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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query fan story. Sort by date Show all posts

Robert Pattinson Featured On The Cover of 'Les Inrockuptibles' & FULL Translation

Robert Pattinson Featured On The Cover of 'Les Inrockuptibles' & FULL Translation
UPDATE: Added scans from the mag after the cut. Will update with a translation of the interview as soon as one is available
UPDATE 2: Full Translation added after the cut

Rob is featured on the cover of 'Les Inrockuptibles'. There's a small preview of the interview featured in the magazine below. We'll pop up the full thing as soon as it's available ;)

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Magazine Scans & FULL Translation After The Cut

Sinful Sunday starring Robert Pattinson, Bel Ami, and the ladies in the dark recesses

Sinful Sunday starring Robert Pattinson, Bel Ami, and the ladies in the dark recesses


Bel Ami debuted this past weekend in the UK and Ireland so there must be some things you guys want to discuss. ;) Here's your spoiler thread! I'm glad it was enjoyed by many of you. I'm not the least bit surprised.

I'm including a couple of reviews (one press, one fan) to kick off the conversation.

From RadioTimes (UK):
4 out of 5 stars
It's pretty daring to take Robert Pattinson, the most fanciable young actor of his generation, and cast him alongside actresses of the calibre of Kristin Scott Thomas, Uma Thurman and Christina Ricci. But it's a risk that pays off here as his performance takes this retelling of Guy de Maupassant's tale of sex and ambition to another level. As thrilling as it is sumptuous, the first feature from theatre directors Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod brings Paris at the turn of the 20th century to vibrant life, as handsome, brutish social climber Georges Duroy (Pattinson) plunders and blunders his way around the women of powerful men. The stunning production design frames Duroy's amorality as it unfolds like a rotten flower, and Pattinson has never looked more irresistible or dangerous. Thurman, especially, is a revelation - literally finding a new quality to her voice as the influential and wealthy Madeleine Forestier. A hauntingly beautiful triumph of content over style, this is Dangerous Liaisons meets Cruel Intentions with extra added credibility.

Kazrob's Bel Ami review:
I went to see Bel Ami on Friday and was completely blown away. The sets and costumes are sumptuous as was the soaring, sweeping musical score. Thankfully there was none of the irritating music that was played at the start of each trailer!

All parts were played well by the supporting cast but the highest accolade has to go to Kristen Scott Thomas. Her depiction of a complete fan girl, overwhelming infatuated by Georges is a sight to behold. Her vulnerability and naivety is mind blowing. Every scene between her and Rob is amazing. Christina Ricci is also brilliant. Playing a fairly light hearted role for once, she plays the coquettish Clotilde with aplomb. You feel an amazing chemistry between her and Georges that could be interpreted as love, if only Georges were truly capable of it. Uma Thurman was also good as Madeleine Forestier. She captured her ambition well enough but her husky voice did grate on me a little, as did her flared nostrils!

Philip Glenister and Colm Meaney were outstanding. No other word for it.

My only criticism would be the lack of political intrigue in the story. Not much of this was explained and seemed a little rushed. As every scene contained Rob, I'm not complaining too loudly as he more than made up for the lack of storyline. To a non Rob supporter though, this might irk a little.

Now to come to Rob.....he was mesmerising. I really cannot believe this was made 2 years ago. He was sullen if he didn't get his own way....smug when he did. The smiles ....god the smiles.... they were Rob smiles when he was truly happy. He was lustful...he was ruthless.....he was enigmatic......he was arrogant.....

All of these emotions portrayed on a face so blindingly beautiful that sometimes no words needed to be spoken to understand how he felt.

There were also light-hearted moments in the film that made the audience laugh out loud. The comedic timing was excellent and even though Georges was a complete bastard, they made you fall in love with him too, despite his true nature.

The contrast between the two styles of Georges from the beginning of the story to the end is SO different. At the beginning you have him scruffy, unshaven with hair flopping on his forehead to a suave, sophisticated young buck in a tuxedo, high waisted trousers and cream bow tie with hair neatly swept back of his face. I must admit, when he was dressed up, Rob made me catch my breath, especially in the close-up shots. Either looking straight ahead with with an arrogant look or that sexy half smile he has perfected.
Kaz heads into the dark recesses after the cut!

New Rob interview

The amazingly ROCKING Betzabe translated Rob's Spanish interview for us! Thanks babe!
Enjoy :)


Mexico, DF - The english actor, Robert Pattison, who has jumped into fame after playing Cedric Diggory, the good boy from Hogwarts in HP and the goblet of fire, visited the city of Mexico to promote his more recent work in the film Twilight.

