Empire Magazine in HQ

Thanks to Emily for reminding me to post these :) (P.S.: Emily, the email you've left was wrong, I couldn't reply :)



Melissa said...

GAH!!! The first pic!!! Wow, he is beautiful.

In the second pic you can really see his sanpaku eyes...wow.

Thanks for posting, Goz! Gotta love HQ!!!


Anonymous said...

His hand just looks massive on her. *starts daydreaming*

Rose said...

Ah...this is one of my favorite photo shoots of Rob...
Absolutely dreamy.

Christy said...

OMG that first picture maes me want to throw caution to the wind, abandon my 3 kids, husband of 14 years and spend the rest of the days of my life following him. **sigh**

Gozde said...

LMAO Christy :))

Melissa said...

LOL, Christy...I like the way you think! LOL

crazy said...

uhhhhhhhhhh...I just pulled a Lisa Renna, "I'm dripping"! ;)

These ppics get me every time. Trying to figure out how I would have sex with his hair, exactly. OOh, i have an idea....

Anonymous said...

those eyes...and eyelashes make me melt

and it's sweet how it looks like he's touching her lightly as if he'll break her. i bet he has quite a gentle touch...i'm willing to find out

crazy said...

Hey TS~ when you see the vid for this, you can see that is embrace and touch IS very gentle. Melting....fo sho!

crazy said...

Whoops~ mojo is starting to flow over here...
Bartender, get me another!

Yvonne said...

makes us all want to abandon life as we know :) does this young man realize the power he has?

Lynn said...

Admittedly, I didn't like these pics due to the clothing choices, but, who would could resist that stare? And, Rob and Kristen look perfect in that shot....the "big brother" shot is really sweet.

Yvonne said...

thirtysomething...I LOVE that avatar

Laura said...

YUM! I love the Empire pics! I love that jacket on Rob. He looks so sexy :)

Anonymous said...

is that the same vid where he puts her in kind of a headlock? proof that he likes it rough too...? yummo variety is the spice of life, right?

crazy said...

Yvonne~ I've always wondered the same. He's got to recognize at least some of what he does to women (if not men!). He's seems very perceptive; he must notice it. But how does he handle it considering his shyness and modesty? It's almost like God gave him this power or gift that maybe he doesn't know what to do with, that is foreign to him.

That said, i think THIS is the single most intruiging, sexy thing about this man..

crazy said...

TS~ yep! I love that pic where he has that huge grin!

Anonymous said...

thanks yvonne...i do love your smokin rob too

laura i vote yes for the jacket too

Suz said...

Oh dear me...
More RobSterBation (this time in HQ!)

Bootstrap Intern said...

I love these pictures of him.

crazy said...

LOL! "Robsterbation"!

crazy said...

Hi Bootstrap! Lookie who is here!

Yvonne said...

Was gone for a bit, had to take a shower....I get absolutely NOTHING done when I am here chatting with all of you lovelies.

Crazy...he is obviously very intelligent, so he HAS to know the power of this God given gift , I agree that it must be be such a foreign thing , he is definately so humble. His most attractive trait, and I hope he doesn't change.

ah hahah ahha "Robserbation" ! that is some funny shit!

Yvonne said...

oops....spelled it wrong...ROBSTERBATION...that's better

Daneh said...

has anyone noticed his hair has gone considerably darker? even his badger/stubble was a light colour, now its dark.

still sexy nonetheless! >:) thank you Gozde!

Anonymous said...

okay...i too love Robsterbation

and i'm not trying to get all geeky on you, but should it be robstUrbation? lol

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hi Crazy! Yep, I'm here getting my Rob fix for the day!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Robsturbation has now been added to my vocabulary! I love it!!!

Yvonne said...

u r too funny.:) I know , I'm a grammar geek,too. Problem is, I get all excited and type too fast and spell stuff wrong, then I look like a moron. Then I go back and fix it and look like a bigger moron.

Yvonne said...

bootstrap....it's officially a "Rob-ism" now :)

crazy said...

TS~ Hi~ You win the spelling bee for the word "robstUrbation"!!! Your prize - a luxury prize package for a week in beautiful..........Vancouver, B.C.! There you will be enjoying stalking Mr. Robert Pattinson, ultimately finding the need to "Robs----ate" because the Mounties chased you away. ;)

elaine said...

I'm w/ Christy! lol
Sad thing is I'm serious! He is so gorgeous!

crazy said...

Hey BI~ Loving the new word. Thanks to Suz, I think. Gives a name to something meaningful, ya know?
Giving a name to something brings validation and acceptance, blah, blah, blah.... (hee hee)

crazy said...

