Robert Pattinson's Radio Interview with Kyle and Jackie O

Rob answers fan questions on the Kyle and Jackie O Show
You can listen to the interview HERE


Anonymous said...

Rob was funny as always. LOL So funny :)

solas said...

OK i have been listening to and/or watching these interviews and panels and junkets and question sessions for quite some time now, and I have to say I am in awe, that Rob can come up with answers, sound clever, and actually is able to talk after all of these rounds. I think my tongue would have fallen off at this point.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok reviews of remember me:

"holy god sex scenes"!!!!!!

Omfg... We are gonna die!

RPLover said...

ok, this has nothing directly to do with this interview, but...I had to work today and so I didn't get to start catching up on here until about 5pm-I had to take some time out for supper, getting my kid into bed and watching Grey's Anatomy, but other than that have been on the blog since then and have only now just seen and read everything. And it's almost 1am here! I feel as though I have just run a Robathon. Awesome work today, gals! I'll try not to work again until after next weekend, LOL!

I must remember to stretch before I get started tomorrow. ;))

Anonymous said...

Awwww..the interviews that made me (us) love Rob.

How about the radio interviews? e.g.,

captain said...

Dear Rob,

Early U2 is the best kind of U2. Congrats on your discovery.

Tess said...

He really tells a great story..

Loved the part where he asked his trainer how much he was bench pressing: "110lbs? that was the max?" (compared to Tay who was over 300lbs) "yeah, but that's really good-you started with just the bar"

I almost sprayed my laptop screen...

RPLover said...

@Thansa-I love this interview, one of my favorites from last year! thanks for the link :)

Kate Cannata said...

I've heard him mention it before that he's been writing music again lately but so excited to hear him hint at that he might actually record some of it!

Jeswah said...

@RPlover - LOL Robathon I know exactly what you mean!

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