In this adaptation of the best-seller from S. Meyer directed by Catherine Hardwicke and starring Kristen Stewart, Pattinson incarnates Edward Cullen, a charming and mysterious young man that falls in love for the first time, but with a big problem: He is a vampire and the girl whom he's on love with, Bella Swan, is a mortal who's blood he wants to drink. In the interview the actor confessed the difficulties of playing the "perfect man"

Q: Is it your first time in Mexico?
A: Yes, it's the first time. I haven't seen anything but I like it still...I like the hotel (laughs)

Q: Tell me the funniest experience you've had with a fan
A: I don't know, the majority of people who come up to me are very nice. Probably at Comic Con in San Diego last year, because there were more that 7000 people in the audience and at that moment I didn't really have any idea that Twilight was that big. I got up on stage and the people started screaming for 45 mins. It was the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me.

Q: You say that because you haven't met the Mexican fans yet.
A: Yes, also at the airport here, it was really surprising

Q: Twilight takes the classic elements of a vampire movie, do you believe it actualizes these elements?
A: Yes, I hope. The story is set in the real world and not so much with the traditional vampire fangs, garlic or that they drink blood. Vampirism in Twilight is more of a sickness, it seems to be a very negative thing. I believe that this makes it different from other stories...well, maybe it isn't different (laughs). The majority of the vampires are idolized, but in twilight they're simply normal people, I think.

Q: How do you think you relate to Edward Cullen?
A: I don't really know, I suppose that having a lot of self doubt and of not being good with the people around me, things like that. I can relate with that

Q: What about the seducing vampire side, Are you a seducer like Edward?
A: Absolutely not (laughs)

Q: What's your tactic on attracting girls?
A: That would be giving away my secrets (laughs) Well no, I really don't do anything in particular

Q: What was your biggest challenge with this role?
A: it's actually very interesting because everyone who read the book puts this character on a pedestal, he's very important to them. Even though he's a fictional character, it's almost impossible to play this role...the way he acts, they way he behaves and how he looks...everything is too perfect, It's a big challenge.

Q: Have you ever been involved in a situation like Edward and Bella's?
A: Mmm, not really

Q: Maybe not with a girl, but with a friend or family member?
A: One time, I was in a very intense relationship with a girlfriend...not as intense as that one but it was very hard in the time I was with her.

Q: Do you believe in vampires?
A: No I don' would be cool if they existed, but not, I don't believe in vampires.

Q: What do you think it is about Vampires that fascinates people?
A: I think it has to do with the power they have. They're immortal and very strong in comparison to common humans and that makes them attractive, but at the same time they're completely defenseless without the mortal humans

Q: If you could change something about Twilight what would it be?
A: I don't know. When something already exists, in everything I think about it's like understand every step of the story. I like to try and understand the steps that lead the story instead of trying to change is. Something I tried to do in the film is to not have Edward and Bella touch, ever...but they didn't let me do it (laughs)

Q: What can you tell us about your song on the twilight soundtrack,"Never Think"
A: It's just a song...well, it's not even finished yet, to be honest"
Q: And it's already very anticipated...
A: I know, honestly it's scared me. I thought that it was really funny because the director had a cd with stuff that i had recorded on the computer in the last year and she asked me if it was ok to include my music on the soundtrack and i told her yes. And now it's a huge success and it looks like i'm trying to start a music career and i thought - No, not at all. There is another song that is in the film and i think that it will also be on the soundtrack and a "bonus"; that is in a very significant part of the film and i think it makes the scene better.
Q: Do you like horror films?
A: My favorite movie is The Exorcist.

Q: Why?
A: Because it is one of the most original films ive seen and the best acted. It has Ellen, not Ellen Burcken, it has Ellen Burstyn...wrong Ellen (laughs)

Q: What can you tell us about your character Dali in "Little Ashes"? It's about a very different type of story, and he is one of the founders of surrealism...Is there something surreal in your life or do you identify with this character?
A: We filmed it before Twilight, 2 months before but it was very different to anything I'd done before. I felt like I didn't know why I got the role. All of the production people were Spanish and new him, and I can't speak spanish, the only thing I could do was read books on Dali everyday and I began to care about him after that. I think that even though for whatever reason he became a very bizarre man, I feel I can identify with him when he was young, and I started to see myself more like him in the film, which is a bit odd

Q: Which did you enjoy more, playing Edward or playing Dali?
A: They are very different. For the film about Dali, I had to study a lot and it was a lot of work. In twilight I also had to study a lot and these are the first 2 characters in which I get into profoundly. They're very different from each other, but I try to give each the interest they deserve. I think I learned a lot from making these 2 films, I think you can play any role if you put in enough effort and you make it as interesting as possible.

