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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query fan story. Sort by date Show all posts

About Last Night: Brian & Dana Meet Robert Pattinson

I have officially lost the last shred of sanity I had with this photo.
Oh Hot Damn? Nope, not enough!

Brian with Rob

Dana with Rob

As a New Yorker, I've been privy to meet many celebrities, and not once have I seen a situation like this where photos are taken from Twitter and such speculation is rampant. However, I've also never met an actor or musician with a fan-base with such a dedicated and insatiable hunger for information regarding their idol. Since the information being spread is pretty much all incorrect. I felt it was right to set it straight, because over the past few months my friend has been working on the tips and stories and sightings of other people in hopes of meeting Rob.

Last night, my friend and I who go to school in Long Island City were on our way home and decided to take a detour and pass by XXX where indoor principal photography for Remember Me is taking place and saw that a small crowd was gathered. We figured if there were people waiting there might be a possibility in finally getting to meet Rob. We had tried when they first started filming and were present on the now infamous day when that girl decided to force Rob to give her a piggy back ride. We waited with the group for about an hour and a half when finally Robert came out and we called him over. He hesitated and looked as though he was going to come over, but sadly he did not. Now, this is where the story might've ended if not for some good luck.

My friend Dana and I were held up, because another production vehicle stopped in the street to prevent people from being able to follow Rob's car, an action that seems unprecedented but some people at the set were more than ready to do so. When we finally got moving again, we saw the other two girls we had been waiting with and decided to stop and talk to them and say good night During the traffic jam, they had received some information from an onset source who we will keep unnamed to protect their job, about an outdoor shoot that was taking place that night a few blocks away by the XXX. We followed the tip over to XXX Street and saw a truck with a camera on the back, a few dozen crew members and in the middle of it all was Rob, riding a bike. The scene was pretty simple, just Rob riding a bike up and down the street. During the shoot he rode up and down a total of five times before they wrapped. After he shook hands and loosened his tie, he was heading to his car so we called Robert over.

And, he came right over to us, even before he confirmed what he was doing with his security guards. My friend Dana and I were among the first to get our photos with him, and besides being very sweaty and out of breath from his bike ride in the 87 degree heat, Robert was very friendly but was also a little reserved. My friend Dana's photo did not come out the first time, and when Rob granted her a second take, an overzealous fan jumped into the photo causing my friend to say "get the f#@$ out of my photo". To which Robert laughed and replied "good one". He then graciously granted her a third take, and the photo came out wonderful. I do not want to speak for everyone, but as far as I could tell the twelve or so people who had come across the set were lucky enough to get their photos with Rob before he excused himself to move to the next set and finish for the night. I do not want to come off as preachy, but while we waited we kept quiet and listened to the requests of the production staff and when Rob did wrap and we called to him, we did so calmly. When he came across the street, with the exception of the overzealous fan who jumped into my friend's photo, everyone kept calm and although he did not say Rob seemed to appreciate the fact that we did so. I think he showed his appreciation for our patience in waiting, and our calmness while dealing with him by allowing all of us the opportunity of meeting him. So if you are in a situation where you come across Robert, exercise restraint and remain clam and it should pay off.

Gozde: Thanks to Brian and Dana for sharing their story and pictures with us. Filming locations blocked for security. Don't hate me :)

Full Transcript of Robert Pattinson's Interview at the Eclipse Press Junket


We posted the video yesterday HERE - now here's the full transcript.

Q: What drives you to succeed?

Robert: Probably fear of failure and an inadequacy complex.

Q: This role is considered a romantic hero, but Edward is also very possessive. How do you think Edward has changed, throughout the films?

Robert: In the first two movies, he feels desolation from reality, so when he finds one thing to hold onto, that’s where the possessiveness comes from. I think, as the series goes on, he accepts more of the contemporary world. All the things that were deemed to be flawed before start fading away, and that’s how I’m trying to play him. He’s coming out of his shell a little bit in Eclipse, so hopefully, by the end of Breaking Dawn, he’ll be a normal 17-year-old guy, who’s just a little bit pale.

Q: What’s the one part of your costume that always transforms you into character?

Robert: Probably the contact lenses. They make me miserable, as soon as I put them in. That’s what creates the pouting and brooding character.

Q: Did you have to learn anything new for Eclipse?

Robert: I guess I had to learn how to run properly. In the last two, I ran in a limp slash-skip, and I had to look like I could run more solidly this time. So, I spent a lot of time on a giant treadmill, like one of those wheels mice run around on, and got filmed doing it to improve my form.

Q: Have you ever gotten in a fight with someone for the love of a woman?

Robert: Yeah, probably. But, I don’t know if it was about love. It was more pride.

Q: Have you ever competed for a woman with another guy, the way Edward does with Jacob?

Robert: Compete? No, I haven’t. I’m not good at doing it. I just leave it alone. And also, if you are the one with the girl in the first place, maybe you’re forced into fighting a little bit. But, I would never be in Jacob’s position. Then, you’re just the guy that broke up the couple.

Q: What was it like to work more closely with Taylor Lautner this time around?

Robert: Yeah, it was good because I never do anything with anyone, but Kristen, except for brief things. But, it’s about letting Edward have petty emotions, like being jealous of Jacob and not being able to control himself around him because he gets under his skin so much. It became much easier to play much bigger scopes of emotion, once you let someone else get through your armor. So, doing that with Taylor was great. He’s really good, too.

Q: Was there a scene in particular that you most enjoyed?

Robert: Some scenes, it was just quite cool to have him there. I like the scenes where Bella has to reveal something about herself in front of Jacob and me, at the same time. It’s an extra thing to relate to. Most of the time, it’s just with Bella and she’s trying to convey something to Edward, and Edward is being totally sympathetic to her seeing another guy and seeing it’s not just about their relationship, it’s about some other person. It made it a little more interesting.

Q: How was it to film the tent scene? Was it difficult not to crack up?

Robert: The first time we did that tent scene, I was really freaking out. I don’t know why. I think it had to do with claustrophobia because we were actually shooting in a tent. I just couldn’t get it together. I kept forgetting my lines, and I was so nervous. I just wanted to punch anyone who was near me. We did about three takes, and Kristen was supposed to be asleep on the floor, and she saw that I was freaking out. Half-way through the take, she suddenly opened her eyes and was just staring at me and kept trying to make me laugh, through the entire take. It’s the most serious scene in the whole movie. I just wanted to strangle her for the first two seconds, but then I could not stop laughing, the entire time. We got literally one take where it went right, and it was because of that. When I was trying to hold back, I guess it made me more alive or something.

