Another Fan Encounter in Vancouver

Picture from a Gucci Party in 2008

Yesterday you all said you didn't believe Adaline's story because it sounded like a fan fic/dream. Well I think you'll believe this one because she kept saying how stupid she felt :) No need to feel stupid hun, it is after all a fan girl moment :)) Oh and for the love of all that's holly someone send me a new picture of Rob already! I am having serious withdrawals :))

Here is Veronique's story:

Ever heard of Robert Pattinson, Nikki Reed, Sam Bradley???

Walking down a street, looking for a cool place to hang and have a beer… As I’m walkin, I pass in front of a terrasse of a nice ”trendy” restaurant. My eyes caught the face of someone reminding me of a singer I have just discovered. It’s HIM!!! next to the ”lookalike” is the boy with the hat. Next to the one with the hat, in front of the ”lookalike” is the girl without the wig. OK, this is too good to be true. I look at Penny and stop walking. Take another look, my own little voice is screaming inside. It cant be true… My head turns back one more time. The boy with the hat is looking at me; he knows I recognized him. He’s trying to hide in his jacket… I get the message that he’d rather like go unnoticed… So I decide to keep going on my mission for a place to hang out. In the meantime, a few calls to my friends who are gonna kill me if I dont go back… What should I do, what should I say?

After 15 minutes of walking around, Penny’s got a txt message sayin we should go to a certain bar… We turn around and walk toward some pub. I HAVE to pass by again. As I’m walking passed the restaurant, there’s 3 girls (I beleive a mom and daughters, but honnestly I was so in shock I dont remember…) were talking to them and took a picture. Ok, so, if I dont do this now, I wont get another chance. I’m getting to the table and apologize (so many times, I probably looked like a total idiot) for disturbing their night, chatted for a couple of minutes, about Sam’s music and their time in Vancouver. Penny got to take a picture of Rob, Nikki and I(after several try, battery was dying, flash was off…). I have never felt so stupid (I aint natural blond!!! lol) in my life but hey, who cares? I most probably wont run into them again and if I do, then I wont be in shock state of shock!

Check Sam Bradley’s music here:

Sweet dreams I know I will;)

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the link :)


Unknown said...

Nikki Reed was with them!
I guess they are really having something!
How adeline didn't mention Nikki and Sam!!
And i thought NIkki was in LA!!
I really HATE. she is a name dropper!!!
I rather Kristen or Camilla than her

Anonymous said...

if nikki and rob are together, they are hiding it pretty well... =/

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the fan for sharing :)

I guess Rob feels "safe" with Nikki, she will not run to the tabloids....(maybe?)

Unknown said...

Not that well, they have been seen a lot together.

Unknown said...

Anon i read in a site and i believe it. Most of the times they are seeing together in LA, is she who call the papaz, this time maybe she didn't knew anyone in vancouver.

SummerGirl said...

Yes, I would not be surrised if Nikki WANTS to be seen with Rob? He adds to her kudos......

Unknown said...

Rob still didn't realize what kind of person this Nikki are?

Celine said...

How cool to run into them!
Lucky her! :)

Sabrina said...

Hey guys,
does Nikki really has a bad reputation? What did she do?
Just wondering :)

honey bee said...

Gosh, what a lucky gal!

I can't imagine having the guts to approach his table, only because I can't imagine getting any actual words out in his presence. "" I'm sure I would have kicked myself after a missed opportunity. :X

Oh, and that photo is absolutely adorable. THE smile! THOSE hands! *swoon* Rob always seems to have dirty fingernails :X, but that's quite all right. :P

Suz said...

helllooooooooooooooooooo they are making a film together... on location

isn't it pretty normal to break bread with co-workers?

Unknown said...

All cullen family actors came back to LA. They will shoot in April. What she still doing there?

honey bee said...

I'll say it's normal, Suz. Of course I do not know them, but I think Rob and Nikki are just hanging out. Grabbing a bite to eat..drinks....whatever. I do the same with my co-workers (guys and gals) all of the time. :}

Gozde said...

