Rob Stinks? I am SHOCKED!

Okay don't jump on me for this :)

From Ted Casablanca on E!
What do Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves and Robert Pattinson all have in common? Besides being completely doable, they all share one very yucky habit.

We got word from people hotly preparing to work up in Vancouver for New Moon that Rob P. causes quite the commotion on set. No, not from sneaking Kristen Stewart into his trailer. It's much, much dirtier, folks...

"He stinks. I mean, it's awful. He never showers, and it drives people on the set crazy," dishes someone who works in very close quarters with Patz. Apparently, our shaggy love never rinses that bod of his. Like, ever. And it's past the point of a little BO. "He completely reeks," complains an annoyed crewmember.

It's one of the biggest turnoffs ever—to have a sexy stud shower you with dandruff and odor instead of steamy kisses. Please, babe, learn the art of a little body wash and maybe you can date your costars, which is what all us fans and gossips want anyway, right?

Gozde: It is probably exaggerated but are you shocked? I'm not. I mean NOONE can wear the same t-shirt and jeans for 10 days, smoke and smell heavenly :)) Is he less attractive? Hell no! It's not like I'm ever going to get a whiff of him anyways :)

On another note I have friends that met him and not a single one said he smells :)


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Anonymous said...

I won't believe it.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry , but I believe this to be a load of crap! No, BIG load of crap - HUGE load of crap - GINORMOUS load of crap. Especially on the set when he's doing a movie. I'm sure he showers. He may smell like smoke, his clothes may be a bit 'musty' - but smelly - no.

Anonymous said...

OH, and Ted Casablanca is an asshole. Excuse my French. Wait, that wasn't french. Um..Ted is a LA ASSHOLE - excuse the French.

Anonymous said...

I can kind of believe it but its probably a total exageration.
He probably smells a little bit but not THAT much. I'm sure he showers when he's working!

Anonymous said...

I am sure if he did indeed stink we would have heard about it by now.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I should vaguely care... hmmm... yeah, no, I really don't!!

Jewels64 said...

And Laura the MTV blogger who did those incredibly cute interviews with Rob said he smelled great!!

Anonymous said...

Load of crap... They must write or say something, especially about someone who doesn't give a themes for gossips.

And... who cares.. we can show him how to take a shower, right girls? ;)

Mixxy said...

I'm not biting...well, I would bite Rob, but not this story. He's been around a LOT of people in the past year, and I think we would've heard more before now. I refuse to believe it and like was said, I'll never be close enough to smell him anyway.

Anonymous said...

Well in the interview of Rob & Kristen when they were promoting Twilight back in Nov.2008 in Paris,France Kristen was asked what she disliked or annoyed her the most of Robert Patttinson and she said HIS SMELL! its on YouTube.
I still don't care though...I LOVE him! I'll bathe him if I have to or shower with him! Awww...

Anonymous said...

Well, I already saw him saying in interviews that he doesn't know how to use the washing machine...

Rob, lover, you don't know how to "turn on" the washing machine?? Man, but you turn ME on so easily... I don't believe you stink, no, no, no... but I do believe you repeat the same clothes very often. So what? Who cares? I don't. I could take you naked!!! And we could take that bath/withlotsof"scrubs" & everything together.

My birthday is coming... I want a bath together, lover. Come on...

Anonymous said...

May just be the gossipers looking to get a response from him. He never seems to respond to any of the garbage they write and it probably drives them crazy.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Godze - I agree with you. He wears the same clothes day after day. Being a 22 year old guy, he probably just gives them the sniff test. I teach a lot of guys his age who wear the same clothes and although I know they shower, their clothes hold scent. The question is, why does it matter? It doesn't mean Rob is any less cool or likable. He is kind of an earthy guy who doesn't seem overly concerned about his appearance unless forced to be. I have visions of him hating being dressed up and styled. Maybe the lucky few who've met him have caught him on good days. I don't know. Americans can be very sensitive to smell. Every time I've been to Europe, smells have seemed stronger to me: body smells, city smells, food smells...This doesn't mean Rob has poor hygeine. I don't know what kind of hygeine he has and don't really care. He's just Rob, however he chooses to be.

That being said, I don't put a lot of stock in Ted Casablanca printing anything.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe it's that bad. He said in the Jay Leno interview that he showers, just that he doesn't bother with the hair all that much. He has admitted to musty clothes and cigarette smoke for the lack of time to have them laundered. I think he just likes to have people on with the whole lack of hygene talk. It cracks me up.
He's a dirty dirty man. Let me at him. Stupid crew member. I'll take your job gladly. To be that close, stench or not I wouldn't complain.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous: Are you sure she wasn't joking? Kristen said in an interview Rob's hair smells great.

~MindyMc said...

