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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query fan. Sort by date Show all posts

USA Today-Rob answers the fan's questions

Robert Pattinson, who stars in Twilight as hunky vampire Edward Cullen, has found himself the object of increasing fan fervor as the film made its way to theaters. USA TODAY's Susan Wloszczyna caught up with Pattinson and tossed him a few questions, some of them from fans of the book series.

Robert Pattinson, who stars in Twilight as hunky vampire Edward Cullen, has found himself the object of increasing fan fervor as the film made its way to theaters. USA TODAY's Susan Wloszczyna caught up with Pattinson and tossed him a few questions, some of them from fans of the book series.
Q: Did you have any concerns about not living up to fan expectations of what Edward is like?
A: I never saw it as a vampire. I saw it as a guy with something in him that makes him terrified of commitment. He is extremely passionate and has very little self-control. He is with a girl he can't have a physical relationship with and she keeps tempting him.
Q: Did you study up on any old vampire movies for inspiration?
A: I've seen a few, but I'm not really a fan. I saw the original Nosferatu, but he definitely isn't dating material. My kind of preparation was not to talk to anyone for a long time. Edward would be so bored with any kind of human interaction. He would not feel like he was part of the human world and doesn't care about other people's reactions.
Q: You and Kristen Stewart, who plays love interest Bella, have said you watched Last Tango in Parisas homework. Any other films put you in the mood forTwilight?
A: With Tango, it is about a girl who doesn't fully realize the consequences of her decision. It is the dark side of the coin. I also watched Ang Lee's Lust, Caution and (Hitchcock's) Notorious. And a lot of Japanese films. They are a lot more about stillness, proximity rather than following through. It is what happens before a sex scene.
Q: Are you hoping that there will be a movie of New Moon, thenext book in the series?
A: I like the second book a lot. In the second one, Edward is a very different character. I'm looking forward to showing the difference in his physicality as I let my discipline and control go.
Q: What do you think about fans urging Lorne Michaels atSaturday Night Liveto have you on as the host and music talent? Would you do it?
A: It hasn't been offered, but I would be quite scared.
Q: If you got to play the main character of another book, what would it be?
A: Money by Martin Amis. I could do it in about 20 years.
Q: What is all this talk about you not washing your hair for months on end?
A: People are scared of my hair. But it starts washing itself after about three weeks. I'm just saying that. But, yeah, if it doesn't look dirty, why wash it?
Q: If you became a vampire for real, what age would you like to be frozen?
A: Maybe 35. People who are frozen at 17, everyone treats you like you are 17 all the time. At 35, you are between old and young. (Dani's note-ROB!!! 35 is no where near in the middle of old and young!)
Q: Would you like to be able to hear people's thoughts, like Edward?
A: Not at all.
Q: What are your next projects.
A:I have two movies coming out. Little Ashes, a drama in which I play Salvador Dali, and How to Be, a comedy. Tiny things.

New/Old fan pics of Robert Pattinson from London: Remember Me premiere & New Moon event

With a new premiere approaching (Water For Elephants!), it's nice to see this crop of fan pictures, by stewylove, pop up to get us even more giddy. While professional pictures are...well...professional, I can't help but adore fan pics. There's a thrilling energy to them. They feel happy because you know the picture taker was beyond happy. :)

If you've ever been to one of Rob's premiere's you know what I'm talking about but you don't need to go to feel the joy in a fan pic.











Click HERE to view stewylove's full gallery from RM London premiere



Click HERE to view stewylove's full gallery from NM London fan event

via PattinsonLadies

Another batch of Robert Pattinson fan pics from Breaking Dawn Part 2 premieres

Another batch of Robert Pattinson fan pics from Breaking Dawn Part 2 premieres 

These are INSANELY Robpornographic.

You've been warned. *keening*






HE KILLED THAT FAN HE'S LOOKING AT!!! Her body must be in the street of LA with this look.

LOADS more from LA, London and Madrid after the cut!

Normal Fan Encounter at Remember Me Set

We all know that MOST Robert Pattinson fans are normal (almost normal:)) that they respect his personal space, that they don't look under bathroom stalls, that even though we call him God a lot, they know he is a normal person who is just doing his job and we all know that they hang out at ROBsessed all day ;)

We adore him, we like looking at him, we LOVE watching his movies, interviews and we support him.

