"New Moon" Spoiler Post

Since New Moon has come out in most countries we will be making a "Spoiler" post everyday for a week. Please discuss the movie in this post ONLY. Do not spoil anyone else by posting on random threads :) We want everyone to enjoy New Moon the best that they can. Thank you !


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

No real spoiler..but I noticed the discussion twitter about the scene where Ed & Bella were running in the woods..

Everyone laughed, and I loved it...I thought the dress they chose was kinda fugly, and really still picture Vamp Bella in jeans & tee shirt, but overall I loved the scene and thought she looked beautiful..

Did I miss the humor??

solas said...

But when she was first changed, and they went hunting, wasn't she wearing some feminine dress that Alice picked out? Alice would have that in her vision.

Emily said...

I'm going for the third time tomorrow. Can't wait!

Something I noticed last time that made me laugh was that they fly Virgin Airlines to Italy. Don't know if that was intentional or not but still funny to me.

solas said...

I also plan to see it the third time tomorrow, and I also chuckled at the Virgin America plane!

Emily said...

Everyone laughed in my theater too, rpg.

I thought it was cool once they zoomed in on Bella's vampire eyes and sparkling skin. I wish they had started with her eyes and then zoomed out. Or maybe not have them running in slow motion. I don't know, it just seemed overly cheesy. But it was also Alice's vision so maybe that explains it. :)

Emily said...

solas - I'm glad you thought it was funny too!

I really like the movie but the flight home from Italy was one of the scenes I wish they would have included.

womadsart said...

Yes Solas and rpattzgirl...I think it was funny for some people that maybe didn't read the book or didn't remember that it is Alice's vision... and yes she was wearing fancy clothes that Alice would pick for her all the time... I think Chris tried to adapt that to the movie but some people didn't get it.. :)

MMc said...

I just saw it this morning for the first time on the big screen.........I'd seen a bootlegged copy of it online but of course that's nothing compared the the better quality of the big screen.
Not sure what it was but I didn't really like it that much - the music was nothing that moved me, the scenes were either too slow or too fast and jumpy/disconnected from special effects and the dramatic pause was alive and well just a little too much for my taste. My favorite small scene was when Edward had called and he crushed the phone - I wanted more out of that scene for sure.....some dialog.....anger, passion, something.

Maybe it's because I saw so many snippets ahead of time but it just didn't do it for me like Twilight did. When I saw Twilight I knew nothing about the book or movie except that a young girl falls for a vampire and it was all so new and fresh and excitingly different and I love the hard rock music and the gorgeous Bella theme that was so hauntingly beautiful and you heard it throughout the movie - the music in Twilight rocked my world........this music.......eh, not so much!

I wanted to love it so bad but I just didn't. The only place I thought Edward looked good was in the beginning of the movie - he has such charisma - and command of the screen - the beginning and ending were just the best parts for me whenever Robward was onscreen I paid closer attention - but he was so laid back and it just didn't have the passion of the first one - why, I don't know.

Am I the only one who felt this way?

Anonymous said...

My opinion of Alice's vision: Yes it was cheesy and everyone laughed. Alice sees the future how it is or will be, not how she personally thinks should be--so the argument that it's like that because it's Alice's doesn't make sense to me. So, that also means they shouldn't have been wearing silly clothes or period clothes, or whatever it is that is off about the clothes. And there was enough slow motion in the movie, I think it was overkill for this scene, especially because Robward's running looked so goofy. I did think the closeup of Bella's eyes and the sparkle was really good, though.

jc(britlover) said...

I also can only picture Bella in jeans. Alice put her in a powder blue satin coctail dress, I think, and heels, which she promptly ditched. The clothes were all wrong for both characters in that scene. But, hey-nobody's perfect! I'm still gonna watch it multi times-just for glorious Rob!!

Butterfly25 said...

I saw it twice yesterday,yeah twice,I'm that crazy, but I couldn't help that.

I love everything about this movie, even the famous "funny" scene of Alice's vision of Bella. I really like it. They both look beautiful there.

I love the first scene with Edward when he walks to Bella. I mean, OMG, he looks so increadibly sexy and together with this cool music, oh wow.
And Edward's facial expressions when Jane is torturing him were unbelievable.
Also Edward reciting Shakespeare, smashing the phone,proposing... well every scene with Robert. I mean, he was amazing.

womadsart said...

femroc I agree with you in some points. I did like the Twilight soundtrack much better. I play it all the time! I liked most of the songs andI can't really say that for the new Moon soundtrack. I think for us that are more Edward fans than Jacob, Twilight was better in the sense that it was more about the 2 of them, more contact, more passion... New Moon's focus is Jacob and wolves but I think the movie was great and have seen it 3 times already. It gets better each time so I recommend watching it a few times more and it will grow on you some more... I hope! :)

jc(britlover) said...


