Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts

Chris Weitz tweets about Robert Pattinson: "He's a super gracious guy."

Chris Weitz didn't let Robday stop him! Here are a collection of C-dub mentions of Robert Pattinson over the last few days:

northjers @chrisweitz Hi Chris.There is talk of Edward getting his own flashback in one of the BD films. Do you know, will we be seeing green eyes?

CW: Will have to wait until the Eye Color Director's Summit convenes at end of month.
Tink: LOL funny...but who wants this?? Safe to say ALL of us. :)


YekitaB @chrisweitz Tienes el numero de Robert Pattinson LOL

CW: Sí, y por $1000000 te do el area code
Tink: Anything Rob is worth SO much more. ;)
taarawilleatyou @chrisweitz Since you're famous and all, do you get stalkers and such people?

CW: Well, I'm not really famous. Only when in the blast radius of KS, Rob, Taylor.

SkylarLSpencer @chrisweitz Can you caption this Rob Pattinson pic?
CW: This f'in elephant gets NO f'in water.

Rebecaroa @chrisweitz I'll see if I can capture their attention with this:
CW: Amazing how much better he looks after we did the cgi, right?

tamzpcl @chrisweitz ~in the nm book edward stint w/volturi is much different. y does he get beat up n the movie??

CW: I like to see Rob getting pushed around
tamzpcl @chrisweitz ~y would u wanna make edward look pansy? he's sposed to be indestructable. same thing was done eclipse wit victoria n riley!


CW: Meh, Tammy, disagree, he's not indestructible to the Volturi. And the film needed some kinetic action.
Tink: I liked his opinion here even though, as a book reader, I disagree. I personally don't like that Edward is thrown around in every movie when in the books, he's not. However, I understand Mr. Weitz's point.
CcPrincess20 @chrisweitz would you go to Robs WFE premiere next month IF theres actually one here in LA?! That would be so cool if u attended

CW: I keep checking the mailbox...

@teampaul_05 chris one question that I have been wanting to ask you is why did you cut to black at the end of new moon?? and not see bella get in trouble by charlie

CW: Well, I think that would have been a lot less dramatic. For me the whole movie was building up to a point of dramatic tension.
Tink: Marry me, Bella....*le sigh*

gif: source
smurfy_tapz @chrisweitz Rob and Kristen always mentioned about you being the most compassionate person they met and they're right!

CW: So true

@think_then_act:Is it weird to know many of your followers are waiting to watch Rob on leno? And just watched him on mtv?

CW: nah. Reasonable

arceecullen @chrisweitz Will you watch Leno??Rob's there.. :) and have you seen the new clip of WFE??

CW: Not even Rob can make me watch Leno

Janners @chrisweitz Yes but you're not a woman, Chris. There are something things we will endure, and Leno is one of them, for certain Our Rob. LOL!

CW: Sexist! How dare you say I'm not a woman just because I'm a man?

VitaminR70 @chrisweitz Rob answered my karaoke question tonight on MTV. Did you ever sing Purple Rain with him? What's your favorite karaoke song?

CW: I do a pretty good Johnny Cash. Probably because it's easy.

sccrbbkim @chrisweitz Rob was wonderful as always on the MTV interview! Do you think you will ever do another movie with him?

CW: I'd like to, he's good fun
Tink: so fun :))

@Stefy_s: @chrisweitz do you know rob is in LAright now?

CW: of course, he is giving me a deep-tissue massage

Miriam522 @chrisweitz are you aware that Rob is going to be on #MTV life on line in just 6 min from now ???

CW: I was not aware of that... The Knicks are playing the Pacers!

TwiGossipGirl I heart you @chrisweitz but today your tweets will be ignored b/c Rob goes on live in less then 10 minutes. Cant handle too much in feed!

CW: S'cool, go on Rob! I'll just take it easy

micarojas @chrisweitz what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see your work done and u go back to just being Chris?

CW: Sleeeeeeeep. Hey I better stay quiet or the twihards are gonna git me! ;) they gotta talk Rob
YekitaB @chrisweitz What was the hardest scene to do for Robert and Kirsten. Please

CW: Well romantic scenes are hard. Movie sets are not romantic, hard to act intimate.
Tink: I don't even notice the camera...

Thanks ChocoMG2112 for finding :)
cullen195 @chrisweitz what was the craziest thing you've done and Rob on the set of new moon?

