Take it with a truck load of salt as most the rag mags like this are made of bullsh*t.

Oh I can hear the panties dropping now, and oh yes the ever popular hair do.
Ummm so Rob has been doing what my parents have told me to do all along. BE YOURSELF! Yup...seems as if it works and the secret is OUT!!!
Thanks to our wonderful affiliate Spunk_Ransom for the scans.

These "tricks" are straight out of the mouth of Kellan Lutz when he was asked what the ladies saw in Rob Pattinson. He said, he lowers his head all shy like and they love it.
I think Julia works for these rags...
steals and rehashes...
B O R I N G !
LOL, Anon and Suz, exactly!
wow this was halarious i mean leave the guy alone lol
I don't know that Rob has any "tricks." He is admittedly shy; therefore, that should continue to work for him as it's not a gimmick. Lots of women like modest, creative, hard-working guys. No gimmicks there...just Rob.
It's kinda funny on the cover there.
Did Jennifer Aniston get knocked up by Robert Pattinson. He has that affect on people.
KK! Hi!
I like HARD (-working) guys!
Sorry, I can´t control myself... wonder why...
KK - That's exactly what I was thinking... It's not really a "gimmick" if he's just being himself. They make it seem like Rob is putting on an act, and purposely acting shy to get girls when in actuality he's just being REAL. Imagine that. Apparently being REAL in Hollywood is newsworthy :)
I wanna punch Ryan Seacrest.
ryan seacrest is a PRICK!
he is just jealous that no one swoons over him...unlike ROB who dazzles anyone with any ounce of common sense...come on now! : )
i LOVE that picture of rob! pure sex and unicorns!
His tricks to get the girls? Uh stand there. As if he needs to do anything else!
Goz- I know "be yourself" what a concept....*EVIL GRIN*
Oops, sorry Dani not Goz.
"be yourself" the age old trick, you are SOOO smart rob! love that the can sell mags based off that! oh and his face :)
Dani - I love your comments :)
My sweet, sweet Tom ~
Do not fear the roaming eye.
The butterfly,
the word,
the furtive light
in through the keyhole,
will not wound you.
As my heart is,
so you are,
my mirror.
Garden where my love
is waiting.
Sleep easy,
but awaken
when the last kiss dies against
my lips."
["Berceuse for a Sleeping Mirror"
- Lorca]
My Tom, I will awaken early and hope you will be there with my kisses dying against your lips ...
So sorry this posted twice. My internet connection has been very unpredictable tonight. Once again, I apologize ...
My Tom, if you see this, please contact me at:
I will not return to this site. I miss you ...
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