Showing posts with label why so handsome Rob?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label why so handsome Rob?. Show all posts

Great NEW Pics Of Robert Pattinson Shooting 'Life' With Joel Edgerton Today (March 15th)

UPDATE: Added More Pics (After The Cut)
Great NEW Pics Of Robert Pattinson Shooting 'Life' With Joel Edgerton Today (March 15th)

Run to me Rob!

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Grumpy cat Rob

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Why so handsome?

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LOADS More Pics After The Cut

NEW PICS: Handsome Robert Pattinson on the set of Life! (March 14)

NEW PICS: Handsome Robert Pattinson on the set of Life! (March 14)

UPDATE: Another pic of Rob arriving to set

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Earlier we posted about Rob's newest costar and now....looking might fine there, Rob, on your way to set!

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Via | Source

"The painfully handsome Mr. Robert Pattinson"

"The painfully handsome Mr. Robert Pattinson"

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Since DiorRob is officially being promoted in the US now, interviews we read in 2013 from Rob's Dior press junket are sprinkling out in American publications and gratefully, sans translation needed. So this isn't brand new information from Rob like the Teen Vogue title suggests but it is "exclusive" to American publications and folks that don't spend 24/7 sharing Rob news globally.

From Teen Vogue:
 photo HQDiorRobertPattinson34.jpgExclusive! Robert Pattinson Talks to Teen Vogue About His Latest Campaign 
Because there's just something great about a guy who likes fragrance. (Especially when that guy is R.Patz). 
Few male fragrances have managed to capture female attention quite like Dior Homme Eau for Men. Perhaps that's because the scent—classically masculine according to perfume tradition—gives a couple nods to the ladies with notes like grapefruit and iris. 

Or, perhaps more realistically, it has to do with its spokesman: The painfully handsome Mr. Robert Pattinson. (Tink: That's a bingo!) 
 photo 9DiorRobGifs39.gif"The idea of revisiting a classic fragrance was very attractive," says the star, who imagines the scent's wearer to be "a free spirit who does whatever he wants, and is fearless about it." Indeed, the fragrance's film campaign, directed by Romain Gavras, depicts just that:
Viewers can watch as he races a vintage car along the beach, runs on rooftops, kisses (Twilight style!) (Tink: Teen Vogue, you need a time out for acting like DiorRob kisses in the elevator are like Twilight kisses. Don't make us do a compare and contrast post because we happen to love all Rob's kisses but they are not created equal. Ok I'm done.) in an elevator, and more. These various scenes embody a guy who's a lot less Edward Cullen...and a lot more James Dean. (Tink: Ha! The irony never ceases to amuse.) 
For R.Patz, it's fitting that the fragrance he's fronting is all about rebellion. "When I was 12, I remember being on holiday in Portugal and watching teenagers going into bars," he says. "I believed that splashing cologne would convince everyone I was an adult. I thought wearing perfume was the cool thing to do." Reluctantly, he adds, "That...and hair gel." 
But, Rob acknowledges, it's totally possible that the dude who wears this scent may be slightly outdone—by the ladies. In fact, he seems undeterred by the female fanbase the fragrance has garnered. (Tink: Is anyone surprised by the female fanbase flocking towards DiorRob?)
"She's a girl of her own mind," he imagines, "refusing to smell 'pretty' or do what's expected of her. And clearly someone who isn't confused about her idea of femininity." 
Luckily, this free-spirited lady is a familiar figure in the actor's life. "My mum's quite a dominant personality," he explains, "so I've always been very comfortable around girls." (Tink: Heeeeeeeey! How you doin, Rob?)
Somehow, we think the feeling might be mutual.

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Nov. 29 ~ Pic of Rob from BD2 premiere

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Nov. 29 ~ Pic of Rob from BD2 premiere 

It's still the 29th in Hawaii! ;)
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"He looked so gorgeous at the Premiere in his green suit!"
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"i love this pic from the 365DoR Nov. calendar so it’s my pick for today. so so so so sooooooo handsome."
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"Picking just one was not an option. He should design his own suits all the time."