CW: 1) dsicuss a vampire's motivations, 2) pretend to be a vampire
Tink: They're totally talking about vampire motivations in this pic. ;)


smurfy_tapz @chrisweitz Did Rob get around to calling you after your nice write-up about him when he made TIME's 100 Most Influential? #ABetterLife

CW: Nah. The funny thing is, he usually gets in touch when he changes emails due to their being hacked.

rosenfie @chrisweitz oh. I am surprised he didn't thank you. really surprised.

CW: No, don;t get me wrong. He's a super-gracious guy. This was more my saying thanks to him, see?

CamiFaith @chrisweitz Why no airplane scenes in New Moon?? Missed a lot of Edward and Bella development. No bashing NM just curious? Please Reply!?

CW: Airplane cabins = boring. IMO.
Tink: *pout* I missed this scene...
Lilie06: In NM, the flashback scene of Edward&Bella in the meadow.. was it a real flashback from Twilight or did u reshoot it?

CW: reshoot -- Original had been shot in 3 locations on 3 separate days, I wanted 1 location and full control of images
Ausgirl123 @chrisweitz Can you see some parallels between the journey being taken by Rob and what Viggo went through the LOTR?

CW: Except for the years in the wild as a ranger, his sword, being king of Gondor, and his pivotal role in the downfall of Sauron, absolutely.

TracySHardin @chrisweitz if you could remake Star Wars with actors today, who would play Luke, Leia, Han, etc...?

CW: Wow unlovely this question. I will first answer seruously, then poorly. Luke: my man Lautner. Leia: KS. Han: James Franco. Darth: still
James Earl Jones. Young annakin: Rob. (Tink: I see it!!!) Young obi: Andrew Garfileld. Older Obi: Viggo yeah you heard me.
Comedy version: Luke: Michael Cera. Leia: beyonce. Han: Orlando bloom. Obi's: zach efron, the rock. Vaders: LeBron.

NASIBA0606 @chrisweitz What do you think about the new movie, Rob Water for Elephants

CW: I think nothing, not even thirsty elephants, justifies theft.

smurfy_tapz @chrisweitz I hope 3rd's time a charm, but I'm asking again, waddya think of Rob doing next his movie with Cronenberg?

CW: I think it'll be great. Rob is very intellectual & weird (in a good way) so they'll have fun

Chudygirl @chrisweitz You've mentioned J.Buckley a lot. Rumors have been swirling for yrs that Rob might star in his biopic. Would U want in on that?

CW: Wow he would be greatz


Tink: And a few non-Rob tweets that cracked me up PLUS one from our own, Kat!

SingleStrand: @chrisweitz Let's play FMK. Cathy Hardi, David Slade, Bill Condon. Go.

CW: not playing

nzjandalslover @chrisweitz So the only reason you're on Twitter is to promote your new stuff, not because you love us?

CW: Yes, absolutely, I have no gratitude whatsoever for the fans who loved my movie and helped me feed my family and get my film made ;)

BritKat @chrisweitz Why does A Better Life only have a limited release and how can we change that???

CW: By going to see it opening weekend!

jedesrosiers @chrisweitz what do you call your little one?

CW: How dare you disparage my manhood -- oh, wait. You mean Sebastian.

@CMarieGo @chrisweitz What are you hopes and dreams for your son Sebastian??? You've already said you would not encourage a career in the business. What else?

I just want to keep him off the stripper pole.

Chris Weitz Twitters On About Robert Pattinson

Once again our favourite guy on twitter Chris Weitz was busy answering all the questions that everyone was firing at him. I honestly don't know how he keeps up with it all.

Here's a round-up of the ones that were about Rob and once again I'll ask, if you're not following him on Twitter "What are you waiting for??"

TwiFans @chrisweitz did you cry like a blubbering girl while reading the break up scene in New Moon? #itsnormal
CW What? No way...unhhh unhunnnhhhh don't remind me

(Kate: Giggle (not sure why I'm laughing about it, I was a mess)


RPattzgirl@chrisweitz did you notice after Bella saves Edward his white makeup is in her right sleeve? I love that part, BTW
CW I totally meant it Rona pent at way because um-- I meant that to happen (Kate:I'm not sure what he was trying to say in the middle of this?)

CalliopeBlabs dear @chrisweitz , i heard sometimes it would be cloudy on set and you'd ask robert to come by and suddenly the sun would shine. true/false?
CW He wouldn't have to come to set, I could just call him on the walkie and be like, dude, fix the weather.