Ok, how much do we love this man? He is so REAL! Why do these types of articles make me love him even more? We sat 8 feet away from him in Austin for 30+ minutes - if he smelled THAT bad wouldn't it have wafted:) I volunteer to give him a smell check!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Oh, and the "sniff" test for guys often has very low criteria. HA!

Anonymous said...

Not in a million years do I believe THAT one! That whole thing is just a load of garbage. I hate gossip junk.

I'm gonna try to find the link to the interview where Kristen is asked seriously if he has bad hygiene and she says he smells just fine. Yeah, I know about the French one ... I saw it but honestly they were kidding around with each other. This is really getting hurtful to our guy. I can't abide that.

Anonymous said...

Good point KK - my bf is American and when we're out he's always complaining about BO I can't even smell! (drives me insane, btw)

Anon - what you're going for is: Ted is un enfoiré. Just saying, and excuse my French too :-)

crazy said...

That's BS. Out of my love for Rob, I refuse to speculate about his hygiene, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Did you ladies see this?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Hey, Crazy - Well said.

Anonymous said...

This is funny.
I bet they are starting this to a long with the never washing hair comment he made. He has pointed out many times that he showers everday...he just doesn't like to wash his hair everyday. I call b.s. But it's really funny lol.

kristen said...

Yeah, this sounds like a bit of an exaggeration, but at the same time, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't smell especially fresh & clean... Afterall, we know that he's a dirty dirty boy who enjoys wearing the same clothes repeatedly and who doesn't wash his hair often.

But I agree w/ Anon - I would imagine he would smell more like stale cigarettes and 'musty' than he would smell like BO. And I also agree that Ted Casablanca is a giant asshole and gossip whore.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so Rob doesn't know how to use a washing machine?! Hell, I'll show him a couple tricks... he he...

Anonymous said...

Hey, Crazy! Glad you're back! I'm at work and not getting a darn thing done today. No hope for me ;)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I made the mistake of checking out this site before I do some work, and now I'm right back in the middle of a shitstorm again!

Hey, if we found out that Rob left the toilet seat up, the cap off the toothpaste, his dirty underwear on the floor and one sip of milk left in the container...would we love him anyway? I'm betting...yes.

Anonymous said...

And Rachelle Lefevre said that the t-shirt Rob claimed to have worn "pretty much for the last three weeks" smelled "a little musty, maybe a couple of days old but nothing hard core." (And she had to sniff twice after he said it was musty.)

Anonymous said...

Hey, girls, I could check that out for you...

Just send him to Brazil, then I promise to tell you everything about his smell & whatever you would like to know. I am serious! Come on, send him to me!!! With his old clothes, it is ok, or those black jeans. Just fine, anyway...

Come, Rob, lover, let me "sniff" you...

crazy said...

Hi KK and Smitten!! Why did I come back here now? I have to cook! Crap. Hope everybody isn't too hungry.......

Everything about Rob is wonderful and delicious, right? nuff said.

Mixxy said...

Not sure if the fakerpattz Twitter ID is him, but this was an interesting exchange between he and FakeManagerNick:

Nick: The gossip columns are saying you smell. when was the last time you showered? You know the hotel will wash your clothes, right?

Pattz: They will? Nikki told me you had to wash your own clothes in the sink. So I never washed mine. Bitch.

Nick: When will you learn? NEVER believe anything Nikki tells you!

I don't know if that's really them or not, but they are hilarious to read.

Anonymous said...

Hey, KK!

I would not mind his dirty underwear on my floor!! No, no, no...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Sophia - Especially if you put it there, right? (wink)

crazy said...

Hiya Sophia!

GIRLS- funny thing happened on my way to my mother's today... I was so Robsessed when I left here this morning, i got on the wrong highway and got lost! going to my own mother's house! I have no business being on the road in this state.

Anonymous said...

God... That's crap !! By the way, didn't Rob say in the GQ interview that he said once he didn't shower all the time or that he always wore the same clothes, and that then, everybody made a huge thing of it and exagerated it??
Anyway, even if he smells or not (and I think he does NOT) that's Rob... You know what I mean ;)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Actually, Rob is partly responsible for his "dirty" reputation because he's mentioned his hygeine (or lack of it) several times. On a slow news day, anything sells papers I guess.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous: The link doesn't work it got cut off. Why don't you just use HTML-tags to link something? For example:

Have you ladies see (a href="")this(/a)?

Just use < > instead of ( ).

Gozde said...

Mixxy: fakerpattz is NOT Rob, definitely %100 not Rob :))

I'm going to bed ladies! Y'all have fun!

Nite nite!

Anonymous said...

like i really care how bad he smells...i'm not gonna kick him outta bed for it...i'll give him a kitten know lick him clean

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying he is always perfect, but this anonymous source suppositely close to the actor is suspicious... Is it the same one who claims that Kristen doesn't want to be in the same room as rob unless she has to? Or the one who claims that Kris and Rob are back on?

