GQ in HQ Need I say More?

Click, enlarge, drool!


Thanks to [info]tigress35 for the scans :)) She posted these in Pattinson Life.


...wowie! said...

I LOOOOOOOVE you for posting these!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Jesus, Gozde! You are the BEST! What a way to start the day ;)

...wowie! said...

Sweet Jesus. I. Can't. Stop.

Gozde said...

Nope tigress is the best for scanning these :)

I can't stop either wowie!

Ellie said...

Oh, shit, how am I supposed to teach, now?
One look at these and the banner and voila! Panties gone and I'm a puddle on the ground! *drools incessantly

Thank you Goz and tigress...xo.

crazy said...

Jesus, God, Lord, why did you do this to me?! All I can do at this point is just try and crawl back to bed, breathless and weak. After I look again.

Anonymous said...

i really need a well blended desktop wallpaper of the GQ pics!!!! that would be so awesome

crazy said...

Panties - gone. Where'd they go - I don't know. They just blew off my ass!

Anonymous said...

Oooohhhh, Gozde, you just posted my FAVORITE picture on the banner! Gazillion thanks, gal! Good grief, work is now totally out of the question ;)



Gozde said...

LMAO :)) It is my pleasure :P

crazy said...

TS~ where the hell are ya, chickie!!! And the rest of you too. Look at these, all large and all!!
I stayed up last night til about 2:00. Couldn't sleep and you guys blew me off ( ;) ), so I went back to reading Little Women. Do you believe that?

crazy said...

Smitten - were you the one i was talking about the standing Pic to?

lovindashow said...

Gozde. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Crazy, you are SO funny!!! I was just thinking the same thing...


Hey, Gozde ~ on a more serious note ... is there any confirmation of the Inquirer story about Rob injured on the set of New Moon?

Melissa said...


How in the hell am I supposed to function after this?? Simply cannot be done. I may need to call in sick today....just sayin'...


Love the banner as well.

Thanks for posting, Goz!xoxo

Anonymous said...

Crazy, if it was o'dark thirty ... then probably "yes". But I was so far gone by then I have no idea WHAT I was doing; I just remember vibrating all the way to bed, thanks to ya'll.

[I didn't get home from work until late, late last night. Monday is usually a looonnnggg day for me]

crazy said...

LMAO! Did you just say vibrating all the way to bed/??

Do you have one that's "for the road?" Great idea! Gotta get me one of those. Best be sure to wear my laminated panties.

SOPHIA~ were you the one who something subliminal in the lying down pic??? HUH?

Gals - see what I mean? Sorry to offend Rob, byt it's your own damn fault for being so effin HOT, baby!

angel said...

i need to control myself for the biggest squeeeeeeeeeel yet coz i'm still at work...
love u gozde!!!!!!!!!!!
u sure know how to make heart leap... ;D
*sigh* again...

Anonymous said...

Hey, Crazy, yeah I think it MUST have been Sophia who said that about Rob's thumb 'cause we were talking about that damn planaria drawing on the biology classroom board ... Now, I'm done for 'cause every time I see this pic THAT'S what I think about. Suddenly he's VERY VISUAL, ya' know???

PS the ones 'for the road' are the BEST *snicker*

Anonymous said...

Now I understand why the Singapor cover of GQ sais "unsuitable for the young".....; I can't stop thinking unsuitable things looking at these pictures..!

crazy said...

Smutten, I mean Smitten~

GQ did this to us on purpose! Uhhh...I'll be picturing him all effin day, while I have to be with my mother. Ick.

Melanie said...

When I clicked on your site this morning and saw that huge picture my heart stopped! What a great way to start the day. :)

crazy said...

He's QUITE suitable for me. Let me at him, let me at him! Grrrrrrrr. God help me.

marina mia said...

holy crap gozde! now that is a banner!

Gozde said...

Oh God. Y'all are cracking me up :)) Let me at him! lol

Smitten: No word on the injury so I am thinking it's false :)

Anonymous said...

Me too, Crazy ... "let me at him" (seriously)

Geez, this is ridiculous ... I have a really great job and here I sit obsessing AGAIN ... If I don't get my ass in to work I'm gonna get fired! Ah, shucks, gotta go get dressed. You ladies have a fabulous day ... thanks for the fun ~ talk to you later.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Goz, about the injury. Now I can relax a bit.