Even w/all the opinions of CH's directing, I am still passionate about Twilight. It will always be special to me, just like the book was. The tone of the rest of the saga books is so different from Twilight, that the movie has to be, too. I thought NM was really good, but for those of us totally focused on Edwards character, well, he just wasn't present enough. Maybe it's an Edward thing and not a NM issue. Whatev-I totally can't wait for BD. That should be a good fix for a lot of us!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mari said...

OMG Girls I'm from Brazil... from Rio de Janeiro and i've watched the movie four times already, and whenever Edward appears in Rio, smashing his phone, i get sooo excited !!!! I know it's lame, but it's just that it feels so close... I see the Christ Redeemer everyday on my way to work and now all i can think about is Robward. I really hope they come to Rio for BD...one can only dream...

womadsart said...

I'm with you. I think NM was one of my least favorite books... Loved Eclipse because Edward and Bella are back but.... BD oh my gosh! I can't wait for that one the most. I do agree with you about how special Twilight is... it is their beginning... sigh! And yes... There wasn't enough of Edward this time... loved the few parts his in it.. classroom scene, kiss scene and ending! :)

Marna said...

I'm one of the people who don't understand the clothing choice in Alice's vision. In the book Bella is wearing a cocktail dress & heels, not the strange thing she's wearing in the vision. The book doesn't say what Edward is wearing, but why would he be wearing clothes from the 1800s? It looked more like a view of the past than the future.

As for all the dramatic pauses, I'm not in love with them, but if they are in both movies with 2 different directors, I think we have to face the fact that that is how these people act. Or overact as the case may be.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Very true Solas, but it was a cocktail dress in the book! Not a little house on the prairie!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Please go see it a 2nd time in the theater...I swear it gets better...

I've seen it 4 times, and #5 is coming up on Friday (yea, I'm a freak) and each time I loved it more!

But ya know, not everyone's going to feel that way..I'm just sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as you'd hoped.

Loisada said...

Marna I agree. Aside from the major cheese factor, why were B & E wearing old-fashioned clothes if it's a foreshadowing of the future? Made no sense at all.

RPG: the humor for me was the frolicking. Not dashing through the woods like 2 beautiful wild animals, but frolicking?!?! Hilarious.

Loisada said...

Oops.... just thought of a possible explanation. Maybe that was a winking compromise for Rob, as we know just how good he is at running!! Guess they didn't want to even try having him look like a dashing mountain lion with his legs flopping all around!

jc(britlover) said...

The second time I saw NM was SO much better.. It's hard to take everything in and digest the movie scenes compared to the book when you first see it. But, boy the details just pop on the second-or more-viewings. I saw Twilight over 20 times and really I'm getting more excited about NM every day. I'll be there many more times. Gotta burn Rob in my memory as much as I can. Thank God for this site!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ok I have bosted this somewhere else, but after much thought on the Bella gone vamp scene, and yes, everyone in my viewing laughed as well, I have decided that Alice's vision was based on Bella's decision, and in Bella's mind her becoming a vampire is her happily ever after, which is what we saw them running in the meodow in a very disney-esque' fashion. This is where I think CW was trying to go with this, just my theory

**Something tells me Rob and kris had to suck in their chuckle during their private viewing as well, LOL, Rob commented somewhere that he looks very un-athelitic in that scene compared to Kris

spellbound said...

I've been reading comments on non-Twilight sites about New Moon (on CNN, etc.) and I'm just saying, evidently, Twilight not only has the ability to work people up in a good way but in a negative way as well! Good Lord, some of the animosity, hostility & disrespect aimed at all things Twilight, it's fans, it's author, it's actors, it's directors, etc. is shocking to me! And I have to wonder, if they hate it so much, why do they bother reading about it and commenting in these long, detailed diatribes??? If I don't like something I tend to just ignore it.

asoihgapoh said...

Yeah I definitely wanted to see some passionate, animalistic charging through the woods. And not with Edward glancing disinterestedly at Bella, but devouring her with his eyes - admiring her strength and agility and speed. Oh well. Maybe next time ;)

asoihgapoh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
noisefaidaus said...

I saw the movie again last night and other than wanting to tell the tweens to shut the f*ck up and grow up... really who giggles when people kiss...it was so annoying.