Rob has disepeared from everybody's radar, and it has been a while... So they are making up stories to have something to say about him now. How lame!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

thirtysomething - I for...a..."kitten bath"...Yikes :)

Anonymous said...

KK! I would put it there WITH MY TEETH!

Crazy, I do that very often while driving. Always too busy Robsessing, thinking of that black jeans, of his hands holding "it" in the black jeans, his jaws in the kissing scenes, his concentration face, etc., etc., harmless things, and listening Rob singing in my car...


Anonymous said...

kk: rawr! happy to create a visual for you... and me :D

Mixxy said...

Thanks, Goz! I was afraid of that, but it's still very entertaining to read! :) I knew that kinda went against the way he is. Thanks for clarifying!

lostinphilly said...

Ted is just a jealous asshole! It's probably exaggerated but even if Rob did smell a little (from cigarettes or musty unwashed clothes)we still love him, right girls?? I personally don't care if he smelled or not, I'd still do him!!I'm sure we all feel that way, so Ted: "Go **** yourself, WE DON'T CARE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Honey, I honestly dont care if he smells like s***! I still think he's the sexiest man on this planet! ...and if he wanted..I could give him a "special" bath!

From Greece with love!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever smelled your own clothes after being in a smokey bar? Eeeewwwww, I take them off in the laundry room. By the 3rd day those smokey clothes could be a hazard to those with asthma, lmao.
He should invest in some more clothes. Then ask the other cast how they get there clothes clean. I bet someone does it for them. It could be a defensive move. Keeps everyone away from him.
He's still the hottest man on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like jealousy to me...

crazy said...

TS~ Kitten bath, wow! That's one for the Robdreams, oh yeah!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I still don't think he really cares about what clothes he wears. He could easily buy more. He could easily pay someone to buy more for him. Rob reminds me of Einstein who wore the same thing day after day so that he could concentrate on more important things like his work!

Personally, I love this aspect of Rob's personality because he seems to place value on things that are really important. Oh what the hell do I know? Maybe he's lazy...

crazy said...

wow - Greece- cool!!! Hello!

crazy said...

Talk later girls - dinner time~~~~

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I'm signing off too, ladies. I have a bunch of teachers to train on Thurs. and Fri. and have yet to get my sh*t together to do it.

I might work so hard that I wear the same clothes two days in a row. THE HORROR! :) Take care!

Anonymous said...

Ted Casablanca is doing this on purpose, to get fans riled up. This is the way he gets his jollies. He is just a bitter old bitch.

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of one fan who hugged Rob say that he smelled.

Anonymous said...

I DON'T believe it. I can believe he smells like smoke and maybe his clothes smell a little musty like Rachelle said when she took a whiff, but nothing hardcore as she said. He doesn't REEK.

I DO believe that now that he is so hugely loved and adored, people are JEALOUS and want to knock him down big time. He knew that was going to happen.

Anonymous said...

i believe it, even the GQ interviewer said that he smelled like he just got his clothes from a homeless person. but i dont care because he is just HOT. but maybe that is why he does not find love onscreen because they know something that we dont. i think that it is funny. i hope that he doesnt change, if thats the way he likes to be. i heard matthew mccaugney (dont know about the spelling) does not use deodorant and mainly showers when he is surfing, i guess its a man thing.

hornycorn hag said...

What the hell, for the good of the team, I'll sacrifice.....

Just send him over and I'll give him a nice warm shower. Then it will all be good.

TwiHartRK said...

Nite Goz -Thanks! I agree KK. I've heard Rob say in interviews he doesn't wash or change his clothes - who cares?!!? He looks great greasy hair or not - I wouldn't kick him outta bed for not showering; maybe just into the shower to give him a thorough cleaning... This probably exaggerated. Like Ted would ever do THAT?!?

Here's a cute video of Rob and Rachelle - she sniffs him at the end around 4:50.

Anonymous said...

That French TV programme "La boite à idées" is not to be taken seriously, it's the fun part of that show.
Ted Casablanca has been talking out of his a** for 12 years now.
Anyway, it would be a delight to put Rob in the bath and clean him up.

Melissa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa said...

I don't care what he smells like. I wouldn't kick him outta bed. EVER. He can sprinkle his dandruff all over my pillows and I wouldn't think twice about it. Shit, I would HELP him shower.

Anonymous said...

It's like what he said in the GQ interview.
About how he made a joke about not washing his hair and now everyone thinks it's true and takes it overbaord and out of context.
Seriously, get over the hygiene issue and talk about more serious aspects, like his acting career maybe.
(aimed at press, not you robsessed<3)

Anonymous said...

Oh well even if he does smell I'd still do him...he is do-able in every way haha! =D
Dirty Sexy..Mmmm!!! =D

Anonymous said...