Tess said...

Oh My Goodness...

#3 - Save a horse, ride a cowboy..

crazy said...

Later, Smitten. Off to Robsess while pretending to listen to my mother.

crazy said...

Anon~ LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Crazy and Smitten, hello.

You, girls, really think I am THAT DIRTY, don't you? YOU BET! Yes, it was me... What is he holding there???

Rob, lover, need my help with this? Man, I could make you forget your own name... Believe me, I would do my worst...

Oh, Gozde, I have work to do today...

crazy said...

Tess - good one! LOL!

Gozde said...

Anon: I agree :)

Anonymous said...

Usually I just lurk here several times a day but that gigantic banner nearly made me spit me cuppa over the screen. I had to say something...You, Gozde are a godess and need saintifying or something.

next time you do something like that you should post a warning first and tell us to make sure we have no liquids anywhere near the screen.

My poor lappie takes enough abuse as it is!

crazy said...

Sophia - i knew it. You now have a reputation for being a very, very, dirrrrty girl! Unlike me, of course. Clean as a whistle.

Good luck accomplishing anything!You'd need a lobotomy first.

Gozde said...

Mads :)) I would think you should have known by now, you never know what's gonna greet you at Robsessed :))

I don't want to be a saint. I want to be really really bad and do bad things to Rob! Gah!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Sophia !
So sorry I gotta go to work, this is too much fun ;)

Thanks, Crazy, have a great day with your mom ...

Goz, PLEASE, leave this banner up for awhile *drool*

Love you all :) Bye 'til later.

Anonymous said...

Crazy, you would be right next to me for the lobotomy... "Clean as a whistle"??

Hey, tell you mom to get in the site and read our comments! She might enjoy, you know... Give the woman a chance for some more fun...

Anonymous said...

Gozde, I was thinking...

Don't you, by any chance, have this exact pic with Rob naked? Well, you know, I'm not thinking of me... no, no, no, but, really, "the girls" would love it!

crazy said...

Sophia - maybe not so clean ;)

Actually, I showed my 70 year old mother a pic of Rob weeks ago. I'm not kidding here - she said "oh. wow! hmmm" See where I get it from? I was doomed from the start.

Can't get the standing pic out of my head!

Tenneil said...

Gozde, after a twilight filled weekend you bring the other best thing to last week up... and you can even blow him up...*WINK* You girl have amazing skillzz.. Goz are you talking dirty this morning?
and are we standing in line to get at'em!! wheres my number!!!
Thanks for the Rob love today girl!!and all the goodies that come with it!! damn did I say come!!! yep sure did!!!
Crazy & Smitten and everyone else Good rob morning to ya!!

angel said...

@ sophia -
I'll be one if "that girls"... ;P
with that huge banner, i can't stop wishing he is "partly" naked...

Anonymous said...

That man is seriously BEAUTIFUL!

Anonymous said...

Gozde, ok no saintifying. I want to do the worst and best things to him too.

I know I always hold my breath when I load the page cos I never know what goodies you have in store...but this one...

Jesus. WEPT.

Good job one of the lovelies from Twilighted is sending me the GQ for real. Then I can bring it to bed with me...and stuff ;)

Anonymous said...

crazy: honey, i'm hoooome! blew you off (?)... never! little that what we're calling ff now? send me the link to that one...and you threw out my dirrrrty Rob...well played

goz: banner = saucy...thank you!

Tenneil said...

TS~ hey lady!!! working hard i see??

Anonymous said...

Girls, really! I have to work!

Can't stop thinking of that man naked! I am ripping those black jeans up with my teeth!!

Crazy is right. I need that lobotomy. Or, maybe, I should call my Bf and demand his presence here immediately! In black jeans...

Gozde said...

Me? Talking dirty? Never! lol :))

Rose said...

The first word that comes to mind?
How many different ways are these pictures going to torture me?

Rose said...

Hey Goz :)

Excellent banner, btw....

Gozde said...

I do have the naked version that Rob sent me but I promised not to share :) It's for my eyes only :P

Tenneil said...