But I stand by my previous thoughts, Chris was a genius he pushed the PG-13 rating to the limit.
Rob and Kristen nailed their performances without going over the top, and Taylor was surprisingly good.
Any scene with Rob in it was great!!! Thank god Kristen didn't cry a river of tears it would not have been believable. But she really showed Bella's devastation; when you don't have anything left in you to feel, and once the initial tears are over there is nothing, you feel nothing and see nothing...anyone that has suffered a devastating lose knows this.
The cinematography was nothing short of amazing!!
The colour palette for this movie was rich and warm, and it brought the landscapes and people to life, showing that they had moved past the totally cold supernatural and had moved onto living life and the changes that go with it.
Some of the costuming was a little questionable but overall perfect. I love that Rob had the same outfit on from the birthday party to Volterra it just adds to emotional turmoil he was in.
The special effects were outstanding!!!
I would love to see Chris do BD with a bigger budget and more time, the fact that he was able to deliver all the key elements of New Moon within a 2 hour time frame very impressive!!

Anonymous said...

@amazeofgrace That is a good theory, it is Bella's happily ever after, that would make sense. Her eyes looked cool I guess but other than that, like rpg said, it did look a lot like a little house on the prairie dress!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


LMAO! Yea, I see what you're saying, frolicking!!

I guess we'll have to wait for Breaking Dawn to see them tearing at each ohter in the woods after a hunt!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I so agree with your assessment!! I've been lucky that every time I've gone no one was screaming or talking through the movie, even though each time the theater was packed with girls, women and men.

Cullen' s girl! said...

I thought that scene was really funny, I can´t help it!! I was so into the hole Volturi scene and then Rob& Kristen running in slow motion ans start laughing! LOL Althoug the second time I saw it wasn´t the same! I REALLY LOVE THE MOVIE!!

Anonymous said...

I just saw it and loved it. I forget what a great actor Rob is. I think there are great things ahead for him. I don't see how they could've made NM any better. People talk about Alice's vision of Bella and Edward in the woods but it wasn't that bad. The rest of the movie was great. Loved it. Congrats Chris, Taylor, Rob and Kristen!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OMG....Breaking Dawn Spoof with Peter Facinelli!!!


Carole UK said...

Yep, seen it twice, can't wait to go again - maybe Saturday. The more you watch it, the better it gets.

I loved Edward in Twilight - he's different this time, but not in a bad way. He looks very "alien" with his beautiful eyes - and he comes over as very tender, a bit shy, gentle around Bella... yum!

AP said...

Its meant to be a link to Eclipse: Alice picking up on Bella’s vision of Edward and herself (porch swing wearing clothes from another time) when she thinks of their marriage. My guess they were trying to foreshadow the Anne of Green Gables ref in Eclipse which makes me think there is a specific scene in that film. Without context, though, it just doesn't do it.

PhinPhan said...

Loved Twilight better than NM but am so thankful we have something new to watch. I wish of course that it included the passion behind the actions, but will take what I can get. I've been reading The Dark Side of the Moon which the fan fiction story of New Moon from Edward's POV. About 1/2 through and I must confess it is very impressive. Has anyone else read and if so, your thoughts.

Piningforthepretty: I agree about the soundtrack. Loved the Twilight (esp. Rob's song & Paramour), but I think this soundtrack is much more sophisticated and the words really match the movie which I read they were written for the movie so makes sense. I esp love Hearing Damage & Roslyn.

Going to see it for the 3rd time and will really be able to focus in on the important stuff, i.e. Rob's countenance.


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hmmm...I think I know why Remember Me release date was moved...

Kristen's new movie opens on 2/12 & I think Taylor's does as well...

Anonymous said...

Femroc I agree,Totally.It was abit mish mash.True to the book,But the script was abit weird.Loved seeing Rob.I thought he was too over dressed.didn't like their new eyes.Loved it when he crushed the ph.Loved Rob scenes full stop.Did you notice that he sniffs alot now.Even in the film.Missed his songs and Bellas lullaby.Didn't like the music choice.I actually liked Twilight better.I didn't think Bella and Ed were sizzling enough.I mean he's been away for months?Will still watch it again though,Just to make sure.Lol

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I actually love the music now-can't believe how fickle I am...I hated it when the soundtrack first came out, but now that I hear it with the movie, and mixed in the scenes, I love it..

Especially Hearing Damage and Roslyn..both songs just kill me...

Anonymous said...

Re: rpattzsgirl.The scene of them running through the forrest is of them hunting together.It's in Breaking Dawn.

Anonymous said...

Bring on Eclipse,And a new directors style.Comes out next year.YES!

Anonymous said...

Re: rpattzgirl I don't mean the sound track for New moon.The musical score that they play in the background that I thought was abit corny.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to watch it on Dvd.The annoying teen girl next to me giggled all the way through even when Rob was getting beaten up by the Voulturi.That was really annoying.Then I can pause it on Rob scenes too.mmmm

drabrasil said...

Becky, please give me the link to the dark side of the moon...

Diane said...

