Magazine Scans from UK

Thanks to Spunk Ransom for both scans :)

This one is for my partner in crime Dani, because I KNOW she wanted a high quality picture of zygote Rob with his socks on :))


angel said...

it's good that u still have that huge banner...
atleast i can balance things out...
if i have enough money, i'll buy the original negatives of those first photo shoot he had & burn them to dust...
lolz... :P

lovindashow said...

Man. If it's haunting us...poor Rob! LOL

I'm glad he seems to have such a good sense of humor. At the least, he has to know that we love him to pieces!

Anonymous said...

Damn them to hell for publishing that.

Goes back to stare at the header again...

Gozde said...

I am going to make banner with zygote Rob photos :)) LOL, just kidding :P

BeCullen said...

why, why, why?!?

lovindashow said...

Goz...I predict mutiny (even facetious, because we're all quite loyal to your thorough blogging) if you follow through with that plan!

Gozde said...

I would never do that to you guys? (or would I?) lol.

Come on! That picture is just too funny! I hate the other zygote pictures but this one? The socks, the girl, the little belly... It is too good for words :))))

lovindashow said...

The belly! Ack!!!! LOL

angel said...

yeah... the belly... lolz
i just want to cover him everytime i see this pic...;D

Anonymous said...

Aah, my eyes!!
You should warn before putting up the zygote pictures... So we can have GQ nearby when they hit :-)

Divinesally said...

LMAO! Zygote Rob is the cutest! although I feel dirty and wrong thinking like that. Gotta love his pose, and that chubby tummy!

Anonymous said...

I love that chubby tummy! Perhaps a banner with that zygote pic along side another pic (or several)so we can see how far he has come. Like 'The evolution of Rob'.

Anonymous said...

ok, I went back and forced myself to look at the zygote pic. I tend to just disregard them cuz quite honestly they make me feel 'funny'. I noticed that his legs are quite manly but then as you go up, he becomes more effeminate. I still love that man. I wonder what his reaction would be if someone asked him to autograph one of those zygote pics. He'd probably say "Oh my Gaawwd!!!" (Love how he says that)

angel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said...

Oh no. That pic is back. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Come on, ya'll ... quit lusting after a boy. Yes, yes you ARE looking at him that way, and it's turning you off, of course. I'm enchanted by these pics because it lets me know more about the boy who became our man. For a 16-17 year old, I think he did a great job and it probably terrified him. What a glorious man he has become!

Anonymous said...


Shame on you!!!

...wowie! said...

There is no way I can ever look at the zygote pic anymore. It kept me from anything Rob for 24 hours. Scared me away. I really keep forgetting how young he is. I'm in denial. Leave me be. =)

Kate said...

I love the socks they're hilarious !!

crazy said...

Rob went from being a zygote with weak abs to making a list of fit actors. Way to go Rob!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning, everyone!

No, not that zygote again, not after THAT banner.

Seriously, what a difference a few years can make on a man!

What a man...

crazy said...

Is he going to get even hotter?! Fetch me the sedative!

crazy said...

Hey hey Sophia!

crazy said...

Where's TS??? TS~ it's back!!

Anonymous said...

Good day, ladies...

Gozde, if your plan is to put those zygote photos again to help me to get over my strange Robsession,... it is going to work, I tell you that.
I should print those and put in my office, in my car, at home, etc. The only thing is: how would I explain those pics everywhere to the "normal" people?

* TOM.

crazy said...

Hey Tom! LOL!!! But if you keep looking, you'll begin to notice his seductive stare, full lips, etc. Wow - hell awaits!

WinWin said...

Godze, if you do that I might go blind and actually have to do work today. I feel all sorts of wrong looking at those pictures. I just love him to pieces.

margot said...

I have apparently developed the habit of visiting this site as soon as I get home.
So : GOOD AFTERNOON GIRLS all over the world (it's 14:40 where I am).
Zygote photos are so ... so... (lacking words) ... so wrong to the bone, so painful that actually they might work as a cure to obsession...
Question 1 : will I remain alive after the treatment ?
Question 2 : do I really want to be free of Robsession ?
Question 3 : how much longer is it going to take ??? I'm terrified with my state of mind
I'd better go and watch the banner again (I couldn't even decide to close my browser going to work as if the image could disappear it the thin air)

crazy said...