Dude, they were just having dinner :) I am with Suz.

And by the way all this hatred towards Nikki is really uncalled for. She is not the most sympathetic girl but she didn't do anything to deserve the hate :(

Unknown said...

Maybe they are... a jus Don't Like her. If He hang out with Ashley or Rachelle a would think "How great is that", but Nikki, i really can't stand her!!!

crazy said...

Suz and Gozde~ precisely what I was thinking.

Anonymous said...

i have nothing against her either.. i just would like to know what's really going on between them.. =P

crazy said...

Yeah, i was wondering right along with Sabrina....

Anonymous said...

Now THAT sounds like a real story... how cute is that? BTW... fantastic site- I love it!

Unknown said...

Ok...i'm always the only one who has the dirty thoughts. Maybe i overheacted, but i still don't like her

crazy said...

"Somebody tell a joke"! ;)

MojoPin said...

I like Nikki, she seems cool. And I don't belive for a second she would call the paparazzi..she seems like a very private person.
I don't get all this Nikki hate, they are working together, they are friends, of course they're hanging out...I think it's nice.

crazy said...

Hey Summergirl~ so Little Ashes? What did you think?

Mads said...

Now THIS is a story that sounds very believable. Not like the other pile of shite that was posted yesterday. That singer girl was only looking for attention. I hate that!

Lucy said...

Well, a couple of things.....

Rob and Nikki share a "thing" for music, that's been reported before. He has turned her on to new artists and vice versa, so it would make sense that they are at a music festival together enjoying live music. Also, is that pic from the fan encounter? It looks like something I've seen before? This is the pic that the girl took?

Also, I think Nikki and Rob are just friends, they both love music, makes sense that they would be hanging out. She wasn't seen in London for the 2 months that he was there, maybe he just likes some companionship? I think it's better than seeing the guy alone all the time.

Melissa said...

I'm with Suz and Goz on this. They are working together, so I am sure they are friendly towards each other. I go to lunch with male co-workers all the time, doesn't mean I'm sleeping with them.

SummerGirl said...

I loved it but it was certainly a bonus to see Mr & Mrs P get out of their car as I arrived.

Interesting from the Q&Q:

They said it was originally allocated a larger budget with bigger stars, but the bigger stars seemed a little too old for the roles, so they lowered the budget and made it a smaller movie with little known actors. Except one of them is one of the best known actors on celluloid right now!!!!

Also Paul M said before the film started about the "chutpah" of having 2 English people make this movie. he suggested afterwards that it might be becauise these people are just too iconic in Spain.

The movie was laugh out loud funny and also heartbreaking. Not too in depth, I would say, and there were some boring bits. Not too shocking either. Very very entertaining :)

Anonymous said...

UFF! Fresh air!

I left the vultures in the thread bellow...

Good morning, girls!

Suz said...

but they want to have me against the glass window, Melissa

; )

Tess said...

Poor thing.. this is a sweet story.

Thanks for posting Gozde and I agree with your sentiments about Nikki. From what I've read about her/life/work. She's pretty amazing.

M- I like your avatar! ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, no, one of them is following me...

SummerGirl said...

I guess Rob and Nikki are friends, and why not :)

Sorry about all the typos, still excited about seeing the Family Pattinson :)

Anonymous said...

I think some of the girls are right. Maybe they were only hanging out after work, wigs rehearsal, how knows?
He must have better taste than THAT.

Suz said...

SummerGirl... How lucky you got to see it!

I am pea-green with envy!

Were the steamy scenes as steamy as we are imagining???

(Without giving spoilers, of course)


Anonymous said...


Rob, lover, planning of introducing me to your mom, dad and sisters already? Proposing so soon?? Ok, I understand that I was amazing last night, you were not bad yourself, but... so soon...

Anonymous said...