Q: Can you tell us about the surprising fame you had after Harry Potter and now this new movie, twilight?
A: With Harry Potter I always knew it would be something like that because it was already so big before I was even involved, but with Twilight I didn't have any idea that it was this huge, and and it kept getting bigger and bigger while we were shooting

Q: Are you afraid of loosing something because of fame?
A: Yes, I'm afraid. It's werid when you can't go to the places you use to go because it's all so different now, everything feels different. All of a sudden people are looking and you and you think- Ok, I can't do anything stupid- That's always annoying (laughs)

Q: Of course you can...
A: (laughs)

Q: Are you afraid of getting stuck in the role of Edward Cullen like with Dan Radcliffe and Harry Potter?
A: No, I think it's possible for them to label me with that role, it's too specific and I don't get older or anything like that. I hope that I don't get stuck or labeled with that role, but I don't think it will happen

Q: What is it that you like most about acting?
A: I like being able to totally commit to something, you can create a world in which you want to live in and, the majority of the time, you can become the person you want to be in that moment. It's interesting, I don't have much of a "life" outside of work, so it's good to feel like you've got something to do (laughs)

Q: If you were not an actor, what would you do?
A: I would have liked to be a pianist or (*I HAVE NO IDEA BUT SOMETHING TO DO WITH POLITICS)

Q: What are your next projects? Will your fame help you choose what you will do in the future?
A: Yes, it helps. But they tend to offer a lot of roles that are exactly the same as twilight, but I'm going to do a small independent project next year and two other things of which I still can't talk about.

*Means I didn't know what the hell that meant. Sorry. Some of it sounds weird but I think it's that they translated Robert's britishness into spanish weird and so me trying to translate back just gets a bit weird. But you get the gist.

Robert Pattinson Birthday Countdown: New/Old Breaking Dawn Promo Fan Account & Pics

Robert Pattinson Birthday Countdown: New/Old Breaking Dawn Promo Fan Account & Pics


We're counting down the birthday and celebrating Rob with daily posts that highlight how awesome he is and how much he is loved. May marks my 3rd birthday in ROBsession and I'm no less addicted and devoted to this talented actor. He's someone worth supporting and being a fan of. His character is gracious, humble, humorous and charming. Based on my public encounters with Rob, his spirit is as attractive as his physical appearance, if not more. It's simple. He's just a really great person and it's safe for me to say in this space, you're crazy if you think otherwise.


When PromoRob is in town, it's like a convention for me and my partners-in-Rob-crime (disclaimer: that's a joke...we don't commit actual Rob crimes). We attend as much as we can (which is usually everything LOL) and we bask in Rob's glow. Twilight has been good to us in terms of seeing Rob. It's a huge franchise and he's out there promoting it fully. This past promo season for Twilight, I got to see Rob outside Jimmy Kimmel, during the Twicon and the world premiere at LA Live, and I was a witness to his historical Hollywood moment at Grauman's. Twicon was video only but the rest was documented in pictures I haven't shared yet.

Fan accounts for Kimmel, Grauman's & BD premiere + pictures after the cut!

*New* Old Fan Pictures with Robert Pattinson

I still get giddy for Heather when I see these, I remember the first time she shared them and her story. Lucky lady.

*edited to include Heather's story - thanks Heather

Here's Heathers story...

I was online browsing various sites for Twilight news (don't laugh, you know you do it too lol) and I saw a contest on to win a trip to L.A. for the Twilight premiere. The contest was scheduled to end on Friday November 14th and it was Thursday November 13th. I decided what the heck. Why not enter it, knowing full and well that I wouldn't win it. I never win anything. So I filled out the form and submitted it. I have a horrible internet connection and had to fill out and submit the form several times before it finally went through. (Thank God I am persistent) I get up on Friday and go about my day as usual. I am on the computer browsing again when my cell phone starts ringing. It says "Restricted". I usually ignore those numbers but something told me to answer it. When I did, a voice comes on the line and I immediately recognize it. It is Ryan Seacrest! I knew why he was calling. He told me I won the contest and would be flying out on Sunday to L.A. I am from NC and have never flown before then.