There are fans like the fans that our Trixie reported from NYC yesterday or the fan that was at the same bar as Rob and didn't even take a picture or the fan that bumped into him at NYU yesterday (from

Brayndi wrote about her fan encounter with Rob yesterday:
I totally agree with all the comments made about the lack of respect that was shown to Rob yesterday while filming. I am an NYU student and I was there before I had to go to one of my classes, and the pandemonium was even more intense that the pictures or video make it out to be. I am a fan of Rob myself, but I understand that he is WORKING and isn't some circus side show for people to oogle at. I stayed behind the barricades and watched from where the producers told us to. But some of those girls, and I did see the "girls" that made it into the video, were relentless. Every time that he was minutely unprotected they rushed him to try and get autographs and pictures. It was disgusting.

When it was time for me to go to class I walked into the building where most of NYU's classrooms are and just happened to see Rob standing by the elevators apparently trying to escape the craziness outside. (They were also using the building for other movie purposes as well) I approached him very nicely and ASKED him if I could take a picture with him and he was more than nice. He asked me if I went to school at NYU and told him I was actually on my way to class. I commented on the hysteria outside and he laughed. So I hope that I was able to show him that not all fans are as batsh-t crazy as the ones that were mobbing him.
Thanks to Brayndi and TwiCrackAddict :)

And thanks to everyone that sent me the link to this ;)

Robert Pattinson Day in The UK - June 20th

Thanks to Picture House Cinemas for hosting this wonderful event. Can you handle 3 Rob movies back to back? Well if you visit our site religiously then you probably can :))

Article by Gabriel at Picture House Blog:

The last to hear about Robert Pattinson

What began as a relatively unambitious programming idea at our cinema in York – a triple bill of films with a particular actor as the common link – has exploded into something of a national event.

The Guardian Guide_2-8 May 2009_Cover

20th June 2009 is now officially ROBERT PATTINSON DAY at Picturehouse Cinemas. I don’t think any of us had any idea how much of a star this Pattinson guy was. For the uninitiated (and there are probably only two of you out there now), Robert Pattinson is the young British actor who played Cedric Diggory in a couple of Harry Potter films. No? He played Art, a struggling musician who convinces the author of a self-help tome to come and live with him and his folks in HOW TO BE. Not that one either?

What about last month’s LITTLE ASHES, an arthouse pic that explores the relationship between Salvador Dalí and the poet Federico García Lorca. He plays Dalí. Still no? Well that, plus a couple of bad adverts, is pretty much the extent of Pattinson’s CV.

Oh, and TWILIGHT of course, last year’s blockbuster in which Pattinson plays Edward Cullen, a sultry sexy vampire, adapted from Stephanie Meyer’s best-selling novel. I must confess to missing this when it first opened. The books (Twilight is a saga with the second novel, New Moon, being adapted for the screen at the moment) have over 17 million readers worldwide. Yup, I missed them too.

Shortlist 30th April

Robert Pattinson’s star is currently stratospheric, and climbing. He’s been parked at the number one spot in IMDB’s STARmeter which is based on internet searches, and is never far from the top spot in the Celebrity Heat Index. TWILIGHT cleaned up at this year’s MTV Movie Awards too, winning Best Movie. Pattinson won Best Breakthrough Male while his co-star, Kristen Stewart, won Best Female Performance, and together they won the all-important Best Kiss.

So back to 20th June and what our cinema in York is calling the “Rob-O-Rama”: TWILIGHT, HOW TO BE and LITTLE ASHES will screen back to back throughout the day. The response to announcing this event was so incredible in York, with some fans planning to travel staggering distances to be there, that we decided we better add four more cinemas to cover the length and breadth of the land.

ROBERT PATTINSON DAY is happening simultaneously in Aberdeen, Southampton, Liverpool, York and Clapham in London. Our Phone Room reports a large percentage of Clapham’s bookings from as far as Herfordshire, Essex, Kent, Surrey, Buckinghamshire and Middlesex.
Liverpool has people attending the event from Yorkshire, Sale and Chester while Aberdeen reports of people travelling from Glasgow and Airdrie. Pattinson fans from as far as Bristol, the Isle of Wight and Chichester are travelling to Southampton. But York outdoes them all with one fan traveling all the way from Austria.

Total Film_June 2009

However, York was seen as a step too far for a fan in the United States who wrote on a website, “I want to go!!!!!!!!! Damn me for living in STUPID California!!!!!!” Talking of fan websites, there are some hilarious comments on some of the blogs out there. Read the comments at the bottom of the post on Hey, you guys are famous now :P Your comments are being read :)) It isn’t just Robert Pattinson fan websites that picked up this event however: German news site picked it up, as did GQ.