I've read other accounts where Kristen was with them too. I think Nikki is there as a cover for Rob/Kristen. I know a bunch of people don't believe or don't want to hear that though. I think Rob knows that Nikki is a leech and attention seeker. Remember the whole box buying thing in December with his new haircut? They haven't been seen alone together since. She probably tipped the papz on that little trip. I think she's a cover.

Unknown said...

Maybe i overeacted!!!
I just don't like people getting advantage of our hotty!!!

Unknown said...

i just don't believe in the cover thing.
If Kristen was there, her boyfriend was too. He keep her pretty close. i don't think he blinks anymore!!!

SummerGirl said...

Is this too spoilery (below)....READ WITH CAUTION

Hmm, steamy?......

Kind of, mostly quite romantic.....

The no limits scene (undressing each other until Dali decides he cannot go through with it) or the scene where Dali watches Lorca and Margarita/Magdalena were quite steamy but I was not really shocked. I am pretty unshockable though.

Did any of you guys see the UK version of "Queer as Folk"?

I thought the love scenes were rather touching actually.

Anonymous said...

Danni, I would die to take advantage of our "hottie"... Gladly!

Melissa said...

I think Nikki gets a bad rap. I don't think she was necessarily right for the part of Rosalie, but she shouldn't be ridiculed for hanging out with Rob. They work together and I am sure they have developed a friendship. Just because he hangs out with someone from the opposite sex, doesn't always mean they are dating.

Unknown said...

É Sophia eu tbm. Eu acho que to ficando meio loka.

Anonymous said...


Jeezz, lover, those dirty long nails... Can I help you with that too? After we take that long bath and...? No, maybe it is better if I cut your nails BEFORE...

Tess said...

Good morning Mel :)

Summer G- thank you for the recap. Where did you see the movie?

Rachel said...

Now THAT was a good story!

Anonymous said...

Danni, tenho que estudar um pouco. Tenho que terminar de ler (e entender) um texto para a aula da tarde. Não estresse tanto; ele não está com essa aí. Mas, algum dia, em breve, ele vai estar com alguém... E coitada dela, ela vai ser rasgada nos sites de fans. Coitada nada, ela vai estar muito bem servida, né?

A gente se vê. Ainda estou querendo torcer o pescoço de algumas mulherzinhas desse site, pelo que vi que fizeram ontem à noite. A propósito, vi que vc estava lá no início e que vc foi legal com o cara português. Valeu. Sempre achei que vc era uma boa pessoa.


Unknown said...

Eu ainda nĂŁo entendi o que aconteceu direito, mas ele parece uma Ăłtima pessoa.

Unknown said...

Eu nĂŁo julgo as pessoas (sĂł a Nikki).
Sempre q precisar de algo Ă© sĂł pedir
Bom estudo

SummerGirl said...

Tess --

I saw the movie at the Cine Lumiere at the French Institute in South Kensington, last night. Rob's family were there too :)

Anonymous said...

Elas expulsaram os dois do site. O casalzinho (não quero escrever os nomes,pois vão saber que estou falando sobre elas). E eles foram super-educados de volta. Ouviram um monte de desaforo e agüentaram calados. Eu não tenho tanto sangue frio, meus pais são gregos e exagerados em suas emoções, herdei isso deles.

E, depois, elas continuaram xingando e tirando sarro dos dois(depois que eles foram embora). Foi uma tremenda grosseria. E elas passaram a noite recitando falas do filme uma para a outra. SĂŁo tĂŁo idiotas -- e mulheres mais velhas, pelo que vi.


Adoll said...

I hope that they all are friends. If they all hung out together last movie, then they should be doing it now. Everytimes he's out with someone it's not neccessarily romance in the making. But for his sake I hope he has a few good friends to help him through the next year or two.

Gozde said...

They might be older but definitely not idiotic.

Hannah said...

