I love this! So glad they made it back to NYC safe again, and brought TomStu to boot. ;) One big happy freakin' family. Hehe. ;) So glad you're back guys!Rob and TomStu are so adorable too.....GAH! Great pics.
@S&L..... I'm not a shipper I'm simply woman enough to know that throwing the word slut around is about as low as it gets.
You can play and voice respectful dislikes all you want, but please don't live up to that half of your name and start bashing on this blog.
oh its definitely a PR stunt,Summit is pimping the interest in Robsten for all its worth,
next week alot of folks 'Robsten shippers' are going to have egg on their face when Rob Deny he is Dating K.
next week is going to be very interesting to watch.
@Sweet and Low
In all seriousness. Though I believe they are a couple I hope that out of the two of us you are right and that they aren't. I don't care for her at all. I was just taken aback by you calling her a slut.
Her attitude is one thing. We can visually see it in all that she does she thats an assessment we can make, but what slutty things has she done that would make you think she is a slut? I just found that a little harsh, but a the same time I still "hate on her" so even though my type is bashing is more mild mannered it still isn't nice either and i know that.
I really don't think you are going to get any sort of denial. I am so vehemently against this relationship, but I am also know if we do get anything at all it will probably be a confirmation. Like I said, I would rather you be right than me.
Steph, just curious as to why it's so important to you and others who Rob is dating. You said you are vehemently against this relationship. Why can't you just not give a damn? Rob's never going to be with any of us so does it really matter?
I can't just not give a damn. That is not my personality. I either don't care at all or care too much. I don't care when an issue is of minor importance, but because I do care even as trivial as it is it still
bothers me (does this make sense?). I try so hard to like Kristen I really do. It just isn't in the cards for me. I wish I liked her because then I wouldn't care so much. She just rubs me the wrong way. I just don't trust her motives. The way she presents herself makes it very hard for me to like her and if you knew me in real life you would know that everyone starts off with 100% in my book. I want to like people until they give me a reason not too an she has given me plenty. I really wish someone here could change my mind about her, but i am pretty staunch in my beliefs.
Thank God, he got there safely!
Aww, my man looks so good...
Take care, Beloved! It will be a long week.
Muah! :x
I am quite willing to step up as Rob's "gayness tester" in order to stop rumours and idle speculation.
That's the kind of self-sacrificing type of gal I am ;)
on a serous note.....ladies i agree my 'slut' comment be a little harsh but there is something about her that rubs me the wrong way,i believe Rob is genuine and sweet,but she is Not,
this was the point i was trying to make,would rather him with anyone but her,she got to much any event next week he will deny everything.lets hope.
You don`t have to change your mind about KStew or about anyone else. I don`t care about KStew`s life and career. This is a blog about Rob, his career and I`m supposed to be here to have fun. I admire your points of view.
So the pictures we saw yesterday of them at Heathrow wasn't Rob, it was TomStu? Or did Rob start out in the hat, & then switch with Tom LOL.
Looks like Kristin got a haircut, & I can finally stop hating her hair. I think it looks great this way.
oh i did not call her slut because of her relationship with Rob,its the other guys she hooks up with that warranted my harsh comment towards her,while rob was in the UK she was here hooking up with guys left and right(orlando bloom,jared leto) and the list goes on ,dont believe 'gossip cop' they dont debunk they just give their opinion on the situation,this is why i dont believe they are dating.
@Sweet and low
You really think your comment about Kristen was a little harsh ? Really a little?
Why don't you visit Perez Hilton's site. He adores calling Kristen s... all the time.
Sorry , but your comment really irritated me. I guess you would't be able to look right into her face and call her like that. What did she do to you? Can't you be just happy for Rob like the most of us ?
thank you very much. From other comments you seem very Kristen friendly so it makes me smile that we can all get along even if we don't always agree.
@Sweet and Low
You do realzie the same people that said she was hooking up with all of these guys are the same ones saying that kristen is pregnant and that they are buying a home together. Don't believe what you read. Believe what you see. The pictures are worth a thousand times more even even they aren't accurate. A picture only captures on angle, but it is one angle more than anything a gossip blog can come up with
I just don't understand how anyone can "HATE" anyone without personally knowing them. Ok- so your not a fan of someone- there's no need for bashing or calling them harsh names. I guess I just have to remember when I read these commentrs that a lot of people responding are young(er) than me i guess. I don't know...I just don't get it.
and in regards to my name 'Sweet and Low' i realised everyone is making fun of my name ,but believe me when i say iam more Sweet than Low :-) this is why iam going to change my name to (Sugar and Spice) or (Salt and Pepper) so take that haters LOL
steph, it's okay if you don't like Kristen and no one expects you to change your mind, but you said you were "vehemently against their relationship" which seems a bit extreme considering you don't even know her nor Rob. I bet she's not as bad as you all seem to think, otherwise Rob wouldn't be with her. Anyhow, I'm sure Rob doesn't care what the public thinks.