Margot - where do you live? So cool we have fans worldwide that come here.

Hi Winwin!

Anonymous said...

Hi ya'll ~
At work; and I can see it's going to be another lost cause today ;)

Yikes, a Spaniard in our midst! Oooohhh, Tom, I'm in love already ...

Anonymous said...

top o' the mornin' to ya ladies!

the more i look at zygote rob, the more intriguing it becomes...really?

i love his flushed damn cute. and i think i see the beginnings of the famous happy trail...? wow. hades here i come!

Anonymous said...

What bothers me about the "zygote" shots are they have a NAMBLA (National Man-Boy Love Association) vibe to them. Like he was being used by the photographer for that purpose.

It is probably more of a cultural difference in the sense that the pix also have a very British feel to them. I know that many British ads are done in a fashion differently from American ads. There is a funny line in the musical version of "Legally Blonde" where they as the question "Is he gay or European?"..kinda rings true for these shots.

What I am saying is..IMO it is not that Rob is young that makes me cringe, it is how he is dressed and being portrayed. If he had been wearing jeans & t-shirt, he would still look way young but not as in a disturbing manner.

Anonymous said...

So, Rob went from *that* to the gorgeousness we all know and love - in 5 years. Can't wait to see what happens as he gets older... CAN he get any hotter?? (and can I handle it if he does? I think not...)

Anonymous said...

Y'all are cracking me up with you comments!!!!

Goz- Please stop the madness....I don't want to be cured of my obsession. Rob is the first celebrity ever that have paid this much attention to.

You know he has other photos from that time with clothes on. There in some magazine and I like the one with him sitting on the couch with the snake around his body. You got to find those!!!!

Anonymous said...

Crazy, NO. I can't notice anything attractive in those zygote pics...

Hi, Smitten. In love w/ Pattinson...? I hope. Yes, me too. Javier is also gorgeous, did you notice. Also spanish, hum... My "horizon" seems to be getting wide...

Think straight! Think straight! Think straight! Damn!

Little B., I am really afraid so. He will get even hotter as years pass. Unfortunatelly... Or not?

* TOM.

Anonymous said...

I'm delighted for the attention Kellan received ... it's about time! He looks gorgeous in that pic.

crazy said...

Tom - do you live in Spain?

crazy said...

TS~ HI! Now I've got to look to find the pre-happy trail. Thanks alot!

Anonymous said...

Nope, sorry, Tom ~
I should have said, "Yipes, a Portuguese hunk is in the house!" That comment was directed at YOU babe ;)

How are you today after so little sleep last night??? I thought you were really brave.

crazy said...

Tom ` I was just kidding about the zygote pics. Please don't think I'm a pedophile!!!

Anonymous said...

No, Crazy, "somewhere" in Portugal.

Have to go back to work now, ladies. My partner is back to the office. Partner at work, ok? I am still on women, though beginning to drool on that Pattinson...
I will check on that banner before leaving, that might help me forget the zygote one.

* TOM.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Kellan is nice-looking and all, but in a pretty regular (not saying boring!) kind of way. Compare to the raw sex-appeal oozing out of the GQ picture next to him.

(plus, I don't want to be mean to the boy, but is that a hint of a receding hairline?)

Tom - you are so cute, you crack me up!

Anonymous said...

Smitten, I am wrecked today. You girls are brutal... Hard to keep up with. Imagine what you do w/ your men...

But it was fun!

See you, I really have to go now.

* TOM.

crazy said...

ok, so Tom thinks i'm a pedophile! LOL! You guys all know me better! LOL!

Melissa said...