So we fly out to L.A. and stay at the Hotel Angeleno. In the hotel elevator I meet several girls who are there for a TwiCon event at a bookstore in L.A.

On Monday night we are driven to the Twilight premiere. My husband and I get out of our car and I just stand there taking it all in. I turn around to see who was in the car behind us and it is Jackson Rathbone. While waiting in line to get into the theater I spot Peter Facinelli and his wife Jenni Garth. We are rushed into the theater to wait for the movie to start. I began to hear all sorts of yelling outside and immediately know why. Rob has arrived. They won't let us leave the theater to go back outside though. There were several people upset by this but I just kept thinking "Wednesday morning you will get to meet him one on one. It will be OK." So we watch the movie, which was amazing to see with so many Twilight fans. They all ooohd and ahhhhd at the right moments and were quiet at the right times.

Then Wednesday morning comes. I wake up early and turn on the hotel radio and listen to Ryan's show while getting ready. I was so nervous. The driver comes and picks us up and takes us to the studios. I get out and see lots of girls lined up outside. As the guards lead us in I immediately began to feel eyes boring into me LOL. We go inside and wait for Rob to arrive. Ryan comes out and takes a few minutes to talk to me and my husband and we get a few pictures. Rob has to do his interview with Ryan before I get to meet him. All of the sudden there is alot of commotion and I see several people walk by near me and then......Robert Pattinson. <3<3<3<3 I almost beat the crap out of my husband's arms. He forgot to turn the camera on and missed that pic opportunity. Well then we had a chance to listen to his interview with Ryan. So then, I know it is over. He is coming to meet me. When I see him round that corner and he starts walking toward me, I felt a little like Bella Swan, I totally forgot to breathe and almost fainted. LOL. I was shaking. I say Hello to him and he shook my hand. The first thing he said to me was "Are you English?" I guess I must have said Hello in a weird way or accent. I say no and he laughs. He takes a picture with me and has his arm around me. (God Bless my husband for being so understanding of my fangirliness lol) He then asks me how long I have been a fan of Twilight. He asks me what all I had done in L.A. so far. I told him that we went to the premiere and he asked me how I like it. I told him that I loved it and he told me that he didn't even stay at the premiere to watch it and that he hates watching himself. (During this whole conversation he is leaning on the table and listening intently. You can see it in the pics on my page) I hand him my books asking him to sign them. I beging to panic realizing I don't have a pen and being asking anyone in the room if they have a pen. "Pen Pen anyone have a pen?" I then hear laughing coming from Rob and he begins to mock my Southern Accent in a high pitch voice saying "Pen, Pen, Pen" and laughing. It was wonderful. <3 So he signs my books. He really looks like he doesn't want to leave but he is flying out of L.A. to New York because the next morning he is scheduled to be on the Today Show. He then tells me goodbye and says I would tell you to enjoy the movie but since you have already seen it I won't, all the while smiling that wonderful smile. I tell him that I plan on seeing it more and he laughs.

So there it is. My story of how I met Robert Pattinson. <3

AND more pics after the break...

Another Fan Encounter in Vancouver

Picture from a Gucci Party in 2008

Yesterday you all said you didn't believe Adaline's story because it sounded like a fan fic/dream. Well I think you'll believe this one because she kept saying how stupid she felt :) No need to feel stupid hun, it is after all a fan girl moment :)) Oh and for the love of all that's holly someone send me a new picture of Rob already! I am having serious withdrawals :))

Here is Veronique's story:

Ever heard of Robert Pattinson, Nikki Reed, Sam Bradley???

Walking down a street, looking for a cool place to hang and have a beer… As I’m walkin, I pass in front of a terrasse of a nice ”trendy” restaurant. My eyes caught the face of someone reminding me of a singer I have just discovered. It’s HIM!!! next to the ”lookalike” is the boy with the hat. Next to the one with the hat, in front of the ”lookalike” is the girl without the wig. OK, this is too good to be true. I look at Penny and stop walking. Take another look, my own little voice is screaming inside. It cant be true… My head turns back one more time. The boy with the hat is looking at me; he knows I recognized him. He’s trying to hide in his jacket… I get the message that he’d rather like go unnoticed… So I decide to keep going on my mission for a place to hang out. In the meantime, a few calls to my friends who are gonna kill me if I dont go back… What should I do, what should I say?