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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

Click for HQ!

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365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Nov. 19 ~ Pic of BD2 Euro or Sydney promo

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Nov. 19 ~ Pic of BD2 Euro or Sydney promo 

Let's visit AussieRob and MadridRob, shall we??
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"Looking gorgeous as always, heading to his photoshoot in Sydney"

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"look at that bright, handsome face. after the green gucci, this was my fave look on Rob from BD promo. the 3 piece! LAWD. I’m a sucker for a vest and this did me in. dare i say i like this dolce and gabbana more than the green gucci? naaaawww….that’s blasphemous. ;)"

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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

Click for HQ!

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HQ photo set of Robert Pattinson from the Go Campaign charity gala in Los Angeles + download link

HQ photo set of Robert Pattinson from the Go Campaign charity gala in Los Angeles + download link

UPDATE: Added an excerpt from the LA Times as well. Underneath the Variety article.
Robert Pattinson a.k.a. Mr. Gucci, was quite the hit at last nights charity gala for the Go Campaign. We collected all the HQ pics from the night so far for you to download. Click HERE to download the HQ set!

The scrufftee is win win win. EVERYTHING about Rob is win win win.

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Rob posing with Adam Shankman. I want to EAT HIM (Rob...not Adam, sweet as his smile is). Rob has some history with Adam Shankman (and Dermot Mulroney who was also at the event). Do you remember THIS musical gem featuring Rob on guitar?

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Seriously. DED.

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Variety had more information about the cello Rob won in the charity auction. Will this be cello #2 in the Pattinson home? Click HERE if you forgot about the first time Rob talked about playing the cello. Excerpt from Variety:
Robert Pattinson was the toast of the town Thursday night at the sixth annual GO GO Gala.
GO Campaign co-founder and CEO Scott Fifer thanked Pattinson on behalf of the 25 impoverished Cambodian girls he indirectly helped with an auction contribution. The actor donated a meet-and-greet on the set of “Twilight: Breaking Dawn” for the non-profit’s online auction two years ago that sold to woman in Chicago for $80,000. That funding led to the creation of a Program Advancing Girls’ Education (PAGE) in Cambodia.
“It’s been remarkable how one auction item from a person in the Hollywood community can translate into changing the lives of girls forever,” Fifer said before the gala.
The PAGE home will expand from 25 to 35 girls early next year.
The “Twilight” star continued his charitable streak by participating in the liveliest auction of the night. Pattinson bid $5,600 to win a cello made out of recycled material (built by Paraguay’s Recycled Orchestra of Cateura). The overall event raised more than $500,000.
The Recycled Orchestra, which plays instruments made from garbage found in landfills, also performed last night, eliciting a standing ovation from the crowd. Maracas hand-made with beer and tomato paste cans adorned the tables.
Continue reading HERE
Excerpt from the LA Times:
Auction sales have contributed mightily to the charity’s revenue, and actor Robert Pattinson, for one, has supported the GO Campaign as a buyer and seller. In addition to winning a recycled cello at the Nov. 14 shindig with his high bid of $5,600, Pattinson previously helped build a girls’ home in Cambodia by offering himself up for a “meet and greet” on the set of “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.” Bidding online at, a Chicago woman reportedly paid $80,000 for that privilege. 
“We call [the Cambodia home] the house that ‘Twilight’ built,” said Scott Fifer, the charity’s founder.
Oh wow. :') Click HERE to read more about the event!
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Learn more about the event and click HERE to check out videos and HERE to see some great fan pics! What a night!!!

60+ HQ pics after the cut!

New/Old pictures of Robert Pattinson from Entertainment Weekly's Water For Elephants shoot

New/Old pictures of Robert Pattinson from Entertainment Weekly's Water For Elephants shoot

Better quality older pics after the cut!

*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson Being Adorable At GO GO Gala Last Night

UPDATE 4: More HQ's Added and info on what Rob wore
UPDATE 3: Videos Added After The Cut
UPDATE 2: Loads more HQ & MQ Pics Added Below 
UPDATE: Added some HQ's Below 
*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson Being Adorable At GO GO Gala Last Night

Seriously, how the hell can one guy being so damn adorable and cute?