A few things;
1)Rob needs help to do his laundry...manager Stephanie needs to get on that and tell him about the hotel service-(But, I bet he thinks he'll never get his clothes back because at this point we could all name every item in his wardrobe and identify it through a paparazzi telephoto lense)
2) Rob showers but doesn't always Shampoo- Google it. There is a whole "no shampoo movement" because of the chemicals you absorb through your scalp. This is irrelevant any way because with all the recent promo photo shooting and hair coloring they've been subjecting him to, his hair is frequently washed- have you ever seen Edward Cullen dirty?
3) He loves to joke... I have had contact with three different people who have met him who said he smelled clean like soap...Admittedly difficult to pull of in "night after the smoky bar" clothes...Sooooo
I think the truth is somewhere in between and none of us would complain.

bimbambom said...

Ok, so I can be his Personal Laundry Assistant or Personal SHower Assistant!
I'm a volunteer and I can do it for free!

Of course I don't belive it. Even if his clothes are musty I bet he smells great!

Jenn@ The Crazies said...

Unfortunatly I have heard this before.. but... whatever... If I were to get close to him I would simply have to share a bath or shower with him... that would be fun!

Laura said...

LMFAO, Mel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "...sprinkle his dandruff on my pillow.." I'm about to piss my pants laughing.

However, true fucking that to everything you said!!! haha

Ellie said...

Hey, Laura and Mel!

Good point, Mel, I would definitely let him sprinkle, too!

Watfching DVD right now! So happy to be gazing...

Anonymous said...


Ellie said...

Oops! He just jizzed in biology! lol

Anonymous said...

Robert does not wash his hair everyday but he does take showers!

bimbambom said...

"but maybe that is why he does not find love onscreen because they know something that we dont"

Anon, I tought about it, but I think it's not his smell.
Maybe smth connected with faked feelings, like in this story about cheating girl mentioned in GQ interview. Cast members said the best word to describe Rob is 'complicated' - I think it may be related with this story.

Anonymous said...

What I bet really happened:

They filmed an action sequence of some sort. Rob was probably sweaty and someone made a comment like, "Dude! You wreak!" and they all laughed.

Casablanca is a douche.

Anonymous said...

how many of us would love to sign on as a life coach for rob and show him how to use the washer and

Anonymous said...

just do what my friends do.....febreeze dont wash it.that is what my male friends do. arent they

Anonymous said...

He could put his dandruff on ebay and make a bunch of money for charity. :) I wouldn't buy it but I'm sure someone would!

Anonymous said...

Totally exaggerated. Or maybe it was a really stinky day! I don't want him to date any of his co-stars, especially Kristen (all kinds of wrong for him, evidenced in latest interviews, etc). Maybe it's a good thing that he's a little smelly. Haha!


Melissa said...

Hey Laura & Ellie!!

Ellie~I cannot watch the biology scene with a straight face!! He is totally jizzing in his pants!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

bimbambom said...

Lilly - LMAO! So true!

I'm shocked by the way. I didn't know Nikki is 20, I thought she is older than Rob (27 or something like that!)

Melanie said...

If the only thing that someone notices about Rob is his smell, then they must be blind and deaf.

crazy said...

Sara and Songirl ~ some good points!

Ladies (& Gentlemen)~ Let's just give him the benefit of the doubt and NOT entertain any BS from gossip columnists, people! :)

Hi Twiheart!!! Anyway, he's been waiting for me to shower with him, I'm sure of it. (Just joking Rob! I don't give a rat's ass about your showering habits, honey bunch! ;)

crazy said...

Lilly~ LOL re: dandruff on EBAY!!!

Hi Ellie, Laura and everybody!

Anonymous said...

Call me crazy, but for some reason, him being such a dirty boy just makes him more attractive to me. Bring on the funk!

crazy said...

Girls~ just realized he does alot of Jizzing in his pants at comic-con too, especially in the beginning. Oh i LOVE him at that thing. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

crazy said...

Girls~ just realized he does alot of Jizzing in his pants at comic-con too, especially in the beginning. Oh i LOVE him at that thing. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

crazy said...

sorry, i tend to repeat myself...

Anonymous said...

In my fantasies, he smells just fine!

crazy said...

sorry, i tend to repeat myself.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rob,

I will gladly wash you and your clothes. I am known for my laundry prowess among other things :)

crazy said...

I've heard "it" called "doing the laundry" ;)

Anonymous said...

Good evening, ladies.

Girls like dirty boys, don't they? I think that this "dirty boy" image is part of Pattinson's strategy to get the girls... and, as in w/ me, to get the man as well.

And it works. We are here, talking about it, offering baths, offering to help w/ the laundry, asking for dandruffs on our pillows, etc.

Come on, ladies, it is strategy! But, the bottom line is that WE DO STINK a lot, for real, we cannot help it -- and you like it. And, then, we shower...