Q: Do you believe in having a soul, like Edward does?

Robert: Yeah, definitely. I can’t remember who said it, but a soul and a heaven must exist because good people aren’t rewarded enough on Earth. I always liked that idea, if that makes sense.

Q: Since you’ve had a new director with each film, do you have to explain to each director about the character?

Robert: It’s interesting. With the first Twilight film, everyone had very specific ideas and everyone was butting heads the entire time. Then, when Chris Weitz came in for New Moon, he basically came in with the opinion that he liked the first one and he liked what the actors were doing, so he just followed along that road. Then, when David Slade came, he was like, “I want to do everything completely different and not like the first two.” So, we talked about the character development and consistency from the two, and he was like, “It doesn’t matter, let’s just do something completely different,” which is good because then it’s challenging. It’s easy to get stagnate, if you play the same character. In New Moon, I felt like I was going a little bit deeper. And then, with Eclipse, I felt like I was doing a completely different movie and a completely different character. So, yeah, it was nice and challenging.

Q: What was David’s biggest change?

Robert: I guess he was really fighting to make it not so solemn. In my eyes, Edward has been so calculated and everything is not rash, and David wanted to speed up the whole thing and make him more vulnerable.

Q: Jacob has that great line in the film about being hotter than Edward. How was it to film that scene? Were you upset Edward didn’t get a comeback to that? Would you like to address that issue right now?

Robert: There’s nothing you can say. “Yeah, you are!” “At least I’m not hotter than you!” I don’t know. Yeah, it was quite fun. There are quite a few lines in there. Jacob has quite a few catch phrase type of lines, with me especially. For some reason, I find it quite funny when I’m doing stuff with Taylor. There are a couple confrontational scenes, where I push him around a little bit, and I thought I’d really scare him and grab him, and it would freak him out and turn the whole scene upside down. Then, I grabbed his shoulder and it was too big to actually get a grip on, so I just dropped my hand. It was embarrassing. I got him badly, thought. He kept having to dress up in a little grey spandex wolf suit and try to be intimidating with Kristen patting him on the head. That was quite fun.

Q: Edward and Victoria have a really cool fight scene in this film. How much training did you and Bryce Dallas Howard have to go through, and what was it like having to fight a girl

Robert: Weirdly, one of the producers told me, “Wow you look so enthusiastic in that fight scene! Much more so than any other one in the series.” I did a bit of practice with Bryce. It’s really hard to do stuff with her because she’s the gentlest person and she’s always laughing when you do anything. And then, she’d be afraid of hurting me. Most of the vicious stuff I did was with a stunt double who was really, really tough. But, the bits with Bryce, we’re just rolling around and grabbing onto each other. It was fun.

Q: Are you afraid that everything else you do will be compared to Edward Cullen?

Robert: I’ve always been of the opinion that, if something explodes really quickly, it takes the same amount of time for people to think of something else. I don’t know. I hope not. Maybe it’ll be a good thing. I have no idea.

Q: Both you and Kristen are very serious actors. How do you guys prepare for your scenes together? Do you get together and go over them, or do you prefer to just get on set and see what happens?

Robert: For some reason, I can’t understand anything and I think I’m going really into the depth of the character, when it just seems so obvious to Kristen. Her mind works completely differently. She can just feel things immediately, and I like to be more cerebral about things, in completely the opposite way of Kristen. I don’t feel confident unless I know more about the reasons why I’m doing things. I don’t really do that for other parts. That’s what I do for Edward. But, since the first one, I always like to go in-depth about things.

Q: Do you understand the fantasy about you and Kristen being together, in real life?

Robert: Do I understand the fantasy of it? No, not really. Well, I guess people like stories. My basic conclusion is that they just want everything to be about Twilight.

Q: Do you ever check any of the fansites?

Robert: It’s incredible the information they get so quickly. Sometimes, I’ll check them to see what my schedule is, especially on the weekend when I can’t get through to my agency. It’s strange being in Twilight because so much of the fan base is being on the Internet and having a community with each other. You see people turn up on sets of other movies I’ve done, to take a picture. It’s strange.

Q: What would you say to someone who is wondering whether or not they should go see this movie?

Robert: I don’t know what to say to people. It’s become so big. It’s become part of the cultural environment. For the first and second one, I knew exactly what to say to people. If you don’t know what the story is by now, then you’ve probably never been to the cinema before. How about, “Why not go to the cinema for once?” I don’t know. If you’re a fan of it, there’s a lot of things that plays into what the fans of the series want. If you’ve never seen them before, a lot of people who have seen it tell me that it’s the most accessible of the three. It’s a solid story, by itself, and it’s more of a sort of action film. When I was watching Twilight the other day, I realized that you do need to read the book to get it.

Q: You were on the first soundtrack. Would you contribute again to the soundtracks for any more of the movies?

Robert: I’ve done a couple of things. I’ve always just been playing around. It was nice to be involved in the first one. I just saw Twilight on TV, for the first time, a few days ago, and, when my song came on, I was just thinking that is so bazaar that I actually had a song in the movie. I’m amazed Catherine [Hardwicke] did it. It really shows how none of us thought it was going to be so massive. I never thought people would buy the soundtrack. So, it’s a little more nerve-wracking now. I don’t know. Maybe.

Q: What do you think Edward’s evolution is in Breaking Dawn?

Robert: I haven’t read it yet. I’m starting it a month after the job I’m doing now, and I haven’t read it yet. I didn’t intend to not read it until now. It’s quite exciting. I have no idea. I just heard brief rumors about what happens in the story, but I don’t really know what happens at all.

Q: How are you going to go about getting your long hair back for Breaking Dawn?

Robert: I’m thinking maybe Edward got a haircut. That might be easier. But, yeah, I didn’t even think about that, when I got it cut. That is a bit silly. Vampires can cut their hair. I like the idea of Edward having a shaved head in the last film. That’s pretty cool.

Q: How long have you known Breaking Dawn was going to be two films?

