Robert Pattinson- Your Song

Yesterday was such a quiet news day (it's that start of the drought people so get used to it) that I did something I haven't done in a while, I made a little vid.

My favourite photos lately have been the ones from Vanity Fair and I heard this song a while ago it's called "Your Song" and it's by Kate Walsh.

It's especially for Goz and Dani who are both under the weather at the moment! Get well soon Ladies.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic video... You can also look at it listening to another fantastic song that suits Rob so well, for me anyway... Its "Have I told you lately?" by Van Morrison... Made me cry the first time a heard it...
It's gonna be really hard to spend so much time without him...

Opsable said...

Amazing raw material + beautiful song = great vid, Kate! Thank you (these pics make me hyperventilate...or stop brething, don't know ;)

Unknown said...

Oh its so beautiful! Beautiful song, beautiful images. I love it. Great job Kate. I love the purity of it.

Get well soon Goz and Dani!

Anonymous said...

holy cow! That was so AWESOME! Like award worthy! And did she right that song for Robward?

Anonymous said...

Lovely videoo...

However, December is tomorrow... And it's the start of the drought!
I feel so sad right now!
Nothing to be excited for... Screw Christmas! I want ROB!

HIluvsRob said...

HOOOOT DAYUUUM!!!! Freakin..GREAT VIDEO. Couldn't breathe thru out the whole video!!!! MAHALO!!!!!!!

Apotamkin said...

thanx Kate that was just perfect and the lyrics are so made for Robward, I'll go check Van Morrison's song long sigh for having to deal with the drought...

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Kate, as usual, for the great work and dedication to Rob.

Yep, the drought begins.

We were just discussing about this at the previous thread.

Someone asked whether Rob is still in LA. The response was positive, because he was recently seen at Bobby’s concert with KS.


As I mentioned, I’m guessing that he will not fly to London until Christmas holidays.

Will KS be with him?

I believe that if they are seen together more often leading to Christmas, then KS could potentially visit London, too. If not seen together, he'll go alone, but very, very briefly.

Eh, I'm just guessing.
Or, speculating, just as Rob might describe what I just said above.

We don't see the usual airports anymore.

I believe that the party has started flying in private planes domestically (or for short flights). And Summit must now have arranged better cooperation of airport admins for Rob’s (and KS’s) airport drop off, passage, and pick up. Also, security is much more tight now. Thus, no airport papz photos.

Anonymous said...

* the usual airport photos..

Kate said...

Aah I'm so glad ye like it !
Yeap I love that Van Morrison song too Sissidelyon but it would get pulled by you tube the minute it would be put up, Van Morrison stuff is very well protected!

MJ said...

Beautiful. I miss him so much! *sniff sniff

miss_uta said...

Perfect song for a perfect young man! *sigh

Anonymous said...

I just don't undertand why they do that (pull stuff out), when it's great promo when people spread stuff around and they get noticed.

I guess it's catch 22. They want to be promoted widely, so that more people know about them, but they don't want it to be spread to people either without compensation.

Butterfly25 said...

"I'm stuck on a boy who feels me
with joy
I knew I was wrong to
jump straight on into this
picture so pretty
But he is so pretty to me"

Kate,your video is brilliant!!! The words of this song are so perfect for Robert.
Thank you for making this horrible drought a little less painful...

Liz said...

"He is so pretty!" Amazing video and perfect song! Thanks for making it.

I guess I was expecting the drought. I hope he is getting well rested and enjoys his free time with family and close friends before the onslaught of publicity for Remember Me early next year. I can't wait! I wonder if the DVD version of New Moon will come out around the same time? One can only wish....

Rhonda said...

Lovely video Kate. Hope Gizde & Dani are feeling well soon. Glad Rob is getting some peace, but this drought is gonna be awful.

Rhonda said...

Gozde :)

jc(britlover) said...

Great job! I'm still somewhat partial to the jammies! Get well, soon, Gozde and Dani.

jmm4832 said...

I'm going through all the recent photos and videos of Rob on the NM promotion tour. We've been spoiled recently girls. I'll miss Rob but this is what he wants, to disappear from public view!

Anonymous said...

For the Van Morrison stuff, I know... I'd made a video with the Vanity Fair pics and the song I mentioned in my post.. It stayed online for an hour and was removed... Anyway, I had great fun making it... You can listen to the song thinking about Rob, it works too ;o)

peeling a fig said...

Just what I needed today Kate...thanks! And lovely banner up too.

Anonymous said...

I guess during the drought period, we'll contend and entertain ourselves with recycled posts of photo sessions, vids, interviews, etc.

I would whine about asking Summit (with Rob's agreement) to let their own publicity/pr dept release one or two off-work photo(s) of Rob (before the barrage of official RMe promos). But then, that would defeat the purpose of letting Rob rest. So, I'll not whine; let him disappear for a while. (Oh, but what sacrifice!)

I'm thinking, during the total drought (although I'm guessing, eventually there'll be some Rob sightings), I'll sprinkle in my thoughts about NM, Eclipse, BD, together with our continuing expression of admiration for the one and only.

And not to forget, there are more FF treasures to be discovered, shared, and discussed.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Haystackhair said...

Fantastic vid and song Kate! You just made my day. GAH! He is sooooo pretty isn't he? Kate, you'll have to keep using your talent to help us weather the drought!!
Goz and Dani, get well!!

kazoogal269 said...

Kate, your creativity in formulating this video is awe-inspiring. Thank you for taking the time to make it and for sharing it with us all. There isn't one shot of him that I don't absolutely adore in that photo-shoot. I love having them all in one video to admire. :)
Kate Walsh's song goes beautifully with the're such a master!
Get well soon to Goz and Dani!

