Source Pattinson Ladies. Thanks to Kim and RobstenLovex
*New* Robert Pattinson Pictures From "Remember Me" Press Junket
Gah tags on the face, why the face? The face and hair are off limits, do you not know this by now?

Source Pattinson Ladies. Thanks to Kim and RobstenLovex
Source Pattinson Ladies. Thanks to Kim and RobstenLovex
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oh how i love tags
no tags please--da** FILTM--he makes me want to growl
Love that he looks so relaxed! :)
Well, what you can see of him under all the tags anyway, LOL.
OMG that third pic of him looks like it's from a yearbook. lolz
I like the hair... but he looks sleepy. Poor gorgeous :)
fingerporn and that hair...GAH!! G-dammit I wish I lived in NY right now!! ;)
Can't wait for the un-tagged pics! He looks absoloutley beautiful as per!
What a doll! Always the trouper! The smiles are killing me. I can hardly contain the anticipation for this movie!!
new Rob pics :DDDD
Two things...
1.Hes straddling that chair...THUD!
2.Sex hair!
that is all!
@ Maaike~
OMG it does look like a yearbook pic! Hee!!
Wonder what it would say under Rob's yearbook pic?
"Robert Thomas Pattinson~voted most likely to impregnate with a single look"
How many tags does the Associate Press need? You can barely see him through all of them. I like what I can see, but seriously WTF?
there is another where he looks like a pedo, but he still inhumanly handsome. only rob can pull that off.
why cant they tag the bottom.. ya know, like away from his faccia?
Rob looks great even with the tags on his face. He's so beautiful:)
I so can't wait for RM and all those great reviews of the movie and wonderful words about Rob and his preformance just make this anticipation even worse. I want to see it already!!!
While I dint think these are the best photos of him, he is simply lickable....
Can't wait for photos from today!!!!
come on with the tags!!
Rob is so hansome!!!
How many faces does Rob have? He rarely looks the same.
He does always manage to look good, however.
OH MY!!!
Sweet Jesus!! The man just gets better...even with tags across his pretty face...
I so wish I was with CL and angie right now!!
Loads more added ;-)
Hi ladies!! **waves frantically**
LHR, oh, me too! They are going to have so much fun. I finally found CL's twitter page and sent her a request, I hope she can accept it on the road!
Hi, RPG and ADM! {waves} I've been sick and I feel like I haven't chatted with anyone in ages.
whaddadoo, Martini! ;)
omg! he is hot!!
I am starting to think he's finally enjoying his stardom, he's still humble, but he's got movies lined up, some $ in the bank and his girl, so he's a happy boy!
Whaddadoo RPL! Sorry you've not been feeling well. Good to see you back! :o)
RPL, {waves back} I am sorry to hear that you have been sick. Hope you are feeling better.
I do not have a twitter account. You guys are going to have to keep me informed. PLEASE!
lovely man!
I don`t know if she`ll be able to from her phone...I know I can`t. But RPG has been posting her tweets. CL said that if they get to meet him she`ll need one of my famous HolyMaryMotherOfGod reactions...;)
He's so cute with all the pretty tags! :)
Hi RPL! I know! I miss you, ADM & Emily!!! I just feel like we're all in @ different tines & not connecting!
I'm seeing avatar right now, will check back in later!!!!
I don`t know if she`ll be able to from her phone...I know I can`t. But RPG has been posting her tweets. CL said that if they get to meet him she`ll need one of my famous HolyMaryMotherOfGod reactions...;)
How does he manages to look so... beyond description in every single pic?
I sense this night will be as good as last night!!! Still @ the hospital for overnight guard.,.but at least I have Rob!!!
Oops...I double posted...
I already can`t concentrate...
GAH! I love him. Love his sleepy look, his sly smirk look, his comfy happy-to-see-me look, all his looks!
So gorgeous...
Chocolate dippery...
I think it's time we issued a citation for the tags! Weren't we going to police this type of infraction~covering the face of the pretty!!!!
LHR, LMAO I bet she will! Martini, ADM and RPG, thanks-I've got strep throat and I'll be fine, it just really sucked all my energy and I haven't been doing much besides sleeping and trying to help DH with the kid...poor girl, this mom's been a real drag the last couple days! LOL feeling better, though.
And just in time, I'd better get my ass in gear for all the Robgoodies we're going to get the next couple of days!
LHR, I figured she couldn't but I thought I'd try just in case...glad that I can keep updated here, though! :)
@RPL - strep throat sucks! Take your meds and get better! Yes, there is lots of Rob goodliness we should be getting in the next few days.
thanks, Martini-and you bet! I'm so excited. :)
@RPL--waves hi--sorry to hear you were sick--my daughter just had that too--no fun
These are nice. But I hope we get to see pics of him with the "white t-shirt,jeans and tousled hair" like that lady described in her tweet. This reminds me of that really hot and sexy shot of Rob in that white t-shirt with his hands in his hair showing his bicep off. *le sigh*
hey, wens! yup, hoping I haven't shared it with my family.
@RPL - I'm excited too! I'm afraid I'm not going to get much done at work tomorrow...
ok, RL calling...BBL for anyone who's up for a chat! :)
LOOK HERE LADIES... and sorry if you posted these up already
press junket stills without the water marks via everglow...
i love that hair!! makes him look so young!!! such a cutie.. i also want to run my hand through it a couple times as well. haha.
@Noe--thanks, much better without the marks
tags are bitch! but pictures are so good :))) I love his face <333
*saunters in in her sexy cop uniform*
Well, well, well...what do we have here?
*taps billy club on her shoulder*
Haven`t ya`ll been warned about tagging The Pretty`s face??
Officer jc...slap the cuffs on!!
no problem hun. whenever i see those water marks i go to my backup. everglow is so lovely.
oo how i love the smirk.. my fav
This is just wrong @_@
My very first thought: these look like proofs for a yearbook picture! Glad I wasn't the only one. Different Rob expressions than usual when posing. I think he's tired, jet lag? Not a good thing given all the appearances starting tomorrow. Eat a nice meal, don't drink, and go to bed (alone) and get some sleep tonight, sweetheart. (Do I sound like a mother hen or what?? :).
On closer look and expanding some of the photos, this guy is not tired, he's exhausted! Look at those eyes, that stare, we know oh so well. Yuh, nice to see the bedroom eyes for sure, but OMG have never seen him look that spent before. Seriously.
awww poor baby...come lay down with your bonemama xoxoxoxox
LMFAO!!!! Cuffs on, ma'am!!!
Wish we could go to NY and cuff one particular Englishman!
@LHR and jc - hahahahahahahahahahahaah
He looks exhausted, HOT, but tired. Looks like the same jacket from the airport pics.
aaaaaaa he's sooooo beautiful!!!but what kin of sadistic person put tags on his face...who in the world is that bad an evil???
You did not say cuffs and Englishman in the same sentence....................I think I may need a moment....
I also love tags....
Oh teh hair ... the texture of this hair must be a-mazing! hehe
These are not the best pics of Rob but still he looks cute, I don´t know how he can do it. It´s something in that smirk ... lovely.
Beg to differ with a lot of you; many of these are great shots! Tired, yeah, but really, really sexy!
Without tags and in HQ, so HAWT!!!!
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