Robert: I found out about Breaking Dawn when the press release came out.

Q: Have you met with Bill Condon yet?

Robert: I met him briefly, a few weeks ago, kind of by accident, just before the MTV Awards, in a bar. He seemed great. He seemed like a really, really nice guy. I haven’t talked to him, in detail, about anything. But, Gods and Monsters is an amazing movie. I think it’s going to be good. I don’t even know where they’re going to shoot it yet, or anything.

Q: Can you talk about your upcoming projects and who you play in those films?

Robert: Bel Ami is about a character, Georges Duroy, who is a broke ex-soldier in Paris, in 1890. Basically, he has no drive. He is just jealous of everything. I quite liked the story. Kids nowadays feel entitled. People want to go into a job, but don’t want entry level. They want $100,000 a year, out of the gate. That’s exactly what this guy is like. He’s completely talentless. The only thing he does is that, by accident, he finds this guy he’s in the army with, in a brothel, and this other guy wants to impress him, so he gives him some money and invites him around. It ends up being like he invited the devil into his house. He seduces his wife, he seduces his wife’s friends and, every single influential woman he can get, he has an affair with. He ends up screwing over society and making millions and millions of francs. It was a really fun, completely amoral, evil character. It’s a story about how the shits can completely win sometimes, by doing absolutely nothing.

Water for Elephants is a story about a guy in 1931 whose parents both died in a car crash. When he’s at university studying science, he jumps on a train out of desperation to find something else, and ends up being on this circus train and falling in love with the star attraction, who also is the wife of the ringmaster. All this chaos ensues after that.

Unbound Captives is a romantic drama/western, and my character is the son of Rachel Weisz. He gets kidnapped by Comanche’s when he’s four, and is raised by them. My mother spent 15 years trying to find me, and I come back and can’t speak English anymore, and I can’t recognize her and she can’t recognize me. I come back and look like a Comanche, and I have massive ADD as well. It’s about learning how to live in a new environment again.


ROBsessed Giveaway: Second chance to have a SWEET FILTHY BOY and a DIRTY ROWDY THING for our Fiction Friday!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Second chance to have a SWEET FILTHY BOY and a DIRTY ROWDY THING for our Fiction Friday!

It's time for week 2 of our double hitter - SWEET FILTHY BOY and DIRTY ROWDY THING!

I got a chance to finish DIRTY ROWDY THING last weekend and my oh my. I think the title fits juuuuuust right. Finn is definitely a dirty, rowdy thing and matches up perfectly with the sassy Harlow. I had fun reading the story and catching up with the characters we first met in SWEET FILTHY BOY. Naturally, Rob plays all leading men that I read. What.

But I did get a chance to talk to Christina Lauren about who they could fan cast as Finn and Harlow and I LOVE IT.
Q: Fan casting is fun. Who have you fan casted for Harlow and Finn? Or who have you seen others suggest? 
Christina Lauren: Ooh this is a good one but our answer is going to be a cop out—but wait! With good reason! See, it’s really hard to find an actress who fits Harlow. Harlow is half Spanish, half Irish-European mutt, so she has darker hair and skin but light brown eyes. In our mind her face is very Emma-Stone, but she’s more golden, darker-eyed. Finn is similarly tricky for us to cast. But since it’s a Rob site, we can totally confide here that if Rob put on about 30 pounds of muscle, he could rock the role.
Emma is already awesome to me and I totally dig her as Harlow! And Rob, always Rob for any and everything.

 photo ScreenShot2014-09-25at112139PM.png

I know I picked a picture of Emma covering half her face but there's something about her look that is so Harlow. Playful, flirty and pretty. I tried to darken her eyes and golden her complexion to get in sync with Christina Lauren's description. And the Rob selection. Come on. This look wins all day every day and I definitely see dirty, rowdy Finn all over him.

Contest is the same as last week so let's do this! Synopsis and guidelines...

 photo 81g2wF-U8rL.jpg DIRTY ROWDY THING synopsis:
Despite their rowdy hookups, Harlow and Finn don’t even like each other...which would explain why their marriage lasted only twelve hours. He needs to be in charge and takes whatever he wants. She lives by the Want-something-done? Do-it-yourself mantra. Maybe she’s too similar to the rugged fisherman—or just what he needs. 
 photo 81iPj7qv-L.jpg
One-night stands are supposed to be with someone convenient, or wickedly persuasive, or regrettable. They aren’t supposed to be with someone like him. 
But after a crazy Vegas weekend celebrating her college graduation—and terrified of the future path she knows is a cop-out—Mia Holland makes the wildest decision of her life: follow Ansel Guillaume—her sweet, filthy fling—to France for the summer and just…play. 
When feelings begin to develop behind the provocative roles they take on, and their temporary masquerade adventures begin to feel real, Mia will have to decide if she belongs in the life she left because it was all wrong, or in the strange new one that seems worlds away.
Giveaway guidelines:
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway is optional but gives you more chances to win.
  • There will be 1 winner receiving DIRTY ROWDY THING and SWEET FILTHY BOY
  • Giveaway is worldwide!
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted 
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Friday, Oct. 3rd
  • Winners will be chosen by and announced on or after Oct. 3rd
Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winner listed under the cut & more!

Robert Pattinson Fan Pics, Video & Report From The Lisbon "Cosmopolis" Premiere

Robert Pattinson Fan Pics, Video & Report From The Lisbon "Cosmopolis" Premiere

Thanks once again to our reader (and die-hard Premiere attendee) Lynne for sending her Rob experience.
Check out her story below


I'm just back from my Rob roadtrip in Cannes, Lisbon and Paris and have had an awesome time!. I have loads to catch up on uploading videos and photos.

I saw Rob a few times at Le Grand Journal, Cannes Cosmopolis premiere, outside the aftershow party where all the paparazzi madness ensued and the masses of crowds gathered on La Croisette beach front road. It was so crazy in Cannes, how Rob and Kristen cope with it all I don't know, but Rob was smiling all the way to the car despite the cameras blinding him and crowds pushing in. If I'd known how crazy it would have gotten I would have stayed away but you only know these things in hindsight.

