Robert Pattinson's upcoming performance in Life makes The Playlist's Oscar predictions list for 2015

Robert Pattinson's upcoming performance in Life makes The Playlist's Oscar predictions list for 2015

Well this made me smile.....

The Playlist has been doing a "Premature Oscar Predictions" list for 2015 and guess who showed up on their Supporting Actor list?

Johnny Depp!

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HAHA! Just kidding know who showed up....


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Now this is a big step for The Playlist so they saved the best for last. ;) Rob's name pops up in the "you could also keep an eye out for..." section. They see potential for his role as Dennis Stock in Life which is crazy awesome since we're currently loving the set pics we're seeing.

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I have personal, realist viewpoints about Oscar noms and fine-ass men with talent but those viewpoints don't keep me from smiling BIG TIME when I see movie media outlets anticipate award worthy performances from our favorite actor. I would have thought Rey would have gotten some love but The Playlist anticipates a fall festival run for Life and that could explain their Dennis Stock love. And yeah the work Rob is doing on Life is of the Best Actor variety since it's Dennis Stock's story but c'est la vie.


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Source: The Playlist


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