SummerGirl - I wouldnt say LA was 'shocking' either. It was intense though. There's so much emotion in it. Rob is getting his guylove on, doesnt seem to matter in comparison to the story. That just shows how amazing the acting is.

The fan encounter is cute. I mean, Id feel so bad approaching them at dinner but how could you not?! Id be apologizing a zazillion times too.

I really like Nikki too. Where are people getting the bitch vibe from?? Have I missed something?! I dont think they are but if they are dating, well done to her for getting the hottest man walking!

Gozde said...

summerGirl: Thanks so much for sharing your story! How cool that his parents were there! Love it!

I can't wait to see Little Ashes :)

SummerGirl said...

Happy to share :)

I liked hearing about the fan encounter, but it did make me wish I had approached his Mum or his Dad, just to say, "You must be so proud"

It is too late now, although I am driving through SW13 later -- so I will look out for them - hahah :)

Unknown said...

Que situação chata!
Tomara que eles voltem, eu gosto deles!

erin said...

ooh thanks for sharing your thoughts on LA! were his sisters there too? how was rob in it? the trailer looks beautiful. I might need to drive to a different city to see it, so excited.
I wonder if my supervisor will understand the delay on my thesis if I tell her its because I'm robsessed? haha

Tess said...

Summer Girl and Hanna- Thank you BOTH for sharing your viewing experiences with us.

I'm not sure how long I'll have to wait before I can see Little Ashes in it's entirety and everyone's reviews sort of tide me over ;)

Anonymous said...

Rob should at least trim his fingernails, that way he'll look tidy, neat and clean. If he seldom showers, I can understand, the weather is freezingly cold in Canada or in the UK but please Rob, put some more attention to your hygiene! We love you but if you stink and with dirty fingernails, that's a big turn-off to girls and women!

Gozde said...

Erin: I started this blog when I was writing my thesis :) Robsession is good for creativity :PP

Anonymous said...

good morning girls!

wow...getting to meet rob and sam at the same time...lucky girl

i hope they were having a good time

erin said...

gozde, good to hear its possible to still get something done post-discovery of rob!

margot said...

whatta nice photo, I really like it :))))
hello Gozde, hi Robsessed girls :*

Anonymous said...

finally able to comment on this weekends stores...
first-the one from yesterday (music girl) seemed made up, i agree with others it sounded like a fan/fic story. also, she is just trying to cash in on Rob's fan base to get her music out there :(
second-this morning's story actually seemed real. glad to see Rob actually out with friends. i really dont care if it is Nikki. he seems to be alone alot and if he likes to be around her so be it.

good morning to all of you.

Anonymous said...

cant we see her picture? :(

Anonymous said...

Can we know what trendy restaurant?

Anonymous said...

One thing I never unserstood about celebes though...Why do they sit on patios or right by the windows if they want to be ignored. Weird!!

Ellie said...

Good morning, ladies!

Summer girl and Hannah, thanks for sharing your Rob encounters with us. I only wish it were me, but I'd probably just drool and faint at his feet...

Hi, Tess, Goz and TS! xo

LittleBear said...

Good to hear I'm not the only one struggling to get my thesis done, with all the Robsessing :) We'll get there!
(should I mention him in the acknowledgments?.. now that's a thought, lol)

Yvonne said...

Can't wait to see Little Ashes....he's so talented, and I'm glad the world is finally going to see it. Doesn't hurt that we get to see his naked little bum as well. :)

Nikki doesn't seem so bad....i think Rob needs freinds, poor guy seems lonely.

Jen said...

ugh guys, Rob and Nikki aren't dating just because they had a friendly dinner with each other and Sam. Also Kristen went with them to a Juno after party.

phosphorus said...

m. wrote: "Rob always seems to have dirty fingernails"

So does Leonardo DiCaprio, by the way. Never saw him in a film having clean fingernails.

Sophia wrote: "Jeezz, lover, those dirty long nails... Can I help you with that too?"