Check out Lynne's Full Report/experience, more pics & some video AFTER THE CUT Recap of Twilight Premiere

Shrieking masses descend on L.A. for the 'Twilight' premiere

There were hundreds of people lining the Los Angeles streets screaming and chanting. There were homemade signs, punny slogans, and custom T-shirts. Attendees declared whose team they were on. There were moms and daughters, men and women, couples and singles. There were even a few people so overcome by emotion that tears were shed. They stood for hours, some for days, to make sure their opinions were seen and heard despite the harsh, ashy air quality caused by the numerous nearby wildfires.

I’m not talking about last weekend’s anti-Proposition 8 rally. No, this chaotic scene, which featured more black, less rainbows, was for the Nov. 17 premiere of Twilight, the epic love story of a high-school girl (Bella) and her vampire beau (Edward) based on the hit book series by Stephenie Meyer. While the two events had several similarities, I dare say the Twilight folks were slightly more fanatical.

“We drove from the Bay Area yesterday, got in line at midnight last night, slept out here, took the day off work, and stood all day in order to fulfill a dream to take a picture or get an autograph from the stars,” enthused Cyndee Sauceda, 40, who works in a law office. “And if that doesn’t work out, it will all still be worth it if we get to touch Kellan Lutz or Robert Pattinson.”
Pattinson & Co. obliged for the most part — posing for cell photos, doling out hugs, signing books, bodies, clothes, signs, pizza boxes, any surface that didn’t cause a black Sharpie to run. “I’m going to have to ice my autograph hand when I get home,” joked Taylor “Jacob” Lautner. Pattinson, Cam Gigandet, and a few other actors even did a victory lap to slap fan hands after they had completed their initial round of interviews and fan appreciation despite holding up the screening over 45 minutes past its scheduled start time.

“This is crazier and louder than I was prepared for,” said Pattinson, running his fingers through his trademark floppy locks and looking sharp-dressed goth in his fitted black suit. “With every week, the fervor and anticipation seems to grow. This is my life. People know my name and ambush me in public and try to figure out what hotel I’m staying at and ask me to bite them and want to touch my hair. I have accepted it as real now, but it still feels surreal.”

His leading lady, Kristen Stewart (in a chic Balenciaga mini-dress), arrived minutes after him, her wild swept-up-and-piled two-tone hair giving Pattinson a run for his money. They took their obligatory couples shots, still looking slightly uncomfortable together, as if they are in the middle of a marathon intense-off. Stewart's demeanor, per usual, was reserved, but she admitted that she’s fascinated by the fan devotion. “I’ve been to a lot of premieres, and none of them have ever been as big as this. Maybe if I had been alive during the days of the Beatles it would be different, but I have never been moved enough to camp out for someone or something. The fact that people did that for our movie is heavy. I just hope they think it was worth it after they see the movie.”

After witnessing the phenomenon first hand, I’m not sure it even matters if the final product is Oscar-worthy. (In fact, two Oscar winners, Jaime Foxx and Kim Basinger, used their influence to score the hot tickets for their obsessed offspring.) Hours in, I was still having to shout my interview questions at the top of my lungs because the “Team Edward” cries were being matched by the howls of the Jacob-supporting wolf pack. In this economic downturn, people had obviously spent a pretty penny getting there, getting takeout from local restaurants, decorating the windows of their cars, outfitting themselves in branded merch. “I’d hate to have to be the guy who has to clean all this up afterward,” Gigandet said, referring to the discarded water bottles, sunscreen and snack trash.

Most of the cast and crew were trying to live in the moment and not count their chickens, so to speak, though some tentatively admitted that they’d love to see the saga’s other chapters on the big screen. Director Catherine Hardwicke was matter-of-fact when asked about sequel plans. “It is going to depend on the numbers," she said. "The fans have to really come out in force if they want to see a second movie, because that book will be twice as expensive to make than the first because of the werewolves and special effects. Realistically, this one has to make $150 million to make the financiers think it is worthwhile. If this crowd is any indication, I have high hopes, but I’m also not uncrossing my fingers.”

So, PopWatchers, who's ready to finally see this movie? How far would you go to catch a glimpse of Pattinson in the flesh? Or maybe you can't even read this because you're already camped out somewhere for a premiere...?

NEW Interview With Robert Pattinson From SĂ©ries Fan Magazine (France)

New Robert Pattinson Interview From SĂ©ries Fan Magazine(France).
Rob talks about "Water For Elephants" and working with Reese


Robert Pattinson
Elephants and Women

On the 20th April we will see Robert in cinemas with Reese Witherspoon in Francis Lawrence's "Water For Elephants". The movie was shot last July.

You seem to be very close to Reese Witherspoon...?

I've learned a lot thanks to her, she's very patient and she's a huge actress, she's got much more experience than me so it's normal that I took time to listen to her. Without her patience filming wouldn't have gone as well! We laughed a lot, Reese has a great sense of humour, the atmosphere was serious but also relaxed. We stayed friends and we see each other sometimes. It's a very important meeting in my career. Apparently she was already a fan of the Twilight Saga so she didn't have negative thinking about my job. I hope we'll work together again soon.

It even appears that you were very close on the set...

Rumors again, press always thinks that I'm dating every actress I'm acting with. If I seduce every girl everytime I make a movie I won't have lots of girl friends. (laughs). I think that with "Water for Elephants" it's because of the love story, it shows that we are credible! Now that we shoot again for Twilight nobody will talk anymore about a relationship with Reese. You'll see it will be the same things with another movie. I'm much more wise than people think. It's the Edward Cullen effect. (Kate: And the Pattinson Effect ? LOL)

It seems that you're more at ease with elephants than with women?

Laughs. That's not exactly the situation! Actually I've done a photoshoot for Details Magazine with several naked women, during 12 hours. For many boys it could be seen as a dream come true but it was very embarrassing! Whereas elephants are really something else, for the movie we were with elephants, and one of them picked me up with its trunk, it was the most magical thing that has happened to me! But I don't get the link between elephants and naked women. It's not very gentlemanly! Elephants are a child dream, and girls are just something else.

@CrazyStewFrance via GossipDance

More Robert Pattinson Fan Pics And Story From Last Night "Cosmopolis" Set


In an earlier post I mentioned that Deb (one of Tink's co-blogger over on the cosmopolisfilm blog) met Rob last night, well here are some more pics and her story!