Oh no!!! Attack of Zygote Rob!! LOL!! Srsly, that pic is effing HILARIOUS!! He is sooooo cute...LOL

Thanks for posting, Goz. xoxo

margot said...

crazy - I live in Poland, in case anybody doesn't know - it's right east to Germany. Twilight / Rob are here as obsessive as anyehere else all over the world. Today Breaking the Dawn appeared (Polish translation) in the bookshops and it's a real rush :)
But seriously : zygote picks hurt my eye (and heart) as if they were made by some ill-eye for some wrong reason - they make me feel unconfortable. I wouldn't allow my son posing like that. And last but not least - it hurts anticipating that Rob can be embaressed with them now

crazy said...

Hi Margot - I feel the same way about these pics of Rob. I made the very same points in previous posts (when Gozde first put them on, days ago). I wonder what his parents were thinking. Seems to me these pics had a target audience, if you know what I mean. Not good.

Anonymous said...

Wow, isn't it great that this is such an international blog???


crazy said...

Smitten - still there?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Crazy ... I'm in for the long haul ;) How are YOU today?

I keep telling myself, I MUST get some work done today ... I like the idea ya'll had yesterday of completing a project and then letting yourself Robsess a bit, then doing another project, etc ...

crazy said...

Hey Smitten - I know. It is so cool this blog has fans worldwide. I'm keeping mental track of all the countries fans have posted from (England, Greece, Brazil, France, Germany, Australia, Singapore, Poland, ETC).

I'm good, but too much Robsessing for my own good. It doesn't help that I'm home often right now; on disability. Just doing the damn laundry right now. too boring not to Robsess. Throw a load in, fold, Robsess, and repeat!

But enough about me, what level of Robsessing are you in, on a scale from 1 - 10?

margot said...

As to a more "global" aspect of our talk - I think that the world is getting one place nowadays, if you know what I mean, but it's not only because of internet. If so many people didn't speak English (at least understand what they're reading) we wouldn't find each other nor have a conversation. In my country children learn English and another foreign language at schools. No matter what the result - it gives them opportunity to take part in such international communities as for example this blog

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Good morning everyone! I'm still recovering from the blogfest from last night! I picked up some great new ff titles to read.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm ... probably an 8 out of ten, but only because I'm at work. Also, I have several scheduled meetings and interviews so I probably won't be able to indulge myself properly (snicker) until this evening.

I brought my GQ to drool over under the table and it's wrecking havoc on my concentration ... boy, it's getting HOT in here! Dang! He's sizzlin'!

Sorry to hear you're on disability. Hope you're feeling OK. Sounds like you have your hands full with your Mom and all ... hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Margot- Wow, Poland and I was the first to say that they looked like child porno. I did apologize twice to him. Because I felt bad that after my comment everyone started calling the pics by that name.

Although they do look very suggestive and highly inappropriate.

margot said...

I cannot Robsess doing housework - I would instantly do myself harm, cut fingers off or pour boiling water on me instead the cup. Definitely NOT put the load in, fold, obsess !!! NO, no, no it won't work the right way ! I wrote yesterday in another thread that I spilt my after-bath body lotion not only on my hands but also all over my desk beacuse I stupidly wanted to watch "Womanizer" clip with Rob ! It must mean something, poor me ...

crazy said...

Smitten ~ you have your GQ at work? Are you stuck to your chair (as I like to say)?!!

You better get your work done so you can spend the appropriate and adequate time for Robsessing. ;)

Yeah, if i wasn't home on disability, i wouldn't be so available to everybody. Got a call last night that a close relative is terminal and needs my help. Depressing. But on a better note, I'm feeling much better. Yeah!!!

have a great - we'll chat later i'm sure!

crazy said...

margot - good points. It is absolutely wonderful that English is taught worldwide. It's great to hear from all of you out there!!!

crazy said...

KK - me too! I finally organized my favorites and added the new FFs. Just can't figure out how to get notifications of updates. duh.

crazy said...

Margot - i relate completely! I wrote yesterday about how I was Robsessing while driving and actually took a wrong turn going to my own mother's house! LMAO!

crazy said...

I sure do talk alot, but i like to respons to you gals separately. Bare with me (thinking of a bare-ass Rob. uhhh.)

