Talk to Robert Pattinson About "Cosmopolis" Talk to Robert Pattinson About "Cosmopolis"

Interview is dubbed. You can kind of hear what Rob is saying if you don't get too mesmerised by his hands (like me ;-))

Or watch at the source

New pictures of Robert Pattinson aka DJ Rob and Kristen Stewart at a wedding (June 23rd)

New pictures of Robert Pattinson aka DJ Rob and Kristen Stewart at a wedding (June 23rd)

UPDATE 3: DJ Rob doesn't quit :) 2nd pic from the top.
UPDATE 2: YAY! More DJ Rob :) pic at the top
UPDATE: Added some "Where's Waldo" pictures in the thumbnails down below. Missed any other wedding dish? Click HERE for the reports and HERE for more pics.



Happy wedding guests are happy! And who wouldn't be when the meat in this sandwich is Robert "I'm too sexy for this world" Pattinson.


Spin it, Mr. DJ!


More about DJ Rob:
Candiesland "Twilight radio or wedding singer @samsklub playing your theme song."
@samsklub "Return of the Mack"
@furrycalamari @samsklub "yes and i told him to. He said he never got a reaction like that EVER"
@candiesland @bobbyalt "Ha! He was a guest but then took over the DJ booth "
Click HERE if you missed the main post with more pictures of super, sexhaired Rob and DJ Rob at friend and producer, Kevin Turen's wedding.

UPDATE: Where's Rob? He's in all of these pics. Click the thumbnails and have fun searching. ;)

Source | Source | Via: Robstenation, Robstendreams Alice_InTwiland & SkylarLSpencer 

New picture of Robert Pattinson with reporter in Bild newspaper during Cosmopolis promo in Berlin

New picture of Robert Pattinson with reporter in Bild newspaper during Cosmopolis promo in Berlin

GAH. Why so hot, Rob?? Jesus.


I have no idea what this paper says other than the title ("Being Normal is Damned Expensive") but we'll update the post when a translation comes in.

UPDATE: Translation is in. From Kate1706K in the comments. Thanks Kate!
They asked him whether he has ever been poor and he responds saying that before Twilight he was but these things don't matter when you're young. He also says that still lives the same life as before, only that it is much more expensive now to keep living a normal life. Before, when he went out he would only take 20 Euros with him, whereas now he spends 12.000 in one night. he also cannot just go shopping, he has to pay people to do it.... (tried to keep it literal, but "Bild" is as yellow press as it gets in Germany, so grain of salt :)

Source | Via: Spunk Ransom

More *NEW* Pics From Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg's Photoshoot

More *NEW* Pics From Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg's Photoshoot
More pics and the other ones Now LARGER

So Handsome


Click for Larger


New photoshoot with Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg during Cosmopolis promo in London

New photoshoot with Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg during Cosmopolis promo in London

Tiny for now but yummy for ALWAYS! Rob is gorgeous as always in these portraits during the press junket in London June 1st.



More NEW Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart At A Wedding (23rd June)

UPDATE 4: Added Celebuzz Report After The Cut
UPDATE 3: Added Reports From People Mag & US Weekly After The Cut

UPDATE 2: Added Larger Uncropped version of pic of Rob & Kristen with fans (scroll down)
UPDATE Added another new pic from the wedding, this time Rob & Kristen with guests
More NEW Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart At A Wedding (23rd June)

It feels like we're being drip fed these pics but hey I'm not complaining! Though I wouldn't say no if we eventually got to see some video of Rob doing his thang (I know I'm greedy)

Check out another NEW pic from the wedding that Rob & Kristen attended on 23rd June.
Looks like he's deep in concentration.


And another new pic


Also this pic (from the post below) now bigger and uncropped


And if you missed the other pics from the wedding check them out HERE & HERE

Larger untagged pic Source
via Source

Reports from US Weekly & People Mag After The Cut

New picture and interview with the "kind and approachable" Robert Pattinson from Cosmopolis promo in Berlin

New picture and interview with the "kind and approachable" Robert Pattinson from Cosmopolis promo in Berlin


A new interview with Rob from Berlin during Cosmopolis promo...and it's not translated! Happy day.

From Anne Facompre:
Okay, so here it comes: as of June 25th, I am officially allowed to publish my interview with Robert Pattinson, held a few weeks ago in Berlin. It was done for a German magazine, they will run a version of this soon. But I was made aware of loads of Robert's fans who would love to read it as well. So I am posting the official transcript here. I haven't actually used this blog in aaaages, but I didn't know where else to upload it, so here we go. Unfortunately, his rep didn't allow pictures at the hotel, so I had to snap one with him at the red carpet instead. I have also interviewed Cronenberg and asked him about Robert and the film. I will publish that soon. And if you want, follow me on Twitter @annefacompre for more exclusive interviews in the future! Hope you enjoy!!

It's Thursday, May 31th in Berlin, and, after having seen 'Cosmopolis' at a media screening in the morning, I am meeting Robert Pattinson for an interview in the afternoon. They have put us in a dark but cozy room on the ground floor of a fancy Berlin hotel. Robert is dressed in a casual black T-Shirt an Jeans, seated right in front of a window and sipping some coke. Or Diet Coke. I didn't ask. He is also chewing a tooth pick the entire time, as he is trying to quit smoking.

Let me just say that he was kind, relaxed and very approachable. He was laughing a lot and seemed happy to be promoting the film.

Hey Rob, it's good to meet you. How are you?                            

Good, good, thanks.

How do you like Berlin?

(He laughs) I love it, but it's so annoying. Every time it's at the beginning or the end of the tour. Every time I feel like I am only here for one single day, so I never really get to see it.

And now they put you in a really dark room for the interviews, didn't they?

And there's people standing right outside the windows (laughs).. a bit weird.

Let's talk about Cosmopolis. In the scenes in the limo, the camera seems to always be really close to you and focused on your face. Was that difficult?

It's strange because you could remove the pieces of the limo, but it was still the same size as a normal limo. And the camera was on a crane and literally really close to my face. It would just move by remote control, like a robot. And there was no one else in the car, which was weird. You get a completely new relationship with the camera. It's like you're more and less aware of it at the same time. It's weird because there is no one actually behind the camera. It's a totally different aspect to shooting.

And how was it for you to play such a dark character after 'Twilight'?

The very first thing I shot, I wanted it to be a no statement thing, the suit, the hair, everything. It's like: Your clothes don't say anything, your car doesn't say anything. Nothing says anything. And YOU don't say anything and it's one of the scariest things I've ever done. I was turning around to Jay Baruchel in the first scene and you realize your face isn't doing anything, you have no eyes (because of the dark sunglasses). It's nerve racking.

And what do you think of the character you play?

I really like him. A lot of people see him as being kind of apathetic, which might be my fault. I mean, I did it, I wanted to humanize him. And some people really see it. Other people think it's some guy who just doesn't care about anything, but I think he really does care about a lot of things. He's just an egomaniac. Like he thinks he is the only person in the world, he wants to be God. But not in a greedy way he just thinks he is. It's just the way he was born.
Finish the interview after the cut!

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