"So this was my fourth set visit but the first where I was able and committed to staying until the very end. You know, the end. When Rob signs and takes photos. Of course, it was a night shoot and although Rob wrapped at around 2 a.m. I was prepared to hear that it was too late and he wouldn’t be signing.

Dean peeked at the small group of us across from Rob’s trailer and
must have deemed us “safe”. *snicker* Moments later, Rob strolled
across the street with a big smile and killed us all."

Kate: At this point I think I would have fainted!

"He signed for Jan first. (Rob:“Your name is JAM? oh Jan… I was going to say Jam’s a very unusual
name.”) Then it was my turn…"


Find out what happened next and what Rob is laughing at in the pic above by going over to for the full story

Jeff Buckley biopic loses Robert Pattinson? A tale of lies, lies, and one truth

Jeff Buckley biopic loses Robert Pattinson? A tale of lies, lies, and one truth

A reader emailed us and asked why were weren't covering this story. Ok. We'll cover it now that we have information from a credible news source about what's REALLY going on.

Yesterday, the slayers of truth, Hollywood Life spewed this:

Poor Robert Pattinson! The actor was working hard to score the role of Jeff Buckley, the famous musician who died young at age 30, in a biopic movie about his life. Gossip Girl star Penn Badgley snagged the part instead, a source exclusively tells “Robert Pattinson is devastated he’s lost out on the one role he really wanted,” says our insider. “It was down to Rob, James Franco and Penn for the part, and Rob was really pushing himself to get it.”

Our source continues, “Rob hasn’t heard ‘no’ a lot lately, so he’s really bummed. He was passionate about this project.” Things were looking good for Rob, who was reportedly “obsessed” with landing the lead. Jeff Buckley’s mother and executive producer of the movie Mary Guibert, 62, even weighed in, saying “Robert is a fine young actor. I’m flattered he’s been linked to this project. When the time comes we’ll give everybody an opportunity to be seen and heard.” Producer Michelle Sy confirmed Rob was “keen” on the part as well, and also revealed they are looking for someone who can “play music and sing”.

Although Rob is disappointed he didn’t get the role, Penn is over the moon. “Penn is thrilled to get this role and thinks it’s the film of a lifetime,” our insider confesses. “He’s been trying to push out of the ‘Gossip Girl’ image and knows this film will be the perfect opportunity to do so.” Congrats Penn!

Jake Scott is set to direct and Ryan Jaffe is writing the script for the highly anticipated movie.

My eyes rolled so hard, I'm STILL trying to get them to focus straight ahead. We went all day yesterday and into today with no confirmation from a credible source. E!'s resident truth slayer, Ted, reported on the nonsense today. Same garbage as above. Painting the picture of a "poor Robert Pattinson".

Well well well...Los Angeles Times swooped in and crashed this spin cycle:

New rumors swirling around the long-awaited Jeff Buckley biopic have falsely pitted actor Penn Badgley as the lead in the film about the late singer-songwriter. According to the film's co-producer, Orian Williams, the gossip surrounding the "Gossip Girl" star is compounded on further inaccuracies that "Twilight" heartthrob Robert Pattinson had been considered a shoe-in for the role of the enigmatic singer-songwriter.

"Penn is not involved in the film at all," Williams said in a phone interview. "It's crazy how these stories get out." When asked about Pattinson's involvement with the film, Williams said that although he's a fan of the British actor, he'd only had preliminary meetings with Pattinson, who was interested in auditioning for the film project, now almost six years in the making. Williams, along with producer Michelle Sy, casting director Billy Hopkins and executive producer Mary Guibert, Buckley's mother, are still seeking out actors for the casting process, which will likely begin in October, Williams said.

Most likely, the film will star an unknown actor who can portray Buckley without the weight of any preconceived Hollywood expectations, added Williams, who helped cast Sam Riley in the lead role of Ian Curtis in the 2007 biopic "Control" about the Joy Division front man. Williams said he's hoping to follow the same standards of finding someone with a low profile who can deliver Buckley's intense personality and haunting falsetto. "[The producers] are all very unified in our search to find the perfect person to play Jeff," Williams said.

Currently, the film is set to shoot in New York and Tennessee, where the story largely takes place. Though he rebuts rumors regarding the part of Buckley, Williams said that all kinds of actors and musicians have expressed interest in auditioning.

"When you have a story about an individual like Jeff you get a lot of interest because his life was so impactful and so short," Williams said.

Buckley was 30 when he drowned in May 1997 after deciding to go swimming in Wolf River Harbor, a slack water channel of the Mississippi River. News of a film about his life circulated as early as 2006, two years before Williams came to the project. Williams said that though the film has had a long gestation period, many measures have been taken to make sure that the foundation and intentions are authentic.

"We’re being very careful about it as we move forward," Williams said. “It takes a while to perfect this type of film. You’ve got to do it for the right reasons.”

So there we have it. We do not know if Rob feels this is the role of a lifetime so I resent the media painting it as Rob chasing this role down and losing. Please. He has briefly mentioned it before, most recently in this interivew with USA Today during WFE promo.

There we go. Rob's words. No assumptions about his feelings needed. I know I wanted Rob in a role like this because I want his music. HIS music. But all in due time. We'll support whatever Rob's next project is and bitchface anyone that claims he's losing anything. More like, a film loses if they don't get Robert Pattinson.

Source: LA Times | HL (not linking back and giving them one more hit to their garbage)
Via: @SkylarLSpencer | @Victoria1985
YouTube: Source

More NEW Photos of Robert Pattinson Visiting Patients at a LA Hospital Today (Aug 16th)

Kate posted this sweet fan pic and story with Rob earlier tonight after he'd visited patients at a LA area hospital. Now we have a new photo collage with the lucky lady.

Updated to add @NonPetroLiam's wonderful story - if this doesn't make you smile from ear to ear, nothing will!

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Click the image to enlarge. Thanks to
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Seriously, how cute are they both?

All of us at Robsessed wish @NonPetroLiam a speedy recovery. Thank you for sharing your story and photos.

And just a few of Mr. Strut leaving the hospital (possibly?)...

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MANY more StrutRob pics after the break...

Robert Pattinson with a fan on the last day of Water For Elephants filming in CA

Robert Pattinson with a fan on the last day of Water For Elephants filming in CA

Lucky fan, Jazmin, had many a dream come true from her visits to the set of Water For Elephants. This picture was taken July 28th on the last day of filming in the outer Los Angeles area.


