Showing posts with label Funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Funny. Show all posts

Sara Vilkomerson Talks About Her Robert Pattinson Interview Experience

Josh Benson Interviews Sara Vilkomerson who interviewed Robert Pattinson for the recent EW issue.
This is a great interview (just like her EW one with Rob was) and she sounds like she has Robert Pattinson down to a tee!


Josh Benson: Can you explain Robert Pattinson to me, please?

Sara Vilkomerson: Oh well gee, where to begin! (Kate: That would be my reaction too) I guess we should start with Twilight. Are you familiar with it?

Josh: How about let's assume I'm not totally up to speed on it. Just for the sake of this exercise, you understand.

Sara: Mmmhmmm, sure.

In my humble opinion there is an essential part of Twilight that girls go nuts for that has got a lot to do with the whole vampire, undying-love (literally!) stuff. Which is that the main character, Bella, considers herself clumsy and awkward and not particularly beautiful, which I think speaks to at least 90 percent of how girls felt in high school. And then the coolest, hottest, most unattainable boy in school picks her out as the object of his affection. This is heady heady crack-for-girls stuff already. So then they cast Robert Pattinson in the role.

Oh look, I wrote about this in the Observer when the first one came out!

Josh: I remember that place! That piece, too.

Sara: Anyway, Robert Pattinson had the tough job of filling the shoes of a character that is described at length as being preternaturally good-looking, and he succeeded because, among other things, he happens to be preternaturally good looking. He just is.

And Twilight became a huge success. And now he can't walk down the street without people asking him to bite them, which means he did a very, very good job. And now, three films later and with two more on the way, he has a tough road ahead getting people to forget about him as Edward Cullen but to see him as Robert Pattinson, the actor.

Josh: Given the fact that he is at this point kind of the embodiment of vampiretainment, is it not slightly unrealistic to expect that people are going to stop asking him to bite them anytime soon?

Sara: If this is a delicate way of asking me if I asked him to bite me during our interview, let me state clearly for the record that I did not.

Go Team Edward! Cute mention on NBC's Parks and Recreation

No direct Robert Pattinson mention but I can't help but relate to the seriousness in which the Parks & Recreation cast debates Twilight issues.

And we of course know Amy is portraying the pre-Twilight reader. How many of you scoffed at it before you became a victim of the Twilight crack? *raises hand*

Thanks BuzzSugar!

Robert Pattinson makes a house salad sexy

This has been going around for awhile and the original source was Hollywood Life so you KNOW it was likely to be a big fat lie. However, the Los Angeles Times is reporting it now AND they got their own scoop that Hollywood Life missed...what Rob ordered...


From LA TIMES, Ministry of Gossip column:
Robert Pattinson recently enjoyed a night out in Baton Rouge, La., with the boys of "Breaking Dawn."

The men of "Twilight," who've been exploring the city as they film the final two installments of the film franchise, popped out for food and drink on Tuesday.

Pattinson, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Jamie Campbell-Bower and Michael Sheen hit local joint Tsunami, reports Hollywood Life, for sushi, sashimi and even a few shots. A nearby table of admirers sent some lemon drops over to the vampire gang.

While that highbrow snacking is more like Hollywood, Rob has been sampling to local fare as well. Recently stopping by a deli chain called Maxwell's Market, the actor caused hysteria with the female staff, according to People.

So what did he order -- a juicy po' boy or some cajun delight?

"He ordered a house salad," a staffer told the Ministry. "It wasn't that exciting."

We dare say the young female population begs to differ.

Ya damn right, Ministry of Gossip (the LA Times gossip reporter)! It's house salads from here on out! I plan to lose some weight on the Rob diet. Good bye steaks, hello blue cheese dressing on the side!

LA Times via Gossip Dance

Robert Pattinson - what is my name?

I don't think I've seen this gem before... funny old video of Robert Pattinson forgetting Emma Watson's name - to be honest, if I was Emma, in the presence of Rob, I would have forgotten my own name!

Via TwiBritneyFan

Robert Pattinson - On the tenth day of Robmas....

The Twelve Days of Robmas

On the tenth day of Robmas, our ROBsession gave us to see...

Ten Rob's a jumping...











Jumping Rob's VIA

Continued after the break!

"Twilight" Co-Stars Talk About Robert Pattinson At The Twilight Convention


During the Twilight Convention today, some of the cast: Peter, Charlie, Dan and Booboo spoke about Rob.


-During filming of Twilight he said that Rob said to him once that he didn't understand why they don't just eat people.

-It was really him (Peter) that Rob/Edward threw to the ground during that scene (not doubles) & viceversa

Charlie and Dan:

-Fav twi character besides themselves: Charlie's fav is Edward. (Kate:Good taste) Dan's is the wolves.