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Hey there Steph!

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A bit more info from E!:
"Pattinson grabbed a drink at the bar before chatting with friends during cocktail hour. R.Pattz was smiley and chatty with a group of friends, acting super talkative and in a great mood while mingling and supporting the charity.

Pattinson sat down to dinner where he continued to chat with folks at his table as event host Adam Shankman began the show. The 27-year-old star ate and drank while chatting with a female pal sitting next to him during the bash.

Pattinson also quietly bid on and won a cello made out of recycled material for $5,600."
And here's Rob getting his cello ;-)

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Rob was looking dashing in a two-button notch lapel jacket and trousers by Gucci in a navy-teal blend (thanks to TheFashionCourt for the info)

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HQ's,  MQ's & Videos After The Cut

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson looking dashing at charity event, GO GO Gala in LA (Nov. 14)

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson looking dashing at charity event, GO GO Gala in LA (Nov. 14)

UPDATE: Another great fan pic of Rob from the event! So so cute...

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Caption: Honored to be announcing this year's GO GO Gala with new pals Robert Pattinson, Beth Behrs, Dermot Mulroney and Melissa Ethridge. Congratulations Scott Fifer and @GOCampaign on a beautiful night for children in need!

Video of Melissa Etheridge singing at the gala. Rob is on the right hand side with his arm propped up. We lightened it slightly from the original. Rob turns back towards the end of the clip.

Another comment on an image (no Rob): I see a bruise forming from #queenshanshan because Robert Pattinson helped me out tonight!!! Such a gentleman!!!#RobertPattinson#VeryHandsom!!!

Excerpt from E!:
Robert Pattinson was certainly in a good mood at tonight's GO GO Gala in L.A.! The hunky Twilight actor arrived with pals (sans rumored love interest Dylan Penn) and looked super handsome in a dark blue suit at the charity event, which works to improve the lives of orphans and vulnerable children around the world. Pattinson grabbed a drink at the bar before chatting with friends during cocktail hour. R.Pattz was smiley and chatty with a group of friends, acting super talkative and in a great mood while mingling and supporting the charity. 
Pattinson sat down to dinner where he continued to chat with folks at his table as event host Adam Shankman began the show. The 27-year-old star ate and drank while chatting with a female pal sitting next to him during the bash. At one point during the night, charity co-founder Scott Fifer thanked Pattinson for being one of the online auction prizes several years ago (a lucky bidder paid $85,000 for a Twilight set visit to meet him!) and Rob blushed and smiled as the crowd cheered for him.
A little excerpt about the Go Campaign:
GO Campaign identifies deserving Local Heroes throughout the world and partners with these grassroots organizations to provide children and young adults with critical services, resources and needed opportunities. We offer support and raise awareness about these small, highly-impactful organizations that might not otherwise come to your attention. Our partners develop programs to provide children and young adults with basic human needs such as shelter, food, clean water, education, medical care, vocational training, and income-generating activities. We believe that providing today’s orphans and vulnerable children with these tools and opportunities to better their future is a critical part of the solution when it comes to fighting poverty. History has shown that the most effective way to fight poverty and make a difference in the lives of children is through small grants to grassroots organizations – and that’s what GO Campaign does best.
Click HERE to read more and click HERE to donate to the Go Campaign (Nick is listed as a Friend of the organization!).

Seriously. This man.

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Source | Source | Source | Thanks for the heads up, J!

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Oct. 7 ~ 1st pic of Rob you saw today

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Oct. 7 ~ 1st pic of Rob you saw today

Happy Monday! What Rob told you good morning earlier today??

"I was greeted with this beauty when I went online this morning ;-) It took me a while to recover I can tell you!"

"my cell wallpaper. i love the Chrysler Building and the street below, cars lit up because night is falling. handsome man in the camel coat on the rooftop making you want to know what he’s thinking."
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Update when Kat posts!

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

Click for HQ!

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