* TOM.

Anonymous said...

Thirtysomething- Girl, a kitten bath that's a new one. No what about a "HOE BATH" that's another name for it.

Tip:Just get some FEBREZZ to spray down your clothing RP. Smells from the bar do linger on clothing and I hate that. If you can't wash them.

Anon- I'm with you he probably was doing a scene and someone said something. Hell everybody stinks after getting worked up and being all hot and sweaty.

Whatever... I know how to lather, rinse, and repeat. Trust RP I will still fuck you backwards,sideways,over a couch, in bed, in public, etc..... :P

Anyway, Ted has been trying to get no pun intended some "dirt" on Rob for a while now. Ted has also been trying to say that Rob was gay for the longest time. See Ted is gay so that's his little fantasy (he wishes)that he may have a chance.

Anonymous said...

Hi, girls.

Anon., in MY FANTASIES he smells at "the end"; and then WE BOTH get in the bath. And the fantasies start again...

Anonymous said...

Ugh its on the perez hilton site too! ahhhhh. Rob dissappear to a week now everyone looking for some sort of news on him!! Leave him the fuck alone! *sigh* that time of the month, sorry ladies.
Ted is an ass
Perez is an ass
Lainy is a bitch
stupid gossip site piss the shit out of me.

crazy said...

Tom~ Hi! Please don't tell me men want another mother figure! ugh. Not that he'd shower with his mother. what the hell am i talking about?! I'm a moron. don't pay any attention ;)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

A comment about Rob's "strategy" to get the girls.

I don't think he really has any "strategies" beyond the goofy pick-up lines he's already joked about using (God I hope he was joking...).

crazy said...

I agree KK. Goofy line is cast, girl takes the bait, Rob unhooks his catch and throws it back in.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - I keep getting this image of Rob looking at himself in a mirror asking, "What's changed besides the fact that someone made me look incredibly hot in a movie and in GQ? What if they really knew me?"

Of course, I still prefer everyday Rob to picture-perfect Rob. I imagine it's going to take a while for all of this female attention to catch up to his self-image.

crazy said...

KK ~ that's EXACTLY what I imagine saying to himself now.

Do you mean his self image catching up to what the fans like? or something. 'splain, please!

crazy said...

and yep. if it weren't for everyday Rob, there would not be quite this obsession. not quite.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I mean his image of himself catching up to what fans think of him...his hotness, irresistibility, sexiness, perfection, etc.

No way does Rob think of himself anywhere close to any of those things. Thank God or he would be a total assh*le.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Nor do I think he'll ever think of himself as those things.

Lynn said...

Well, you have to think that this probably comes from a very Americancentric POV....meaning a bit of B.O. is A LOT. And, let's face, Rob deserves to stew in his sexy filth all he wants, he works hard and it's gotta be nerve racking.

It reminds of when my aunts talked about getting in to a Parisian lift in the dead of summer and the only people that seemed nasally offended were them!

crazy said...

absolutely right! he would never come on board with all this, so we love him all the more because of it.

That said, I'll keep my 2 copies of GQ and my PE under my mattress, while Rob thinks the likes of me are nuts. I'm a happy nut.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Lynn - I totally agree and mentioned this American sensitivity to smell earlier.

If I had the expectations placed on him by work and fans, I would sweat myself to death.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

It's one thing to KNOW you're nuts and another to actually BE nuts. We gals are realistic about our love for Rob.

crazy said...

true, i believe we Americans are hyper-sensitive in the olfactory dept. huh? just ignore me.

Lynn said...

KK---yep, damn anal retentive Americans and their aversion to natural smell. For how frank all his co-stars seem to be, I would imagine that one or more would mention to Rob that he reeks. He probably doesn't give a shit...c'est la vie!

crazy said...

KK~ so do you think it's realistic for me to expect Rob to accept my invitation to come over here and be my lover? No? We girls can dream, right?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - "The best angle from which to approach a problem is the Try-angle." (Unknown)

Ooooo...kind of reminds me of the Bella/Jasper/Edward triangles in fan fiction.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm not buyin' it. I may be in complete and heavenly denial, but I refuse to believe he would smell like shit. The other thing is that he's mentioned a few different times that he's always kidding when he says he doesn't shower or wash his hair. Everybody takes things way out of context. Give the guy a break. Even if he never bathes, who else's business is it? He's still gorgeous. :)

crazy said...

KK ~ clever! woah - which ff has THAT triangle?!! I need a break from Little Women. (don't laugh).

crazy said...

Right, Anon! Let's leave the boy to clean or not clean as he pleases. anyway, "who cayahs?" (get the SNL reference?

Kat said...