Charlie just called Rob Pussy whipped Pattinson. [he was asked who his favorite character is and he said it used to be Jacob but now Its Edward cause he feels like Edward needs a little fire up his ass cause Jacob taking over..then he said "ya I like Edward..but not when he's like...idk...if he's like pussy whipped pattinson then no" or something like that and everyone died laughing and was like OOOOOO and he just smirked and was really funny]


-What was it like working with RPatttz: Booboo says he is really funny (Kate: Don't we know it!)

-Someone asked if Booboo has listened to RPattz on the Eclipse DVD commentary LOL (Kate:Let's hope Boo Boo has a good sense of humour!)

Tweets from Twilightish & T_Mauricexo
To read other tweets about the rest of the Twilight Cast go to Robsten Lust Online

New/Old "Water For Elephants" Set Vid With Robert Pattinson

UPDATED: Looks like the person who owns the vid doesn't want to share and has made it private :-( I'm sorry! Sharing is caring I say but there you go.

I promise you Robert Pattinson is there right at the very end but don't blink or you may miss him!

Studying Robert Pattinson

A school in Europe has a test on Robert Pattinson. Yes I am serious!
Now there's a subject I'd like to study (mmmm I do that everyday anyway {blush}) maybe I should teach the subject intead? Lesson 1 the name's Robert Pattinson not Robert Pattison.


Click and Click Again for Larger

Tangled with Robert Pattinson

So, I saw "Tangled" today and thought Flynn was a cartoon cutey - now I know why? Definitely not an exact double, but I wouldn't be surprised if they used Robert Pattinson as their muse!




VIA and check out the trailer HERE - it's a cute movie.

Robert Pattinson is still jumping....

... and I'm loving it!

With Robert Pattinson leaping in strides and bounds across the internet I just had to share some of my favourite "Jumping Rob" meme's... I also attempted a couple myself, but I need to polish up those photoshop skillz a little :-) Enjoy and click the links at the bottom for many, many more...

Jump on spider monkey!


I'd give him all tens!


I need to find out where this location is... pronto! A 45 mile stretch of jumping Rob's? Yes please!


The ONLY thing that would make me suffer through the Teletubbies...


Maybe's it would have ended differently if Rob was with them?


Prepare to giggle until your heart is content... HERE and HERE (yes, the second one is google - but seriously... google it, you will not be disappointed!)

A few more fav's after the jump....

Robert Pattinson and the Tour de Baton Rouge

Robert Pattinson and the Tour de Baton Rouge


He just arrived and already, Rob is local news. A Baton Rouge news channel, WBRZ, reports:

One of the stars of the "Twilight" movie series stopped by a Baton Rouge bicycle shop while he was in town this weekend and left with a new bike.

Workers at Capitol Cyclery on Essen Lane confirmed that Robert Pattinson, who plays the vampire Edward in the films, visited the store over the weekend and bought a new bike.

An employee said Pattinson "wasn't there to be a big celebrity" and that they had received other calls about the visit.

"It's getting a bit out of hand," the employee said.

Pattinson and co-star Kristen Stewart, who plays the main character Bella, were reportedly in Baton Rouge and New Orleans to start principal photography for the latest Twilight movie, "Breaking Dawn." Filming for the movie is scheduled to begin in earnest next month.

This report backs up a fan encounter that was shared earlier today:

I have a friend that manages a bike shop here in Baton Rouge, and I brought my bikes in to get fixed. I walk in, and it's my 3 good friends who run the store, and only 2 other people. An older gentleman, and a younger, bearded one. I didn't recognize either so I just kept walking right past them (like 6 inches away from them) straight to the warehouse of the shop.

A half hour later, I realize, this fucking bearded guy is ROBERT PATTINSON. Robert fucking Pattinson. He was wearing a dark baseball cap, jeans, a red flannel shirt, and black shoes (looked like skate/bike shoes). He decides to buy a bike from my friend (a thousand dollar bike that I'm sure you'll see in paparazzi pictures from now on). This is a nice bike, and needs to be setup in the warehouse before sending him with it, so I then find myself in the predicament OF HANGING OUT WITH ROBERT PATTINSON IN A SMALL ROOM FOR AN HOUR. He's the most attractive person I've ever fucking met. And his beard? Epic. He's also the sweetest goddamn person, and I didn't ask for a picture, because he seemed to be enjoying the fact that not a single one of us acknowledged his celebrity.

Anyway. That's it. Fucking epic, and I don't even like Twilight. Oh, and that smile? That fucking smile? CUTEST THING EVER. He's like, Cedric Diggery nice. Super sweet. Super humble.

Rob got a bike...seems dangerous. Well...if anyone sees him, try not to shriek or anything. It could startle him and we can't have him harmed.

