Robert Pattinson Talks About Paparazzi, Catherine Hardwicke, Remember Me & Unbound Captives

Very good interview. Robert Pattinson talks about the paparazzi , his new movies Remember Me (oh holy THUD, HERE is the trailer in case you missed it!), Unbound Captives and says Catherine Hardwicke has a childlike purity about the way she sees things (I bet it had a blue tint ;)).


heather said...

Wow sexy overload w/Hugh and Rob in UC. Comanche will never sound sexier.
Ok David Slade if you want to push the line with the PG-13 rating for the battle scenes, so long as you were fair and pushed it with the loves scenes as well.

skorpia said...

Ok guys what about the rating for breaking dawn,thats what i want to know,Edward in the pool looking up at the moon. Nakey! Come on summit dont disappoint!

I actually liked this interview. I just wished they would stop asking the same boring questions,The guy did a good job near the end.

Kymz said...

If Eclipse doesnt get a 15 rating I will be SO pissed.

mya bluesky said...

im lookin forward to unbound captives. i hope rob can make it cos at recent interview he said that there is somethng wrong with it's schedule.

i've just read many critics review about newmoon on rotten tomatoes (only the top critic's one actually), then i found only 2 critics said positif things about rob's acting. most of them said that his act is shallow or he cant act at all....
really?? for me his acting is fine, not great but fine. maybe we have to see his next movie outside twilight saga to judge his acting skill, as we know that edward character is a weird character to play.

Pandora said...

I doubt the movies will ever get a higher rating as PG-13. Like Rob said, they might be pushing it.

But with Meyer being a Mormon and she never watched R rated movies (God. The movies she missed by doing that! Silly woman) I doubt that it will happen.

I was all the time trying to identify the interviewers accent. He sounded Scottish in some parts but I could be wrong :D

heather said...

I know SM would never, I'm married into a Mormon family and I'm all to familiar with their views on sex and nudity. I'm just sayin I hope David pushed SM as far as he could with it!

They are def going to have their challenges w/BD. Just the cesearan part alone I have no idea how they are going to pull it off, unless they don't show it. Then they will have to find a little girl that likes to

qiupang said...

It is worrisome that a lot of people bash his acting. I do think the role of edward is so constrained, so I won't judge his acting until I see Remember Me. On the other hand, think it this way: it is better to get bashed on New Moon as he has such a small part.

Also, I hope this helps him grow. I got a bit worried that he seems like he really likes "control." As he is still inexperienced, he should learn from other actors and polish his acting. He is really smart so I have faith in him.

Unknown said...
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paisleywicker said...

I can't wait to see Unbound Captives and Eclipse :]

When I read Eclipse I thought it to be pretty hardcore (with all the ripping, burning, stabbing, and violent self sacrifice). So if they were to truly translate it into film, it would be stretching a PG-13 rating. But w/e.

They don't enforce anything where I live.

Unknown said...

Just saw the RM trailer.
RP's scenes with EDR -- -- they are sizzling hot!

One major reason why he should not be definitely "tied down" with any woman... (not yet, anyway):

his future film projects' love scenes will be a little bit more "believable" to his fans, if he stayed "single".

Okay, RP, KS, do your thang -- but just don't confirm anything.

Loisada said...

Gozde: I'm going to lay you a wager: after all the movies are out, and the hoopla dies down (2 years at least), you'll look back at CH's Twilight much more fondly than today.

No, she didn't stay true to the lines/scenes in the book, and got many things "wrong" (meadow & baseball scenes, make-up & costumes, some unfortunate Cullen & wolfpack casting). But she got Rob and Kris, and put maddening life-shattering thrilling uplifting love at the core of the story. She messed up on details, but got the quirky heart of the thing right... Will the other chapters have the bravery to buck the book when it turns to melodrama, and tap into that real emotion that is so hard to grasp?

I'm going to be sexist here, and say BD needs a female director who understands love and desire. If Jane Campion's not interested, think we can convince Feathersmmm to make a career change?!

chaos said...

I think I missed something. What did Hardwicke do to make you call her a cucko?

Angie said...

chaos, she runs her mouth consistantly about the cast. Saying things that should be kept private. She has done it many times this year.

chaos said...

Thank you, ADM.
She does look a little imature...

Off now! Terribly late here. Nite!

MMc said...

Wish he'd talk about Bel about sexy - that one will really push the limit - will def NOT be PG.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

What a great interview!!! Can't wait to see all his movies!

Angie said...

rpg, I hope that when I am gumming my food and using a walker, I am still looking forward to his movies. LOL

shoegal2547 said...

Can't wait to see Bel Ami or Remember Me...the trailer for RM looked incredible. RP and EDR are muy caliente together...perhaps it's Rob who has the chemistry with everyone else...just a thought! Leave Catherine alone...

jc(britlover) said...

Could just listen to Rob speak forever. He's so real and unphony. As far as his acting, I think he plays Edward as written--to a tee. RM trailer looks exciting. Just keep it comin'!!!

womadsart said...

can't wait for the "R"rated Rob... ummm :)

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