Kate: And as we all know Rob can brighten up ANY day!


CalliopeBlabs dear @chrisweitz i heard you made robert pattinson wear uggs on set.... just because you could.
CW This is also true. He'd show up looking less than a 10 and I'd be like, "Uggggg-lee" and then He'd hang his head and get the boots.

Loads More After The Cut

Chris Weitz keeps us entertained with Robert Pattinson mentions on Twitter

Chris Weitz keeps us entertained with Robert Pattinson mentions on Twitter

camila_0905 @chrisweitz What was the first thing that went through your mind when you were invited to direct New Moon?

CW: "Oh boy, this is gonna involve a LOT of tweeting down the road, isn't it?"

Kate and I are straight up obsessed with Chris Weitz tweets. We love that he tweets like an addict. Wanna see us fangirl? Watch us ask any and every question under the sun when he appears on Twitter. We both recently got some questions answered (I think he called me mija!) and here are the latest Rob/Edward-related tweets from the last couple of days.

A_Pickens @chrisweitz Which do you like better Rob's American accent or British accent? Is it tough for him to switch between the two? Please answer!!

CW: I prefer his native Slovenian accent. It's amazing that he's fooled the world into thinking he's a Brit.

SedaRobsten @chrisweitz If you would have a chance to film American pie with actors of New Moon who would you choose for the role of Jim?

CW: Mike Welch=Jim Tyson Houseman=Finch Taylor=Oz Billy Burke=Jim's Dad Rob's eyebrows=Jim's dad's eyebrows


@VampGurl05: @chrisweitz do you think robert pattinson is hot?

CW: I felt his forehead, he seem ok, no fever

jet_set_go @chrisweitz i think you have beautiful eyebrows. would you say so? even more beautiful than rob's?

CW: I think only a brow-off could prove this. But thanks ^^.
(Tink: no contest...)


VampireGirlee @chrisweitz if you could pick one character from new moon to play, who would you pick? :L

CW: Well, I would like to THINK I'm like Ed but really I'm like Mike

Lavixia @chrisweitz I have always wondered why Edward, while in Italy,has a bruise on his nipple.He had a fight with someone or something like that?

CW: That was me. One day he wouldn't come to set and I had to give him a purple nurple.

(Tink: I don't think we'll ever be satisfied with his answers for nipplegate)


kjstewrtpattz @chrisweitz What was the fast food that you, Rob and Kris more eated when you guys were shooting New Moon?In n Out, McDonalds, Burger King?

CW: There is a wonderful Vancouver place called the Poutine Pit

Melll_xxx @chrisweitz Were Rob,Kristen and Taylor fun to work with on the set of new moon?! Any funny stories? ;)

CW: Meh

TwilightCougar1 EPIC!!! RT @Late2thePartee @chrisweitz Rob's sexpender pants went missing during New Moon. We last saw them in Italy. Did you take them? ;)

CW: Why? how much would you want for them IF, say, I knew a guy who knew a guy who had them?
(Tink: awwwwww....Weitz has them hostage!)


@Luh_Cullen_rc: @chrisweitz what was the weirdest thing that Rob did on set?

CW: He wanted to "practice kissing" with me. Not appropriate.
(Tink: Can I apply to be his "practice" assistant on films?)


@BlueEyedLady67 I would like to know what happened to Edwards silver Volvo

CW: let's just say I have a Volvo. And it's silver.

SkylarLSpencer I've been asking this for days. RT @tinkrbe1l3 @chrisweitz have you heard Rob's music? ... was he approached for NM soundtrack?

CW: Keep asking until I can think of a diplomatic answer
(Tink: *bitchface* I won't let this question die. Persist, I will.)

kjstewrtpattz @chrisweitz Did you meet or hear about Robert`s and Kristen`s new dog??????????????????????????????

CW: Yes, I took it as a stealth question about whether they're together and deflected it!
(Tink: LMAO)

And that's the latest! A special congrats to Spunk Ransom for winning his haiku contest.

spunk_ransom @chrisweitz The winds that blows - ask them, which leaf on the tree will be next to go. ~ M

CW: Thank you for all your submissions, they ROCKED so hard I will give $1500 instead, via the donations handled by Tortoise General Store on Abbot Kinney in Venice (wonderful Japanese importer, they have people on the ground in Japan). Thanks all

Here's a runner up haiku that Mr. Weitz tweeted:

Tkegl @chrisweitz They protest too much...Jake and Edward in the tent...secret forbidden love?