I've actually watched her interviews for the yellow handkerchief with her costar and she seems more open and friendly. I just dont understand why she has to completely flip the switch for anything twilight related and come off and rude and brooding. To me is she was like friendly and open in all her interviews i might be more receptive to her you know?
I think it`s Tom`s bag LOL
Haha! Too funny!
I wonder what's IN the bag! Lol.
I think Rob brought Kristen to act as the buffer between him and Tom. When Rob and Kris were leaving Tom was weeping at the gate so Rob brought him a ticket ad brought him along. That's a true story i just made up.
Iàm in the bag. I pay Tom much money for this deal
Somewhere.. Tom Sturridge is weeping.
You're a stow-away?!
Why the hell didn't I think of that????
I think Tom was the stow away
Yeah. he could have been too. One minute he wasn't there...the next minute he was! Lol.
sorry , my english .I wanted to say-
I paid Tom a lot of money for this deal LOL
Some of the comments here are quite weird and reading some, I wander to what extent some of you would rather see Rob in a relation with Tom than Kris?
What's wrong with the fact that he might just have came back to NY bringing along his girlfriend and his best friend for one of the first most important events of his acting career?... This has nothing to do with the Twilight stuff that is team work... It's his big night on March 1st, as a leading actor, on a solo project, in a great movie?
I just don't get it... Where's the problem? just ridiculous...
So, I only respect her because "she is or she is not" (LOL) with Rob and I am a huge fan of his but I do not like her as an actress.
I have seen things here that have been challenging my capacity of being diplomatic and patient. One of them is : the lost of respect of some people with the others who loves only Rob. Only Rob. Since DETAILS mag everything changed in some people and I do not why. It has grown up ( in some people) a necessity to relate Rob to KStew all the time and in every information. I do not understand. For me Rob is the same person I love and respect. His private life is his choice. I love Rob anyway, ANYWAY. But now, supporting your opinion, I am risking me to be attacked. Maybe my patience is finishing. I do not think me as a troll. I like to have fun, is it a sin?
Sorry for my english.
hey guys, I think Rob is about to start one of his interviews...this guy, Michael Avila on twitter wrote:
Ok, off to talk to some unknown actor named Robert Pattinson. Wonder what I should ask him about? less than a minute ago via Echofon
Well said!
Steph- I don't know if this will help but read what Noel Clark said about Kris and watch the backstage vid of Noel and the interviewer trying to convince Kris that she did deserve the win. And notice her getting a bit tearful.
I use to hate her too. She pissed me off when she disrespected the fans (I can't remember what name she called us), threatening to stop playing Bella because she hated the fangirls, her stank attitude and what her snobby father said at the Oscars. And what he said was a diss to not only to money making movies like Twilight but he dissed Rob too in a way for being there. He didn't want his daughter there unless she was nominated for some major role. His comments were so condescending and disrespectful.
But I got over my hate and saw that Rob and Kris were getting close after the MA split. Rob always wanted her and I begin to see the connection. They have a lot of things in common. Rob said himself in an E! interview during NM promotion that they agree on everything. She smiles more and seems really happy around him. They are always whispering and noticing each other. Plus, she defended Rob at CC09 when she called out the crazy fans in NY and the people who posted him singing at those clubs in LA. Rob was crucified on You Tube back in October 08. I don't know if you have seen enough vids or read some of her interviews.But I've found that Kris is not as cold or hard of a person as she looks most times. It's a front and her way to keep people at a distance. She's just one of those people that isn't all smiles and sunshine all the time. Hell,I'm not. Sometimes strangers will come up to me and ask why I'm mad? And I wasn't. I just have that look sometimes of don't fuck with me. That's it.
sissidelyon you are right
Rob is the only important point
the details mag really didn't bug me too much, but it was easily the most pointless yet insightful interview ever. The reader didn't learn anything new about him, but they did get to explore the way he thinks. I sort of liked the interview because it was about nothing and everything at the same time
Can't stand Kristen, but I think the TomStu is really a joke. Obviously people know they aren't together, but its funny because he is always lurking in the background just creeping (and weeping) <--that was an LOL. I mean I personally don't wish him to be gay or rather him be gay. I do however wish he was pining for someone else, but that is my opinion and It holds no weight and doesnt mean jack
And I'm glad to see the bb's back in the US. I wish I had a loyal and dependable bff like Tom since I was 12. I hope we get pics of Kris on the red carpet and hopefully Tom want be lurking but stand proud. Oh and I see Tom's light blue boxer briefs. So close to seeing but yet so far away from some Tom heaven.