Hotness doesn't even begin to describe this man.

Visit H2OforElephants for the story and more pictures.

New/Old Pics & Vids Of Robert Pattinson From The NYC WFE Premiere

Some really cute new/old Pics & Vids Of Robert Pattinson from the NYC "Water for Elephants" Premiere.

Read Michelle's fan story over HERE


Click & Click Again For Larger

LOADS More After The Cut

Tales from the 'Heaven Knows What' after party with Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson attended the premiere of 'Heaven Knows What' at the MoMA in New York yesterday. He also attended the after party and took some fan pics we posted earlier.

Well the fan in the photo, Joey Boots is a regular caller on the Howard Stern show (a New York chat show on sirius satellite) and shared a story about meeting Rob at the after party. See the Utube clip below.

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Probably not the fan photos Rob's used to!  Can you wash iPhones at all? That iPhone 4 will be getting an upgrade sooner rather than later!

Thanks Melli for the tip

Lucky Fan Gets To Meet & Greet Robert Pattinson

Lucky Fan Gets To Meet & Greet Robert Pattinson


Lucky Rob/WFE fan, Jessica, got quite a treat last night at the Chattanooga Billiards Club. Hanging out with friends, she saw that the WFE crew and Robert Pattinson were also enjoying the CBC.

Read the rest of her story over at H20forElephants

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson with fan for the Starlight Children's Foundation

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson with fan for the Starlight Children's Foundation

Remember that sweet story about Rob making a fan's dream come true? Samantha shared one more picture with as well as her experience meeting the best guy in all the world.

UPDATE: added new pic



Click HERE to read Samantha's encounter and more about the Starlight Children's Foundation.

Robert Pattinson encounter story on the set of Cosmopolis May 31st

Robert Pattinson encounter story on the set of Cosmopolis May 31st




Now we have the encounter story! From Mr. Will-W:

Cosmopolis continued into its third day of Filming here in Toronto, with one of my favourite Diners in Little Portugal providing the backdrop. The Production Crew, after taking measures to Paparazzi-proof their Set yesterday on Mercer St., took similar precautions again today in keeping Megastar Robert Pattinson's Trailer far from Filming. Fans waiting the entire day by the front of the Restaurant failed to see a glimpse even of him all day with him being ushered in and out through the back of the establishment.

After locating Pattinson's Trailer, I found a few devout and savvy Fans who had been waiting patiently the entire day in the area. Unfortunately they had failed to catch his attention as he went in and out of his Trailer. One Fan after growing tired of waiting, finally approached Pattinson's Handler Dean, asking if there was any remote possibility of obtaining an Autograph even. She however had been told by him, "Probably not - there's too many people around", shielding his attention-shy Client. In total there were six Fans in-waiting.

Around 8:00 PM a glimmer of hope appeared as Pattinson entered his Trailer again for one final wardrobe change for the day - a change back into his Everyday Wear: a Stussy T-shirt, his Long Beach 49ers Baseball Cap (Tink: Go Beach!) and a pair of Jeans. He officially had wrapped for the day after a long, grueling day in the Heatwave which has hit the City. After flagging him over, we were shocked to see Pattinson actually respond to us, coming over to personalize Photos and Magazines for us one-by-one in his best possible Penmanship.

Robsmacked, I asked "Is it at all possible to get a Group Photo?", to which Dean had interjected, "We don't have time...". Pattinson then overrode his Handler's objection, saying "Yes, I'll do a Group Photo!" , garnering an ecstatic response from us Fans. Some kind Onlookers in the neighbourhood offered to take our Photo before I extended my hand for a shake and he went off to greet a few other Fans. Those Ladies were told by Dean, "Stand back or he's not going to do it!" and willingly they obliged in their best behaviour.

Click HERE to view a couple more pics and the entire account.

Click HERE to view the video and HERE for Rob's exciting announcement!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Enter to win BETWEEN OCTOBERS for our Fiction Friday!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Enter to win BETWEEN OCTOBERS for our Fiction Friday!

It might be September but we have BETWEEN OCTOBERS to giveaway to you guys this week! This is a worldwide and US giveaway for a novel reviewers are saying is "absolutely intriguing", "a deeply emotional journey" and "you had me at page one". That sounds pretty fantastic but you know what got my attention? When the author, A. R. Rivera told me she's a fan of ROBsessed and Rob even inspired one of her characters, Rhys Matthews!

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More of Rhy in a moment but who is A. R. Rivera? She currently resides with her fantastic husband and four talented sons in sunny California. She spends most of her time writing, home schooling, making up characters, blogging, and hauling around musical instruments for her sons rock band. Rivera's debut novel, BETWEEN OCTOBERS, was published this summer and in case you aren't familiar with the story, here's a synopsis:
 photo IMG_20140802_234151.jpgHappy endings have always eluded Grace Zuniga. Now, she is in real trouble, hoping and praying that will change. When she wakes up in a dark, confined space with no memory of how she got there, the fear is nearly crippling. There are only two thoughts keeping her from losing her head. First, her children need her to survive. Though Grace is not sure she can, she's determined to try. Second, figuring out who took her and how she ended up, pregnant, alone, and at the mercy of a person who will do anything to keep her from escaping. Stumbling through her bleak circumstances, Graces mind wanders over the last life-changing year, from one October to the next, and relives the most precious moments and circumstances that led to her kidnapping. The previous October, as Grace stepped inside an elevator and into the life of enigmatic Rhys Matthews, it all began. But Grace must ask herself, "where will it end?"
And I haven't forgotten that awesome tidbit I mentioned earlier - the character Rhys Matthews was inspired by Rob! Here's what A.R. had to say about Rhys and Rob:
Rhys Matthews, also known as Evan, is a fictional character from my book, Between Octobers. He is Graces’ love interest–handsome, funny, charming, and an all-around nice guy. His career–the mania that surrounds him–is inspired by that of Robert Pattinson. He also happens to be British, with great hair and a few dark secrets. He is poised to steal Graces’ heart.
If we've got Rob on the mind while reading this story, I suspect he'll easily steal our hearts too.
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Click HERE to visit her website and read a snippet from an unpublished manuscript all about a moment in the life of Rhys Matthews!