And I simply couldn't resist sharing this gem...

Paty_od @chrisweitz you came in Italy and did not say anything?

CW: I am a quiet lover.

Follow this man
! ;)

Robert Pattinson and New Moon featured again in Chris Weitz's daily tweets

It's that time again! Here's your roundup of Robert Pattinson/Edward-related Chris Weitz tweets from his self proclaimed W-hatevuh Wednesdays and part of his Thursday Th-rilling observations.



athenia_22 @chrisweitz if you had to choose either rob or kristen to babysit your son who would you choose? hehe

CW: Taylor

AwesomeArianna @chrisweitz It's whateva wednesday right? Random: Did you guys use Virgin Airlines in NM as a crack towards E/B virginity? Please do tell!

CW: Yes, the idea of using that airline amused me....

tucheer83 @chrisweitz Since I'm watching NewMoon I have 2 ask: Y didn't you have Edward steal the pics from Bella but decided to let them disappear?

CW: Film narrative -- seeing him steal the pics would give away the game. But seeing them not there all at once would, to me, lessen the impact

tucheer83 @chrisweitz Now here's the season's scene. Y didn't you let Edward take the pics like the book & chose to let them disappear off the wall?

CW: Yeh. Nice to see it in the process of happening; her heart is still breaking.

mvdsbRDTP: @chrisweitz in BD do you think edwards penis should sparkle?? ;)

CW: only if he is nude sunbathing

(Tink: We were almost there...)


jeihlynn0921 @chrisweitz i want to ask if in the future you still want to work with Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stew and also Taylor Lautner?

CW: Turning irony off... Yes, yes. I like the all very much. Fond memories.

JimiMarie @chrisweitz so who's idea was it to have edward park across 10 parking spaces in New Moon?

CW: Me... Better pictorial arrangement. Bu I like that Edward don't give a f--- !


DrVivibuff @chrisweitz In NM there r some scenes were you put things that normally not everyone would notice, like Volterra on Bella's Romeo&Juliet book, or Jacobs Tshirt, Dream catcher on Edwards face, the golden compass attached to Bella's bag... do you do that kind of stuff in all your movies.. or was this at first 4 you?

CW: I always do this sort of thing, though I did more than usual in NM. It's fun to play semantic games!

MizzezPattinson @chrisweitz If you could direct any movie of your choice and have ROB star in it, what would it be? ♥

CW: There's a great fantasy series called The Prince of Nothing by R. Scott Bakker. Rob would be great in it.

RobPattMoms: @chrisweitz in which role? Anasûrimbor Kellhus?

CW: but of course, no? perfect, no? Good catch

(Tink: A little info from wikipedia: This trilogy details the emergence of Anasûrimbor Kellhus, a brilliant monastic warrior, as he takes control of a holy war and the hearts and minds of its leaders. Kellhus exhibits incredible powers of prediction and persuasion, which are derived from deep knowledge of rationality, cognitive biases, and causality, as discovered by the Dûnyain, a secret monastic sect. As Kellhus goes from military leader to divine prophet, Drusas Achamian, the sorcerer who mentored Kellhus, comes to realize that his student may well be the harbinger of the Second Apocalypse.)

eclipse_patz @chrisweitz Hi!! could you please explain that scene where you say cut and they continue, I wonder how long continued?

(Tink: Here's the video she linked in her inquiry)


PattzManiacas: @chrisweitz HOW IS WORKING WITH ROBERT ??


And there ya have it! You know this isn't the last of him ;) Follow Chris Weitz HERE if you'd like to know more about New Moon and other funny and informative ramblings.

Chris Weitz Finds Out About Robert Pattinson & "Mipplegate"

Our favourite Twitterer (and all round good guy) Chris Weitz was tweeting again today about Robert Pattinson and Twilight.

Have we said how much we love this guy?
Seriously, Rob watch out, he's fast becoming a big favourite of ours.

Here's what he spoke about today

@Larissasegalla @chrisweitz how important was twilight in your career? how important was twilight in your career?
chrisweitz VERY important. I met some lovely people and got to work with them, and it gave me many opportunities to do more films.