Yvonne- me too, but I fix all my typos and grammar BEFORE i post, thus taking forever to post.

I just had to respell "taking" and "typos"......see?

Yvonne said...

can't stop laughing, crazy, you crack me up girl

crazy said...

So if you're just tuning in and wondering "what's all the "buzz" about"? (winks) Robsturbation!

I just can't get enough of this "robsturbation" thing!! How the hell do I leave this dang computer now?!

Where's Suz? Leave us hanging (and squirming)why doncha!!!

Anonymous said...

crazy: i'll take that prize... beats doing it at my house nowhere near rob

did i say that?

crazy said...

TS~ Oh yes you did! But you DO have your GQ mag and a PE, no?
It'll have to do until you get to Vancouver.

Anonymous said...

yvonne: grammar geek...yet i type in all lower case?! wtf, right?

Yvonne said...

I love it! "Robsturbation", funniest thing I've heard in a loooong time, yeah, where's SUZ? This was her idea, right?

Bootstrap Intern said...

Yvonne: my list of Rob-isms is growing longer by the day. There are so many good ones!

Yvonne said...

hey TS....no kidding:)

crazy said...

TS~ and did I tell you your prize package includes a free "walk by" sighting in front of a restaurant where Rob is trying to hide behind a menu? Accomodations will be provided at a nearby luxury hotel, where you can Robs----ate in the heart shaped jacuzzi and get room service. Too much? you know how i get~

Yvonne said...

what's a PE?

Anonymous said...

aaahhh yes crazy... pe and gq. useful tools they are.

btw, wonder how long the plane ride to vancouver will be...? and how do i explain to dh that i've quit my job to become a stalker? oh well, he'll have the kids to keep him busy...

crazy said...

Yvonne- the Edward doll they sell from Twilight. He's small, so "pocket Edward". We have discussed his various functions and uses here. Oh yeah.

Anonymous said...

yvonne: busted...

PE = Pocket Edward a little Edward figure sold at Borders

crazy said...

TS! LOL!!! I'm sure the DH will understand.

p.s. why are you wondering how long the flight is? trying to figure out if you have enough time to Robs----ate in the bathroom? ;)

Bootstrap Intern said...

I think everyone needs a PE. He's a great companion.

crazy said...

I finally took him out of his plastic shell because i was getting scrafed. OH!!!!

crazy said...

VERY SORRY. is everyone over 18 here, and s------y active, or at least s------y minded? uh oh.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Crazy: It took me a while before I un-caged him! But I'm so thankful I did.

Yvonne said...

OHHHH, I actually have a PE! My mind was in the gutter, forgive me, I thought it was something else entirely. I love my little PE, got him at FYE, of course my family is ready to have me committed.

Anonymous said...

crazy...you know me so well...of course that's why i was wondering about the flight length

bi: howyoudoin'?

Yvonne said...

TS- I'll become a full-time stalker with you, when do we leave?

crazy said...

BI~ yep. But a caged animal, finally let loose.....watch out!

Anonymous said...

crazy: as if you really need to ask? lol

crazy said...

Yvonne- pray tell! what did u think a pe was?~

crazy said...

did someone just say "length"?

Anonymous said...

no, no yvonne. they will have you committed once you start taking pictures with him...believe me ;)

Bootstrap Intern said...

TS: please forgive my rudeness for not saying hello... tsk tsk. Hello!!!

Anonymous said...

length was said. and yes, innuendo intended.

full time rob stalkers...like dead heads. it's on! should we go halfsies on the vw bus?

crazy said...

TS~ yeah that sexually-minded Q was a dumb question. Rob=sex.

Dear Rob,
You actually mean way more than that to us. But for the time being, this is the topic in this focus group. Stay tuned next time when we discuss your "length", at length. ;)

Anonymous said...

bi: domward is coming to punish you


Yvonne said...

I dunno what the hell I thought a PE was....."personal something".....

crazy said...

I'm already packed for the bus. Stocked the fridge. Left the note for the family.
question: if we all robs----ate on the bus, would that be considered an orgy of sorts? Ok guys, let's be simple about this........

Yvonne said...

do we have to take a VW bus? well, ok, I guess that'll do.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Can I be a part of the stalkers club? Please oh please!!!

crazy said...

Yvonne~ maybe "personal Eden"?


a stretch?

Yvonne said...

Like I said, when do we leave?

Yvonne said...

crazy- those are good guesses..I have no idea what I was thinking.

crazy said...

We HAVE to have Bootstrap on the bus!!! duh!