You know, finally seeing NM, after all the months of anticipation, did create a sort of let-down. I'd compare it to postpartum depression. That was a long, hard pregnancy and delivery! What I noticed most at 12:01 Friday was the things I wished were there that weren't.

But - and this is the good news, as some have already pointed out - what happens on the second viewing is that you aren't expecting those missing elements anymore. You see the film for what it is, not what it isn't, and it's wonderful! I thoroughly enjoyed my 2nd and 3rd times and can't wait for more!

Difficult birth, but the baby's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I saw the movie for the 4th time yesterday. I thought it might get better with more familiarity and not expecting the book to be better than the movie. But again, I was disappointed. There's too many bloopers and too many important scenes that should have been included, i.e.: the coming home of the Cullens to Fork, and Bella being carried by Edward while Charlie was very upset by the fact that she was gone for 3 days and coming home on Edward's arms, the conversation that happened as to why Edward is not allowed to enter the house/door again, and the explaination by Bella to Jacob about the Cullen's talents.
So overall, I blame Mellisa Rosenberg for the poor adaptation of the book to the screen. I think she is to blame as well, as to why Twilight was not properly done in the movies when it could have shined and be the perfect chick flick :)

noisefaidaus said...

The only thing wrong with you last statement a good chick flick is never PG-13, so under that restriction both movies did pretty well.
You can't put everything into a 2 hour movie or it's going to end up choppy and trash, so if you could put into New Moon what you think they needed to, what would you take out?

solas said...

From what I understood of Alice's visions, it is based on possibilities and choices, and Bella wanted
to be able to run with Edward, to not trip and fall. So basedon Bella's thinking at the time, she would be having fun racing Edward. I don't really know what a cocktail dress is, and I thought Alice had dressed Bella in a silk gown (for after she woke up from the change), but I would think Alice would see Bella in a dress in any case. I would rather that Alice's vision for Aro had just shown Edward and Bella glittering in the meadow, each with amber eyes. And then there would be extra time to have more of the reunion dialogue. :-)

When I first heard the soundtrack, I was horribly disapointed; I had liked Twilight soundtrack so much, especially Rob's songs and Muse's Supermassive BlackHOle (that song was one of my favourites even before I heard of or saw Twlight). But except for green day's 21st century breakdown, which I loved totally the first tiime I heard it, I find that I need to listen to an album a few times and let it grow on me, grow IN me, and that is what happened-- I now love most of the New Moon soundtrack (and the ones I don't like--possibilities and sattelite heart-- are more due to the singing; I like the lyrics).
I like New Moon movie way more than I liked Twilight; I think the ating was absoltuely excellent and I loved the colours, the photography, the sparkles, the wolves-- but Twilight certainly served its purpose.

solas said...

Becky--I just finished 'Dark Side of the Moon' and I thought it was terrific!!!
I think every fan of the 'sage' should read Midnight Sun and Dark Side of the Mooon.

Anonymous said...

Femroc, I know what you're saying re NM. I've seen it twice so far, and during my first viewing, I felt like the pace was somewhat draggy and I didn't really *feel* anything. The 2nd time, I had none of that--loved it and teared-up at times, and want to see it a few more times. Maybe go again and see what you think.

The score does get unbelievably corny and soap opera-ish at times, ugh. Rob's hair/makeup looks way better than in Twilight, imo, but I found him strangely impassive after the Italy reunion (in the Volturi part). Maybe he was supposed to be dazed, but I wanted it to wear off! ;-)

So, minor quibbles. In general I was really happy with how well it followed the book, the look, how Taylor did the role, and everyone's acting was up a notch in general.

solas said...

sorry--i meant above 'acting', not ating.

Nikki said...

I agree with anyone who said that the parts with Edward in were the best!! I could watch those parts over and over and over and I have!! Ha!! The rest of the movie was also great but Edward *sigh*!!!

Absolute fav parts for me: school car park scene to the Hurricane Bells and the part that begins with the Thom Yorke song until the end!!! AHH soooo goood!

All I can think about now is Eclipse!!! Can't wait!!

Re: the virgin america plane - read an article and apparently chris weitz put it in there for its double meaning!!!

Is a fourth visit to the cinema too much??

solas said...