Anonymous said...

Crazy ~
Whoa yeah! Definitely stuck to the chair *giggle*

You are absolutely right ... I need to get this work done or I'll be very much behind. Thanks for keeping my head in the right place, my friend, and thanks for understanding. Guess I'd better re-focus and get to work. I'll talk to you again this evening if you're online.

Have a fabulous Robsessing day, ya'll!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

My one comment about the zygote pics...they are avant garde and he is meant to be androgynous looking. This look is why he was a desired model at the time in England. Watch the runways in Europe. This look is still popular when modeling men's fashions. For those of you who own one (or more :) copies of the GQ issue, look at the Prada add right past the front cover. Same kind of young, male, androgynous look. It's a bathing suit ad, so he's supposed to have few clothes on.

Americans and Europeans have some very different ideas about sexuality. It's all about the cultural lens in which we view the world.

Okay, didn't mean to turn this into a sociology lesson! Personally, I'm not a big fan of the pics except for his chubby little tummy.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

And I meant Prada "ad" not "add"...better give my English degree back right now.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Oh, and the swimsuit ad is Rob's not the Prada ad in GQ...

Okay the real problem here is that I need smokes BADLY. So off I go to purchase them at a higher cost because of federal excise tax laws...stupid federal excise tax laws...

Anonymous said...

I'm European (French, in fact - surely that gives me some sort of avant-garde fashion cred), and I still think the ad is vaguely disturbing! I'll blame it on the Brits.
I agree about the tummy though. Seriously cute. In a completely non-sexual way.
(And let it be known: that's the only time I'll ever use the phrase 'non-sexual' while discussing Rob)

crazy said...

I can't believe the price of cigs! Just quit for crying out loud KK!

I guess i see the androgynous thing, but it borders on child porn, in my POV. I think they just try to sell it differently, almost in a subliminal yet obvious way, if that makes any sense. Just my opinion, for what it's worth.

IDK what else is in the GQ - all I see was HHH. Yum, delicious, tasty, mmmm........


marina mia said...

I've got to ask after all this time - where the word 'zygote' comes from??? those pictures just freak me out and right now, the only thing I can do is go through my copy of GQ and gaze at the pic of Rob standing there and the sexy wonderfulness that is him now...

much love to all the girls on here from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Would any of us even notice this ad if Rob wasn't in it or does it just disturb us because it's Rob?

Just a question...

Got my smokes. And my personal life is in general turmoil right now, so there is no freakin' way I'm going to quit smoking yet. Thanks for caring though :)

crazy said...

Malaysia! Awesome! I saw it on The Amazing Race. I recall that absolutely beautiful building in Kuala Lumpur!

hi Marina!!!!

crazy said...

zygote - (I think) the earliest stage of human reproduction. One of these clever girls thought of it. Maybe Danni; she does this with Gozde, whom we all bow down to.

marina mia said...

hi crazy! yup it's a pretty gorgeous city and country and midnight here. Just doing my usual must check this site for all and more on Rob.

It' fueling my obsession alright - and I love that i am not alone in wishing to god for a moment with him lol!

does anyone else have moments in the car - day dreaming of full on conversations n more with rob? and in absolute detail too! sigh

crazy said...

KK - I would have noticed it anyway, at first because it's RIDICULOUS! Then I suspect I'd wonder WHY????

Got it. You have smokes; I have caaaandy (as Rob would say, making fun of us NY/NJ folks)

LOL - He's just too precious!

Anonymous said...

WoW Marina re:
"does anyone else have moments in the car - day dreaming of full on conversations n more with rob? and in absolute detail too!"

I swear i thought i was the only one ;)

That's why its called Robsessing LOL!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Just finished an awesome update of one of my fav fanfics...was worried about the buildup to the lemon but, damn, it was good. satisfying. Lots of fuel for fantasies today...

marina mia said...

anon: don't worry babe. i think we are all safe here with our fantasies, no matter how over the top they are or even how ordinary they may be.

but yeh i tend to be doing something then suddenly switch into my rob fantasy mode in secs. i'm freaking 35 and have never ever fantasized over any other actor ever! it's so weird!