Whoever doesn't have a PE or GQ has to drive. We can't have a driver who may be under the influence (of Rob).

Yvonne said...

bootsrap- all Rob-fans welcome :) Sounds like a peachy keen good time, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

we'll leave as soon i grab my essentials...gq, pe and gas money

of course you're in bi. wouldn't be the same without ya!

Yvonne said...

I think we all have a PE and a GQ, so we'll have to take turns. DRIVING , that is.

crazy said...

"whoever"? yikes.

Bus can't leave until we all calm ourselves.

crazy said...

Yvonne- take turns LOL!

Anonymous said...

aaahhh crap! gotta go girls... :(

talk to you soon! don't forget to swing by indiana to pick me up. i'll be the one on the corner with a magazine and a doll looking all starry-eyed and smiling

crazy said...

TS~ we don't need any food. Rob will fulfill all our most crucial bodily needs.

Rob, dear, no pressure. Just be yourself. "seriously".

Bootstrap Intern said...

I'm ready when y'all are. My gq and pe are already packed.

crazy said...

TS~ see ya there!!!

Yvonne said...

calm ourselves?...ain't gonna happen. Maybe we should postpone the trip? Maybe we should fly. Like now. When do we leave?

Yvonne said...

shit, on the corner w/ a magazine and a doll.....LMAO!

crazy said...

Ill rent the bus. I'm in NJ and we'll go cross country on "the Robsess Tour". If we pick up more Robsessors on the way, we can split the gas, but I'm not sharing my GQ and PE!!!! That's where I draw the line!

Yvonne said...

I gotta go , too....this has been LOADS of fun girls! Luv ya...ttyl, prob tonight :)

Bootstrap Intern said...

"I'm not sharing my GQ and PE!!!! That's where I draw the line!"

I concur!

crazy said...

Y~ bus is more fun. It'll be like foreplay, it makes the "trip" last longer" and we'll be good and worked up for Rob when we come. ahem.

crazy said...

i;m disgusting.

crazy said...

Ie got to go too. been procrastinating. BY Yvonne and Bootstrap. Try and come back later~

Bootstrap Intern said...

I'm outta here too ladies. We'll talk again soon.

crazy said...

see ya later BI :)

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Crazy, Thirty~

Will you guys be coming my way to visit Rob (LA is the one place you can count on him)? Or will you go to Vancouver straight away and then down my way when he's done shooting? There's plenty of room in my back yard for a tent as well as a large roofed shelter with a concrete floor. It is fenced in for privacy. It has been in the 70s here.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Chicago Girl - they will have to pass thru LA to pick me up. So pack your stuff!

Silmarienn said...

he is really beautiful :)

Shani said...

Grey looks so good on him and his hair was perfect that day. I loved that behind the scenes video of their photo shoot.

Suz said...

Does "RobsterBation make me an Offical RobKaT????

Oh pretty please!

Suz said...

ladies.. I love you, too..but dang with all this Robsterbation.. I do have to work a few hours a day...

Be back soon! I promise...


Suz<-------takes her 15 mins of fame!

Emily said...

sry Goz, I realized afterwards that I had put the wrong email.
The important thing is that my mail got through though, right? :)

'Robsturbation', haha, good one! And here I thought I'd heard them all...

crazy said...

Suz~ Just try to figure out a way to Robsturbate at work and you'll be golden ;)

Chicago~ We'll be making our way, out to LA :)
Damn! Now you have me wonderin what Rob looks like pitching a tent. Thanks alot!! :/

crazy said...

ugh! I can't believe the things that come out of mouth (so to speak)! Just know I NEVER TALK like this, honestly!
It's just that it feel safe here to say funny things such as this (assuming, like a complete ass that it's sometimes funny :/).

God I sure hope Rob and his family don't read my stupid comments. Yikes!

crazy said...

ugh! I can't believe the things that come out of mouth (so to speak)! Just know I NEVER TALK like this, honestly!
It's just that it feel safe here to say funny things such as this (assuming, like a complete ass that it's sometimes funny :/).

God I sure hope Rob and his family don't read my stupid comments. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

chicago: a tent will be pitched in the back yard when we arrive with rob...believe me

and shani...i said those exact words to myself about rob in grey

Anonymous said...

suz: you deserve an award for robsturbation. go ahead and take a bow...can't wait to hear the acceptance speech.

p.s. ilooove your avatar

Anonymous said...

Hi folks, I'm new here. I'm a brazilian fan. I love your comments. I love Rpattz and this blog. These pics are adorable. I like them so much.

P.S: sorry if I wrote something wrong. rsss My english is poor.

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