Diane- I agree-- second viewing was so much more enjoyable; I loved it; am hoping the third time will be just what I need til the DVD. :-)

love_to_rock said...

hi everyone
I think I've anticipated this film so much that I could enjoy it properly the first time I saw it. so I'm definitely going for round 2. probably 3 as well (I just missed Rob on big screen way too much), it seems lots of you liked it better second time, hope it'll work for me that way too. I liked it, it was solid, but somehow left me unfulfilled, and, I've never EVER thought I'll say this, but Twilight actually made stronger emotional impact on me, even though I think CH did poor job with the adaptation. Perhaps I expected too much of this film.
It's not bad, but it's not what it could have been (the same applies to Twilight and I'll never get over that fact...). I guess I was hoping that a male director would remove all the overly cheesy stuff and extract that pure and wonderful story that is the core of the saga. But it's also kind of tricky with the middle parts of trilogies (quadrilogy in this case), they usually are slower and kind of left to hang in the air, stretching both to the previous and the following parts, which can come off a bit weird...
anyhow, for me, acting was much better in NM, they all seemed more confident in their roles, and I like the soundtrack more than the first one, but somehow it seems underused in the film, as if Chris just didn't match the right scenes with the right songs...
But... it's Twilight, and regardless of all the faults of the books and films, I'm gonna love it 'cause it speaks to me in wonderful ways.
sorry for the lengthy comment, greetings to everyone on this cool board.

love_to_rock said...

I meant to say "that i couldn't enjoy it"...

jc(britlover) said...

Bottom line-I think CW did a fabulous job w/direction. I think the Cullens looked like described in the book, w/ a look that might make you think twice about approaching them. Rob looked so awesome and his despair really came across. Big kudos to Kristen-her depression couldn't have been portrayed better. I couldn't wait to get through the book. My daughter wouldn't give me a clue as to whether Bella would be changed and I read NM and Eclipse so fast I had to reread. Finally got what I wanted w/BD. Then, Rob as Edward was just the icing on the cake!!! The soundtrack does have some good songs, but I like the Twilight soundtrack better. NM soundtrack does suit the theme of the book, though.

Haystackhair said...

@Becky and solas, I too loved Dark Side of the Moon. Very impressive.

paisleywicker said...

I liked the forest scene. I laughed from sheer delight actually (Okay i'm not sure what I was feeling but I know it was positive). I don't remember it being horrifically corny, I thought it was youthful :] She was wearing the blue cocktail dress while barefoot, It was that exact scene from breaking Dawn where Edward is wearing the khakis and they're hunting. And Alice had changed Bella while her body was 'burning' after the cesarean. LOL

I guess I'm a cheesy gal.

twilight said...

@robpattinsongirl I'm with you. I think Melissa Rosenberg did a horrible job of adaptation. I also think Weitz is to blame for messing up all the important scenes, like the spinning around her chair, the cringe-worthy Edward images, the horrible Edward make-up; the lame running through the forest in weird clothes. Plus Weitz manages to rush through the good stuff: the fights, the reunion was like 30 seconds of chit-chat (???). It was so bad. I liked some stuff in the movie though: like Bella's joke about it being gross that she's dating someone so old, or the scene with Mike at the theater (hilarious), or the wolves chasing Victoria -- all of that was great (albeit incredibly short), but all the important moments that Weitz should have nailed, he failed, and Rosenberg did her part to destroy those lines during those scenes: "You're alive" "yeah." Are you kidding me??? It was a disaster in my opinion. An utter failure. It was excruciatingly slow-paced and yet at the same time too fast during the good parts. Such a disaster. I hope Melissa Rosenberg gets fired. She's terrible.

Diane said...

Danielle - that was the response in our theater as well. We all laughed but it was a delighted kind of laughter because Bella had gotten her wish and was actually running in front of Edward without falling on her face. Not sure what's so funny about a vest. I think we've all gotten so cynical and sarcastic (guilty as charged) that we're made uncomfortable by a purely romantic image. No one can seem to write a review anymore without hiding behind the word "cheesy," which is kind of sad actually.

qiupang said...

Gotta see tonight with my husband this time again. Last time it was ruined by a giggly fangirl sitting next to, and all the time Robward was there, I was so distracted --- I just want to tear the makeup people into pieces --- Why the fuck so much lipstick and pasty makeup that showed his lines on forehead.

Hopefully this time around I would be able to concentrate on the acting and details instead of crying inside about Edward's makeup.

Anonymous said...

@Wen: I don't think there's anything to take out. Probably change the 'vision' scene to a much more futuristic outfit, like a stunning silk gown and Bella all sparkly and beautiful. I would have added the scenes that I mentioned earlier, and push it to a lengthier version. A 10-minute extension would not harm the movie-goers at all.