Giveaway guidelines:
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway and liking the author's Facebook through Rafflecopter is optional but gives you more chances to win.
  • Giveaway is US & worldwide!
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted 
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Friday, Sept. 12th
  • There will be 2 winners - the signed print novel will go to a winner in the US and the eBook for Kindle will be given to a worldwide winner. 
  • Winners will be chosen by and announced on or after Sept. 12th
Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
See the winners from for Chaysing Memories!

Fan Pictures of Robert Pattinson and a Great Story from the Eclipse Premiere

Robert Pattinson and ROBsessed blog bringing people together!!! A group of lovely ladies who are regulars in the comments here at the blog, had a great experience meeting up at the Eclipse premiere... and the icing on the cake was Rob just inches away!

Here are a few of their photo's and below the cut read their full story, Tent City, Twilight Stars and of course ROB! I'm thinking 12 ladies in LA were dazzled that day :-)





Read their story after the break...

ROBsessed Giveaway: We talk to Christina Lauren about SWEET FILTHY BOY, DIRTY ROWDY THING and of course Robert Pattinson for Fiction Friday

ROBsessed Giveaway: We talk to Christina Lauren about SWEET FILTHY BOY, DIRTY ROWDY THING and of course Robert Pattinson for Fiction Friday

It's our last giveaway for the one-two punch of SWEET FILTHY BOY and DIRTY ROWDY THING!

Last week, we revealed some fun info from Christina Lauren about Finn and Harlow's look and the rest of our interview with the ladies is here!
 photo ScreenShot2014-09-25at112139PM.pngQ: Fan casting is fun. Who have you fan casted for Harlow and Finn? Or who have you seen others suggest? 
Christina Lauren: Ooh this is a good one but our answer is going to be a cop out—but wait! With good reason! See, it’s really hard to find an actress who fits Harlow. Harlow is half Spanish, half Irish-European mutt, so she has darker hair and skin but light brown eyes. In our mind her face is very Emma-Stone, but she’s more golden, darker-eyed. Finn is similarly tricky for us to cast. But since it’s a Rob site, we can totally confide here that if Rob put on about 30 pounds of muscle, he could rock the role.
Q: What's something you loved from SFB that DRT doesn't have and vice versa, something you love in DRT that SFB doesn't have? 
Christina Lauren: In Sweet Filthy Boy, we had an entirely new city and culture to explore—Paris—because Mia follows Ansel back to France. It was amazing to write because it totally transported us, and there is an atmosphere to the book because of it that feels . . . different than our other books, for a lack of a better word.
Dirty Rowdy Thing takes place in San Diego and, for a very small portion, on Vancouver Island in Canada. One thing we have in DRT that we adore is the tender family dynamics, and close bonds between Harlow and her family. There was one sweet scene between Mia and her mother in SFB, but for the most part, the family was absent. In DRT, family is very much a central focus, and maybe for that reason the words just flew from our brains while we were drafting. 
Q: Harlow is super fun and saucy. When you developed these characters, what did you like about Finn that made him the match for Harlow? 
Christina Lauren: We’ve heard from a bunch of folks already that Harlow is hands-down their favorite of our characters to date, and this makes us giddy. Her flaws are right at the surface (i.e. she’s meddling and loyal to a fault—that combination gets her in trouble) but there are many things about her that women can relate to now, or remember from their early twenties. She’s smart, but underemployed. She’s watching people around her figure out what they want to do and for her it isn’t yet the most important thing. Most of all, she’s genuinely young. We don’t mean in years, we mean in experience, and when you’re at that point in your life, just because that may be true doesn’t mean you recognize it. Readers can go on this journey of discovery with her, and it’s why Finn really was perfect for her, because he’s older and although he’s had fewer options in his own life, he’s wise enough to be patient with her youthful stumbles.
They also have a bit of a Chloe-Bennett dynamic, too, in that Finn wouldn’t do well with a woman who didn’t stand up to him. And Harlow would never settle for anything less than equal partners. 
Q: I saw what's up next for you guys with the series (Dark Wild Night) and the return to the BB series...which will loop in a Wild Seasons's the literary Marvel Model. Do you have a grand plan that goes 15 years down the road or does the world expand naturally from story to story? 
Christina Lauren: We just finished writing BEAUTIFUL SECRET, which is the fourth full-length Beautiful novel, and where that series crosses over with the Wild Seasons series. We love writing the group dynamics, especially when all of the guys are together. It does get harder as the ensemble grows, simply because you have more people to juggle (but that’s also sort of the fun part because it becomes a little like writing fanfiction for yourself).
In any case, we do have a grand plan, but it’s more like a 5-year model rather than 15. After Beautiful Beloved (e-short, Feb 2015) and Beautiful Secret (April 2015), there are still two more Wild Seasons out after DRT (Dark Wild Night is September of 2015, and Wicked Sexy Liar is February of 2016). We have our next series already outlined, and we know how it will dovetail with our previous work. We can’t wait to talk about it! 
Q: Last but not least, how up to date are you on your Rob news? You still get the weekly ROBsessed memos that he's hot as fire right? 
Christina Lauren: Ha! Well we still follow a lot of Rob accounts so we’re up to date on all the latest. He’s a pretty dude, there is no way around it. At the end of the day, coming from the Twilight fandom we can both say we just want Robert Thomas to be happy. Whatever makes him happy makes us happy. :)
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So much fun on the horizon for the characters of Christina Lauren. :)

 photo 81g2wF-U8rL.jpg DIRTY ROWDY THING synopsis:
Despite their rowdy hookups, Harlow and Finn don’t even like each other...which would explain why their marriage lasted only twelve hours. He needs to be in charge and takes whatever he wants. She lives by the Want-something-done? Do-it-yourself mantra. Maybe she’s too similar to the rugged fisherman—or just what he needs. 
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One-night stands are supposed to be with someone convenient, or wickedly persuasive, or regrettable. They aren’t supposed to be with someone like him. 
But after a crazy Vegas weekend celebrating her college graduation—and terrified of the future path she knows is a cop-out—Mia Holland makes the wildest decision of her life: follow Ansel Guillaume—her sweet, filthy fling—to France for the summer and just…play. 
When feelings begin to develop behind the provocative roles they take on, and their temporary masquerade adventures begin to feel real, Mia will have to decide if she belongs in the life she left because it was all wrong, or in the strange new one that seems worlds away.
Giveaway guidelines:
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway is optional but gives you more chances to win.
  • There will be 1 winner receiving DIRTY ROWDY THING and SWEET FILTHY BOY
  • Giveaway is worldwide!
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted 
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Friday, Oct. 10th
  • Winners will be chosen by and announced on or after Oct. 10th
Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winner listed under the cut & more!