@cathypodd @chrisweitz I hope you didn't listen to any of the reviews for New Moon. The fandom loved it, we count, not them ;)
chrisweitz I did listen! You can't help it. It's ok, I picked myself up

@depechemama Ok, @chrisweitz I'll let nipplegate pass for now.;) What scene did you film for New Moon that you wanted in, but it ended on the cr floor?
chrisweitz Good lord, what is nipplegate? Sounds exciting.

Kate: What's nipplegate?? Seriously Chris! You don't know what nipplegate is??
Well we couldn't let this pass without tweeting Chris our mipplegate post


@chrisweitz Nipplegate: and we have too much time on our hands ;)
chrisweitz Oh. I rather liked Rob's nipples in that scene. (Kate: SO do we Chris, so do we)

@Small_4 @chrisweitz Has anything changed in your life after you drove New Moon? Answer me, please!!!!!
chrisweitz Golly yes! No one would give a shit what I had to say on twitter if I hadn;t, for one! (Kate: Aaah that's not true)

@Small_4 @chrisweitz You still in contact with the cast of the Twilight Saga? Please answer! Please!
Yes, in my mind. In fact, yes, many of them, they are kool

@Beck79 @chrisweitz You need to do a film with Grant, Firth, Holt and Pattinson pls. Set in the UK!
chrisweitz I like this. Hmm. Could it have zombies? And monkeys?

@emilytaylor_3 @chrisweitz is robert pattinson really as hot in real person ?
chrisweitz He's actually physically repugnant. It's something about the camera. Weird. (Kate: Really? Not buying it somehow!)

@RobsessedBex @chrisweitz did you ever touch Rob's hair?
chrisweitz Did I ever NOT touch his hair? He told me to stop but I wouldn't.(Kate:Giggle) Why do you think I didn't direct Eclipse?

Tink had to tell Chris a Rob fact because you know how we Robsessed get about Rob facts!
@tinkrbe1l3 @chrisweitz Fact: Rob said he loves hobnobs so those are better automatically ;)
chrisweitz Rob and I will talk.

And I asked him a totally non-related Rob question but was so happy that he answered it :-)
@EmeraldKate @chrisweitz What's your favourite music to listen to ATM?
chrisweitz The new Radiohead, "Nostrand" by Ratatat, Bach

And that's the Chris tweets for now. I'm pretty sure he's in Twitterjail for talking too much.
Don't forget to go and follow him on twitter you won't be sorry!

Robert Pattinson starts rehearsing for Breaking Dawn

Robert Pattinson starts rehearsing for Breaking Dawn

Marc Malkin from Eonline confirmed that Rob is indeed slipping back into his Edward mode for Breaking Dawn!


Now...follow me here...The director for Welcome To The Riley's, Kristen's new movie, confirmed that Kristen was on a flight with him to New Orleans a couple of days ago. He's there to promote Welcome To The Riley's at a film festival. So if Kristen was in New Orleans and she's been rehearsing with Rob and Taylor in the last day and a half according to Malkin, deductive reasoning suggests that these rehearsals are taking place in the state of Louisiana and Rob is there which makes sense since that's the current location of BD filming. *whew*

Is your head spinning? Let's just have sweet dreams thinking of Rob rehearsing some of those fantabulous Breaking Dawn scenes! Weddingward...Daddyward...Emoward...IsleEsmeward! What 'ward are you dreaming of seeing for Breaking Dawn?

Simon Pegg Tweets About Robert Pattinson

Source Simon Pegg's Twitter

Robert Pattinson Tweets and The World Stands Still

Or rather Robert Pattinson tweets and the fandom shakes :)

It did confirm 1 thing for sure : Robert Pattinson DOES NOT HAVE TWITTER...

Thanks to RobsButtonsBabe for making the manip. It's very sweet :)

And since the "fan ractions" I posted seemed one sided last night (the reactions on twitter were %90 this way at the time) here are some other reactions :

pswlrw: I thought it was adorkably Rob, I thought it was lovely of Peter to make it happen.

Emily: I'm confused as to what people were expecting. I thought it was funny. "My dad made me do it."

rpattz-turns-me-on : Go Rob!! Love Ya. Omg iam so happy he tweeted,thank you peter :-) so happy right now.

Sadrilil: I actually loved it. Real or Fake I think PFach is a trustable guy and lets face it Rob is not a twitter kind of person otherwise he would have an account.. I love that he was what seems to be himself and blames "his dad" for making him do it.