@Twilight: Yes! FInally!! Someone who can totally see the movie as rational as can be. I am a huge fan of Rob but Summit has to find a good make-up artist for him. He didn't have the highlights and the hair that he had at the first movie, the lipstick was a little too much, the pale skin was unnatural, the teeth esp in Italy was awful. I heard Rob's aversion to the make-up, but he needs to accept that he gotta look the 'Edward part' in the book. And Yes! Melissa needs to get fired!
I hope that DAavid Slade did not sabotage our 'Cullen's images.' I saw that 1 picture of Bella & Edward in Eclipse, and it seems like Edward does not look like the 'Twilight Edward' at all. Rob needs to pluck his eyebrows again :)

solas said...

wow--I thought the make-up and clothing were waaay better in this one!

mya bluesky said...

when i watched newmoon i was waiting for jacob to win me over,but he didnt.my friends reacted the same way as i do.taylor nailed happy and easygoing jacob so well,but not the angry n jerk jacob.he played so safe...i love edward in the begining n after come back frm italy.i dont like ghost edward except in the water scene.the only song that i feel fit really well is hearing damage...everyone in my theatre start to scream again when edward in brazil,finally the real edward showed.at the end scene everyone just gasp n suprised.overall,i think most of the audience in my theatre were team edward.the only complaint i heard from them was the lack of edward...i dont know why people love jacob more in ths movie,but 4 me he didnt win me over.tay performance was good,he played save.kristin and rob were good too.the only thing bothered me from rob performance was rob blinking tragedy when edward recited romeo.

PhinPhan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LM said...

Visually this is a lovely movie. I especially liked the warm colors like the red theme that ran throughout (blanket, truck, Jacob's house, Edward's robe, Volturi eyes, even Victoria's hair, etc.). It really did look like an Italian Renaissance painting. Negatives: the wigs were dreadful, Edward's lips were a little too red.

I really, really liked the pale Edward in Volterra and not just for the obvious reason (ahem). His face was heartbreakingly beautiful. The CGI wolves were amazing. I didn't like the music when I first got the soundtrack but found that it worked in the movie and I do like most of the songs now. Only disappointment for me was that Alexandre Desplat's Meadow was orchestral rather than just piano and there wasn't enough of it. Could have added 20 to 30 min and included a few other scenes but it does set the stage for Eclipse. Rob, Kristen and Taylor did fine jobs with their parts. The secret is to leave the audience wanting more and I think they succeeded.

PhinPhan said...

Sorry dra...

Dark Side of the Moon link:


Unknown said...

I was really looking forward to the scene were edward and bella make up. new moon was my favourite book because it contains an emotional intensity that i dont find any of the other books to hold. the peaks and troughs in new moon really effected me personally. i was very much looking forward to the way it all translated to screen, especially the reconciliation scene between edward and bella. i was extremely disappointed at the disregard for this scene in the film. it just made absolutely no sense! the entire movie focuses on the deep, daunting trauma bella experiences- the depression is so palpable. i think the make-up scene is such a seminal moment in their relationship because it is virtually the only time that bella truly does not trust him. it takes pages and pages of text in the book for bella to finally be convinced that he is not a figment of her imagination, that he will not disappear when she 'wakes up'. it was really frustrating to see all of this condensed into a few sentences.

Unknown said...

the reconciliation scene was "30 seconds of chit chat". amazing. so spot on. wtf!
and alice's vision was the most ridiculous scene ever. ive been twice to see new moon and both times the entire theater started laughing uncontrollably when that scene came on. so embarrassing! how did NO ONE turn around during the filming of that scene and say 'yeah no. this is retarded."????????
does anyone else think mike newton stole the show? haha. ive been a fan since the 'how u likin' the rain girl' moment in twilight. simply priceless.
ALSO, the cullens' eyes in new moon were riiiiidiculous. the contacts looked so awful and all of their eyes were red around the rims, as if they all had pink eye. so awful. and the white make up looked caked on. the make up staff should be instantly fired. blacklisted from hollywood for life. awful.
good thing the music was DOPE

solas said...


Unknown said...

the music was 'good'.

Unknown said...

i love how they left things off with a cliff hanger like we dont know whats going to happen haha

MMc said...

After reading every post on here - I want to thank ya'll for your reviews and comments to my earlier post.

I will see it again - and buy the DVD and really get into it more.

Since I have not read the book first - I think I was confused with alot of the quick little scenes that apparently were Alice's visions from what ya'll have said.

Chris really lost a golden opportunity at the Italy scene - I thought that was going to be so much bigger and lots of excitement and climactic passion........but was a total let down.
Edward seemed just numb to everything - like he was on drugs/downers. Rob kept saying that Chris was a calming presence on the set - perhaps it was TOO calm. I think I liked "WILD" CH better.

The slow parts were TOO slow and the fast parts were TOO quick - but maybe if I see it again I'll understand it better. I even missed several of the lines - couldn't hear it.
I'll look forward to watching it on DVD with my headphones.