Robert Pattinson Birthday Countdown: New/Old Breaking Dawn Promo Fan Videos

Robert Pattinson Birthday Countdown: New/Old Breaking Dawn Promo Fan Videos

Rob being awesome to his fans and fans adoring and celebrating him in return.

It's been a week long celebration of this for Rob's birthday countdown and we still have one more day to honor his awesomeness. I told you guys I'd share my cringeworthy videos. They go well with the theme so here goes.

Jimmy Kimmel

I love the Kimmel video. You hear how quiet it was. Peaceful. We were in a holy place. It was like we didn't want to scare the angel away. I got the lead in...he's heading towards our group. Then he's so close, you hear the pen on the paper. GAWD. Listen to his soft voice after..."sure". GAH. I'm all up in that and then...I abandon ship. Flip cam gets the shaft and I go on autopilot. I gave him his gifts, he laughed, he told me I'm ahead of the game, I sound more confident than I am, I ask for a picture, I can't hold the camera for the life of me and ask him if he'll take the picture. I don't like how I sound. I feel like I was like, "Take our picture!" but I also didn't remember any of this dialogue at the time. I didn't even know he told me I was ahead of the game until I played back the tape. And I even replied! I'm psycho. I need to get a grip. Especially when he tells me nice to meet me. You hear the crazy in my tone starting to break through.

Once Rob moved down to C, I snatched the flip cam back up and captured the rest of his holy visit. Some highlights? I'm all up in his neck LOL, you see him come back to C to fix their picture like the sweetheart he is, I get good video of him with M, you see the hound all polite now asking for Rob's picture and then you hear when we start to unravel, including the hound ("Can I see my picture?") LOL :) Rob is the greatest.

MORE videos to go with yesterday's pictures after the cut!

Article: "Give Robert Pattinson a fair chance to prove he’s more than Edward Cullen"

Article: "Give Robert Pattinson a fair chance to prove he’s more than Edward Cullen"


A piece of shit article (if we can even call it an article) was written about Rob the other day. We gave it no credence here but I did, however, enjoy reading this from a site that has not been necessarily pro-Rob in the past. The author, Brad Sturvidant, doesn't get Rob's appeal. Yet he wrote a great counter-argument post that was fair and sound - something lost in many online publications.

From Flix66:
A recent report came out that Hollywood executives have labeled Robert Pattinson “Rip-Patz” because of his recent box office struggles, post-Twilight.  The Daily Mail (not always the most reliable source, so believe what you will) is pointing to the recent flops of BEL AMI and the UK release of COSMOPOLIS as the proof that his career isn’t going to be able to take off after the Twilight series is finished.  I’m not sure BEL AMI and COSMOPOLIS are the best examples to show whether or not an actor is bankable, but the news struck me as an interesting turn for one of the most popular stars on the planet.  Personally, I’m not sure what the public sees in him and I never thought of myself as a Robert Pattinson fan, but I also don’t like it when publications and Hollywood executives make generalizations about someone without considering all the facts.

Let’s review the films of Robert Pattinson, excluding the Twilight series and HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE.  He had HOW TO BE and LITTLE ASHES before Twilight, both of which made virtually nothing at the box office (and if you click the titles, you can read our reviews).  Focusing on post-Twilight films, he had REMEMBER ME ($19m domestic gross) in 2010, WATER FOR ELEPHANTS ($58.7m domestic gross) in 2011 and BEL AMI ($82k domestic gross, but still in theaters) in 2012.  Granted, those aren’t great numbers for any star, but I want to point out that all of those films are niche dramas from virtually unknown directors.  I couldn’t see any of them being box office smashes with any star.  In fact, the argument could be made for some of them that without Robert Pattinson, those films wouldn’t have been seen at all.

If we’re going to judge R-Patz on the performances of his dramas, then why not hold other stars accountable or their under-performing dramas?  George Clooney (THE AMERICAN, $38m, among many others), Brad Pitt (SEVEN YEARS IN TIBET, $38m, among many others), Tom Cruise (MAGNOLIA, $22m) and Bruce Willis (STORY OF US $27m, among many others) have all had their share of dramas that struggled at the box office.  And sandwiched in all of their films have been big budget blockbusters like MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, DIE HARD, OCEAN’S 11, etc.  Isn’t the same true with Robert Pattinson and the Twilight films?  He has his money-making films and then he has the niche dramas that he wants to make.

The point is that we don’t know what Robert Pattinson can do at the box office post-Twilight because Twilight has consumed almost all his time up until now.  But now that he doesn’t have any commitments to the Twilight universe, he can focus his time on quality films with talented directors.  On the horizon, he has several projects, including the military interrogator drama MISSION: BLACKLIST, THE ROVER with Guy Pearce, an untitled re-teaming with David Cronenberg and a biopic on The Band.  If all of those films fail to impress critics and audiences alike, then maybe we can start writing his Hollywood obituary.  But until then, let’s give Robert Pattinson a fair chance to prove he’s more than Edward Cullen.
What a breath of fresh air to read something from a credible source that didn't make a hasty generalization about Rob's career and began to acknowledge the unfair standard Rob's being held to by some. And from someone who admittedly isn't a fan. I wanted to help spread this post to counter the other crap that was circulated and discussed.

If you need a refresher on what Rob has to say about art house films and their audiences, this interview is necessary.

I, for one, love the roles Rob picks. Sure, for obvious reasons (I'm an unshakably supportive fan) but because I'm intrigued by his interests (Rob is Oprah). I also like that his name brings attention to projects that people might never hear about. Would MTV have reported on Cosmopolis if Rob wasn't in it? Would mainstream media be talking about Jean-Stephane Sauvaire and David MichĂ´d's films to the extent they are without Rob's attachment? It's something to think about and Rob's worth isn't dying, it's evolving.
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