Rose~ death by Rob what a way to go!!!

WinWin said...

Good morning ladies, I missed you guys last night. I was so exhausted after my dvd marathon that I crashed last night putting my daughter to sleep.

What a way to start my morning!! Yummy!!! Thanks Godze for posting.

I don't know how I'm going to get any work done today. Must stay away. Will come play later.

Good morning, Crazy. You always make me smile. later.

Anonymous said...

T: don't throw out words like "hard" when i'm drooling over Rob, k? it makes my heart stop.

rose: that is the sensored version of my word...

Tenneil said...

Goz...naked Rob certainly do have the hook up.... lucky girl!! hee hee

Anonymous said...

T: death by Rob...yes, go ahead and smother me baby...

Rose said...

Tenneil...sometimes I think death would be easier to deal with...
I'm fucking overwhelmed.

Anonymous said...

Gozde, I CAN KEEP A SECRET! What if I you just send THAT TREASURE to my e-mail?

Anonymous said...

Gozde, I recently found your site and it has quickly become my favorite! Thanks for the great pics and articles and all the work.

I know for a fact that I am too old to be obsessing about this YOUNG man...but oh my oh my oh my.. they don't make em like that often! Makes you want to just hug his mom and dad and say thanks!

Keep up the great work! And thanks for all the smiles you have provided me!

Anonymous said...

His look in that banner... it is like he is saying:

"Sophia, help me here..."

In a sex, ops, sec, lover!

Tenneil said...

Rose~ rob overload??? he is painfully the most beautiful man alive... I have days where I would agree with you!!!

TS you dirrrty girl!!

DOC back soon!!

Gozde said...

It is my pleasure Kelly, literally pleasure :))

And I am too old to have a website called Robsessed and too old to be obsessing over him but I just don't give a damn! :)

Anonymous said...

Alana - I made a wallpaper with 5 of the GQ pics blended last night....but I am not sure how to get ahold of you......

crazy said...

Girls~ a phone call threw off my eading out the door, so it made it necessary to check in again.

TS~ uhhh. Little Women back on hold again, fo sho!

Winwin: that makes 2 "makes me smile". I feel honored!

Hi Tenneil!!! miss ya too!

don't think i'd ever want to see a naked picture of Rob. I would surely have a heart attack. , maybe it would be worth it? thoughtBut maybe it woulyld

Brandy said...

I LOOOOOOVEEEEEEE the new banner! WOW! Way to start a morning. ;)

Anonymous said...

Well thanks for feeding my obsession! I don't really give a damn either.. trust me..

crazy said...

Goz ~ do me a huge favor and don't post this porn until nighttime. I can't function and get on with my day!!! just kiddin' sorta ;)

crazy said...

(looking in the mirror) Crazy, you have a life to live. You are a grown woman who has will power. You can wait until later in the day to Robsess. He's not going anywhere.

Heading out the door while i still have the strength. G'day ladies!

Anonymous said...

GRrrraou !!!

(that's pretty much the sound I made when I opened these. Then I started drooling and scratching the screen, but it's not as easy to transcribe)

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, what you've done to me! What a way to start my day! I don't know how I'm going to pick myself up after this, oh well guess I'll just have to obsess for the rest if the day! What that man does to me!

Anonymous said...

crazy: stop kidding yourself...we're all in deep. no life really exists outside of Robsessing. really though, have a good time with your momma whilst grinning from ear to ear and chuckling internally thinking about seeing these pics again later.

lb: my sound was more like Ffuuuuuuhhhhk

Kate said...

Oh Goz you are a very, very bold woman for putting these up. I think you may have to be sent to the naughty room !!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

ts: 'Ffuuuuhhhhk' is the sound I make everytime I look at your avatar. So it was already taken.

Anonymous said...

lb: same here...but it's followed by "ME" then

Anonymous said...

fair enough!

Mixxy said...

Oh, thank you!!!! When I went to the site, that banner made me catch my breath. He is just so beautiful. I agree...painfully beautiful.

Emmes said...

wow! is it me or is there a hell of a lot of teenage hormonal adrenaline in this girls rock!

Anonymous said...