I've met him... he didn't smell. His hair was freshly washed... he didn't smell intoxicating (like the little TwiChild kid said), but he didn't smell bad either. Just, dare I say it, NORMAL! I didn't even smell smoke, and I expected to.

Right Laura?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy: Good FF

"Just the Three of Us" (Edward and Jasper add Bella to their relationship)

The Arrangement (all three best friends that get into a threesome relationship - Edward and Bella secretly are in love with each other)

crazy said...

Kat - you met him? you were close?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Kat - Good to know. I smoke, but people tell me they never smell it on me either.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know why we are discussing this... lol.
Obviously they are running out of things to write about because rob is so m.i.a...they have resorted to talking about his man-musk...well I for one don't care...
Any whif of rob would make me happy... whether i faint from how bad or how good it is... i just don't care

Anonymous said...

wow... this is such a breaking news!!!
i will go to my corner now & cry myself up to the point of dehydration coz rob stinks!!! pfbtttt... :P
geez... i'm thinking of reasons why ted needs to report that soooo badly...
1. he psyching himself up saying to himself rob smells (alot of times) so he won't be dazzled just like the rest of us...
2. he needs attention coz no one cares abt his report anymore...
3. he googles himself everyday & the only way to get a million related topics of himself is if his name is linked to any rob's blog or website...
4. he's just a complete arse!!!
go get some new news ted!!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I'm discussing this because I'm trying to avoid doing any real work on my computer.

Kat said...

Crazy - yeah, at the Austin Film Festival. Got to wrap my arm around his back and pose for a picture. He was lovely - and un-smelly :-)

I did resist humping his leg, but only because I was dragged away quick enough....

WinWin said...

Hi ladies,

I'm so sick of the media dissecting anything involving Rob and spinning hundreds of articles from it.

Anyway, I just saw some exciting news on Rob. Hopefully this is true.

I don't know how share it any other way.

Also, I went to Ted's site out of curiousity top see what the comments would sound like and the response was overwhelming. I hope he feels like an ass.

crazy said...

KK - wow, thanks! Now I'll be up to 3:00 a.m or until I have my Robdream planned. Then I'll go to bed. all this assuming the dh is already asleep.

Anonymous said...

Ladies, calm down...

What I mean is that we do stink, for real. And Pattinson doesn't give a shit to what people think; but, he keeps saying things about his inability to do his laundry, he keeps calling attention to his dirty hair (and to his dandruff), he calls his shirts "musty", and so on... And, even tough not giving a shit, he calls more attention w/ that. Strategy. It is part of his charm. And, then, he comes out wearing Armani -- and looking like smelling like heaven... And women go nuts. We do these things... And you like it. Well, ok, from Pattinson, I like it too.

Crazy: no, please, no mother figure, no mom in the shower, no mom anywhere. It is a myth. Don't go that way... I love my mom,... miles away.

* TOM.

Kat said...

WinWin - the links not working... can you break it up? Thanks :-)

Anonymous said...

This is BS! TC has to find something wrong w/ him. I'm glad he is not a pretty boy. I'm w/ Goz-hell, no it doesn't change my OBSESSION! I would love to get close enough to tell!!!

crazy said...

yeah KK - thought you had to teach teachers tomorrow. what r u teaching them? Robsessing 101?

Anonymous said...

KK- Girl I loved "The Arrangement".
I'm going to check for updates. Wide Awake is good need update, The Office was hot can wait to read update soon. Closer to God is good. A&O,and Frenimies. These are my favs!!!

crazy said...

KAT _ OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was so particulary HOT there!
Damnit girl!!!! did u cum? did u need a fresh pair?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Link didn't work but I found it anyway.

Good news! Rob needs to select some scripts and start filming beyond Twilight. There are so many different roles I'd like to see him play. I'm totally excited to see his career and talent grow!

Anonymous said...

I agree. So he is a dirty boy! Bring him on, showering together is appealing! That is all bs anyway! I wish they would leave him alone!!

Kat said...

Crazy, I needed more than one fresh pair, believe me.... he was extremely humpable that day...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - I have to train them on Thursday and Friday:

Reading Strategy Instruction for Post-Secondary Transition

BLAH BLAH BLAH...makes me sound infinitely more intelligent than I probably am.

No Robsessing in the training. These people already think I'm nuts.

crazy said...

TOM ~ I know! how in hell did i end up putting "mother" and "shower" in the same sentence? my bad! eeuuwww. Think pleasant thoughts.......

crazy said...

the link talks about his career? which is the better link????

crazy said...

KK ` i think you need to enlighten those teachers. They'd be grateful, i'm sure. and horny.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - I was attending a training last week and one of my former colleagues (a guy) was reading Twilight during the breaks.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Link to Rob's possible next movie here:

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Add this at the end of the other link:


crazy said...

KK - if guys are smart they'd read Twilight, and lots of FF!!!!!!

thanks for the link - check it out now.............