That line won't work well, that's for sure. Always remember, guys at his age don't want to be mothered. Maybe you should repeat your offer when he's over 80, he might like it then.

proust said...

I've read the comments below this fan encounter

Someone wrote;

"another fan said she saw rob, kristen & nikki last night at a juno after party at storyeum later in the night. is that the place yo saw them as well or was this earlier, possibly at another location? just curious. thx."

so probably after this fan's encounter[because she also said that "Hey! so no it wasnt at an after party, they were there to eat since they were looking at their menus, it was around 9pm. I didnt even look at the restaurant name, I just know it's down the street from our hotel"],Kristen joined them as well and then they went to Juno after party together

It makes sense

Anonymous said...

good morning ellie!

i totally agree with you...i don't think i could have any coherent thoughts or words in his presence. but i would love to hear his voice and laugh in person and see that wonderful smile...and maybe get to smell him...

Melissa said...

Good morning, Tess, Goz & Ellie! How is everyone today?? xoxo

crazy said...

Good morning Girls! Going to get up to speed now on comments. All fun and kind-hearted i hope...

Anonymous said...

i agree with someone else who said if they dont want to be noticed why would they sit in front

and "Proust" i dont understand your comment...

crazy said...

Thanks for your thoughts on Little Ashes, Summergirl!

Ellie said...

Hi, Mel and crazy!

erin said...

LOL littlebear ~ we could probably write "thanks rpatz for the unicorns" in the acknowledgements and it would be okay - if someone knew what we were talking about they would just be outing themselves!

Ellie said...

Damn, the boys are back soon from swim...gotta get going. I check in later today.

crazy said...

Hey Ellie, other ladies! Not feeling so great today, so I came on here to get a good dose of mojo!! Works every time!

proust said...


I mean that someone made a comment on this fan encounter..check the comments at this link

It says that "another fan said she saw rob, kristen & nikki last night at a juno after party at storyeum later in the night. is that the place yo saw them as well or was this earlier, possibly at another location? just curious. thx.

so I think that probably after this fan encounter happened,Kristen also met them at the Juno after party

Anonymous said...

thank you, got it now.

Anonymous said...

awww crazy...what's a matta?

lol @ lb and erin giving rob cred

Anonymous said...

OK, I have to say this anonymously but - I've already gotten myself off to the thoughts of Rob, checked in here at ROBsessed (LOVE the new banner btw), now I'm off to work. You ladies (and any gents) have a wonderful day!! OH, and I'm so glad to hear Rob was out having fun over the weekend with good friends!

Laura said...

Ellie? You still here? I looked for you on FB. I thought you meant 10:30 MY time! LOL...I forgot we have that hour time difference.

Laura said...

I hope Kristen was there, too. It's nice to see them all friends again and hanging out! :)

Anonymous said...

For the love of GOD, just walk on by!!! Leave the poor guy alone!!! Couldn't you see he did not want to be bothered. As much as I love the guy I would not walk up to him and give him his privacy. We should all give him the same concideration.

Yvonne said...

I think that would really be the right thing to do...I mean, a little ~wink~ so he knows that you saw him and just keep on walking....

Lynn said...

LOL I think that if you're going to write about an encounter and then post it on the should proof it a little better. I was wondering what a "terasse" was and then I reread it phonetically.

Yeah, a walk by winking would do nothing for me...I would take one for the team and make an ass out of myself...I'm sure that Rob has seen it all.

Yvonne said...

LMAO :))) the winking thing sounds good on paper, but, yeah, you're right! Better to lure him into some dark alley....then...well...anyway, you get my drift!

Anonymous said...

Wtf... can we stop will the assumptions? Maybe they are all friends and are all working on the same movie and OMG they went to dinner... doesnt mean they are all dating... and if they were who the F*k cares.

I like Nikki, I like Kristen... and its none of our business.

Secondly... what resto was it? lol

SummerGirl said...

Erin at 10.03am

Yes I think both his sisters were there. They look very alike. OR maybe it was one sister with her coat on and her coat off, but I think there were two of them.

