The deliciously fake New Moon Poster has made it!
It's on several big entertainment sites today (Best Week Ever!, Socialitelife, Popsugar, So So Juicy etc.) as the new "New Moon" poster! LMAO! I LOVE it when these fake pics get spread like wild fire. (The red underwear picture anyone? The one where Rob's hands are missing? lol :))Will it hit any news programs? Let's wait and see.
Poor Rob must be under a LOT of pressure to get those pecs ready for the end of May.
I like him better with "belly hair" (his commentary from the DVD) and no pecs personally :) He's perfect just the way he is.
his perfection is real we don,t need a fake poster,ok i did copy it,ha,ha.
I like the poster but still prefer the real deal, I do not get pp's fascination with manipulated pics by Rob putting his face on all these bodies out there. Gimme the real deal any day over some model type body and his face on it. LOL
But the poster itself is cool IMO. not cos of the pecs but I like the look of it. But these media sites needs to realize that it is JUST a fan made one..but I guess doing research is too much work for these types of gossip sites lol
I second the furry vote, Rob is perfect without the wonders of Photoshop. But, I would like to "shop" my face in licking his chest and rubbing my cheek along his stomach.
Yeah...as long as I see the happy happy happy (yes...3x) trail...I am all good.
ROFL, you are cracking me up with your comment, Lynn!
But I agree, natural Rob is enough perfection to handle for a girl ;-)
I'm betting that Rob's pecs will be better than the fake one.
We just need some new pics with him wearing a tight shirt and wala! you will be able to see the deliciousness.
The poster is great, but we need the real Rob. Definitely, the happy trail to make us all happy!
i prefer rob just the way he is thanks.
I agree with MARJ.
He was looking really good before he left LA. His biceps were definately taking shape nicely. I love his build, my DH has the same build. mmmm gives me goose bumps to imagine Rob shirtless in New Moon. Hurry up November.
We love Rob "au natural", belly hair and all! That's what makes him even sexier, being HIMSELF, not some photoshopped picture of perfection. Rob, you ARE perfection just the way you are!!!
It is kinda easy to see that it is a fake because the neck is extremely long, but such as gorgeous face ;) love your page :)
oh how i loved this picture though *sighs*
What Daneh said:
Rob's will be better :)
Sorry, what? I got distracted by the mention of the red undies picture...lol.
I wanna see them: chest hair, belly hair, armpit hair, and the rest as well! Robert, don´t let them wax you!
this is my favorite too...photoshop, i dont care i just like the way they made it. summit should really take some ideas by all of these creations and do one for the movie of rob's real body.
You are so right, GOZ, LMAO!
Yes, Yvonne, me, too: prefer Rob as he is...belly fur and zero pecs. I pray he doesn't kill himself to get them, which may not be possible!
Yep. Rob is perfect as is. That's all I've got to say . :)
I like the manip but still prefer the real Rob, chest and belly hair included. I don't get people's fascination with waxed male bodies, I love my men with more body hair than me, LMAO!
I like the general idea of the fake poster but it fails severely in the neck lenght. Neither like the model body. I rether see Rob's and I don't think he needs to work out anything. I love his arms, I his chest seem to be really good naturally, that is, without waxing and sparkles (I'd rather have cut out that Little Pony scene!). Though I wish he give up smoking and eat better food. How long can anybody survive just with fast food?
Hopefully they can get Rob to do something similar or better. Prefer the latter.
It made the "news"! Whatever clevverTV is, I have no idea... but this is so funny, and she is so annoying...
1. Does anyone know who made this?
2. Poor guy! This isn't his body, and I'm sure there are a few people who will think it is.
Oh. I knew that was fake. Well wasn't too sure and was confused (because I mean cmon it's ROB we're talking about here hahaha - no offense bud) Thanks for clearing it up. And even though Im totally hetero I've never really cared for pecs or anything like that. A normal guy will do.... pecs just don't do anything EXTRA for me.
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