Unknown said...

Hi girls!!!!
Those zygote pictures was taken 10 years ago. He was 12 years old. Poor baby Rob, Leave his past alone.

crazy said...

KK - which one????!!!

crazy said...

wait - you're reading FF at work? Go girl! Hope there are no cute, married guys nearby!!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Anon and Marina - You mean ordinary fantasies like having coffee with Rob and asking him about what book he's reading or what he thinks of American politics?

Am I strange because I'd like to have a conversation with him more than anything else? Hard to believe but true.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - I'm not at work; it's spring break for me from my two teaching jobs. More time for blogging! One of my dogs is staring at me though.

The story is "Christmas with the Cullens." I don't know why, but I love this story. Bella is a real pain in the ass in it but so is Edward. All human.

Anonymous said...

marina - i have never had any kind of crush on a celeb before either!

God sent him here to drive us all mad! Why?? it's not fair; we can't have him!

crazy said...

me too girls! I guess what i want most is to hang out and talk and have a few laughs. Then end up in the backseat of the car. No biggie, right?

crazy said...

Hi Danni~ ugh. twelve? i'm not saying another word about that pic. I swear it.

crazy said...

KK~ thx for the info~

p.s. my cat keeps trying to get on my lap, where my laptop is! dumbass cat!

Anonymous said...

Danni, olá!!

He was only 12? Are you sure? He looks older... and weird. I hate that pic, poor Rob. Tough, it is a little funny...

Come here, Rob, lover, I can make you forget that! And everything else. I will so my worst, as usual...

marina mia said...

KK - Exactly that! To be able to get rob to look at you, not like some desporado stalker or twilight screaming fan (and i love twilight!) nd him go damm ...thats the one i want too :)

godze! he was 12??? omg, why did they let him do that?

Anonymous said...

Girls, I had other celeb./crush. On Brad Pitt (of course), Heath Ledger (I was devastated when he died; still think of him a lot) and James McAvoy. UFF! See? I´ve been busy!!!

But, the truth is, never had one celeb./crush, or any kind of crush, like that for Rob. Sadly enough...

TheDogsBollocks said...

Goz...I freaking love you girl. Rob and Kellan in one blog post. Freaking YUM. You are my hero of the day. I need to find that picture of Kellan though.

crazy said...

Sophia! ok, I kinda did james McAvoy. But not a crazed crush like with Rob. no where near.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot Edward Norton!!! I "like" him too. The big green HULK!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Marina - He wouldn't even have to look at me and think "damn." I'd be happy if he looked at me and thought "There are some actual normal, cool people out there who are interested in 'real' Rob not just GQ/Edward Rob."

That's what I love about the people on this site...all schmexy thoughts aside, I think we'd all just be happy to just talk with him.

Note: Don't get me wrong. I think he's ALL KINDS of sexy!!

crazy said...

DB~ you're cheating on Rob if you crush on Kellan too, ya know ;)

oh that's right, you're the one who mentioned three ways last night LOL!

crazy said...

LMAO! I said I "did" James NcAvoy! LOL!! Typo - meant "dig". I wish.

Daneh said...

i love his belly button

crazy said...

KK, Marina - question is, could we actually carry on a lucid conversation with him right there in front of us? Me thinks not. I'd be too dazzled. I still can't believe they actually FOUND the one guy on the planet that could dazzle like Edward Cullen is supposed to. Amazing!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I will admit...I was all kinds of nuts for Duran Duran in my younger days. My wall were COVERED with them to the chagrin of my dad who kept wanting me to take them down to paint my room a different color (his ploy to ease my obsession). I saw them on tour last year and acted like a complete nerd. It was awesome!

I'm also a HUGE fan of Kevin Spacey and got to meet him in NYC in 2007. Apparently, the person I was with claims I shoved aside an older lady to get to him (I plead the fifth...). He was incredibly nice and I got to talk with him, get a pic and get my playbill autographed. Sweet.