There were about ten or eleven in their group, but I was trying not to stare.......

Anonymous said...

I think that it is very easy for some of you all to say that if you saw Rob in person, you would not go up and talk to him. I would put money on the fact that around 95% of his fans would go up to him and "take one for the team" I'm not saying that there arent people out there who would just walk on by, but it is very easy to say you would when you are not in the situation. Me honestly, im not sure what I would have done. I am a shy person by nature so i probably would have some sort of inner conflict going on lol. I would want to go up to him but would be embarassed to make an ass out of myself.

I agree 110% that he deserves his privacy, but in all honestly, you would probably only meet him once and i'm not sure i am willing to give up that one chance to meet him.

Gozde said...

Anon, you are completely right! I think %90 would jump on him if they saw him :)

I was completely "obsessed" with an NBA player at one point and one of my friends was also a friend of his. He said he'd introduce us. I went to one of his parties and when I saw the guys I freaked out and left, LMAO. So I think I would just walk by if I saw Rob then go and hit myself on the wall for being an idiot@!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Vc escapuliu no portuguĂŞs

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon with the Hygene tips for Rob. GIVE IT UP ALREADY!! Leave him be. It's all rumor based.Even if it isn't so the heck what? I wish people would lay off the no showering stinky thing.
Sorry but I'm tired of the bashing and negativity so I bet he is even more so.(rolls eyes.) If people don't like certain things about him true or not then pay attention to someone else.
We're all Rob lovers here!
Just had to stick up for him couldn't help myself.Sorry for the rant.
P.S. I agree with Goz. I like Nikki.I think they're just friends hanging out.

Anonymous said...

If he was alone, I might say something to him, but I would never interupt if he's sitting at a table or in a conversation. It's just plain rude. My friend is married to a celebrity (pro baseball player) and when we go out people are constantly interrupting our conversations and flashing cameras in his face - it is so annoying and rude. Rob may appreciate his fans, but I'm guessing he doesn't care about each one of us individually enough to talk to each one of us when he's out trying to be "normal" and have a good time with his friends. I say, leave him alone!! Just b/c he's a celebrity doesn't give everyone the right to be rude.

- Greenie

MARJ said...

i really liked this encounter,lucky lady!!!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Loved this story! Exactly what I would've done.

Goz, as a site owner who is so lovely and responsible to so many here, I honestly believe if you saw Rob, you'd talk to him for all of us because you know it would make us terribly happy. In that case you'd know it wasn't you alone standing there but all of us supporting and encouraging you! I believe you didn't talk to the NBA player because it was only for yourself. It is about sharing for you...

ROB & Nikki~I don't think people realize how hard it is when you go live in another culture. LA is VERY different from the rest of the US and even more different from London. See Rob's "Ellen" interview. I think Nikki has helped Rob deal with some mundane tasks of living (like the boxes errand). Besides, he's a guy, therefore he needs help, lol!Whatever may have been going on when they first met, it seems to me now that they are just friends. I do not think she's any sort of girlfriend threat.

Summergirl~I would've loved to have seen his family. Thanks so much for sharing that. I know I would've gone up to them, though, maybe because I'm older. They make me much less nervous than Rob. I got his autograph last fall as he passed through a large group of fans so it was less personal.

Brigid said...

From LaineyGossip today;

As for Rob, well, having bailed on the fangirls and the screaming, he was free to enjoy Juno Fest on Saturday and I’m told he enjoyed a low key chill night at one of the afterparties, At least he tried. Am told RP was approached repeatedly, some girls doing the usual super loser twi-hard gushy flappy arms thing and others trying to front like they were too cool to obsess over a movie hunk and starting up a conversation with him anyway, because he can totally tell between super loser twi-hard hysterics and closet super loser twi-hard hystericsd. It’s a huge difference.