OH!!!!!!!! I forgot to tell ya'll ..........they played the REMEMBER ME TRAILOR before New Moon in my theater.........it was the FIRST of many trailors but it was there...........at the end of it I almost started cheering and clapping but no one else did so I controlled myself.
It was cool to see on big screen.

Sorry some of you had bad audience mannered people near you. I went at 10 a.m. and there were not many there.

One condition............marry me! Could he have said it a little more enthusiastically????

rpattzgirl - thanks for telling us about the taylor and kristen movies opening in Feb. - that probably is the reason they moved RM.
Nice of them to do that for them.........but not for us.

This board has some really intelligent ladies on it - I'm really impressed with your spelling, and use of language and grammar and insight.

mya bluesky said...

Deniz: i agree with u. i laugh a lot everytime mike appear on the screen. oh bella and charlie moment, so sweet. i remember my dad when i saw them.

alice vision was kind of cheesy, but maybe becos the audience started to scream and laugh when that scene came.

my conclusion is it depend on ur expectation. before i watched the movie, i read many negatives comment about rob performence and very impressive comment on tay and kristen performence, so i went to the theatre with very low expectation on Rob and high expectation on tay and kris. after watched the movie, i didnt feel taylor impress me, i mean his working is fine and save, but really save.he nailed easy going jacob well but not the angry one. i dunno. and kristen, yeah she did good job, but i hate to heard when bella said to edward at itali that she already release him. i dont remember that line at book, maybe i forgot but it feels like she already move on to jacob...

since i came to theatre with very low expectation on Rob, i wasn't disappoint at all cos i think he would be suck in the movie, but he didn't.

after all, it depend on ur expectation. and Thank God im not part of the world who turn their back on Rob after newmoon :)

mya bluesky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ana73 said...

ok i haven't commented on the movie yet but i actually really liked it. yeah, the alice "future" scene was a bit corny but i thought it was good. everyone that i know that have seen it liked or loved it but they are all twilight fans. i took my husband and he didn't think that it was that bad and he like it more than twilight. someone said that they story was to mushy but i thought to myself haven't they read the books ?! so that's all i really have to say except i will probably see it again before it leaves the theatres and i also think that eclipse will beat new moon in $$$ only because it is opening during the 4th of july holiday and the summer always makes big money.

Ana73 said...

oh as far as the soundtrack, i did think twilight was a little more upbeat but new moon was a sadder movie so i thought the songs went with the movie.

Hayley said...

I completely agree with rpattzgirl. I thought they did a beautiful job translating onto screen what I had imagined in my head.

marina mia said...

hi all - finally NM came to Malaysia last night and now that I can kinda digest, here's what I feel.

1. Loved the cinematography, the sweeping shots and the colours, gorgeous
2. The car park kiss - sigh, just sigh. much more relaxed and they get so close its lovely
3. Shitty Malaysian censors cut all other kisses!!!!
4. CGI - worked with the wolves, not so much on the diving scenes. The fight with jacob and ? was wicked, you felt the bites and pounding
5. Not enough Edward but his scene in Brazil, wow that had punch. everyone gasped in the cinema
6. The reunion scene, gosh i wanted so much more. We didn't get the kiss but the script! she packed so much and rushed those amazing words into 30 secs...man, that killed me. But Rob nailed the anguish and the realization she was alive.
7. The music, i hated the score between bella n taylor, wtf was it! The songs were great but not recognizable yet unlike twilight Maybe it will grow on me.

Overall, i loved it. I love the books, i love bella n edward. i think Kristen was amazing. Her pain I totally felt and when she first screamed in her sleep, my heart broke. But I felt the scenes when they were back together was too short - not enough time to convey her healing, their love.

As for Jacob, he did a good job but people did laugh when the shirt came off and people didn't understand why they were all half naked most of the time. Alot of people didn't know the story in the cinema which was tough, u want to explain to people 'it's like this because of this...'

I'm definitely going to watch it again....i need more

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@ Becky, yes, Dark Side of the Moon is fantastic!

Confession: Having seen NM 5, yes five, times now, I think it gets better with each viewing. (I can't even tell you how many times I've seen Twilight---and or read the books and/or Midnight Sun and the other pieces...ie, Edward in Rio: http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/pdf/nm_extras_rosalie.pdf)

NM was my LEAST favorite book---I wanted Edward back with Bella asap. The whole Bella-feels-that-her-love-is-unrequited sums up the book for me. I think we tend to pick and choose moments from these books, very subjectively, and I don't think every single moment from the books can be translated on screen. I go in knowing that.

Kind of why I viewed both the books and the movies as separate entities/stories. I easily identified with Book Bella in NM, but in movie NM, I could really feel Edward's pain (Rob rocked!). And I "got" the whole Jacob thing much better in the movie. (Thank you, Taylor!)