Anonymous said...

Crazy! What "three ways"??? God, my mind flew now...

Girls, see you later. I have a dance class now. Shake the ass...

And, Danni, pray for me, please, I have that paper/presentation tomorrow morning. All grad-students and teachers will be there watching. I am already shaking. I should have thought of that before choosing that career... Stupid, stupid Sophia...

Anonymous said...

i'm baaaack! uggghhh the internet at work jacked up...don't they know i have things to do today...?

1. visit robsessed
2. drool over yummy pics
3. lmao at crazy's comments

priorities people!

crazy said...

Kevin Spacey does an incredible Christopher Walken!!! He's multitalented, like our Rob.

crazy said...

TS!!!! Hysterical right now!!

You are fabulous.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - I don't know how I'd act. I'm not overly impressed by celebrities just because they're celebrities. I'm not overly impressed with people in general (that makes me sound like such a b*tch, but I'm really not). The last person I geeked over was a literacy researcher who presented incredible research about teaching adults how to read. I am such a dork. Fame and money don't impress me much; talent does.

I'd probably act fairly normal, but I wouldn't be able to stop smiling. I know that much.

crazy said...

KK~ Oh I don't care that he's a celebrity! LOOK at that face!!!!I actually weirded out the first time I saw my husband too. Now I just think he's weird. `

marina mia said...

crazy! LOl...carry on a conversation? i dont think i ever get that far cos yes i'd be beyond dazzled too :)

james mcavoy, i'd admit to that quilty pleasure too. there's something about his eyes that ooze sex and sorrow too. but robert pattinson is in a league onto his own.

i fancy, adore and worry over him all at the same time

Anonymous said...

you girls are way stronger than me... my heart races, i shake and giggle just looking at pictures of him... how the hell could i keep it together seeing the living, breathing man right in front of me...?

i'm pretty sure i would just stand there and stare in awe

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - I think it's awesome that you weirded out over your husband! That's how it's supposed to be!

Unknown said...

I guarantee you that when Rob happens upon this picture, he cringes like the rest of us do ;) We cringe in love, though. You've come a long way, Robbie.

Anonymous said...

crazy: awwwh shucks... i'm blushing

and i heart you.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

You ladies just crack me up. Rob would be lucky to meet any of you :)

crazy said...

oh yeah...he oozes sex. When I see his pics I usually get that weird, fluttery feeling in my stomach and other, lower places, frankly! It's effin ridiculous! And in person, he'd charm the pants right off me for sho. Rob, you snake-charmer, you!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Three ways nothing. I'd take a little Tom thrown is as well. Rob is by far my very top first choice, no doubt about it. I'm just enjoying the scenery around him as well.

Unknown said...

He really was twelve!!
About the paper, take a deep breath. You're goingo to be just fine.
I have my fingers crossed for you girl!!!

Anonymous said...

ladies...i must take a work break...stupid employers and their expectations! you'd think they were paying me or something.

have a wonderful robsessed afternoon (or whatever it is where you are)!

crazy said...

KK ~ will somebody please tell Rob that we're out here?! He doesn't know what he's missing. But if he reads these blogs, i guess he does. Maybe he's afraid? But it's got to make a guy aroused to hear this kind of talk about him, no?

p.s. I wonder if he gets aroused by just looking at himself in the friggin mirror! and I like how Daniel Gale says "aroused".

crazy said...

LOL! later TS~

DB~ yep. very nice scenery. like attracts like.

crazy said...

girls - i've got to step away. hope to chat a little bit late during coffee...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - See ya! I said it last night and I'll say it again...I'm pretty sure Rob looks at himself in the mirror and sees the same guy he was before all this madness.

And that's what will keep him from becoming an assh*le and keep him the Rob we adore.

Anonymous said...

We've already written a novel on this photo shoot of Rob several weeks ago. Rob was NOT 12 when these were made. The photographer said in an interview that he was 16 - 17 years old. His mother worked for a modeling agency and I'm sure (my guess) that she had a hand in getting him this plum job. I think we've worn this one out already.