WinWin said...

Ladies sorry about the bad link.
Had to go monitor bath time for the boys. See I'm trying to be a good mom. We talk about baths and Rob and them I go to make sure my sons are clean and them I playa little bit more...

KK, thanks for posting the link. See how excited I was at the news.

crazy said...

Yes! I sure hope Memoirs works out for Rob. Wanna see him as a "lover", but that goes without saying. I'm available for rehearsals.

WinWin said...

Kat, you're my hero. How did you manage to get so close to him and not faint. I would probably scare him away. I have to grace at all.

crazy said...

WINWIN - good catch anyway! and what a good mommy. my daughter barely has my attention right now as we try to watch DWTS :(

WinWin said...

I agree, I hope "Memoirs" happens for him and he nails a really good co-star. (Sorry I don't mean nails) I hope it's with a really good actress with tons of sparks. I like Kristen, but I was disappointed in her performance in Twilight.

crazy said...

WinWin - whomever he does (if) that Memoirs with, he'll crush on. let's face it. That's Rob. Maybe he'll be lucky enough to get a single lady. (crosses fingers for Rob)

I, too, was not thrilled with Kristen in Twilight. Not sure why.

WinWin said...

crazy, I found a way for my life to co exist with Robsession. I get one thing done then I come and check on Rob. It worked great at the office today. : )

What's DWTS. I can't figure it out?

WinWin said...

Be right back, gotta go correct some sentences and math problems.

Anonymous said...

Crazy, keeping up with ya'll is like trying to keep up with Rob ... always jumping threads :)

Tom, my man ~ you are awesome. That's definitely something we all need ... someone to calm us down. Impossible with Rob on the brain! But I loved your comment. Harummm, what's YOUR strategy???

crazy said...

W~ oh so you reward yourself with a little Rob treat after each task. Very nice idea. Motivating.
I try to do the same. However, my task/reward ratio is not 1:1; too much time spent on the reward. But I deserve it!!

Dancing With The Stars.

crazy said...

Girls - got to take a call. Please hang on for me!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

HA - I just updated my syllabus for a new class I'm teaching starting tomorrow. Now I have an excuse to wander around here again for a while. I like the rationing of time between work and R idea.

Hazel Designs said...

I refuse to believe this!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, Kristen was KIDDING when she mentioned Rob's smell. It's called sarcasm. It was on a French tv show where you are supposed to give goofy answers. Rob said he hated her personality!

Laura said...

Righty O, Kat! Although you got a bit closer to him than I did! *sigh* Just remembering being that close to him has made my panties disintegrate. Off to find a fresh pair and go stare at the copy of BD he autographed. LOL!

Ellie said...

Elizabeth, I loved that Q&A video. Rob's hand kept crressing the "OWWW!" button.

Hi, everyone!

Ellie said...

Laura and Kat, hi, loves!

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Elizabeth!!!
Now maybe we can move on to something more important than his scent.

Laura said...

Ellie! Finally had enough of watching Edward jizz in his pants? LOL

Kat said...

Hi Ellie, Laura.... what's up?

Laura said...

Hey Kat!

WinWin said...

Crazy, I feel stupid. I was waiting around for American idol and gave up. I'm going to fill my night with Rob.

Tom, I love that you are here with us crazy gals and I also love your comments.

Are we all staying her or moving?

I need some more recommendations on FF. Anyone?

Kat said...

Laura, I have a confession - I have no idea where my autograph is. I put it "somewhere safe" now I can't find it. It will be a happy find in a few years time! At least I scanned it for FB... I'll go look at my fucking bullshit photo's instead :-)

Kat said...

Oh, and WinWin, I have NO IDEA how I didn't a) faint, and b) dry hump his leg....

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

WinWin - What kind of Twilight ff do you like? I'm following about 34 stories on Twilighted right now (oh God, that number looks mighty pathetic on the screen).

WinWin said...

Kat, how was the movie HTB? I'm waiting for 4/24 for it to hit IFC on demand. The NY showings are midnight and I don't think my family would appreciate me disappearing.

Anonymous said...

actually i like ted report, it's way more not gossip stinks than other but for this time, I SAID :

it is NOT TRUE, if he is stinks all the fans who meet him, i mean thousand of them will be terror internet about it, but they said, he is genuine hot, bla,bla and SMELLED GOOD, so that's it,....

hey guys, do you have any new pictures from rob,it's while and not i mean stalking him,....tks..

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Oh, yeah. I want to hear about HTB. It won't be in Minneapolis until April 22.

Anonymous said...

crazy: where you at girl?

Laura said...

Kat! How could you misplace that? The whipping bench for you! I have my autograph under lock and fucking key!

Oh and Win-Win, HTB was effing WIN! I was there, too!

Anonymous said...