So if you don’t know who Robert Pattinson is and you’ve read this far, you clearly have too much time on your hands and a “Rob-O-Rama” triple bill is perfect for you. If you do know of Robert Pattinson and are a fan then I should add that there are some special prizes at each venue that include signed posters by the man himself and mysterious goody bag.

Tickets are going fast with all the timings and booking information available on each cinema homepage via

See you there!

Source: Picture House Blog

Robert Pattison:I Don’t Even Think I’m a Real Man Yet :)

Another new and good interview where Rob talks about his new project, the relationship of Bella/Edward and Jacob and his sex symbol status.

It's an exclusive from Thanks to Pinklien for the translation :)

Robert Pattinson: “Some fans scare me”
(Exclusive interview)

Everywhere he appears, teenage girls start screaming. And he didn’t even bite them. A conversation with teen idol Robert Pattinson, alias the vampire Edward Cullen from Twilight.

It’s been since Leonardo DiCaprio that an actor has been so intensely worshipped as Robert Pattinson. Thousands of girls (an older women) everywhere would love to have Edward bite them – Robert Pattinson in real life, R-Pattz for his fans.

How do you deal with all the media-craziness? There are books about your life-story, and you aren’t even dead yet. (bit weird to say IMO)

RP: Yes, I saw that there are 7 unauthorized biographies, and they all start at my 20th. I think Im dealing with it as good as possible. The past year, I have been working non-stop so the biggest Twilight craziness passed me by. My life and Twilight, it are 2 separate things.

Being famous is a lifestyle, but Im only a foetus in that celebrity-world. Im better at it than in the beginning, but I would hate it if there would be people hanging around my house for the rest of my life. It would drive me crazy. Why do people want a picture of me and them at all costs? I don’t get that. I think of myself as boring.

How different was shooting New Moon in comparison with the first part?

RP: Very different. With the first movie, there were a lot of people all pulling in a different direction. The studio wanted to create a basis for a franchise, because it had already been settled that it would be a trilogy. The bosses thought the movie had to appeal to as much people as possible. Director Catherine Hardwicke had made a lot of independent movies and she sometimes was like an unguided projectile, she had so much energy. Kristen and I had our own ideas about the characters and we both are rather stubborn.

But the mega success of the first movie has made everyone more calm. We are less insecure. The studio bosses know that we are going to make the right decisions. We also have Chris Weitz as the new director. He’s very calm and got everyone ready very fast. We have all worked so hard.

Have you seen New Moon a few times yet?

RP: Once. I still think it’s a torture to see myself on the big screen. But this time it wasn’t a punishment. Surprisingly, I enjoyed it. That hadn’t happened since the beginning of my career.

Don’t you think it’s frightening to see how obsessed some fans are?

RP: Definitely. When the Twilight hype broke out, I sometimes had visions of my getting stabbed by a crazy fan. Those crowds at premieres… Im not at ease. When we were shooting New Moon in Vancouver, some fans would be out there for 3 days in a row, good or bad weather. At times like that, your instinct tells you: that is a weirdo and your imagination runs wild. But mostly it’s not so bad when you go and talk to that person.

Twilight is just my job, but for a fan, it’s something they desperately want to be a part of. Is that wrong? Im not so sure anymore. A fan is a fan, that’s all. It just takes a while before you get used to the fact that what you do, gets appreciated by people.

Have you ever been a fan of someone?

When I first saw ‘One flew over the cuckoo’s nest’, I was 16 and that movie has influenced me so much. I even started to dress like Jack Nicholson. That period lasted for a long time. I also had a thing for Patricia Arquette. But I don’t think that any of that has influenced my work. (laugh)

In New Moon, the young Taylor Lautner plays a wolf, Jacob. What did you think when you saw his muscles?

RP: That I needed to hit the gym stat. (laugh) No, I think it’s ok. It’s funny: for some reason, when you’re an actor in a teen movie, they expect you to have a six pack. So when I see a guy that meets every expectation of a teenage girl, I do get a complex yeah. Actually, that was perfect to get into my role. I now know the feeling of having to prove myself against someone younger than me.

You have a great connection with Kristen, that isn’t a secret. But in this movie, there’s also a lot of chemistry between her and Taylor. Were you jealous?

RP: No. In New Moon, we only have like 3 scenes with the three of us. I barely had the chance to be jealous. When I had to work, Taylor wasn’t around because Bella and Jacobs story line was developing without me. In Eclipse, the third movie, which we wrapped a while ago, it’s totally different. There’s a lot more interaction between the characters. Taylor and I were teasing each other the whole time.

This time, Taylor is the leading man. Does that take some pressure off your shoulders?

