If you live in the tri-state area, you can now buy the tickets for Little Ashes in NYC through MovieTickets.com
05/08/09 | NY | New York, New York, Clearview Chelsea Cinemas | 260 West 23rd Street |
05/08/09 | NY | New York, Landmark Sunshine Cinema | 143 East Houston St. |
Thanks to Rachel for letting us know :)
I wonder if there will be a Little Ashes premiere, as such.
In the US? or UK? or Spain? or none at all?
anyone know please?
I think I am going take the train up to NYC to see it...
I got mine and I am so excited to go. I am glad they put up my post so you all know to get them before they are gone. It is only in NYC for 7 days. Get crackin ladies!!!
Yay! Thank you for the link. I just bought my tickets for May 8th! I want to support this film (and Rob) and see it as many times as I possibly can. I am sure the film will do very well in Chelsea. It's NYC's gay neighborhood. ;}
Done! Got my tix
We have one thing the Fangirls don't have!
Credit cards and expendable cash!!
Good M.. It will be "Girl's Night Out" then!
I am going Saturday afternoon, and will have dinner in the Village. mmmmm
Just bought tix!
I wanna go!! Thanks for letting us know. Now only if I can convince my husband that he wants to see Robert Pattinson making out with another dude.
"We have one thing the Fangirls don't have! Credit cards and expendable cash!!"
Exactly! ;}
Now that sounds like the perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon- with Rob! Enjoy, Suz! :}
Hey TwiCrackAddict
Mr SummerGirl quite enjoyed it in the end :)
Hope your OH does too :)
oh you new yorkers are so lucky i hope it comes to pa.
I got my ticket for the 7pm show at Clearview. Landmark doesn't have tickets on sale yet. didn't I read somewhere (correct me if I'm wrong) that there would be a major premiere in NYC??? Not sure tho.
I am so excited!!! Dali is my favorite surrealist! And Rob playing him is double the fun for me! May 8th cannot get here soon enough. I'm going by myself to this one. My bf will NEVER agree to seeing this. Good news is I'm finally convincing him to read and watch Twilight! YAY. never thought that would happen! At least I can bring my puma of a mother to HTB on the 24th. She probably won't understand the Brit humor tho =/
Just got my ticket for Saturday 5/9 at 1:30.. woo hoo! Can't wait! I'm so excited to see this movie because it is so different from what we have seen him do!
Divinesally, I'm seeing HTB on the 24th too. It falls right on birthday and I could use a dose of Rob! :p
Yay, M! I need Rob in large doses. lol
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