Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Leaving Montreal

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart left Montreal today and a non-crowding fan captured this video of them heading through the airport.

I love the dude in blue - way to buffer for Rob and check out the girl in white and her guy - they both look lust-struck. Rob dazzled them too!

Video: Cybermelli

It makes me happy that the wonky walk lives... he's 24 now, no chance of him growing into those lanky legs of his. The wonky walk will live forever!


I see a hint of giggles...


Pics via KStewartFans

Robert Pattinson with lucky fans in Montreal

Robert Pattinson with lucky fans in Montreal

Are you starting to feel a bitterness in your belly towards fans in Montreal? Maybe...turning green? I kid, I kid. We need a new word for luck. ;)




I spy Rob! Click to make it bigger :)

Thanks Cyn for the tip!

RobsessedBrasil, NatthGuimaraes & @netsbor

Did You Enter Our Cafe Press T-Shirt Competition?

Did You Enter Our Cafe Press T-Shirt Competition?


I know you all remember our Cafe Press T-shirt competition that we had last month.......well............the good news for all of you is that one of the winners never came forward to claim their prize so we have drawn again using and it has chosen.........

and that belongs to................. RPATTZLAWYER

Can you please email us at with your details.

Don't forget you can check out Eclipse t-shirts and more Twilight themed merchandise at CafePress

And keep an eye out here on ROBsessed for more great competitions coming soon.

Robert Pattinson with a fan on the last day of Water For Elephants filming in CA

Robert Pattinson with a fan on the last day of Water For Elephants filming in CA

Lucky fan, Jazmin, had many a dream come true from her visits to the set of Water For Elephants. This picture was taken July 28th on the last day of filming in the outer Los Angeles area.


Hotness doesn't even begin to describe this man.

Visit H2OforElephants for the story and more pictures.

Welcome Guest Blogger TINK :)

You may have noticed some posts by TINK in the past week and no posts by me in a long while. For personal reasons I can't spend as much time as I used to on the blog so we asked Tink if she would step in. We think her snark and wit fits perfectly with the blog, hope you agree and love her like we do:)

Please join me and give her a big ROBsessed welcome :)


P.S.: Yes we have seen THE pictures :) You don't have to send us tips anymore. And I'm happy to see nothing has changed: Robsteners think we are Nonsten and Nonsteners think we are Robsten. We must be doing it right :) (Oh and the motto still stands...)

A little bit info about us after the cut if you are interested :)

Robert Pattinson and his eyebrows!

Robert Pattinson has the most expressive eyebrows ever, he'd be terrible at poker, they'd give everything away... let's celebrate the awesomenessnessness that are Rob's eyebrows just because we can! Any excuse to gaze at The Pretty...

Let's see how high can they can go?



I just know they can go higher than that!



Now, just how low can they go? Mean and moody gaze through the brows.



I'm totally throwing this one in to mess with your minds... you don't know where to look do you... eyebrows or mouth....


What I affectionately call 'my Robbrows' :-)


Confused brows...


Whassup brows...


There are many more, this post could last a week...

Holding them down ain't gonna work Rob, I'll still be back with more!


What's your favourite brow pic?

Sneak Peek: New Pics Of Robert Pattinson In "Water For Elephants"

Sneak Peek: New Pics Of Robert Pattinson In "Water For Elephants"

Another Pic. Can you find Robowski? He is there I promise!












Source Waterforelephants
Thanks To Brooke For the Tip!
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