A ROYAL Screw YOU to and from Blogger

UPDATE: Blogger was very attentive and they fixed the issue. We thank them very much :))

Blogger decided that they would control their user's blogging habits by putting a bandwidth/page limit. And due to this MAJOR SCREW UP you can only view a couple of posts at most on our first page. Until we fix it or move to another server please use the "Older Posts" button at the bottom to navigate between pages.

Sorry for the inconvenience. What the HELL was blogger thinking? It will help pages to load faster? You don't think WE can make that decision? HERE's their new rule that is screwing us up. Oh blogger, we loved you SO much, is it time for us to move? :(


Brenna said...

I noticed this while ago. What the heck??

Tenneil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahhh I wondered what happened... Thought my phone was just crapping out....

That sucks, but we can just click that little button and be happy again!

Maryann said...

Is this so they can add more ads on their sites then? *me ponders...* just wait..that is their next move, add more ads...

TINK said...

aw Goz....*clears throat & singing* i will follow youuuuuuu...follow you wherever you may gooooooooo! there isnt an ocean to deeeeeeep! a mountain so high it could keeeeeeeep keep me awaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! away from my ROOOOOOOOB!!!!...session

*applause* thank you thank you....if this song was bizarrely foreign. its from Sister Act. minus the bits about Rob. It's about God....WHICH actually makes it about Rob.

Tenneil said...

boo... not acceptable:( very sad panda... please fix blogger...

not cool ...*sigh*

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Edward looks very angry at blogger....

Gozde said...

Edward wants blogger's ASS and he wants it right now!

Marna said...

Ahh, this explains it. I couldn't understand why there was only 1 little post. Google has been making some very strange decisions lately, they did something with gmail that allowed people's private information to be accessable to people they emailed (or something like that, it exploded all over the web). You would think they would try testing things with users before releasing them.

twmmy said...

Oh, noo, please don't say goodbye to us. We follow You Gozde wherever you go. maybe to the end of the cyberworld. Don't bring up Robsessed!

Haystackhair said...

Oh dear. LOL

Ellie said...

Goz, send them that Angry Vampward pic...that oughtta' scare them...or charm them. lol

Angie said...

It is messing with my head. Don't like...not at all.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

We love you & Robsessed, so as Tink said, we'll follow you anywhere....

Anonymous said...

Hi. I manage the Blogger engineering team. We believe that the issue you are seeing with 1-post per page is a bug that we introduced with a recent change and is not the intended behavior. We should have a fix shortly. We are listening to you and working hard to make Blogger better for everyone.

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Whoa! Is that Eddie comment for real?

If so Eddie, please fix it. We love it here at ROBsessed.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

LOL, thanks ironically named Eddie!

(See pix of Mean Edward!)

Fae007 said...

I was wondering too what happened. well it's not that bad, just put older posts and see what you missed. :)
And thanks Eddie LOL! Edward is always protective! Edward to the rescue! LOL!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@Gwen - I know! I was like Edward - Eddie? Is Rob on logged on as Eddie. LOL!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Uh, Hi Eddie..

We appreciate that very much!

Fae007 said...

LOL I told you Rob is here! LOOOOL! ;)

Marna said...

It's a sign! Rob is watching over us & sent Eddie to help! We are the chosen! Oh wait, that's just my religion, sorry. Some of us are the chosen! :-)

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Eddie,Hi Hope you fix it soon. We love this blog ;D

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Fae,He's always here ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

He's always watching and protecting, even when we can't see him....

Angie said...


CdL said...

Arf... ok... I now understand... I was wondering ...!

that's sucks ...!

LarissaH said...

I hope Eddie is right, because I for one am not sentimentally attached to blogger and would be happy to help/follow Gozde to any server she wishes to move too!

Gozde said...

Thank you Eddie :) We really do love blogger and have no intention to move if it's fixed :)

Thanks for the loyalty guys. If we do move you won't feel the change since our domain www.robsessedpattinson.com is registered to my name.

Hope we won't have to move and hope it's fixed soon :)

MsTaurus14 said...

@Gwen, that was cute....To Eddie, See pix of Mean Edward LOL!!

@Eddie, Yes, please fix!!!

Marna said...

Wait, Blogger trolls the blogs to see what people are saying about them? Kind of Big Brotherish isn't it?

jc(britlover) said...

Deepest thanks, man!!!!

TINK said...

LMAO!!! Eddie....

That's great...:))

Gozde said...

:) I don't think they troll, I tweeted them, my guess is that's why they are here.

crazy vamp said...

I didn't get it... Only hope this site stays open. Love it to death! And will follow you too. ;-)

caninecologne said...

no wonder! - i normally have 10 posts up on my own blog, but i noticed yesterday it was only on three posts. i tried messing with the settings for posts per page. same thing. sucks a$$!

if you move to another server, i will make sure to follow...!

Anonymous said...

i kinda like the less posts on the screen. i get really annoyed when the scroll bar thingie is insanely small on the side of my screen. i'm in the minority though.

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