Anonymous said...

I was just reading about the day this fan won a trip to see Rob when he did Ryan Seacreast. She tooked pictures, he asked her if she saw the movie,told her he couldn't sit through it, asked her if she's been any where in LA, she asked for him to sign her book but didn't have a pen, she was like pen,pen,pen, ;he asked her was she English she said no, he then made fun of the way she said pen making a high pitch sounded voice and laughed, he said he had to leave to go to New York for the Today show, and then he left.

So our boy truly is a really nice person who takes the time out to get to know someone. He will also make fun of the way you talk. Just like he did with Haley from Paramoure. To cute and what a sweetheart. Reading that and seeing the pictures made me want to be his BFF and girlfriend. You just want to be a part of his life,joke with him, and have adventures... he is just that endeavoring. :P

Anonymous said...

Not 'endeavoring' but endearing. Now I want to say something better, but can't think of what word to use.Hmmm....Oh well, you get it.

So for those of you that don't think you could handle being around him. Don't worry this lady was nervous to and there with her DH. Rob instantly made her feel comfortable and talked to her like a normal person.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Shani - Where did you meet him?

Anonymous said...

Ya'll have some of the most interesting stories to bring to us. I am just fascinated with some of your experiences and thoughts about Rob. Thanks for sharing them.

Sorry for my rant awhile ago ...

Anonymous said...

Hello, ladies!

Back to the old question...

SHANI! Did you had the chance to smell him??

Hi again, Smitten!

* TOM.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, ladies, my english... "Did you have...", please. Ignore my mistakes. It was easier when I didn't sign any name in here, when I was just "anon.".

Anonymous said...

I don't honestly know which is worse ... the photo or the fact it's like a car crash and I can't seem to look away from the horror ...

Kate said...

So I was driving along today with the radio on and what do I hear "Yer man Robert Pattinson from Twilight smells REALLY bad, according to his co-stars and people working on New Moon and maybe this is why he can't get a date in NY" I couldn't help laughing away to myself. It even made it to Irish radio ! LOL

Kate said...

Shani I remember seeing about that womans experience I think she had it on a blog somewhere, anyway, ya I read the same as you.

I love the way he made fun of Haley's accent LOL and God help me if he ever met me he'd have a field day with my accent LOL

crazy said...

Hi Smitten! ok, ok, gee whiz! 'nuff said about Rob's former life! (winks) Who in hell posted these damn pics AGAIN anyway????? (winks again)

I think Goz and Danni could post pics of a fruit basket and we'd talk about that for 6 hours, frankly.

crazy said...

Shani - cute story about a Rob meet. He's friendly and adorable, so we love him.

Kate~ "Irish" they would stop that nonsense already ;)

margot said...

Back again ... Just have started thinking wether I'm obsessed with Rob or with this blog ? or both ? Definitely I'm getting mental ...

margot said...

damn spelling ..

Anonymous said...

@ Smitten: I am pretty sure that he was not 16 or 17 when those pictures were taken. He must have been younger, because he earned his school fees with those jobs. Then he "became too much of a guy", he said, and didn't get any modelling jobs anymore.

Anonymous said...

KK- No not me. I was on Letters to Rob site and saw an old post of this lady who won a chance to see Rob at Ryan Seacrest radio show in LA.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had met Rob. Trust I would not be here talking to y'all. I would be in Canada right now taking me a smoke and drinking whatever with Rob right now or doing him......:P

Anonymous said...

Phosphorus ~
I know how unbelievable it seems, but here is where you can find the interview with the photographer and pics of the photoshoot of Rob: go to the sidebar and look under the archived files Jan 29. Click on "Zygote Rob in Life & Style".

He states the photos were made in 2003 and that would make Rob 16-17 years old. And they were NOT his first photoshoot. He started modeling at 12 years old but these are not those pics. Hope this helps ...

Anonymous said...

I know he started modeling at the age of 12, I just had in mind that he once said he stopped doing it at the age of 15. Perhaps my memory fooled me. However, I bet he hates the fact that those pictures turned up again.

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