He probably bought his briefs in Marks & Spencer with Rob the other day... LOL...
i didnt even know about her father. Just WOW that's harsh.
I saw that interview too and too me she still seemed like the same old Kristen to me. I posted earlier that the only time I really like her in interviews is when she doesnt talk about anything twilight related. And by like I mean thats its tolerable and makes me think she is a nice person.
I just don't like her. I respect how you feel about her and I am glad you have been able to find a way to like her. I wish I could too.
As for the boxer comment regarding TomStu.. you know what from when he and Rob went shoppng for "cotton slips"
I must repeat it again!
I L O V E R O B ;)
CL07 and Angie - I'm so so effing excited for you both......and want to hear EVERY detail. I hope you get to at least take a picture of Rob but getting to meet him would be so awesome. Don't forget your camera and iPhone to take some movies too for us. Ya'll are our ambassadors to Robstock.
I don´t think that Kris will go in the premiere of RM but sure yes at the after party with Tom.
Rob and kristen know that as they spent one week together in London in each interviews that will do Rob, all the journalist will try to ask the millon for this, sure that Kris will be discret.
I hope doing a mistake, I will be delighted if both are in the premiere but I think it´s imposible.
The important that is in private spend time and enjoy each other.
@CL and Angie. I am going to. I was roped into a few days ago by a friend in on of my classes. I'l see you there.
"sweet and low" thanks for clarifying that you meant it as a joke about Robert and Tom, that's what I thought when I first read your post.
Stephslegit *grins* chin up girl! I really hope that those interviewers will get an answer out of Robert, I love Robert for his openness and honesty, I really REALLY hope that he will NOT start playing games now and being closed off. I don't want Robert to become like Kristen in interviews (most of the time comes off as whiny, moody, and rude).
He on the other hand, won many fans be being who he is, charming, funny, and open in interviews. It would be a real shame, if he started playing juvenile games like her. They can be together, but there is not reason for them to continue to play games, this silly thing has gone on for months now, that's more than enough.
And whatever answer Robert gives (hopefully), I will wish him or them the best, and then everyone can continue to be a Robert fan without us having to endure anymore stupid speculation or Kristen's name being brought up everytime Robert is mentioned.
Love the mystery of the yellow bag lol!
I like Kris, I like Rob and I like Tom and I can't wait to see how they will evolve in their careers. And... I'll never understand why some people get so full of hate about Rob and Kris being or not being a couple and why they get so personal about it. It's really, really weird...
CL, Ang, & Steph- I want to see pics. Email me. And enjoy this opportunity.
Steph- I get you about Kris. I still don't like Nikki and nor do I trust her. I still believe she called the paps so that she could be seen with Rob and Kris to get enough exposure to further her career. She is back in LA and went to Burberry Porsrum
fashion show the other day but there hasn't been any pics of her out since being in Vancouver for Eclipse. She is irrelevant now that there are no famous co-stars to cling to. Plus I saw old pics of how clingy she was with other co-stars. She seems to always change who she is depending on who her bff(lead co-star) is at the moment.
I've been sitting here at my computer trying to think of something to say to you about your intense dislike of Kristen.In the majority of your comments you keep saying,"I'm trying to like her or if someone can convince me,"
I really don't think you want to like her because you keep saying the same thing over and over so really,get over yourself, you're never going to like her so don't even comment on her, it's really bloody annoying.........
Audrey- I wasn't thinking that she would talk to the press.Only take pics and sign autographs like she did for the BAFTA's. Going to the afterparty for sure.
sorry am bothering you. its just how i feel. take it how you will
How ironic that the people who bash Kristen are the very same ones who talk about her over and over again? They seem kinda obsessed with her sorry to say. There are plenty of folks here like myself who just love and respect Rob and think the bashing is weird and should stop.
In my 3:33pm comment I meant to say "won't and not "want".
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