RP: Asolutely. I keep on saying this is Taylors movie. Im not the lead role. He’s fully responsible and that’s a win-win situation. If it’s a flop, I can always say that it’s because Im in it less. (laugh)

What’s next on your agenda?

RP: It has been a weird year. I have been working non-stop, with 4 days off at the most. First there was New Moon, then Eclipse. I was pretty relieved when we could wrap at the end of October. I finally got to sleep in. But we didn’t get much rest, with the promo tour for New Moon coming up. In February I will go to Budapest to shoot Bel Ami. Not with Nicole Kidman, as reported first. Im not allowed to say who it is yet. Ive also signed on for Unbound Captives, a romantic drama with Rachel Weisz. But chances are that before all that, I'm expected on the set of the forth Twilight movie.

Megan Fox is the most beautiful woman in the world and she said that title has made her shy. What do you think of the fact that some magazines call you the most sexy man on the planet?

RP: God, I don’t even think I’m a real man yet (laugh)

source: Rob's IMDB board ;)

Fan Reports from Pre-Screenings of New Moon and Remember Me

A few of our readers went to the advanced screenings of New Moon and Remember Me. Here are two of the reports ;) Remember Me will be released on March 12th 2009 and only 6 days to New Moon!

Remember Me:

I just experienced “Remember Me” and I have to tell you that we haven’t even begun to tap into Robert Pattinson’s talent as an actor. Rob showcases his ability to be thoroughly methodical and cover the entire gamut of human emotions and condition in “Remember Me.” To see Rob be sweet, funny, pained, maligned, and protective to the point of being paternal, are just some of the treasures of this film. I won’t divulge too many details but I must tell you that Rob as Tyler Hawkins, is as pure, organic and truly moving as I’ve ever seen a young actor be – his talent is bountiful and we are all blessed to be able to bear witness to it. I'm a proud Rob fan, proud fan of film and a proud fan of remember me.

New Moon:

New Moon is really, really a great movie. The pictures are amazing, and the actors are better than ever.

The pain of Bella, the pain of Edward, Jacob's transformation… Everything is perfect.

The script is very close to the book, with more action, more visual scenes off course, because it's a movie, and you have to keep the audience awake ! ;-)

I have one critic maybe : because they've tried to keep all they could in the movie, some scenes are going very fast, sometimes too fast… But Chris did manage to create wonderful transitions from a scene to another. He has such poesy in his way of filming… It's incredible.

Rob is more handsome than ever I think. Very painful, very dark, but so close to the character !
Kristen is perfect with her pain, her despair, the hole in her chest… I love her.
Taylor does a great job too. I can't accept that he is so small as Jacob, but finally he fits the character with a great sensibility, maturity.

I can't talk about the music, it didn't hit me. I think I prefer Carter Burwell's score. But I have to watch it again to be sure… I had so much to discover, to absorb…

I think that New Moon's fan won't be disappointed. They will find everything they loved in the book.

Robert Pattinson & "Breaking Dawn" Cast At The Comic Con BD Panel

UPDATE Added More Pics

Robert Pattinson & "Breaking Dawn" Cast At The Comic Con BD Panel


Click For HQ

Fan Pics
Click For Larger

Source/Source /Source/ Source/ HQ Source


@RobPattzNews Here we go, Comic Con talking ab fan killed, extending condolences for family.
@moviefone Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart AND Robert Pattinson come to the stage. ‪#SCREAMS‬ ‪#SDCC
"It's your turn now to break me" Edward to Bella via @taryder Says its the best Rob's looked!
@taryder: "I'm amazed. You ran away from human blood mid hunt" Edward to Bella
@taryder: "Jake, you really do stink!" Bella to Jacob. Edward handsy with his wife. "You guys really look great together" Jacob to E&B
@RobPattzNews BD Clip: dominant Bella, Bella feeding w/help of Edward, Bella and Jacob. SO GOOD!
Rob: "He's constantly been surprised by Bella in the last four movies, but he's even more surprised now" via
@RobPattzNews Another clip!!!!
Charlie sees Bella for the 1st time. "The Cullen's on screen. Helping Bella figure out her strength & how to act human"
The Cullen cast has joined on stage now
What villian would you dress up as? "I want to dress up as one of you guys. Wait, you're not villans what am I talking about." - Rob
"Next fan just asked about Midnight Sun. Stephenie Meyer joking Rob should write it" ~@taryder
@Team_Jack Rob-who do you want to dress up as at Comic Con? Anguished answer! (see 2nd pic above)
@NextMovie K.Stew would do Evil Queen cosplay if she ever came to Comic-Con for fun. R.Pattz would be Zod. "Kneel!!" ‪#SDCC
"It was amazing. I loved it. I'd never been to Brazil before. The extras, everyone in the city was enthusiastic." Rob asked about Brazil.
Kristen chimed in, "he learned some Portugese" via @taryder
@thefingergun rob just made a paper airplane out of his name tag and threw it to a fan lol
"Next fan just asked about Midnight Sun. Stephenie Meyer joking Rob should write it" via @taryder
Rob's advice to Edward: "Keep it in your pants," Robert laughs to much applause. via @comingsoonnet
"Sometimes I forget an audience is at this thing," laughing Rob says after his answer via @taryder
Rob says Woodstock is the concert he'd like to have gone to in the past via @taryder
@VH1Celebrity Robert Pattinson has great manners - standing for the new vamps being introduced. ‪#classy‬ ‪#BreakingDawn‬

