I don't like manips and don't like these either but I received the first one at least 10 times today so I thought I should make a post and say that these pictures are NOT REAL. They are very good photoshopped pictures. I like the real thing :)

By the way this one is a manip as well. NOT Rob's body. Look at the hands :)
GAH I JUST stared at that top manip with my mouth hanging open for about 10 minutes......
quite possibly the best manip i have come across.....
(of course never as good as the new moon poster one)
Definitely NOT his nipples... We have the Zygote photo's to prove it... (feeling a bit sick for looking that closely)
Thank you for posting these! I prefer the real thing myself - and DEFINITELY prefer the real hands...*gah*
I totally agree Gozde...ain't 'nuthin like the real thing, baby!
yeah Mixxy I arge...those hand are ugh! He's are like perfect and beautiful!
ha I meant to say "agree"
Oh hot damn! The first one is orgasmic! hahaha
The hands creep me out in the second one. They can't compare to Rob's sexy "flappers". LOL
That first one, the face, the look... Oh, my G.(spot). But, the rest, definitely NOT ROB, horrible nipples, no chest hair... irc!
I don't get why people photoshop his face on different bodies. His body is fine just the way it is...
The second manip creeps me out. Those hands simply do not belong with that face. Rob's hands are amazing...those fingers look a bit stubby if you ask me. :-)
I agree Rob's hands are much nicer. I guess his nipple is too? Tess, I'll take your word on that one.
Yeah, Rob's chest and hands is way better. They can't duplicate yummyness (that's not a word)... :p
where can i find the original pictures of Rob, which these fakes are based on????? thanx!!
EWWW to the hands in the first pic. Not my Rob.
oops I mean second pic. hahaha! Rob gets me all flustered!
Shame that the second pic is a manip cos I like it but yep I do NOT care for manips of Rob, I preger the real deal.
can anybody tell us where we can find the originals photos please???? mostly the first one! thanks
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