OMG is all I can say!! He is incredibly gorgeous and sexy! I keep a copy of GQ in my car. What is wrong w/ me???

Thanks, girls.

lostinphilly said...

WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO US????? nO, We LOVE it!!! Oh, shit, more laundry! And its all my laundry, not my kids!!!Already ran out of clean panties. All I can say is HOT DAMN! Good lord, you are killing me (but I'm enjoying all of it) Wants me some Rob in those tight black Prada jeans so that I can peel them off of him!!!!!

margot said...

Actually, I think I experienced my lobotomy the moment I saw Rob, so there is no further hope of radicall treatment whatsoever :))))

If the poor kid is reading all this stuff .... no wonder he remains single...

Anonymous said...

I think the hormonal adrenaline went WAY PAST the teenage stage quite awhile ago!


This is the ADULT hormonal adrenaline we're afflicted with ;) Lord help us all.

Anonymous said...

I NEED my Rob GQ white T-shirt, pleaseeee.... me likey:P

How I would love to rip it off him!!

Really, WTF was going on at the photo shoot to make him lie down and look like he was about to jack off...GQ need to break out the behind the sceens video for real.

Goz- Either way I just hope he is being taken care of. Because you know his stubborn.

Goz- Me to really,really, bad,dirty,and disturbing mind blowing shit. Did I say blowing? Ohhhh yeahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no Teen hormonal adrenaline going on here. We know how to satisfy our man Rob. Ain't that right bb. :P WINK

Anonymous said...

I meant to say 'lay' not 'lie'.
See my brain in already gone. Hell it's been gone for months now.

Anonymous said...

Damn 'is' not 'in'. Goz you have killed me. DOA....

margot said...

Shani : calm down sweetie :)))))) haven't you figured out yet that you are not the only one with her mind procupied these days ? so, easy ...

Anonymous said...

Lostinphilly, you are a riot! I'm rolling on the floor in laughter ;) I did my laundry Sunday and I'm sure I'll be doing it again VERY SOON. OMG!!!

Anonymous said...

Margot- Sorry when I Robsess I forget about eveyone else.


Hey RP if your reading!!!!

crazy said...

OMG I just got back in and catching up on the blog. Wow, what fun we are having guys are crazed! LMAO!

These pics, Goz...just the way we like our Rob: all up close and large and everything. mmmmmmmmmmm.

margot said...

roftl ... I was just to use my body lotion after bath while watching Womenizer clip (YouTube) with Rob (watching it for the very first time) and I spilt it on my hands and happily all over my desk ... doesn't it mean anything/something ? God, I'm laughing like a mad squirrel

Laura said...

I literally yelled out "Oh my God!" when I clicked on the first pic.

The ciggie pics get the panties droppin every time.

Anonymous said...

Laura, you got me laughing so hard :) Yeah, who needs f**kin' panties anyway!

I hate cigs! Why, oh WHY, does he look SO HOT with one???

kchambers77 said...

first time posting. mostly lurk. i live in new orleans and went to the cvs on canal street on my lunch break and then DAMN there he was staring at me on the magazine rack. if you think the pics are drool worthy read the article. he is just so awesome.

xoxox 31 year old chick who thinks robert pattinson is hot.

Anonymous said...

Hey, kchambers77 ~
Welcome! Glad you posted but sorry everyone moved to another thread before getting to know you. (We often move to the shortest thread to make refreshing the computer quicker) Hope you'll join us again soon ;)

love said...

im in love. my fiancee just got me the GQ magazine lol. hes so silly everytime theres a magazine with Rob on it I get a call saying ,"do I have to get you this one" lol

Anonymous said...

Well butter my butt and call me a biscut (: THIS is the BEST site ever ! PLEASE find more and blow them up ! how am I supposed to go to school and focus with these in my mind all day ?! How about you let me at him , GOODNESS ! he is like a england god sculpted with the putty and marble from heaven . Just thinking about him makes me want to throw a sombrero on my head and dance around !

Anonymous said...

BTW : I have rob posters all over the place , my dad doesnt even like to come in my room (:

I want someone just like ROB !
claudia ! come back to me !!!

*laughs* If you understand the claudia thing Your a true fan (:

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