EW Contradicts Itself

Entertainment Weekly blogger Christine Snipes talks about how culture made a bad turn and people are talking about an actor's ahowering habits more than his work then she puts a picture of Rob's sweaty NYC appearance. Umm, yeah. Contradict yourself much? Oh and by the way any human being wearing a tight gray shirt (yumm) would have pit stains under that many flashing bulbs :)

Mar 30, 2009, 12:59 PM | by Christine Spines

Categories: Celebrity Scandals, Ridiculata, Twilight

Robertpattinson_l It's one thing to call a guy a bad actor or to criticize his meringue-like hair or even to impugn his sex appeal. But don't expect Robert Pattinson to simply ignore the controversy that's recently ignited over the state of his hygiene. An unattributed source recently alleged that the Twilight star had been smelling somewhat ripe on the set of the sequel, New Moon. But in this brief Q&A with moviefone.com, Pattinson speaks up in his own defense and attempts to lay those nasty rumors to rest, once and for all.

All I can say is: Poor freaking, guy. Has a celebrity ever had to refute a more irrelevant and humiliating non-controversy? Where did we take such a wrong turn as a culture that this type of thing is legitimized to the point where the star is expected to defend his showering habits? Do you denizens of the PopWatchisphere agree that we've reached a tipping point when we're wasting time debating whether public figures battle b.o. more than the rest of us mortals (even if their at-times disheveled appearance does make the rumor seem plausible)?



Anonymous said...

me guesses shes only into the "bad news"-thing to make rob read her blog lol

WinWin said...

I'm currently banning EW, People and Insider among other sights who jumped on this bandwagon. I'm so disppointed with media these days. I so hope that ROb gets an Oscar nod for "Little Ashes". And what majkes me the most mad is the EW was so hyping Ron and Twilight with 4 cover appearrances in a matter of a few months. What are they schizo!!!

Mads said...

he gives them little else to talk about so they have to resort to personal insults to make "news"

Its a big pile of shite and I could not care less whether he has sweaty pits or not. He may be "godlike" in our eyes but he's a pretty regular and lovely guy behind it all.

I wish he could be left alone and judged for what hes good at. Not for how he smells or doesn't smell. What a ridiculous carry on.

Anonymous said...

It is just sad that these people publish these articles online and we are expected to believe and respect them as "journalists"? Pathetic. Talk about his acting, his talent, his music, his movies...anything else worth writing about. This man has plenty of facets we could discuss and none of them include his pits, sweaty or not.

Anonymous said...


lostinphilly said...

Bad PR, Entertainment Weekly, BAD PR!!!! Why are you such a turncoat??? Oh, that's right, you're part of today's circus, OOOPS I mean "media circus."!!!!!!!Leave Rob alone, now you're going in his black book; watch out, paybacks are a bitch!!!Rob, if you read this, please add EW to your black book and together we'll think of how to get them back later!!!!Bipolar or schitzo, what do YOU think, everyone??? You go, Rob, you're #1 in my book, hon!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i love rob regardless of the bullcrap the media throws out there about him...he's a talented passionate actor and musician. thats obvious in his works.

thanks goz for this blog! its my #1 go to for the latest rob info! im glad im not the only older(28) woman obsessed with him!

kristen said...

Gozde - so true. It's a tad hypocritical for her to say that others are focusing too much on his hygiene, and then post a pit stain picture with the article. I mean, if this lady is actually trying to take the focus AWAY from his hygiene issues, the worst thing she could possibly do is post that picture. It's total bull shit - she's clearly just adding more fuel to the fire.

And you're so right... ANYONE would have pit stains if they were in his shoes at that event. He was surrounded by screaming banshees and flashing cameras, all while he was supposed to be putting his hand prints in ALREADY DRY cement. It was a total shit show, and he handled the whole situation amazingly, given the circumstances :)

Anonymous said...

i would lick his sweaty pits and like it.

you know you would to!!!


Little Momma said...

Ladies....he's only sweaty in that pic because he had just left my house! The DH was on his way home, and Rob had to book it! ;)

RPattzLover2 said...

I am so pissed about all the crap in the news about Rob's hygiene habits. We don't care. I know none of it is true and even if it was, I don't care. I love him anyway and anyhow he is. Stop saying crap and making crap up about him cause you have nothing else to talk about.

Mechevpao said...

I really couldn’t care less if he smells or not, I care about his work mostly and have fun with his interviews, but his private life is his and only his to know, and that is a big deal here, he is one of the few celebrities that even in the middle of his new found fame, can keep his life facts pretty private, gossip press has nothing to talk about him aside his work and that isn’t interesting for that kind of press, so if they don’t have nothing they will invent the news… but this topic about his hygiene and his smell, and whatever else of this kind should stop it is enough of this shit, not even funny anymore.

Anonymous said...

He looks sexy whether he has sweaty pits or not. Who cares?

margot said...

yeah, media just HAve To make the world go round and round and RP isn't Paris or Brittney so they resort to bullshit
who cares anyway ?
I hope RP has the strenght to survive as normal as he is (cross my fingers) and that he doesn't give a damn whatever they make up
Sooner or later all that will calm down, probably after the New Moon frenzy + some other VERY different movies, they just get a bit bored and find somebody else new-hot-whatever ... hate screaming crowds, that scream makes the brain evaporate

Shani said...

I already talked about it before how Kidd Cradick and his morning team from KISS FM here in Dallas brought it up. I was shocked and 2nd hand embarrassed that they would stoop so low as to talk about someones hygiene over a national radio station.

Lilly said...

Who doesn't get sweaty pits?

EW, we see right through you. That "article" is bullshit.

Suz said...

sweat is good!

Please Sir Robness.. not all Yanks are like this..

We would drink your sweat from golden chalices!

(well we would...!)

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Shite is right Mads. Another low for journalism...

Ms. Bonderson said...

A little sweat is good for a person - some of the best things in life lead to sweat... :)

Lilly said...

LOL Anne! :D

Ms. Bonderson said...

Yeah... I can't believe I said that out loud! :D

Ms. Bonderson said...

But I knew you all would understand...

Anonymous said...

Guys don't give them credit for being Journalists. A real Journalist should not be caught dead reporting this kind of innuendo crap. Call them what they are gossip columnists. No degree needed and probably none attained. Summit is a Fox thing am I correct? I imagine the bad press Rob is getting at the moment is coming from rival media outlets. Not sure though as I am unaware of who owns what in the American media circus.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Anon~I have to mostly agree. When I was a TV-Film critic, there was a certain unspoken standard. Grand dame Barbara Walters talks about it sometimes. There were personal things you just didn't print. My goal was to capture the best and most interesting aspects of their personality--sometimes that was very difficult! One actor bragged so much about himself that I did have to quote him: "...everybody loves me so much!" He killed his career. We'll never hear that out of Rob's mouth but I do think he'll keep track of who burns him and will be more selective with whom he grants interviews to...

Anonymous said...

Well Chicago Girl I come from the land down under and the media here is as bad. (I hate to admit this)
We have this "Tall-Poppy Syndrome" we suffer from here... sounds like it is alive and doing well in America as well.
Yes I do hope that Rob makes note of these "gutter press" types and gives them a wide berth. I also hope that all this bad PR doesn't make him "more" paranoid about being being in the public eye. His lack of pretentiousness and sometimes silly answers to some of the most ridiculous questions are what endears him to so many . (me included)

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