News: Source Fan Encounter: Robstenation

Robert Pattinson On Radio 1 Playing “Oh What's Occurring” With Scott Mills - Say My Name Rob

Robert Pattinson On Radio 1 Playing “Oh What's Occurring” With Scott Mills - Say My Name Rob

Now I'm not supposed to say anything but the reason he said it could be dangerous at the start was because he didn't want everyone to know what his nicknames for us were.
He doesn't call us Goz, Kate & Kat he calls us Benyana, Lillibet & Vieletta.

(Rob only comes on the once so don't bother listening to the rest of it after he finishes)

Twilight Reaches The Senate - Kagan mum on Twilight debate 'Edward v. Jacob'

Twilight Reaches The Senate - Kagan mum on Twilight debate 'Edward v. Jacob'

Yes last nights "Eclipse" Debut was being talked about everywhere and I mean everywhere!

Washington, D.C. - It is the classic debate amongst Twilight fans: Edward or Jacob?

The third film in the Twilight saga, Eclipse, opened at midnight in theatres on Wednesday, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) decided to bring this bit of pop-culture into the Senate hearings concerning the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. The hearings have been going on since Monday, with Kagan answering questions throughout each day.

"I guess it means you missed the midnight debut of the third Twilight movie last night," Sen. Klobuchar said. "We did not miss it in our household, and it culminated in three 15-year-old girls sleeping over at 3 a.m."

"I didn't see that," Kagan said.

"I keep wanting to ask you about the famous case of Edward v. Jacob, or The Vampire v. The Werewolf," Sen. Klobuchar said, opening her questioning with a bit of lightheartedness.

"I wish you wouldn't," Kagan said with a laugh.

In the book and film series, the two characters -- Edward, a vampire played by Robert Pattinson, and Jacob, a werewolf played by Taylor Lautner -- battle for the love of the female lead, Bella.

As Kagan said in later testimony, a judge plays for neither team, but acts independently. She practices what she preaches, because she refused to commit to either Team Edward or Team Jacob. (Kate: I bet she was really Team Edward though)

Thanks To a_svirn for the tip!

Access Hollywood- Twi Convention Video With Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner

Access Hollywood- Twi Convention Video With Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner

Really good audio in this although they cut Kristen flippin Rob (boo!)
Enjoy anyway!

SNL Skit - Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

SNL Skit - Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

Thanks To Laura for the tip!

Robert Pattinson Merchandise You Never Knew You Needed : Part 2

You know you can count on us to show you Robert Pattinson things that you never knew you needed. Earlier in the week we told you about this well now here is something else that no fan can do without :-/
Yes now you too can have your very own Paper Pattinson (seriously who comes up with this stuff ?)

He comes with his very own set of Ray Bans, cigarette, stubble & wild hair (although you can't run your figers through it.) I wonder if I put him in the back of my car would his head bob up and down like those nodding dogs, it looks like it should :-)
Oh what next?? LOL

Source Thanks to clabozolinas for the link!

Robert Pattinson Mention at The Graham Norton Show

Robert Downey Jr. is looking GOOD :)

And to answer the questions:

Does Robert Pattinson smoke? YES

Does Robert Pattinson have a twitter?

Does Robert Pattinson have a girlfriend?
Wouldn't YOU like to know? :)

Does Robert Pattinson have myspace: NO

Does Robert Pattinson sing?:
Like an angel :) Just kidding, yes he sings.

Does Robert Pattinson wash his hair?
Yes, he's been known to do that :)

Does Robert Pattinson have a facebook?: NO but we do :) Add us on facebook

Does Robert Pattinson do drugs?: Not that we know of...

Does Robert Pattinson like Kristen Stewart?: I'm gonna go out on a limb and say YES :)

Robert Pattinson's Bella Moment In Spain

Poor Rob it's one thing to have Bella moments in private but I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has them and sorry Rob but this make me laugh! Still love ya! He was probably blinded by all the flashes, I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.

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And here's the video of it. It's at 1:19

Thanks to EstGarZo in the comments for the link

New/Old Candids of Robert Pattinson

Gorgeous shirt Rob! Hope you burned it :))And umm Nikki's hand is in a very unfortunate (or very fortunate) place and the expression on Rob's face is priceless :)

Aww the famous plaid!

heart shaped glasses?... Cute rob...very cute...

Big thanks to [info]medicated_mornin [info]lion_lamb for the pictures :)

SkyNews Interviews Robert Pattinson

So cute! Great segment from SkyNews :)

Thanks to Twilight Ladies and MiraTL.
(Deni from Twilight ladies is at the end of the clip, with the white hat :))

You can read her recap of the night HERE) And watch the videos she took after the cut
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