Anonymous said...

yes good point Liz and Thansa!
We should all be happy that Rob is resting! He deserves it!

Might I suggest we all read Bel Ami in prep for the upcoming film?

Anonymous said...

Kate, Thanks for starting off my Monday morning on happy note! It's rainy and dreary here in Houston and you made me happy!

Not happy about the upcoming Rob drought. What to do with myself over the next few months? Oh, maybe give my hubby a little more attention? I have Rob as wallpaper on my new laptop. My hubby takes it very well.

At least we don't have to wait until June for Eclipse, we have RM to look forward to in March, and all the hype leading up to it should start in Feb. at least.

Anyway, thanks again Kate for the video!

Unknown said...

So I make whirlpools
And watch him sparkle

Are we sure Kate Walsh didn't write this with Twilight in mind?

Great vid, great song Kate, thanks!

Susanne said...

Thanks Kate, great video, great song!

I hope Rob is enjoying his well deserved rest, even if it means that we don´t see much of him.

Gozde and Dani, get well soon!!!

Anonymous said...

that was so lovely Kate. Luv it luv it so much girl. thanks :)
get well soon gozde and dani. load up some vit c :)
oh god idk what life is without rob! need a new hobby asap. oh i forgot i have a boyfriend that should keep me busy :)

Gemgirl65 said...

OMG...great minds, Kate! I did one really similar to this last week before I left for Thanksgiving vacation. There's something completely inspiring about those VF outtakes, for sure. Nice job! :)

You can check mine out here if you like:

Rob's Girl said...

I have never seen a more beautiful handsome man in my life!! RPatz forever!!!

Anonymous said...

leann that was lovely. em not a robsten fan but i think the song is perfect for them when i look at the lyrics

pyilRN said...

what a way to wake up! Thanks for the vid!

17foreverlisa said...

Wow. I seriously have a lump in my throat after watching your video. The song is achingly beautiful, just like Rob. Definitely posting this on my blog and giving you the source credit. Thanks!!

@amazeofgrace - I bought Bel Ami a few months ago and have been holding off reading it until the snow falls here in Illinois. I'm hoping it will make me all kinds of warm ;)


JED66 said...

He is sooooo pretty.... perfect song choice. I also have all of these pics as my screensaver (at work and home). It's like the great drought of Dec08 all over again! I live in Twickenham, UK which is approx 5 miles from Barnes (where his parents live). So I will have happy thoughts at Christmas that he's only a few miles away from me eating his Christmas lunch. (No don't worry I'm not going to go stalking him;-)

Gozde said...

So beautiful Kate...SO beautiful :))

Thanks for all the get well wishes, I'm working on it :))

skorpia said...

songs like this make me want to break out my guitar and amp it up Rock style. Time for a remix. great vid!!

Kate said...

OMG Leann great minds is right!!
I can't believe we both grouped the photos the same way and everything!! :-o
Love your vid!

phosphorus said...

Actually, I am looking forward to the drought, at least I'll get my work done, then. I already lost a week due to the cold I caught.

Gözde, Dani, get well soon.

womadsart said...

WOW.... Im speechless Kate. I have tears in my eyes. What a beautiful song and listening while watching Rob on the screen just gave me goosebumps...
Thanks thanks thanks thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

raizie said...

Kate, this video is brilliant. The song fits perfectly and I love having those great VF pics in one easy viewing. Thanks for filling the void.

*cough* *cough* the drought...*cough*

Gemgirl65 said...

Thanks Selene...I was kinda tempted to do a Robsten vid to that song actually! I have yet to do one of those...we'll see.

Kate, I know, when I was watching your vid I was like WOW! LOL Of course those beautiful pics just kind of lend themselves to grouping them together like that...holy cow, making vids of Rob is so much fun. I could look at him all day. I would if I didn't have to, you know, work and interact with Real People. ha!

I'm so out of the loop...sorry you are under the weather, Goz! I haven't posted on here in ages. During the Rob Glut I was so busy watching/reading the interviews that I never even had time to comment. I've been here almost daily per usual though! Thanks for all you do to keep the updates coming!

(Has Dani had her baby yet? Hope she's doing well!)





VeilsofLight said...

Kate, SO perfect. Thank you for posting... the perfect compliment for this rainy New England day.

..." and watch him sparkle." :) :)

Dahlia said...

Gorgeous video and beautiful song. So perfect for him!

I can't believe it's the start of another drought, it's such a sad time but its also a good thing. Droughts hopefully mean he is getting some peace and quiet. Atleast we have a lot of stuff from recent to keep us going for a bit longer, but it's awful not knowing if he is ok. It's a love hate time of the year!

LM said...

Kate, this is a perfectly lovely video. Thank you. Rob is indeed a pretty, pretty man.

d67 said...

Kate, that was beautiful...went right to iTunes and bought that song that's just so perfect for Rob and the legions of women who are in love with him!
You, Gozde and Dani help me get thru each and every day so thanx! I miss Rob already!

Anonymous said...
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RPLover said...

Kate, wow! you should make vids more often, that was beautiful. If that doesn't make Gozde and Dani feel better, nothing will! ;) Hope you guys get well soon!

this drought is gonna kill me, I'm new-ish to Robsessed so I wasn't around for the first dry spell, this will be my first real time without him since I went ahead and fell in love with him! {sob} I'm really happy for him that he can get some R&R and see family and friends...but I'm a greedy bitch! LOL come back soon, Rob...<33

AP said...

Great pick. I really like "As He Pleases" too. Thx, Kate.

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