Meanwhile, Kristen Stewart was joined by her BF Michael Angarano and her BFF Nikki Reed on Sunday. Here they are coming from late lunch. Interestingly enough, a short while after their meal, Nikki was spotted heading over to Rob’s. She stayed at his place a few hours, then they went out and hooked up with some friends…

Next question, I know it’s coming:

Are they dating?


Are they f-cking?


Hmmm, she doesn't say they are, but maybe they're friends with benefits. And so what then? Rob's still a great guy, but boys will be boys. They like each other, but are not in love, she's there...
Like I said, boys will be boys, even cute, shy, British ones. He ain't no saint, is just human after all.

And I agree, she's quite safe. She won't go telling.(Camilla Belle WOULD; they were photographed together every time Rob was with her. If you think that's coincidental, think again) But I think if Nikki did that she would soon lose the possible benefits she could have. Ah well, what does it matter? I don't think she's the love of his life... ;-)

Shae said...

Nikki and Rob.....uggggh. Please no. Lainey seems pretty sure they are f*ck buddies

SummerGirl said...

Chicago Girl now in LA:

I regret NOT going up to them actually, but I wanted it to be right and they were with friends and I would have been interupting.


A real opportunities......

SummerGirl said...

What I meant to say:

A real missed opportunity......

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@ Delaney!!!!
I agree with you on the UGhhhhh thing!
I Can be wrong, but i don't think she is the kinda of the girl who is satisfy just having sex without telling the entire world "I'm fucking Rob Pattinson", and if Rob want Kristen he isn't going to make her best friend Sex buddie.
But i can't be wrong
And Lainey doesn't have any picture of Nikki going to his place.

Ashley said...

I don't think theres too much to worry about ladies. Rob is the hottest thing in the gossip world right now. Unless Nikki, Rob (and Laniey!) are the only three who know about their "hookups" word would have got out. This would be the biggist story in Hollywood right now. Everyone would be covering it!

Anonymous said...

Rob!!! Come on, man, those nails...

Anonymous said...

@Elena - Only his middle finger nail has a bit of dirt on the corner. The rest look clean...though I didn't enlarge the pic. I sometimes have one or two dirty nails when I'm kind of in a hurry forgetting to swipe them clean before leaving the house.

Anonymous said...

girls, girls, girls...with all of the sexy attributes to admire on this man, you focus on his dirty nails? seriously? i can't stop checking out that smile and those me crazy

Anonymous said...

with nikki again, i don't like her, well, it's sort of my image of rosalie is too way far from her and i think i just don't like her face, too old..

anyway, probably they just hang out and having dinner and all, why not ??
in the earlier days when we saw rob is lonely we tell that we sad, now, when we take look of him to be friend with than we angry because she is nikki reed, but i think it's his business anyway, he seem really private and hang out with anybody he would bump too and i don't care nikki get laid with him, probably, she is not that hot either and rob would go on after this twilight dome and that's it. well, he better do that with nikki than paris,..

too bad kristen still with angarano, or they just cover up something like few blog's said, to keep the twilight hype, to keep the money lovey dovey alive, well, it's hollywood crap and they will do it anyway, their young and hit by sudden fame, not like you're talking johny deep or tom cruise here...

Veronique said...

Hey guys!

I'm amazed at how much my story caught everyone's attention! I also understand when some of you say ''leave him alone'' but seriously, I'm not the kind of girl to react like this, I have met more than my share of celebrities and dont worry, i have been very polite to them, and I've stopped mostly because there was already people talking to them, I'm not sure I would have if it wasnt for those 3 persons. It actually took me a big 2 minutes on the sidewalk to kick my ass to go! anyways, I really could put money on the table on how you would do just like I did.

For your info, a terrasse is a place at a bar or restaurant where you sit outside, sorry for the little french encounter. the restaurant was called glow something ( i checked the day after!) so anyways, for those who enjoyed, I'm glad for those who say just wink at him (thats what i did first... read the story,passed by and kept on walkin).


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