Honestly, I don't think there's any comparison between Twilight and NM movies---they are so wildly different. Movie Twilight is beautiful---it's a pretty, supernatual Cinderella story. But I think book Twilight (and Midnight Sun, as it stands) have much more substance. Movie NM is truly wow. Action, romance, and I LOVE these characters (KUDOS Rob & Kristen!). Beautiful too, but more intense. And I think Movie NM follows the book much more than Twilight did. I could care less about makeup/music/bad wigs/etc. That's all "cosmetics" (haha) in my mind.

Most popular movies are 95% action and 5% romance (if you count "Hey, babe, wanna f...?" as romance). I'll take this romance-centric one as a fantastic improvement on the current standard. (Is it so much to ask for 50/50 AND the happy-ever-after fairytale ending?)

I don't expect the exact same experience from a book or a movie just because the title's the same. Just enjoy it! I did---five times so far, but who's counting? ;)

solas said...

Loved your comments, Gwen!

Unknown said...

Can anybody tell me what Jacob says to Bella before they almost kiss in the kitchen? I've heard a couple of different answers and I'm dying to know what it is! =) Thanks

Ana73 said...

gwen - loved your comments :)

askld - i wondered the same thing...it was funny some girls next to me said i dont understand why he is speaking spanish, i am like you moron he is speaking quilete.

Ana73 said...

oh, by the way dont know how to spell quilete, i know it's wrong :)

Stupid69Lamb said...

@Anna73 Jacob says "I love you" in quileute.. very touching moment

MatildalovesRob said...

I think Twilight still wins over New Moon for me even after the third viewing. New Moon the book is probably one of my least favourites of the series and so less Edward/Rob was never going to make me happy.
I think the issue is with Melissa for the script. She left out so much and didn't really explore what she should have done and yet she adds things because she feels like it, such as Jacob giving Bella a present and misses out Edward's present ! Grr !
As for Italy, if Edward had been more himself then I think his grief and confusion at Bella being alive and there being no need to leave this world would have been less convincing. I think that throughout the film, MR tried to capture things that she missed out of the script ( but failed IMO ) such as Edward's feelings that Bella was hesitant and holding back in Italy ( as discussed back in Forks ) thus he was never sure during Italy whether she had moved on etc and just what status their relationship now held. Major fail on Melissa's part imo by not exploring all this properly.
As for Remember Me !! I never saw the trailer before the film ( double grr ! ) but I think it's been put back to allow for Rob to promote RM properly since he wouldn't be able to promote 'Remember Me' during filming of Bel Ami in February. Just my take on it anyway !

MatildalovesRob said...

Just reading through the comments, I have to agree when it's commented about Taylor playing Jacob 'safe'. Perhaps it's all because he's actually less annoying, immature and selfish in New Moon than in Eclipse, but I did feel that both Summit and Taylor are trying to water down Jacob's character somewhat to appeal to the audience. I still didn't like Jacob ( the old Jacob was OK as I felt that Stephenie had tried to model him on Linton from Wuthering Heights ) but the new Jacob was still so possessive, with no real right to be so, that it bugged me. Perhaps Summit/Taylor will stick to the real character of what Jacob's about in Eclipse, but perhaps not. However, it will be most unrealistic if I don't seriously dislike Jacob for being so demanding, selfish and guilty of game-playing after watching Eclipse.

Stupid69Lamb said...

Ok, seen the movie for the first time yesterday night and here are my thoughts on it:

First of all I think that I had such high expectations to this movie that I went into the theather really anxious. I was soo scared to be disappointed (as happened to me with HP6). So I'm really glad I'll watch the movie again on Saturday and hopefully i'll be able to enjoy the experience more.

What I loved in NM:
- the acting
- the cinematography .. just wow
- wolfes (J and PAul fighting? AMAZING)
- Robwards slow-mo-walk toward Bella at the beginning .. I literally slid down the seat OMFG he killed me DEAD
- Bella's heartbreaking facial expression during the passing of the months
- Robward crushing the phone
- The whole scene with the Volturi minus the cheesy E/B-scene. How good was Rob portraying his pain during Jane's torturing? I was amazed!

What I didn't like that much:
- cheesy E/B scene
- the last 15 minutes were too rushed. Would have loved more interaction between E/B after the reunion
- Jane could have been more arrogant
- the sudden ending ..

Can't wait to see it again :)

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

*shamefaced* I've already seen 5 times. And maybe tehre will be more times. I'm keeping it a secret from everyone or they'll lock me up. But at least I can tell you this: it keeps getting better and better with each viewing. And even the music - which I disliked at first (not the soundtrack which I find great, but Desplat's score) - well now even the score is growing on me!! I'm getting to love NM as much as I love Twilight...

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