I sure hope they haven't been washed... they certainly haven't been ironed! I'm intrigued to see what dollar amount these auctions hit.
Tyler's Tux

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HERETyler's Shorts and Tee

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HEREThanks to
RobPattzNews via
ColliderFrosty for the links
Wash it???????? Never. Rob smell...........mmmmmmmmm.
SQUEEEEEEE - here it is again.......the Remember me trailor on SNL........I'm so excited to see it on my TV.
I was really hoping he'd do a cameo appearance on SNL but nothing so far.
They just advertised Jimmy Fallon's one year anniversary show and showed Rob from his old Jay Leno appearance. Wow 2 times I see Rob in about 2 minutes. Cool.
Perhaps they have an iron but no one wanted to wipe out the Rob Wrinkles. :-)
"hero" costume?
As in super heros?
Super Rob! *teehee*
Aahh...I'd say I wanted it, but I really don't need physical proof that his waist is smaller than mine LOL
His swim trunks have a velcro crotch? There are so many jokes in my brain that I can't even think straight LOL
i just told my husband i would buy him Rob's tux and he told no. I asked if wanted his swim trunks...he told me no again lol.
Baha! Did y'all check out the wardrobe tag? It says "Big Rob"!
They probly stink! He never washes anything. And who knows what other bodily fluids are on there after he and....uh....(Tom or Kristen?) have been together.....
they make money from selling those property? Mad Money. this is ridiculous.LOL
i always love you Rob! Slruupss... =9
oh gosh! i cant imagine rob putting these on ebay! they must be stolen lol! i find this pretty creepy xD
I take it only if they have not washed it.LOL
I want them if they have Rob smell on them ;)
Oh, I forget to say thank you for the ROBsessed Schedule
Kisses for you Gozde, Kate and Kat
Wish you all a nice sunday
@femroc I was thinking not to wash it too girl rob smell and I would do everything to keep it
@Fae007 Honey love your new name plsss find me on yahoo chat when you came:D
PLEASE note that the wardrobe tags have the name "Big Rob" as for who they belong to. hahahahahaha
@danielle like 'Big Rob' thing well I hope that I have an wardrobe in his room one day:)
@robsessive, who wants the clothes if they're washed?? Like the Big Rob too ;)
Do any of you know if there will be a red carpet event in New York for the Eclipse premiere?
Big Rob in his velcro crotch trunks LOL!
Are the pieces mentioned on the tags, but not included, the pieces that he took when he finished the movie? :)
@Dazzle~I just can't figure out why you come here...shouldn't you being doing your homework or something?
so I just asked my husband if i could bid on these...he looked at me as if i was crazy ;) i told him i was a little for rob LOL.
xorob- you made me laugh so hard with your last comment...i know it's hard to not feed the trolls cuz it just irritates you sometimes.
I want the bra they used as a modesty patch! Where do I bid for that? :)
God I hope they wash it. It's not very hygienic if they don't.
@annie yeah out of rob smell its just a tux but a tux which rob has wear ohh I dont know sure I want it without washing but I dont know if they washed it
They are so wrinkled!!! :-)
Regardless, I want them anyway! The will fit my SO so well but I think I want it for me, to smell and behold. :-P
i would sleep with his unwashed clothes, don't care which part of his body they were worn on, i just want to smell them and then i can die happy
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