ROBsessed Awards Results: Robert Pattinson's Best Quote of 2015

ROBsessed Awards Result: Robert Pattinson's Best Quote of 2015

Winner: "Totally cool and confident"

With a whopping 50% of the votes the winner is.... "Sure I will have a child who is totally cool and confident. He or she will probably look at me every day and think, 'Why is this guy such a funny, quirky oddball?"

You're all picturing RobDad aren't you??

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How did your mods vote??

Kate and Tink were all on the same wave length with the "I'm not afraid to take a challenge" quote, whereas PJ & I went for "Avocados" because goofy Rob is my fave.

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Our next winner for the 5th Annual ROBsessed Awards will be announced at 2pm ET! Stay tuned...


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