After 15 minutes of walking around, Penny’s got a txt message sayin we should go to a certain bar… We turn around and walk toward some pub. I HAVE to pass by again. As I’m walking passed the restaurant, there’s 3 girls (I beleive a mom and daughters, but honnestly I was so in shock I dont remember…) were talking to them and took a picture. Ok, so, if I dont do this now, I wont get another chance. I’m getting to the table and apologize (so many times, I probably looked like a total idiot) for disturbing their night, chatted for a couple of minutes, about Sam’s music and their time in Vancouver. Penny got to take a picture of Rob, Nikki and I(after several try, battery was dying, flash was off…). I have never felt so stupid (I aint natural blond!!! lol) in my life but hey, who cares? I most probably wont run into them again and if I do, then I wont be in shock state of shock!

Check Sam Bradley’s music here:

Sweet dreams I know I will;)

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the link :)

Robert Pattinson Surprises Fans via Oprah

This story makes me so happy - what a lucky (and awfully cute) family. Thank you Maria for sharing your Robert Pattinson story.



Maria(the lucky fan) says: all started with an email to the Oprah show. I just told her that the entire family were huge fans and if you came over and you were NOT a twilight fan then "YOUR NOT COMING". Where? We didn’t know. We just said your not coming to anything with us unless you were a fan. They apparently loved that line. So Sunday night they called and said that the show was totally booked but there might be a slight chance that we can pre tape something with skype. Now...she said a very slim chance. They were calling thousands of people. She asked me to send pics of my family. So in order to get their attention I thought I would be a great idea to take pictures as the “Cullen Family”. I waited all day on Monday to hear from them to see if we would be doing the skype thingy. Just when I started to give up it was around 10:30pm and they called. THE TWILIGHT PICTURES DID THE TRICK. They were so amazed on how my son Giuseppe looked so much like Edward. They told me to expect a skype kit to pre-tape a very short segment around 8pm on Tuesday night. They told me a hundred times “Sorry the show is full & we couldn’t give you tickets. So on Tuesday the skype kit came and I waited all day again for directions on how it was going to work. They called at 5pm and said we were going to do a practice run with skype and we would be live with oprah on the show in the morning. They told us do not dress up wear comfortable cloth because you will be moving furniture and it was just a test run. She actually told us to wear our pjs. At 8pm they called us on the skype cam to set everything up. We wasted about on hour just setting up the room. They kept telling me make sure all the blinds are close the camera is sensitive to light. (which now I know it’s because they didn’t want us to see him pull up.) They were asking random questions really just filling in time until I saw a camera crew through the small window on my front door and the people on skype heard me and said “go open the door” Well….that was it we all lost it. Screaming like a bunch of maniacs. Rosanna was crying, Giuseppe was frozen and everyone else was jumping a screaming. He stayed for about 10 minutes. Even though it felt like a week. And we just were all amazed that he was in our house. I told him me and Rosanna stalked him in NYC for the Remember Me premiere and he said “yeah I think I remember you” which was an obvious joke. I asked him is Kristen was here too and he said “well fine…I’ll just leave then”. Other things were said but I was in so much shock I cant remember. It is so weired. His lips were moving and I know he was talking but all I heard was wah wah wah. (kind of like snoopy and Charlie Brown). Then he told us we had tickets to the show. Again lots of screaming. He was great. So nice. Funny. And sooo tall. You was beautiful. I still cant believe it. So we went to the show and they had our names on our seats so we felt to privileged. Robert, Taylor, Kristen, & Dakota all sat and talked to oprah and then they showed the footage of him knocking on doors. He went to 3 homes in Naperville. We were the last ones. When he was leaving my house he said to the camera “I really want to stay and hang out at this house.” It was amazing. We all got a certificate to order Bella’s engagement ring from eclispe. The audience got to see the movie while he made his visit to our house. It is something we will never forget. Oprah & Robert was great but hearing my kids say “thanks for making this happen”……absolutely priceless!!!

Photobucket Photobucket

Thanks to PattinsonLadies via a tip from Mel

Robert Pattinson Fan Pics & Vid From The UK "Breaking Dawn" Premiere

Check out these gorgeous fan pics and vid of Robert Pattinson from the UK Premiere of "Breaking Dawn"

Thanks so much to MrsRob for sending us her vid from the premiere

Here is our lovely reader Stacey with Rob



Thanks to for sending these adorable pics

These gorgeous ones are from AbasoloFB via Source

Check Out Stacy's Story After The Cut
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