What the hell!First they jump his ass about drinking,then they move on to his smoking and oh let's not forget he is banging Kristen and any other girl who is around him and now were full circle omg he doesn't shower!Leave the poor guy alone and stop jumping his ass about every knit picking thing he does!I'm sure other celebs.have some gross habits but it always seems like Rob is getting the short end of the deal..Lay off of him Damn it!

Kat said...

Win, the movie is just that WIN, It was great. I saw it a few nights before I met him and got to chat with Oliver, the director for a while after, sweet guy. It really is a great, funny, endearing movie. Laura saw it the night with Rob, she was sat just a few seats in front of him.... gah!

It ended up with three screenings in Austin as it was so popular.

Anonymous said...

Smitten, you are a smart lady. Your man should be a very happy man.

My strategy? I love women. A LOT!! So, I come here to check on you, on what you think, what you like, what you (say that you) do...

Ok, I admit, I have a celeb./male/crush on Pattinson, and I don't know why... still... well, maybe I do already!

I like women and Pattinson. Strangely enough...

* TOM.

Kat said...

padme30 - we all agree with you. Leave the guy alone...

Laura, honestly, I have no idea what I did with it. I'll take a walk over to the whipping bench, please go easy on me... mistress.

Laura said...

Yeah, how unfuckingfair is that? I get a picture with OLIVER but not ROB???? Bullshit. I should have asked for a pic anyway. Stupid cockblocking theater workers.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

You're in the right place, Tom!

WinWin said...

KK, ones that would induce Rob filled dreams.. in other words, hardcore Rob. hehe

Laura said...

Kat, I'll go easy on you. Just this once. LOL

Ellie--did you run off to your DVD player again!? haha

Kat said...

Just think though Laura... if they hadn't started cockblocking they might've cut the line off before you got to him....

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Have you read "Shotgun Charlie" on Twilighted? "The List" is good, too, also on Twilighted.

Tenneil said...

Evening fine ladies...

Ellie said...

No, I'm here! I was watchintg the extended scenes...again.
and trying to order some craft stuff for the class (Oriental Trading).

Kat, shame on yoyu!
Rob's waiting in the naughty room for you. He's got the suspenders, a la Tie Guy (;ast chappie, shirt behing her back) all set for you. He says he'lll make you remember where his autograph is...or else he'll write it with a Sharpie on your ass!

Laura said...

That IS true, Kat. Never thought of it that way!
I guess I'll just have to meet him again and get my picture! LOL

Kat said...

Ellie, well he already signed by arse... I haven't lost that one! But I'll make my way to the naughty room after I get done with my whipping!

Anonymous said...

T: whaddup?

Ellie said...

Damn, Kat, get done with Laura...Rob's a little impatient tonight.

Oh, on second thought, take your time. We're busy.





Anonymous said...

Ok, ladies, after months being one of the anons., I got my google account, since I am in the right place (thanks KK).

Ladies, tell me: what is Pattinson holding in his hands in that banner???

Anonymous said...

Jeesh, I stayed away for a few hours to get some actual work done and here comes the odor issue again.

When I got his auto in LA he smelled fine to me...but then it looked like he was wearing new clothes...

The only person in show business who ever really smelled awful to me (back in my TV-film critic days) was Bill Murray. He was famous for his stench and didn't disappoint!

I'd take Rob's scent any day, lol!

Ellie said...

Tom, it's just his hands, I believe.

And hi, again! :)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Oh, are so going to fit in here.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

So, Tom, what do YOU like best about our Rob?

Ellie said...

KK, I love your avatar...that was one of my favorite interviews with rob!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Ellie - That is the first interview I ever saw of Rob. I had no idea who he was!

Ellie said...

KK, really? That wasn't one of his early ones, too. Well, I'm glad it was your made a great impression on you, it seems!

Anonymous said...

Ellie, hi.

KK, I am not the only male here... believe me!

His eyes. And, then, everything else.

Kat said...

Tom... I think I love you. You obviously have good taste :-)

Ellie - Laura gave me a good old whipping. My CORE is ready for some COCK TWITCHING....

Anonymous said...

TOM !!! *squeee* You got yourself a fancy blue name and an orange "B" I'm jealous. I SO want one, too. How did you do that? Oh and I REALLY, really want one of those avatar pics. Somebody PLEASE clue me in ...

And, thanks ... wish I was smart but not in a zillion years.

What's he holding? His hands BUT that sure the hell isn't what I see when I'm drooling over him ;) What do YOU think he's holding???

Laura said...

Ok. I'm reading Housemating Season right now. Please someone tell me this has a HEA!!! I'm on Ch. 16, and Edward's being distant :(

Welcome, Tom!

TwiHartRK said...

Well, I was about to say evening ladies. Guess I need to say evening ladies and gents : ). KK, Ellie, "Tom" What's the verdict, Rob stinky or no? Do we care?

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