After the cut is a full description of the 7 min clip that was shown.
If you don't want to get spoiled don't look

*NEW* Robert Pattinson Fan Pics From Coachella (April 13)

UPDATE: Another fanpic added
UPDATE 2: Added another fan pic 
UPDATE: Added another fan pic 
*NEW* Robert Pattinson Fan Pics From Coachella (April 13)

Lovin all the fan pics we're getting

 photo 8da44782a4da11e2b56022000a9f1354_7.jpg

Looking good from all angles

 photo RobertPattinsonKristenStewartCoachella13thApril2013.jpg


 photo RobertPattinsonKristenStewartCoachella.jpg

Click for Larger/Tagged version

 photo RobertPattinsonKristenStewartCoachellatagged.jpg

 photo RobertPattinsonKristenStewartCoachella2.jpg

Source  /Source /Source
Thanks Clara for the tip! 

Another great fan review of Robert Pattinson's Bel Ami

Another great fan review of Robert Pattinson's Bel Ami

Fan reviews! Hi my name is Tink and I'm addicted to fan reviews.

At first I wasn't going to post this because I thought you might be over them but then I thought if it interested me, then it could possibly interest others. It's a small bit of torture since the US release date is indefinite but I love reading everyone's reactions and their perception of the film. Spunk Ransom posted a review from Tracy_Gardner that was detailed and thoughtful. Enjoy!
My one hope going into the theater to see Bel Ami was just one thing, that every single person would see passed Robert as Edward and give a totally unbiased account of his performance. Coming OUT of viewing the film, my one hope has changed. Now, my only hope is that the people who do go to see it can truly appreciate what a wonderful movie it is with or without Rob.

For me, personally in parts the story could be a little slow, but I think that is to do more with the period it was set in and nothing to do with the story. A lot of the scenes were acted with just looks shared between Robs character Georges and other characters. Those few scenes for me were the most telling of Georges character. I have read quite a few reviews where people describe Georges as unscrupulous, greedy, selfish and power hungry, and for me this is how I seen Georges to start with.

MORE details after the cut! *Spoiler lines*

When Robert Pattinson gave me his full attention at the Water for Elephants premiere

"Gray suit, white shirt."

Those were the words from my friend, Deb, alerting me of Robert Pattinson's arrival and attire. These 4 words made me gasp and curse Kate because she had teased me earlier that day about how I would survive if Rob wore a gray suit.

Well, I did survive but I think it's only because of something I realize I do when I'm within Rob's vortex: I leave my body.

But let me back up a bit before I talk about my out-of-body encounter. I don't tell short stories. If you want a short story, here it is: I got to ask Rob a question on the red carpet. He answered.

Here's the top of my head and Rob's bottom lip.


If you like long stories...enter my crazy brain after the cut ;)

Fan Pictures of Robert Pattinson from Breaking Dawn UK, Los Angeles, and Berlin Premiere

Fan Pictures of Robert Pattinson from Breaking Dawn UK, Los Angeles, and Berlin Premiere

Fan pictures are always great and these are no exception. Check out all the great pictures shared from our reader, @TeamKristenJS, to our affiliate, RobPattinsonMoms. Thanks everyone! know what caught my eye here ;)


I love when we see shots of Rob's team taking pictures of the fandemonium :)


So cute....why so cute, Rob??


*giggles* can you guess when this shot was taken? *hint* Look in his hair...


I love shots when the lights glare back like this. He's an angel... *drifts away to the sounds of harps playing*


Here he goes trying to kill reporters again with THAT look.


Lucky fan is lucky. Look at those eyes!


Through the masses...he's a standout :)


Loads more after the cut!
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