Anna F: I don't see what's lame about that tweet, and I'm disappointed by all those negative reactions. Rob has always been quite random, and this tweet sort of represents his "what the hell can I say?" attitude very well, but in a sweet and funny way.I prefer that to some "thank you to all my fans for their support" or whatever of the kind.

Confessor: I thought it was kind of cute. I remember thinking that twitter was kind of lame (before my addiction to it) and that's about what I would have typed if someone made me do it.

sarabooluvsU: I think Rob's tweet was absolutly adorable and we all know that he doesnt like twitter so we are lucky he did it anyway! A true Rob fan would be happy with simply a "hi" from rob. So really guys, back off and be happy, I know I am :) (Gozde: Most of the "positive" reactions were in this line.I guess I'm not a true fan :) Is there a certification program? I'd like to attend :))

And thanks to ADM for expressing what I couldn't: I do not think anyone is pissed by the tweet. I think everyone is confused by their own reaction. No one knew what to expect. It was short and cute. But, not what most thought it would be. Since no one knew what that would be in the first place.

Gozde: After sleeping on it, it IS very Rob like to tweet something like that. I'm gonna go with "shock" and "my Mediterranean blood" for my reaction. Moving on now :)

P.S.: For people asking how they can follow Peter Facinelli on twitter. Here are the accounts of the "confirmed" Twilight Cast Members. Just get a twitter account and follow them.
Peter Facinelli:
Jamie Bower:
David Slade :
Michael Sheen:
Billy Burke:
Christian Serratos:
Edi Gathegi:
Anna Kendrick:
Gil Birmingham:
Justin Chon:
Jodelle Micah:
Charlie Bewley:

Tune in to Entertainment Tonight...tonight

Looks like we are going to see more "BABY ROB" :)

Will the Real Robert Pattinson Please Stand Up?

If you follow us on Twitter you know about my almost daily "FAKE ROB!" exposures :) And although Letters2Rob and I keep talking about the fake Rob that broke my heart and made me a bitter FAKER hunter the truth is these people just bug me to no end and I don't want little girls falling for them. (*it's okay if you are older and fell for them, just say you knew they were fake:))

It has been confirmed with his management MANY times that he doesn't have Twitter/Facebook/Myspace/Bebo/Whatever. And even if he did, I pray to God that he wouldn't :

1.Have New Moon book cover as his profile picture (RTP130586 (what?))
2.Follow Miley Cyrus' Twitter Page
3.Spell like a 10 year old

RobPattinson_ on Twitter who has an astounding 53,528 followers is also fake (this one follows Miley and can't spell to save his/her life either).

Other fakes: PattinsonRT, _RobPattinson_

What prompted me to write this? I just got an email from some girl telling me about an "Official Robert Pattinson Page" on,which IS the official "fan" page for Twilight. So it makes it a bit easier for people to fall for this one until you read what the profile says.

English is my second language and I think my 90 year old Turkish grandma had better English grammar than this. First of all the page is not Official it's Offical :) Then:

Five Things Everyone Should Know About You?
Well I played edward cullen in twilight
Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
I love to play music on my piano
im filming new moon
and little ashes i played in as well

When Did You First Read Twilight (year) and how many times have you read a Twilight Book (total)?
well i first read twilight when i was additioing for twilight the movie.And so on i read the other,my favortie was new moon

Team Edward or Team Jacob? Why?
Well im team bella i think bella is so awsome,and kirsten in the movie playing bella was fantastic

Which Character Are You Most Like?
i would say im a lot like edward im very unsure of myself

Favorite Books
? (Gozde: Well they couldn't make up anything for this one because I don't think the person that made up this profile has ever read anything other than...well I don't think they ever read anything :))

What is Your Favorite Music
well i lie paramore i thought there band was pretty cool,and of course my music

Favorite Movies, TV Shows, Games:

Favorite Quotes:

Favorite Activities
is writing some music,and acting

:)) And there are a lot of comments under this person's profile telling him how much they love him and how he is the sexiest thing since sliced bread :P

Now I know you KNOW that the one YOU found is the real Robert Pattinson, he has said so many things that noone else knows, he scratched his nose at the oscar telecast, he has pictures from when he was 2 years old, his management declines he has a twitter so he can talk to fans like YOU and not be bothered by everyone...sigh... Well then I say: Just keep swimming, just keep swimming :))

To conclude this very important piece of FAKE ROB! exposure here is a fake picture :))

Check out Gallifrey's page for other Twicast fakes :)
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